Description: Applesoft: Internals--Introduction (1 of 2) Header: Applesoft: Internals--Introduction (1 of 2) The following six notes, first published in The Apple Orchard (March 1980) are written for experienced 6502 machine language programmers who wish to use the Applesoft ROM subroutines. The addresses given are for an Apple II+ with an Applesoft firmware card, or Applesoft loaded into a Language Card. Consult your Applesoft Reference manual for more information. Take special note of CHRGET, the heart of Applesoft. When Applesoft wants the next character of an instruction, it points TXTPTR at the program or input buffer, and JSRs to CHRGET. TXTPTR is temporarily set to the last used DATA statement when Applesoft READS DATA. ABBREVIATIONS msb: most significant bit or byte lsb: least significant bit or byte eol: end of line token ($00) A: the 6502 accumulator X: the 6502 X register Y: the 6502 Y register Z: the zero flag of the 6502 status register C: the carry flag of the 6502 status register A,X is a 16 bit number where A has the msb and X the lsb. (Y,A) is the number or string whose address is in Y and A, with the msb in Y and lsb in A. FAC the floating point accumulator ARG the ARGument register Apple Tech Notes Keywords: