Description: PC Transporter: IIGS Driver Not Available For AppleShare Header: PC Transporter: IIGS Driver Not Available For AppleShare Article Created: 16 September 1988 Article Last Reviewed: 27 January 1992 Article Last Updated: 27 January 1992 TOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------- Can I use PC Transporter with an AppleShare File Server? DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------ Applied Engineering's PC Transporter, the MS-DOS card for the Apple II family, can theoretically work with the AppleShare File Server. Specifically, you can use the server as drive "D" when using the MS-DOS software, as well as Apple IIGS mode. However, such a driver that can access the AppleTalk resources of the Apple IIGS doesn't currently exist. Development of the driver is typically the responsibility of the card's manufacturer. On AppleLink, you can find contact information for the various vendors by clicking the Library Index button to view the folder structure in the Tech Info Library. An alphabetic listing of vendors is in the Third Party Company Directory folder. Copyright 1988, 1989, 1992 Apple Computer, Inc. Keywords: