Description: AppleWorks: Using it on the Apple II and Apple II Plus Header: AppleWorks: Using it on the Apple II and Apple II Plus Videx makes 80-column boards and patch program disks that allow Appleworks to operate on an Apple II or II Plus. A Videx card gives a normal Apple II or Apple II Plus the ability to run AppleWorks. The AppleWorks diskettes must also be modified with a special patch program in order to run on the Apple II or II Plus. There are some technical considerations, though: a. The user must have purchased the Videx Ultraterm Card or the Videoterm Card with the Inverse Option chip. b. The shift key modification must also be in place; if it isn't, you can perform the modification yourself by referring to the manual. c. The program requires AppleWorks 1.3 to utilize the Apple RAM card. Titan and Legend RAM cards are supported with AppleWorks versions 1.1 and 1.2. Videx Inc. 1105 NE Circle Blvd. Corvallis, OR 97330 503 / 758-0521@ Applied Engineering, best known for its RamWorks board for the Apple IIe, also makes "RamFactor", a memory board for the Apple II, Apple II Plus, IIe, and Apple IIGS. RamFactor comes with a set of patch disks for AppleWorks versions 1.2 and 1.3 and another set for 2.0. Patch disks from Videx are not required. Technical requirements for an Apple II Plus are: a. 64K main memory in either: 1. 48K + 16K language card or 2. Applied Engineering Transwarp Accelerator b. 80 column card with inverse video capability c. Shift key wire from keyboard to main board (a common modification) d. RamFactor board with at least 256K (minimum configuration) e. One or more disk drives. Such an Apple II Plus system has no trouble running AppleWorks 1.3. The following key substitutions apply: Apple II Plus AppleWorks Escape Open Apple Control-J Up Control-K Down Apple Technical Communications Keywords: