10/20/91 8:01:07 PM Opening "Chat Log 10/20/91" for recording. AFL Gayle : Our guest tonight is Eric Mueller, Programmer AFL Gayle : of HyperStudio 3.0, standing in tonight for Roger Wagner. He has assured me he AFL Gayle : can tell us everything and more that we want to know about HS 3.0. :) We have AFL Gayle : one free nonprime time hour to give away to the lucky person who uses our AFL Gayle : secret word in context in the chat. You also must stay until the end of the AFL Gayle : chat to be eligible. Now, not to take any more time, Eric, you can give us AFL Gayle : some opening remarks before the barrage of questions begins. :) We don't use AFL Gayle : protocol in AED. We just ask everyone not to step too hard on other's toes. :) Apple24evr : HyperStudio 3.0 has over a hundred new changes to it; I'm looking at the feature... AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Turtle and GS Eric! :) GS ERIC : Hello HYPERMEDIA FANS!!! Apple24evr : list and it's over five pages long! I can answer questions about the software, about Apple24evr : the documentation (which is mainly what I've been doing for the past couple of weeks) and about... Apple24evr : anything else---even the office dog, Addie. (Her fleas aren't acting up, right now, thank goodness.) Apple24evr : So, without further delay, did anyone have any specific questions? AFL Gayle : I'll start out, Eric. When and how can we get 3.0? Apple24evr : Hehe.. Apple24evr : HyperStudio 3.0 will be shipping in the first week of November. Mr Odin : One question -from a starving student- how much? GS ERIC : What will be the retail as I don't currently own it :) Apple24evr : The upgrade package will include the new 250 page reference manual, the 70+ page tutorial, AFL Gayle : Nov.? :( Roger had said mid-Oct. Seriously, can we order our upgrade in advance Apple24evr : six new disks (which includes a complete user disk, two disks of sample stacks, GS ERIC : I plan on getting it though AFL Gayle : so we will be the first to receive it when it ships or do we have to wait until Apple24evr : and the run-time and regular versions of the program). AFL Gayle : Nov.? (I'm not impatient. ;) Apple24evr : The cost is $45, + $5 shipping in the US ($10 foreign). If you want to order it online, Apple24evr : that's fine---send email to RWagnerInc (not to Apple24evr!) with your... Panda4 : Hi Guys! AFA Bard : Andy! Apple24evr : HyperStudio serial number, credit card # & expiration date, and name addr & phone number. GS ERIC : hi andy! Panda4 : Hi Bard, Steve, Eric!! Apple24evr : (Phone number is not as important if you're sending email, but in case we have any questions, it Apple24evr : makes it easy for us to get in touch with you!) GS ERIC : what credit cards do yuo take...DISCOVER??? AFL Gayle : Great, Eric! (Next question... will Roger be back home to read his mail soon?;) AFA Bard : Welcome Kurt! Welcome A24evr.. representing Roger Wagner, Inc. We're chatting about HyperStudio 3.0! Apple24evr : We take MC and Visa, sorry, no Discover. GS ERIC : no prob...the retail??? KurtG : Hello! Mr Odin : How does it handle memory - the last issue of HyperBole was a bit bumpy... Mr Odin : with only 1.25 meg. Apple24evr : Wow, the questions are going fast, I'll try to answer them but if I miss one, ask again in a bit GS ERIC : okay :) Apple24evr : The memory system under 3.0 is VERY COOL :) TracyF2 : Any chance of a conversion between HyperCard GS and HS stax in the foreseeable? Apple24evr : It separates each card into its own handle in memory. This means that, before, Apple24evr : with HS 2.1, stacks were one giant lump in memory. Now, with 3.0, stacks kind of spread out and AFL Gayle : OK. Hold on any more questions for a second, while Eric handles the memory one Apple24evr : fill all the little nooks and crannies of your memory configuration. GS ERIC : so 1.25 would be sufficent? :) AFL Gayle : and the conversion one after that. (Did I miss any? :) Apple24evr : We figure that you can get about 150% more memory out of your machine than you could with Apple24evr : HS2.1. So---first off, the minimum requirements to run the software is 1.25meg. The other Apple24evr : half of the answer is, if you couldn't run a stack with 2.1 because you didn't have enough memory, Apple24evr : give it another shot with 3.0. Mr Odin : Thanks! Apple24evr : RE: converting between HCgs and HS3.0. Apple24evr : On a strictly "bare-bones" level, it wouldn't be hard to bring a stack and it's graphics over into Apple24evr : HyperStudio---that's just a matter of moving super hi-res screens. Apple24evr : However, HyperCard runs with HyperTalk, the built-in language, which isn't like SimpleScript Apple24evr : (HyperStudio 3.0's language). AFA Bard : Tell us more about SimpleScript! BCS Frank : How flexible is the new SimpleScript? Esp. how much can the mouse do?? Apple24evr : Also, a lot of HyperCard stacks use XCMDs and XFCNs to do things that HyperStudio already does--- Apple24evr : ---or---new stuff that neither program was meant to do. The short answer is, not very likely to see a GS ERIC : was SimpleScript the language the first one was on?? Apple24evr : converter in the near future, but it's not impossible and someone could do it. The one other Apple24evr : neat thing about the idea of converting HCGS stacks to HS3.0 is that the languages in HS3.0 can be Apple24evr : extended--that is, anyone can write a new language for HyperStudio 3.0 and drop it right in place so Apple24evr : it's really not impossible at all for someone to write a HyperTalk look-alike for HS 3.0! Then, Apple24evr : converting stacks would be a snap, probably. Apple24evr : Let's see (scrolling up to see what questions I missed)... AFC SteveB : Excellent! Apple24evr : More about SimpleScript! Apple24evr : SimpleScript is the first language for HyperStudio 3.0 and the one that it comes with. (the folks at GS ERIC : yes Apple24evr : the Byteworks, who make ORCA/Pascal and ORCA/C, have expressed an interest in translating their Apple24evr : stuff over to work with Hyperstudio 3.0; be sure to call them if you wnat to see that happen ) Apple24evr : ... AFL Gayle : Welcome, Midge. (Apple24evr=Eric Mueller, our guest from Roger Wagner.) Apple24evr : It is the first language that you can program without EVER needing a reference manual, because... Apple24evr : every command is in a pull-down menu. If you know the syntax of the "Read mouse" statement, for... Apple24evr : example, you can just type it into the editor, but if you can't remember it, just pick "Read mouse"... Apple24evr : from the "Screen" menu, and a dialog box containing the read mouse statement will appear, with places Apple24evr : for you to fill in the variables. GS ERIC : so basically people with NO programming experience like me would have no.... GS ERIC : problem running it ? Apple24evr : The language itself looks like a combination of HyperTalk (20%) and AppleSoft (80%).... Apple24evr : Right, it's VERY easy to learn and is designed to work in conjunction with HYperStudio's other Apple24evr : features. There's commands to manipulate graphic objects on the screen, to draw text and graphics, GS ERIC : I've had demo experince with HS...is it like that??? Apple24evr : and lots of programming stuff like math functions, looping, and flow control. Mr Odin : Button editing... I have a stack that decided to connect 'EVERY' button to Apple24evr : GS Eric, I'm not sure what you mean by demo experience. Mr Odin : to sound studio, will I be able to fix that with 3.0? Apple24evr : Mr Odin, you can now edit buttons with 3.0! (...the crowd goes wild ) GS ERIC : hummmm...producing a sample stack with the demo version Panda4 : Will the documentation be as excellent as the program? AFA Bard : Good question, Andy! Apple24evr : GS Eric, sure, the tutorial helps you make a simple stack and teaches you about SimpleScript, too. MIDGEF : Is there a new manual with the new HyperStudio Apple24evr : Panda4, you bet---I've been working 10 hour days for three weeks, writing it. The reference... Apple24evr : manual is 250 pages (all new); the tutorial is pushing 70 pages right now. Both manuals are ... GS ERIC : thank Apple24evr : complete re-writes from the old stuff, and will be spiral-bound so they can lay flat. They have... GS ERIC : sa Apple24evr : er, the reference has a big fat index, and a glossary of terms, as well. There's chapter on Apple24evr : SimpleScript, and on everything in the program's pull-down menus, as well. BCS Frank : This means I can finally retire my Boston/Aftest '89 documentation? :) Panda4 : The first one was great if this one is even better it would have to be... Panda4 : fantastic!! Mr Odin : Is there a way to refrence memory resident sounds by more than one button Apple24evr : BCS Frank - please do MIDGEF : Maybe I'll really use my HyperStudio now Mr Odin : without making duplicate data in memory? BCS Frank : GS ERIC : X-10??? AFA Bard : Great idea, Frank! Apple24evr : Frank, that's a NEAT idea that lends itself VERY well to HyperStudio ... Apple24evr : for those who don't know, the BSR X-10 system is a home control device... Apple24evr : It'll turn things on and off, and dim lights, stuff like that. MIDGEF : Do they have a husband control model? Apple24evr : It really is a perfect example of one more device that HyperStudio could control... BCS Frank : Then you could stack-control