Description: Applesoft: Internals--Error Processor Routines Header: Applesoft: Internals--Error Processor Routines ERROR D412 Checks ERRFLG and jumps to HNDLERR if ONERR is active. Otherwise it prints "?" "ERROR". If this is during program execution then it also prints" IN " and the CURLIN. HANDLERR F2E9 Saves CURLIN in ERRLIN, TXTPTR in ERRPOS, X in ERRNUM, and REMSTK in ERRSTK. X contains the error code. See the Applesoft Reference Manual page 136 for the value of X for a given error. RESUME F317 Restores CURLIN from ERRLIN and TXTPTR from ERRPOS and transfers ERRSTK into the 6502 stack pointer. ISCNTC D858 Checks the Apple keyboard for a CTRL-C ($83). Executes the BREAK routine if there is a CTRL-C. CHKNUM DD6A Make sure FAC is numeric. See CHKVAL. CHKSTR DD6C Make sure FAC is a string. See CHKVAL. CHKVAL DD6D Takes the result of the most recent FAC operation and check this result for a string or numeric variable. A TYPE MISMATCH ERROR results if FAC and C don't agree. On entry: C set checks for strings C clear checks for numerics. ERRDIR E306 Causes ILLEGAL DIRECT ERROR if the program isn't running. X is modified. ISLETC E07D Checks A for an ASCII letter ("A" to "Z"). On exit C set if A is a letter. PARCHK DEB2 Checks for "(", evaluates a formula, and checks for ")". Uses CHKOPN and FRMEVL then falls into CHKCLS. CHKCLS DEB8 Checks at TXTPTR for ")". Uses SYNCHR. CHKOPN DEBB Checks at TXTPTR for "(". Uses SYNCHR. CHKCOM DEBE Checks at TXTPTR for ",". Uses SYNCHR. SYNCHR DECO Checks at TXTPTR for the character in A. TXTPTR is not modified. Normally exits through CHRGET. Exits with SYNTAX ERROR if they don't match. Apple Tech Notes Keywords: