Description: Applesoft BASIC: Advancing to Next Line After a ProDOS Call Header: Applesoft BASIC: Advancing to Next Line After a ProDOS Call This article last reviewed: 5 February 1988 When you add a function to ProDOS and call the function from BASIC, you don't then return to the BASIC program that called the routine: at that point, you are BASIC. If the added function is more than one word (as specified in the ProDOS Technical Reference Manual), the pointer that should automatically take you to the start of the next line is not updated properly. You must make a call to Applesoft to go to the end of the current line, which automatically sets the pointer to the start of the next line. There is a specific call in Applesoft to make this happen. In the Tech Info Library, search on: Applesoft and internals Keywords: