CFFA - CompactFlash (CF) Interface for Apple II's - Version 1.2 May 3, 2002 Project Home: This is an open source project to put a CompactFlash memory card into an Apple IIe enhanced or later. Although an Apple II with a 65C02 should work too. The firmware in this project is for your reference and education only. I make no guarantees or warranties for this software and I can't be held responsible any damagages resulting from this software's use. This software is free to use, modify or redistribute as you see fit. If you find this code useful or interesting please send me an Email and let me know. Email: Files in this distribution: (1) spdrv.s SmartPort compatiable CompactFlash/IDE firmware source file This file has to be assembled several times with different options selected to generate the EPROM ready file. The pieces are then combined together using the EPROM programmer software. (2) spdrv.lst Assembler listing file for the default selected firmware. (3) CFFAv1.20.bin EPROM ready binary of EPROM firmware shipped with initial CFFA release (4) go.bat Simple DOS batch file to compile driver. Assumes CA65 Cross assembler is installed properly. Go to: to find assembler (5) idetest.s A small test program that can be used to test the hardware Warning: this test program will write test data to every sector on the drive including the drive's Master Boot Record (MBR) Special thanks to contributors: Chris Schumann Dave Lyons