Description: GS/OS 5.0.2: "File Not Found" Error Header: GS/OS 5.0.2: "File Not Found" Error This article last reviewed: 7 March 1990 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- I work at an Apple IIGS (1MB RAM) that is on a network with Macintosh SE/30 with 4MB RAM and HD80 SC File Server. After updating the GS/OS system files on the server via the Apple IIGS Installer, updating Aristotle likewise, and reinstalling the Apple II Setup disk, I received the following error message: Sorry, system error $0046 occurred while loading the start FST file. I checked all access privileges, and they are not a problem. Can you help? DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ The $0046 error is a "file not found" error. There are two ways this can happen when starting up from the network. 1) The Icons folder and the System folder need privileges set to the Bulletin Board item found in the GS/OS Icon Info menu item. If these folders are set otherwise, GS/OS cannot "find" the files inside these two folders. 2) There is a file missing or misplaced on the server volume that the Apple IIGS requires for startup. Usually reinstalling GS/OS onto the server resolves the problem. Copyright 1990 Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: