Description: Apple II AppleShare Network: Troubleshooting Freeze-Ups Header: Apple II AppleShare Network: Troubleshooting Freeze-Ups Article Created: 15 April 1991 Article Last Reviewed: Article Last Updated: TOPIC ---------------------------------------------------------- I have three AppleShare networks. One has all new Apple IIGS computers, and the other two are mixed with Apple IIe systems, plus both old and new Apple IIGS computers. They all come up fine but, two or three hours later they freeze. When we restart the computers most (not always the same ones) freeze at the IIGS loading gauge. This happens only on the new IIGS models. I have about thirty Apple networks installed. On some of them, new Apple IIGS computers froze from the beginning. Replacing their logic boards seems to fix the problem. However, on the last one, the problem just moved to another, previously "clean" computer. DISCUSSION------------------------------------------------------- First, check for bad RAM, the most common cause of a system locking up during startup. This would explain why swapping logic boards cured the one case. Second, check for bad software on server. In this case, this diagnosis is more likely, because the condition is appearing on more and more systems. Try re-installing the server, making sure you use the Network Products Installer disk. Re-install the following: 1) System 6.0.5 2) AppleShare 2.0.1 3) AppleShare Apple II Setup 2.1.1 4) GS/OS 5.02 Copyright 1991 Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: