Description: Apple III: Game Paddles Header: Apple III: Game Paddles This article last reviewed: 21 September 1984 Standard Apple II 150K game paddles cannot be used with the Apple III. A high impedance potentiometer like the Apple II paddle will not work properly connected to an Apple III port. The analog inputs on Port A and Port B of the Apple III are designed to read a voltage between 0 and 2.4 volts and convert it to a number between 0 and 255. The schematic on page 82 of the Apple III Owner's Guide is drawn for a joystick with 5,000 ohm potentiometers. Only the bottom 20% of the potentiometer's range is used. Using the +12 volt power supply will result in the most stable readings. The following circuit can be used if the entire range of the potentiometer is desired. +12 or +5 volts | | < < Rs < | | <------ must be 2.4 volts at this point. | < GC input --->< Rp (1 - 2K ohms) < | | 0 volts ____| The voltage range at the GC inputs should go from 0v to 2.4v. The value of Rs can be calculated for +5 volt systems with this formula: Rs = Rp * 2.6 / 2.4 For +12 volt systems use Rs = Rp * 9.6 / 2.4 1988 Keywords: