Description: Apple II Workstation Card: Description (11/96) Header: Apple II Workstation Card: Description (11/96) Article Created: 15 July 1991 Article Reviewed/Updated: 18 November 1996 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- This article describes the Apple II Workstation Card. This product has been discontinued and is no longer available from Apple. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ The Apple II Workstation Card connects the Apple IIe computer to an AppleTalk network using the LocalTalk Cabling System. This card includes a built-in Super Serial port for direct connection to serial devices such as ImageWriter printers. This card is ideally suited to educational environments where users want to share printers and reduce the amount of time spent handling disks. The Apple II Workstation Card, together with the AppleShare IIe Workstation software included with it, gives users of enhanced Apple IIe computers access to AppleShare file servers, network printers (such as LaserWriter and ImageWriters), and to AppleShare print servers. Also,in conjunction with an AppleShare file server connected to an AppleTalk network, allows Apple IIe users to start up from the file server without using local disk drives. Apple IIe users can print to network printers and share information stored on AppleShare file servers. At the same time, other Apple II, Macintosh, and MS- DOS users can access folders, documents, applications, and shared storage. Using an AppleShare file server or network printer is as easy as using a local ProDOS disk or serial printer. System and Network Requirements ------------------------------- An enhanced Apple IIe computer with 128K RAM, monitor, LocalTalk cabling and Apple II Workstation Card installed. An Apple IIGS system (in which the function of the Apple II Workstation Card is built-in). If the network doesn't include an AppleShare file server, each workstation requires a 3.5-inch disk drive. To initially load workstation software onto an AppleShare file server, a 3.5- inch disk drive is required at one of the workstations. Recommended Equipment --------------------- The following are recommended, but not required. One or more AppleShare file servers (for diskless startup and file server access). One or more LaserWriter, ImageWriter II, or ImageWriter LQ printers. Technical Specifications ------------------------ Processor: 65C02, two-megahertz clock speed Memory: 16K RAM, 64K ROM Two 8-pin minicircular (RS-422) ports: - one LocalTalk port - one Super Serial port Article Change History: 18 Nov 1996 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting. Copyright 1991-96, Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: specsht