Description: Apple II: Disabling Keyboard During Serial I/O (2/97) Header: Apple II: Disabling Keyboard During Serial I/O (2/97) Article Created: 31 March 1988 Article Reviewed/Updated: 17 February 1997 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- This article disucsses how to disable the keyboard during serial I/O on the Apple IIc, Apple IIGS and Apple IIe Super Serial card. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ The Apple II serial interface (Apple IIc serial port, Apple IIGS serial port, and Apple IIe Super Serial Card) has a built-in command that disables the keyboard during serial I/O. The command is FD. Here's how to send it from BASIC: 10 print chr$(4);"pr#2" 20 print chr$(1);"FD": REM Disable the keyboard... Article Change History: 17 Feb 1997 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting. Copyright 1988-97, Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: