Description: Apple II, II+, IIe, IIc: ASCII characters, values & keystrokes Header: Apple II, II+, IIe, IIc: ASCII characters, values & keystrokes The following table contains the ASCII codes generated by pressing a key or combination of keys on the Apple II, Apple II Plus, Apple IIe, Apple IIc, and Enhanced Apple IIe. The character names come from the American Standard Code for Interchange of Information. Certain peripherals or programs or functions, such as the BASIC function CHR$, may require the decimal values; certain peripherals or programs may require the hexadecimal values as well. The fourth column in the table below is for simple keystrokes or those made with the SHIFT key held down; the fifth and sixth columns are for those made either with the CTRL key held down or with both the SHIFT and CTRL keys held down simultaneously. NOTE: An asterisk next to keystrokes or character names means that the Apple II and Apple II Plus can't generate that charcter from its keyboard. The double asterisk indicates a special case. The comments column defines the non-printing ASCII characters. Keystrokes Holding down: Comments Char Dec Hex Regular CTRL SHIFT-CTRL NUL 00 00 @ ** null character SOH 01 01 a A start of header STX 02 02 b B start transmission ETX 03 03 c C end of text EOT 04 04 d D end of transmission ENQ 05 05 e E enquire ACK 06 06 f F acknowledge BEL 07 07 g G bell BS 08 08 Left-arrow h H back space HT 09 09 Tab i I horizontal tab LF 10 0A Down-arrow j J line feed VT 11 0B Up-arrow k K vertical tab FF 12 0C l L form feed CR 13 0D Return m M carriage return SO 14 0E n N shift out SI 15 0F o O shift in DLE 16 10 p P data link escape DC1 17 11 q Q device C 1 DC2 18 12 r R device C 2 DC3 19 13 s S device C 3 DC4 20 14 t T device C 4 NAK 21 15 Right-arrow u U negative acknowledge SYN 22 16 v V synchronous idle ETB 23 17 w W end of text block CAN 24 18 x X cancel EM 25 19 y Y end of medium SUB 26 1A z Z start subroutine ESC 27 1B Escape [ * { * escape FS 28 1C \ * | * file separator GS 29 1D ] * } * group separator RS 30 1E ^ record separator US 31 1F _ * unit separator SP 32 20 Space Bar space ! 33 21 " 34 22 # 35 23 $ 36 24 % 37 25 & 38 26 ' 39 27 ( 40 28 ) 41 29 * 42 2A + 43 2B , 44 2C - 45 2D / 47 2F 0 48 30 1 49 31 2 50 32 3 51 33 4 42 34 5 43 35 6 44 36 7 45 37 8 46 38 9 57 39 : 58 3A ; 59 3B < 60 3C = 61 3D > 62 3E ? 63 3F @ 64 40 A 65 41 B 66 42 C 67 43 D 68 44 E 69 45 F 70 46 G 71 47 H 72 48 I 73 49 J 74 4A K 75 4B L 76 4C M 77 4D N 78 4E O 79 4F P 80 50 Q 81 51 R 82 52 S 83 53 T 84 54 U 85 55 V 86 56 W 87 57 X 88 58 Y 89 59 Z 90 5A [ * 91 5B \ * 92 5C ] * 93 5D ^ 94 5E _ * 95 5F ` * 96 60 a 97 61 b 98 62 c 99 63 d 100 64 e 101 65 f 102 66 g 103 67 h 104 68 i 105 69 j 106 6A k 107 6B l 108 6C m 109 6D n 110 6E o 111 6F p 112 70 q 113 71 r 114 72 s 115 73 t 116 74 u 117 75 v 118 76 w 119 77 x 120 78 y 121 79 z 122 7A { * 123 7B | * 124 7C } * 125 7D ~ * 126 7E DEL * 127 7F Delete * The Apple II and Apple II Plus can't generate that charcter from the keyboard. ** Use SHIFT-P. Apple Technical Communications Keywords: