7/12/92 7:59:33 PM Opening "Chat Log 7/12/92" for recording. AFL Gayle : I know you all are HyperStudio fans. Make sure you do NOT miss the new stack AFL Gayle : in the New Files Library. It's a workshop in itself about using hypermedia AFL Gayle : in a cooperative learning classroom. A long download (58 min.) but WELL worth it. AFA Andy : I will check it out, Gayle. Thanks :) AFA Bard : Ditto on the recommendation for the stack, Gayle. I think this one's a real winner!! Perfect for AFA Bard : inservice education. AFA Bard : The coals are already hot.. did anyone bring ice? AFL Gayle : We're supposed to have an Open Chat tonight and our annual Bar-B-Q. Since AFL Gayle : Bard is cooking, I guess I'll go with the B-B-Q. (I decided it was too hot here AFL Gayle : for it. ;) AFA Andy : :) AFA Bard : [[[ Lavonne! ]]] AFL Gayle : However, we've had a wonderful post in the message board that I'd like us to AFL Gayle : talk about tonight, unless anyone has any pressing questions or topics they'd AFL Gayle : like to discuss. Those of you on Apple IIs can read the question right here AFL Gayle : in the Inside the Education Forum menu at the top of your screen. It's under AFL Gayle : Elem. Ed. AFL Gayle : Or you can wait and I'll tell you about it. :) AFL Gayle : GEJ writes that his daughter's school is thinking of moving from IIe's to PCs. AFL Gayle : He's a PC user and doesn't know much about IIe's BUT he knows to ask questions MaryEz : Why would anyone do that??!!?? AFL Gayle : before they buy PCs. :) AFL Gayle : His questions follow. AFL Gayle : What educational software is available for the IIe and where do we get it? AFL Gayle : What is AppleWorks? AFL Gayle : Can I log on to AOL with a IIe? (I answered that one!) AFL Gayle : Any success stories with the IIe and elem. ed.? AFL Gayle : There are more questions, but that should get us started. MaryEz : ScrapBookUSA AFA Andy : 2 success story here, I did a workshop on DTP using PrintShop. AFL Gayle : Tell us more, Andy. :) AFA Andy : The teachers after learning it themselves had the children do stories and AFA Andy : use PrintShop to print a backround for the stories. AFL Gayle : Go ahead, Andy. :) AFA Andy : The children got so excited about it that they mad classroom books that were AFA Andy : shared with the other classes. AFA Andy : They are planning to do it again this year. MaryEz : Our fifth graders made illustrated poetry books using Dazzle Draw and Appleworks. AFL Gayle : Great! Your other success story? AFL Gayle : Great idea, Mary! Keep those ideas coming for GEJ. :) AFA Bard : Anyone found ways to "breathe new life" into AppleWorks? AFA Andy : MFC, Bard! AFA Bard : Tell, Andy! AFL Gayle : But, please do tell, Andy. :) AFA Bard : (MFC= Magic File Cabinet) AFA Andy : A relational data base is great for organizing all sorts of data AFA Andy : and making it useful for reasearch. AFA Andy : I haven't used in teaching yet. But I've played with it some at home. AFA Andy : I have family and friends set up so that I can get a readout of all the AFA Andy : important dates for each one as well as clothes sizes and other information. AFA Andy : It's a easy way to do it. MaryEz : I was reading about a project on Internet. The teacher has the kids write in Appleworks then the MaryEz : story is videotaped from the computer and sent home to be read through the VCR. Voice over is done. MaryEz : Kids pay great attention to detail and editing when they know the story will be read on the TV by AFL Gayle : Neat idea, Mary. :) Which newsgroup do you read on Internet? MaryEz : parents. MaryEz : KidsNet and KidLink MaryEz : I like KidsNet very much lots of good info there. AFA Bard : So... if you had to recommend a suite of software for our questioner and his "brand new IIe's" what AFA Bard : might you recommend, besided MFC & Appleworks? AFA Bard : Welcome KLIPSCH! MaryEz : Print Shop and any of Tom Snyder's One Computer in the Classroom stuff. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Klipsch! We're discussing using the IIe in an elementary school. AFA Andy : PrintShop, DazzleDraw, Every Where Carmen goes ;) LavonneS : Children's Writing and Publishing lets the kids get graphics into their docum MaryEz : Sounds like they need a massive teacher inservice program there. AFA Andy : PublishIt 4. AFA Bard : How about LogoWriter, Lego LOGO or Tutor Tech? LavonneS : A few years ago I introduced that to kids in summer school and couldn't get LavonneS : them out of it to go on to other software/ lots of good writing MaryEz : Yes, Bard. They are all great!! AFA Andy : TutorTech is excellent, Bard! AFL Gayle : Agreed, Mary, and probably administrators, too. AFA Andy : I've seen some really nice TT Stacks. MaryEz : And AOL, of course!!!! AFL Gayle : And Tutor Tech has support right here in Company Support in AED. :) AFL Gayle : Certainly, Mary, and that software is free. :) LavonneS : sounds like the school needs someone to lead the way - it's hard to just put LavonneS : computers in the classroom with no support at first MaryEz : A Pied Piper!!! AFA Bard : You've got it Lavonne. They need a techno-evangelist! AFL Gayle : Well, Lavonne, they've created a committee, and I think Garth is willing to AFA Andy : Lavonne, has it. W/o training no computer will do anyone any good. MaryEz : Where is this school? AFL Gayle : help them learn if we can give him suggestions. AFL Gayle : Indianapolis, IN LavonneS : Actually just someone to help load the best software and let them run with it MaryEz : Let the kids take over. They'll get it going!! AFL Gayle : Right, Lavonne. Someone to show them what software is available. AFL Gayle : Very true, Mary. :) LavonneS : Maybe if they go for PCs they would like to donate their old IIe elsewhere :) MaryEz : One of my former students has had a commercial running on the local cable access channel that he MaryEz : did with VCR Companion and Dazzle Draw which he learned if 5th grade at our school. AFL Gayle : Some of his other questions are: How are others using the IIe for elem. educ.? AFA Bard : Fabulous, Mary! MaryEz : A local business contacted him. AFA Bard : What about Writing to Read? Anyone got any opinions? (:: ducking ::) AFL Gayle : Does Apple support the IIe with software? Hardware? Other? AFL Gayle : What organizations should I get in touch with? AFL Gayle : Great, Mary! :) AFL Gayle : Do YOU have any opinions, Bard? It's in your system, isn't it? MaryEz : The Apple support question is the biggie! AFA Bard : Apple continues to support the IIe with both hardware and software. Rumor has it, for example AFA Bard : that Apple will release an EtherNet card for the IIe this fall. They also continue to support large AFA Bard : software houses like Broderbund and Tom Snyder with source code, technical support, etc. LavonneS : I would question if they want to buy more IIe or are they just talking about LavonneS : ones they already have but don't use and thinking of going to PCs? AFL Gayle : They have IIes, Lavonne, but they think they need PCs. MaryEz : Are they going to use the PCs anymore than they do the Apples? LavonneS : Probably less AFL Gayle : He says, "I am not sure that our school is aware of what is available for the AFL Gayle : IIe in the way of software, new hardware and support." MaryEz : What did they have in mind when they bought the Apples? AFL Gayle : "I am interested in any information regarding elementary education and the AFL Gayle : IIe. AFA Bard : A great source for information about software is ONLY THE BEST, a compilation of software reviews AFL Gayle : "I think that the IIe may be jsut fine for our school if we were to have more AFA Bard : published yearly. Gayle.. do you know who does that series? AFL Gayle : info on what is available for this machine." LavonneS : A couple of good catalogs from Educational Resources etc should give him an LavonneS : idea AFL Gayle : Yes, Bard. Published by R.R. Bowker AFA Bard : Catalogs from Davidson, Tom Snyder and Broderbund wouldn't hurt either. :) AFL Gayle : Bowker is a "biggie" in library publishing. MaryEz : Ever the librarian;) LavonneS : Tell him to get 30 day previews. Most companies will do that. AFL Gayle : Good suggestion, Lavonne! LavonneS : If they preview during the school year, let the kids preview and decide on LavonneS : the best for the amount of budget available AFL Gayle : From what I read into his post, they have the IIe's but aren't using them. AFL Gayle : Obviously, not using them much if he has a daughter enrolled in the school and AFL Gayle : he knows nothing about the IIe but is interested in computers himself. LavonneS : We did 30 day preview on Laser interactive disks and kids helped decide on LavonneS : purchase for school. They wrote and verbalized to principal why one was the LavonneS : best compared to a couple of others AFL Gayle : What computer were those used on, Lavonne? LavonneS : Mac AFL Gayle : What did they like the best and why? LavonneS : These were the resource room kids. They justified Animal Pathfinders and LavonneS : principal went for $400 program AFA Bard : Broderbund: 800-521-6263; America Online (for IIe software) 800-227-6364; Claris 800-544-8544 MaryEz : We had a great time with Tom Snyder's "Great Solar System Rescue" this year. It is an interactive AFL Gayle : Thanks, Bard. :) AFA Bard : Great Solar System Rescue helped sell our parents too.. that and the ABC News Interactive stuff. MaryEz : laser disc for use with Mac or remote control. AFL Gayle : Claris, he doesn't even need to pick up the phone. Just log on and use keyword LavonneS : That is Scholastic Nova program. AFL Gayle : Claris. In fact, the same thing for Broderbund, but use IC keyword for AFL Gayle : Industry Connection. LavonneS : They really got into justifying interactive learning as being more involved LavonneS : learning AFA Bard : Actually... keyword CLARIS and BRODERBUND will get him there, too. :) LavonneS : Now they will be the "experts" when the equipment and software is taken into LavonneS : their classrooms AFL Gayle : Another fascinating message thread you might want to check out about a summer AFL Gayle : session having to do with science is in The Education Connection; under LavonneS : Back to IIe, Scholastic Slide Shop had a lot of interest for the kids creative juices AFL Gayle : School to School called Aliens in the Schoolhouse. AFL Gayle : Good suggestion, Lavonne. AFL Gayle : Thanks for the keywords, Bard. I wasn't sure whether Broderbund had one. :) MaryEz : Regardless of the what the software is, if the teachers are not knowledgeable about it and how MaryEz : to relate it to curriculum, they will not use it. LavonneS : Halloween time was a great time to introduce Pelican's Monsters & Make Believe MaryEz : Inservice is the connection. AFL Gayle : Right, Mary. I think we can't overemphasize that the teachers need inservice. AFA Bard : And let's not forget HYPERSTUDIO. :)) LavonneS : IIe? AFL Gayle : (and need inservice, and need inservice, etc., etc.) Seriously, even my AFL Gayle : teachers who have had inservice before still need more. AFL Gayle : Right, Lavonne. HyperStudio won't work on Garth's IIe. AFL Gayle : Have you used any of the other Pelican titles, Lavonne? MaryEz : We are doing a week of exploration during the first week of August. Especially the MECC stuff. LavonneS : But they can pick up used GS for $700 now AFA Bard : Not on IIe, but chances are there's a IIgs lurking around the school somewhere. MaryEz : Teachers are coming in just to look software over. AFA Bard : Yes.. MECC! How could we forget! Some really great titles.. including 10 or so new ones this year. LavonneS : That is the only one I've used but I've seen others that look good too. AFL Gayle : Are you conducting the workshop, Mary? AFA Andy : There is file here with all the current titles I believe. LavonneS : They can be used to make "Big Books" MaryEz : Several of us are just going to be there for assistance. It will be in my lab. AFA Andy : MECC, titles, I mean :) AFL Gayle : You uploaded one, didn't you, Andy, as I recall? AFA Bard : Did that include the 1992-93 titles? AFL Gayle : Of course, soon it will need to be updated. :) AFA Andy : Yes I did, Gayle. AFA Andy : No, Bard I haven't gotten an update yet. AFL Gayle : No, Bard. Andy did it just after the 1991-92 titles came out. AFA Andy : As soon as I do, I'll update it :) AFA Bard : The files are in TEACHER TOOLS in both Appleworks and TEXT format. AFL Gayle : Of course, since Andy will be working in Gwinnett County Schools, we know he'll AFA Andy : It had all three platforms I think MaryEz : Have any of you used StoryBook Weaver? We have had trouble with it crashing. AFL Gayle : have easy access to the MECC titles. :) AFA Bard : (::: fingers crossed :::) AFL Gayle : What causes it to crash, Mary? AFA Andy : Let's hope Gayle! AFL Gayle : Oh, I thought it was definite with the reference in? AFA Bard : Welcome PeteraF! LavonneS : We have it but it requires 2 drives I believe and most have only one and no MaryEz : I don't know. I don't use it but the summer school teacher using my lab has had a problem with AFA Andy : I'm not sure, that's what it sounded like. MaryEz : several of the copies. LavonneS : one wants to give theirs up to get two together :( AFL Gayle : I've heard rumors of it crashing with only one 3.5" drive. MECC knows of the AFL Gayle : problem, but their response is you need 2 drives to run program. :( MaryEz : She used double 3.5 drives. LavonneS : Ours worked OK with 2 drives LavonneS : on a GS AFL Gayle : Oh. Hmmm... Well, MECC has technical support online. You can post a question MaryEz : Printing in color was one problem. Accessing borders was another. Worked OK to begin with but MaryEz : then crashed. AFL Gayle : in their support area. MaryEz : Thanks, I don't know why I never think of that, Gayle. AFL Gayle : Do you think it's a problem with the software, Mary, or the hardware? MaryEz : I wasn't there so I can't say what took place. MaryEz : I just heard about it after the fact. AFA Bard : Keyword: MECC :)) AFL Gayle : That's typical, Mary. I always get the message that the computer did something AFL Gayle : but by the time I get over to the computer lab, I can't replicate what they've AFL Gayle : said has happened. MaryEz : I love it when they say "I didn't touch anything" LavonneS : We have one teacher who can just walk by a computer and funny things happen AFL Gayle : LOL, Mary! :) SOOOOO true. :) AFA Andy : I'd better get the AC on in ABF now. Night all! MaryEz : and then you are supposed to know how to help them out. AFA Bard : NEWS about Storybook Weaver.... right from MECC! Here goes... AFA Bard : "We are sorry that you are having difficulty with Storybook Weaver. It does require two 3.5 disk AFA Bard : drives. We understand that the program will work periodically for you by swapping the disks, AFA Bard : unfortunately this is not always consistent, thus AFL Gayle : I thought I had read that response online. :) Thanks, Bard! :) AFA Bard : the reason for two drives." courtesy AOL online Support! :)) AFA Bard : You're very welcome. :) AFL Gayle : OK. We've got about five minutes left. MaryEz : Do I expect too much from MECC or what? It just doesn't make sense to me to write software for MaryEz : a configuration that is not the normal setup for the IIgs. AFL Gayle : First of all, since both of you came out on this hot night for our chat, I'm AFL Gayle : going to give both Lavonne and Mary each one free hour. :) AFA Bard : MECC Customer Support: 800/685-6322, ext. 549 AFA Bard : ()()()()()()() Lavonne and Mary!!!!!! LavonneS : HEY HEY !! AFA Bard : Hooray! MaryEz : Thanks, Gayle. AFL Gayle : I agree, Mary, but then I don't think their copy protection makes sense, either AFA Bard : Whoopee! AFA Bard : Cheers! AFA Bard : Yippee! AFA Bard : Do the WAVE! LavonneS : Thanks, that's great AFL Gayle : Sure. Thanks to YOU two! You've helped a lot with answering Garth's question.:) AFA Bard : We'll ship him the log for sure! MaryEz : I had to rearrange all my computers for summer school so that there would be 12 computer with AFL Gayle : Now for your homework for next week. ;) MaryEz : double 3.5 drives. AFL Gayle : We'll be discussing Software Hits and Misses. Please be prepared to tell us LavonneS : They have a Tandy DOS machine in the kid's room AFL Gayle : about your favorite software titles and the ones that never should have made AFL Gayle : it out of the disk drive. :) AFL Gayle : Of course, we'll have our free hour, and Bard has promised to tell us all about AFL Gayle : the best software in our libraries, too. AFA Bard : Some real GOODIES buried deep in the files! MaryEz : Both Mac and II? AFL Gayle : If you haven't seen the file of Scraps teachers in Toot's workshop wrote, LavonneS : Bard, how is the Apple CD ROM drive, is it a good one? AFL Gayle : check them out in the ScrapBook Library. They wrote about their memorable AFL Gayle : teachers. AFL Gayle : Uh, Mary, we'll let a Mac title or two slip in, I guess, but our focus is A2 AFL Gayle : software. :) AFA Bard : Excellent. The price ($475) is pretty good -- it's comparable to NEC's high-end ($800+) drive, but th AFA Bard : the NEC one comes with a bunch of titles. :) MaryEz : Today I downloaded from Internet Albert Gore's bill "Information Infrastructure and Technology Act of MaryEz : 1992. MaryEz : Very interesting! AFA Bard : Ooooo... EMAIL it to me PLLLLEEASE!!! AFL Gayle : Email it to me, too, please, Mary! MaryEz : I bought that one, Bard. It's great. NEC, that is. LavonneS : We got the Nec one at school with all the titles. I am looking at the Apple AFL Gayle : In fact, couldn't that go in the library? LavonneS : one for my own purchase AFA Bard : Yup.. I think it's appropriate, Gayle. MaryEz : Right now. Watch your mail. Bye. AFL Gayle : Congressional bills are public domain, I think. AFL Gayle : Thanks, Mary! Bard can put it in the library. :) AFA Bard : It's nice, Lavonne - especially if you don't need the titles. It's FAST and very solid. AFA Bard : Will do! LavonneS : Thanks, Bard Where else can I get good reliable opinion for free :) AFA Bard : Where else can I hook up with so many exciting online people! THANK YOU, Lavonne, for making this AFA Bard : a more exciting place to be! AFL Gayle : You help us out a lot, too, Lavonne. :) But you're right. Bard IS good. :) AFA Bard : (::: blushing :::) 7/12/92 9:04:59 PM Closing Log file.