Description: Apple II Silentype manual A2L0034/030-0095-00: Errata Header: Apple II Silentype manual A2L0034/030-0095-00: Errata Page 11... The procedure for printing a High-Res image doesn't work, since Pascal clears the High-Res buffer when you go to the Filer. We suggest modifying the program as shown below: Program Sprio; USES Turtlegraphics, Applestuff; Var angle, distance : integer; CH : Char; (* added *) Begin angle := 0; While not Keypress Do Begin InitTurtle; Pencolor (white); For distance := 0 to 99 Do Begin Move (2 * distance); Turn (angle); End; angle := angle + 5; End; CH:=CHR (17); (* added *) Unitwrite (6,CH,1,0,12); (* added *) Textmode End. Page 13...The discussion on "Echoing to the screen" assumes that you have already done a PR#1 before you do the T command. Page 18...The discussion in the last paragraph assumes that you have already done a PR#1 before you do the Q command. Page 38...Line 4, "for the right margin is 2" should be "for the left margin is 2" Page 39...Program line 6040 should end with Then Goto 6070 Apple Tech Notes Keywords: