Description: Using DOS 3.3 with Catalyst 2.1 (5 of 5) Header: Using DOS 3.3 with Catalyst 2.1 (5 of 5) CHAPTER 4 MAKING CATALYST ENTRIES FOR DOS APPLICATIONS You may now wish to make Catalyst menu entries for your individual DOS BASIC applications. Each application which appears in your Catalyst menu must have an associated MOUNTS3.3 file describing the volumes to be mounted for that application (including the volume on which the application resides). To make the Catalyst menu entry for your DOS BASIC application, perform the following procedure: 1. Select the Catalyst Editor from the Catalyst menu. 2. When the Catalyst Editor main menu comes up, select the "Edit Catalyst menu" option. 3. Using the up and down arrow keys, position the inverse bar over the menu entry you wish your program entry to precede. Type "A" to Add a program entry. 4. Enter the menu Display name for your application. 5. Enter "CATALYST2E/DOS3.3" for the Interpreter path. 6. Enter the prefix where the MOUNTS3.3 file for your application resides. 7. Press RETURN for P rogram path. 8. If all the above has bee n entered correctly, press RETURN when asked "Is all this correct?". Otherwise, enter "NO" and fix the incorrect entry. 9. Press ESCAPE to return to the Catalyst Editor main menu. Enter "U" to Update the INTERPS2E file. 10. Enter "Q" to Quit from the Catalyst Editor. Note that the above Catalyst menu entry will simply execute the DOS 3.3 BASIC interpreter, passing it a specific prefix for a MOUNTS3.3 file. The MOUNTS3.3 file referenced should be set up to mount the DOS 3.3 volume on which your application resides, and reference it as the startup volume. Since DOS always expects its startup program to be named HELLO, your application should have this name as well. For example, if you wish to run the application CHECKBOOK from Catalyst, first copy the file to the DOS 3.3 volume you created using FID. From the BASIC prompt "]" type "RENAME CHECKBOOK,HELLO". NOTE: Binary files are excluded from the above discussion. In order to run a binary application, boot DOS 3.3 from the Catalyst menu and at the BASIC prompt "]" type BRUN filename. NOTE: Apple Computer Inc. is not responsible for the contents of this article. Quark Technical Support Keywords: