Description: Apple II High-Speed SCSI Card: Using with GS (11/96) Header: Apple II High-Speed SCSI Card: Using with GS (11/96) Article Created: 13 August 1991 Article Reviewed/Updated: 15 November 1996 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- I have an Apple IIGS with a High-Speed SCSI Card but am unable to access my SCSI Hard Drive. I am using the drivers that came on the System Tools disk 5.0.2. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------- You need to install the drivers on System Tools disk 5.0.4, which should support the High Speed SCSI card. The SCSI card is also self-terminating and any external terminators should be removed. Article Change History 15 Nov 1996 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting. Copyright 1991-96, Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: