Description: Apple II: Wrong Version of Setup Causes Aristotle Problems Header: Apple II: Wrong Version of Setup Causes Aristotle Problems Article Created: 14 May 1991 Article Last Reviewed: 29 May 1991 Article Last Updated: TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- I'm having a problem in setting up a lab network using a Macintosh SE/30 as a server, with a combination of Apple IIGS and Apple IIe workstations. I am also using Apple II Setup v2.0.1. I get the following error message when I try to log on to Aristotle as Administrator from an Apple IIGS: "an error occurred loading the file /volumename/System/System.Setup/Cdev.Init". When I try using a different startup application (such as BASIC.SYSTEM), I get this message: "Bad OS ver 0011" I'm using version 5.0.2 to install Server Network Startup, and Server Quick Logoff. Also, I've been getting a System Error when setting up a Macintosh SE/30 as a server and installing System 6.0.3 from the Install menu of the File Server installation disk. Reinstalling System 6.0.5 seems to cure this, however. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------- The problem you are seeing with Aristotle is a result of using the wrong version of the Apple II Setup. You have to use Apple II Setup v2.1 or 2.1.1, not v2.0.1, when setting up the software. As for the problem of installing 6.0.3 from the File Server installation disk, it could be that there is something corrupted in the installation scripts for that version. Nothing you described is a wrong procedure. Copyright 1991, Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: