Description: GS/OS 5.0: "No Finder" Printing Fix Header: GS/OS 5.0: "No Finder" Printing Fix This article last reviewed: 12 December 1989 TOPIC --------------------------------------------- This article discusses a workaround for the problem of a GS/OS 5.0 startup disk without Finder, and its inability to retain default printer information. DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------- The GS/OS 5.0 AppleShare startup disk without Finder is not capable of retaining default printer information. The startup printer selection made in the Apple II menu of AppleShare Administration is not used. Thus, if the disk is created as described in the manuals, the user must run the Chooser each time they restart the system to set a default printer. Here is a workaround for this problem: 1) Copy the entire Chooser folder from the Apple IIGS workstation disk (or from the server) onto the startup disk. The file IWEM is not required if you are not printing to a LaserWriter. 2) Copy the file called ATINIT from the server onto the startup disk. 3) Set the Control Panel to either Scan or Startup Slot 5, then restart using this new disk. 4) Go into BASIC on the server, launch Chooser.II, and set the default printer settings. That printer will remain "selected" until someone runs Chooser.II to change it. 5) If you want the Chooser to be accessed from Aristotle, create an application that accesses the floppy disk copy of the Chooser, rather than the server-based version. The floppy disks must have a common volume name as well as pathname if this method is to be used. Copyright 1989 Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: