Description: Apple II Video Overlay Card: Features (11/96) Header: Apple II Video Overlay Card: Features (11/96) Article Created: 04 March 1996 Article Reviewed/Updated: 18 November 1996 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- This article discusses the features of the Apple II Video Overlay Card. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ Genlock circuitry ----------------- - Synchronizes the Apple II timing to external video timing. - Allows a user to superimpose Apple II graphics on top of an external video signal for titling or annotating video material. RGB and Composite Outputs ------------------------- Allows a user to simultaneously view overlays on an AppleColor Composite or RGB monitor while recording the overlay to a VCR. Apple IIGS Graphics Chip Set ---------------------------- - Allows the video overlay card to display standard graphics when not producing overlays. - Improves composite video output by re-generating the video output signal from the computer. - Broadcast-quality video output. - Allows a user to use the overlay card in a professional broadcast environment (no degradation of video quality when passed through the overlay card). VideoMix Software ----------------- Allows - software control of the overlay card's functions. - choice of key color (color which is transparent to the video signal), set the video/graphic mix, and adjust the color/tint of the RGB video. - Apple IIe and Apple IIGS compatibility - use of the overlay card with existing hardware and the extensive library of Apple II software. Article Change History: 18 Nov 1996 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting. Copyright 1989-06, Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: