Description: Apple IIe: Description (Discontinued) Header: Apple IIe: Description (Discontinued) Article Created: 8 May 1992 Article Last Reviewed: Article Last Updated: TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- This article describes the Apple IIe computer. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ The Apple IIe personal computer comes with platinum finish to match existing platinum Apple II peripherals. Features -------- - A built-in numeric keypad - 128K of random access memory and 16K of read-only memory, including Applesoft BASIC - A 65C02 microprocessor - Multipurpose memory-expansion and video slot and seven additional I/O expansion slots - Typewriter-style keyboard, with 128 ASCII codes - Special-purpose keys, including two programmable keys - High-fidelity speaker - Multipurpose hand control inputs and outputs, and cassette input and output. The Extended 80-Column Text Card is installed in the Apple IIe's aux/video slot. Order Number ------------ Apple IIe 128K A2S2128 Copyright 1992-1994 Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: specsht