Description: Daisy Wheel Printer: Specifications (Discontinued) Header: Daisy Wheel Printer: Specifications (Discontinued) Article Created: 20 February 1986 I. Technical Specifications A. Print Speed: 40 characters per second (average) B. Interface: Asynchronous Serial (RS-232C) OCITT-V-24 C. Forms: Single sheet or continuous forms -- Maximum width: 15 inches (38.1 cm) D. Fonts: 130-character "daisy" print wheels in various alphanumeric type styles, including: Courier 10 pitch, Prestige Elite 12 pitch, Gothic 15 pitch, and Executive/Boldface in English, French, German, and many other languages. E. Character Spacing in characters per inch (CPI): 1. 10 2. 12 3. 15 4. Proportional spacing -- Maximum 198 characters per line F. Command set: -- ASCII -- space, backspace, carriage return, line feed, horizontal tab, form feed, end-of-text, acknowlegde, XON/XOFF G. Special Mode Commands: -- Graphics mode, forward and backward print mode, program mode for hammer intensity and ribbon movement H. Weight and Dimensions: pounds kilograms 1. Weight: 37.0 16.8 inches centimeters 2. Width: 23.22 59.0 3. Height: 6.87 17.5 4. Depth: 14.84 37.7 II. System Configuration A. Lisa system B. Apple III system C. Apple IIe or Apple II Plus system -- with Apple II Super Serial Interface Card installed III. Features A. Snap-in ribbon cartridge B. Switch-selectable features: -- horizontal and vertical formatting -- forms length selection -- automatic form feed Apple Technical Communications Keywords: SPECSHT