Description: Apple II Hardware: Errata in Apple II Reference Manual (2 of 2) Header: Apple II Hardware: Errata in Apple II Reference Manual (2 of 2) Page 104 The +12 and -5 volt levels are documented on page 92 as +11.8 and -5.2. The levels will vary from Apple to Apple. Page 107 Pin 19, SYNC, is connected only on Apples manufactured for sales overseas. Page 107 Pin 21, RDY, is pulled high with a 1000 ohm resistor to +5 volts. Page 107 Pin 22, DMA, is held high by a 1000 ohm resistor to +5 volts. This signal will stop the 6502 clock. It should not be held low for more than two clock cycles or the 6502 internal registers may be lost. Page 108 Pin 28, INT IN, is the second item on the page and is mislabeled 26. Page 108 Pin 32, INH, is pulled high by a 1000 ohm resistor. Page 108 Pin 35, COLOR REF, is connected only on Apples manufactured for sales overseas. Page 119 Figure 3 should be labeled: ROTATE ONE BIT RIGHT (MEMORY OR ACCUMULATOR) M or A. Page 120 The Processor status word should be 7 0 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | N | V | | B | D | I | Z | C | PROCESSOR STATUS WORD, "P" +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ^ This bit is undefined. Page 121 Note 1 should read "Bits 6 and 7 are transferred to the Status Register. If the result of A AND M is zero, then Z=1; otherwise Z=0." Page 127-128 The unimplemented opcodes are shown as NOPs, which is wrong. $EA is the only code defined as NOP. The others should not be used as they perform undefined operations. Page 128 Op-code $AD is a LDA, Absolute Page 137 The addresses starting at line 100 should be: CLRAN0 EQU $C058 SETAN0 EQU $C059 CLRAN1 EQU $C05A SETAN1 EQU $C05B CLRAN2 EQU $C05C SETAN2 EQU $C05D CLRAN3 EQU $C05E SETAN3 EQU $C05F Page 143 Starting at address $FA6F the comments should read: FA6F LDA CLRAN0 ;AN0 = TTL LO FA72 LDA CLRAN1 ;AN1 = TTL LO FA75 LDA SETAN2 ;AN2 = TTL HI FA78 LDA SETAN3 ;AN3 = TTL HI Page 165 The comment after address $FCAC should read 1.0204 USEC * (13+27/2*A+5/2*A*A) Pages 172-176 These tables were cut up to fit the pages so they are no longer in numeric or alphabetic order. Apple Tech Notes Keywords: