Description: AppleShare Network: How to Check for ProDOS Files Header: AppleShare Network: How to Check for ProDOS Files This article last reviewed: 22 May 1990 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- I have Apple IIGS systems and Apple IIe systems on an AppleShare 2.0.1 network. When the Apple IIGS starts up, it shows ProDOS 1.8 and GS/OS, yet when the Apple IIe systems start up, they show ProDOS 1.4. I have an application (MECC Communikeys) that apparently doesn't work correctly with ProDOS 1.4. (One Apple IIe works OK, but the other Apple IIe systems lock the entire network.) Where is ProDOS 1.4 coming from? I've checked for P* and P16 and even copied them from one folder to another. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ When setting up an AppleShare File Server for an Apple IIe and Apple IIGS environment, two copies of P8 are installed. One copy is installed when the server is updated with the Apple II Setup Disk for the AppleShare File Server (a Macintosh disk). This copy is placed in the Server Folder. Another copy is installed when GS/OS is loaded from an Apple IIGS using the GS/OS SYSTEM.DISK and SYSTEM.TOOLS (Apple IIGS disks). This copy is at the root level of the server. It appears that an early version of the Apple II Setup Disk was used on the server. Earlier versions of that disk contained earlier versions of P8. Reinstalling the Apple II setup should provide the current version of ProDOS. Use the Apple II Setup Disk marked: "Version 2.1; For use with Apple IIGS System Software 5.0". How did you check for the ProDOS files? Was the check done from an Apple IIGS? Was the check done from a Macintosh on the network? Was checking done on the server from within the Admin application? Was the server restarted with a floppy disk and then checked for these files? If the check was from a Apple IIGS workstation, the Server Folder is not visible. This is where one of the ProDOS files resides, and you would find only one of the ProDOS files. If you checked from a Macintosh on the network, the result would be the same as when checking from an Apple IIGS workstation. There is no Server Folder available. If checking was done on the server from within the Admin application, you will see the Server Folder, but you cannot open that folder and review its contents. If the server was started up from a floppy disk and then the check was done, a second P8 file will be visible in the Server Folder. Copyright 1990 Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: