Description: AppleTalk Printing: Apple IIe Workstation Card Slot Header: AppleTalk Printing: Apple IIe Workstation Card Slot Article Created: 14 May 1991 Article Last Reviewed: Article Last Updated: TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- I want to connect a Macintosh II and an Apple IIe to an ImageWriter II over AppleTalk. A Workstation card was installed in the Apple IIe, the necessary LocalTalk cables were used, SW-4 was switched for AppleTalk, and AppleTalk was selected in the Chooser. This did not work. I then installed AppleShare into the Macintosh II. The Macintosh now prints, but the Apple IIe does not. Instead, it gives the message "No boot server -- trying other slots". What am I doing wrong? DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------- The Workstation card must be installed in a higher-numbered slot than the disk interface card, otherwise the Apple IIe will try to start up over the network. * If you WANT the Apple IIe to start up over the network, you must also install the Apple II Setup on the Macintosh II file server. This is a separate disk (AppleShare File Server Apple II Setup Disk). You would also need to copy Chooser.II to the server. * If you DON'T want the Apple IIe to start up from the server, but rather to print to the ImageWriter II, then move the workstation card to a lower-numbered slot than the disk interface card and boot your workstation disk and run Chooser.II. One other problem might be that you are running Chooser.II, getting a connection, and then inserting your application disk and restarting. This doesn't work. You have to run Chooser.II from the application disk or launch the application by pathname after running Chooser.II from the workstation disk. Copyright 1991, Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: