Description: Apple II Peripherals: Quick Reference Chart (2/97) Header: Apple II Peripherals: Quick Reference Chart (2/97) Apple II Peripherals: Quick Reference Chart (2/97) Article Created: 23 October 1986 Article Reviewed/Updated: 12 February 1997 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- The following table identifies compatible peripherals for the Apple II line of computers. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ The X means that the peripheral product is compatible with the CPU. The footnotes explain the numbers. Item Apple II CPU II Plus IIe IIc IIc(new) IIGS Drives Disk II X 1 X 1 9 9 X 1 DuoDisk X 2 X 2 14 14 X Unidisk X 2 X 2 X X X Unidisk 3.5 X 3,7 X 3,5 X X IIc External X 2 X 2 X X X Apple 3.5 X Apple 5.25 X 11 X 11 X X X Profile (5M,10M) X 4,7 X 4 X 4 Hard Disk 20SC X 6,7 X 6 X 6 Cards II Memory Expansion X 7 X X IIc Memory Expansion X IIGS Memory Expansion X Super Serial X X 8 8 X Parallel Interface X X 9 9 X 80-column X 8 8 Extended 80-column X 8 8 Apple Modem 300/1200 X 12 X 12 X X X Apple Personal Modem X 12 X 12 X X X Imagewriter X 12 X 12 X X X Imagewriter II X 12 X 12 X X X Daisy Wheel Printer X 12 X 12 X X X LaserWriter X 12 X 12 X X X Monitors II X X X X X IIc X X X X X ColorMonitor IIc, IIe X X X X X ColorMonitor 100 X 10 9 9 AppleColor RGB 9 9 9,13 9,13 X AppleColor Composite X X X X X Monochrome X X X X X Footnotes: 1 - Requires Disk II controller card 2 - Requires Duodisk/Unidisk controller card 3 - Requires Unidisk 3.5 controller card 4 - Requires Profile Interface Card 5 - Will auto boot on an enhanced IIe 6 - Requires Apple II SCSI Card 7 - Requires 64K RAM for Prodos 8 - This function is built into the Apple IIc 9 - A third party solution is available 10- Requires Extended 80-Column AppleColor Card 11- May be daisy-chained from a Unidisk 12- Requires a Super Serial Card 13- Limited color capability 14- Will only have access to one of the drives Note: "IIe" stands for either the unenhanced or the enhanced Apple IIe. "IIc(new)" refers to an Apple IIc with memory expansion socket. Article Change History: 12 Feb 1997 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting. Copyright 1989-97, Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: ktable