your whole house, lab, or whatever. Apple24evr : I've seen some X-10 things running around at Roger's house; I'll ask him if we can find a AFL Gayle : LOL, Midge! :) (Waiting for Eric's answer. ;) AFL Marty : Will it do windows? BCS Frank : Midge, the only problem is electrode placements. :) Apple24evr : compmuter interface for it. At that point, making HyperStudio support it is usually pretty easy :) MIDGEF : Not a problem I majored in Biology Apple24evr : Midge - it's in beta, right now. Apple24evr : :) BCS Frank : :) MIDGEF : Just seeing if you're awake! Apple24evr : Here's a sweeping statement: Apple24evr : if a device can be attached to the computer... GS ERIC : Hello BOB....I think thats yuor name :) Apple24evr : chances are, HyperStudio can use it. Negotiator : Yes. Evening, all GS ERIC : hehe BCS Frank : What about reading Analog or Dig. input into a HS stack? Panda4 : :) Bard! AFC SteveB : Wow, HS 3.0 can use that old piece of bubblegum my cousin stuck onto my AFC SteveB : GS and I can't get it off? MIDGEF : Can I call for my upgrade yet? AFC SteveB : Amazing! AFC SteveB : :) Panda4 : LOL!! Apple24evr : Frank, well, we do live A-to-D when you record a sound with the microphone... AFL Gayle : (For those who are wondering, this chat is being logged, as all chats are. The Apple24evr : If you're talking about those AE boards, it probably wouldn't be too tough to write an NBA to... Apple24evr : support them. AFL Gayle : log will be released in the New Files Library most likely tomorrow.) BCS Frank : I was thinking thermocouples, pH-probes, strain gauges, etc. Apple24evr : Midge (and all), you're welcome to place your upgrade order via email or by calling us at BCS Frank : Ther are some very nice alternatives to the AE boards as well. Apple24evr : 1-800-421-6526. (If you send email, we need your serial #, MC or Visa # and expiration date, Panda4 : That would be great Frank! MIDGEF : Got to go another call Apple24evr : and name/addr/phone number). We won't charge your card until the programs ships, which should... Apple24evr : be around the first week of November. GS ERIC : 8-5 m-f PST :) Apple24evr : Hehehe, thanks GS Eric, I keep forgetting to mention that :) GS ERIC : no problem TEACHER ms : :) Apple24evr : Frank - yep. Those boards usually come with a little booklet explaining all the programmer stuff GS ERIC : hello Apple24evr : (I/O locations, etc); that's a lot like the Lego interface board. Apple24evr : Let me mention some of the new features in 3.0... Apple24evr : 320 mode graphics are now supported, and 256-color graphics. AFL Gayle : Please do, Eric. :) Apple24evr : You can make a stack "auto-save", like HyperCard IIgs does with all stacks, Apple24evr : (that is, the stack will save itself when you exit it). GS ERIC : I like that feature :) Apple24evr : The tools and colors menu are now "tear-off", like HCgs or some paint programs, so you can move them Apple24evr : around wherever on the screen you want them. (This is a real time-saver!!) Panda4 : That's nice. AFA Bard : Excellent! Apple24evr : HyperStudio now supports the standard clipboard; graphics and text can be copied and pasted... Apple24evr : between HS and other applications and DAs. TEACHER ms : Super !! Panda4 : That's great! Mr Odin : Vertical or horizontal tools? -- Shape of box on screen... Apple24evr : After an object has been selected, you can use the arrow keys to "nudge" it on the screen -- this GS ERIC : This is HYPERawsome!!! Apple24evr : makes it easy to move a button just a little bit, for example, without having to be a pro with the mou Apple24evr : mouse. Apple24evr : Mr Odin - not sure what you mean---there is a straight line tool, and the oval and rectangle tools Apple24evr : can be made to draw circles and squares by holding down the shift key. AFL Gayle : (Reminder... we will be announcing the winner of the secret word contest in BCS Frank : By the way, supporting 320 screens are areal help in "VCR publishing." AFL Gayle : about 20 min. You have to talk to win and stay here until the end of the chat.) Mr Odin : Deluxe paint tools are a virtle strip... PW-Gold has the tool in a horizontal Apple24evr : Frank - you bet- using the VCR as a printer is a pretty hot idea! Mr Odin : bar. GS ERIC : dodododododododododododododododo :) I couldn't help myself :) Apple24evr : Mr Odin - oh! The tools in HyperStudio 3.0 are like they were in HS2.1 - all underneat a pull-down Apple24evr : menu. It looks similar to HyperCard. GS ERIC : Will HS 3 be compatible with system 5.0.4???? Apple24evr : There's four new button types: three new invisible types, and one new visible kind. Apple24evr : GS Eric - you bet! HyperStudio 3.0 is compatible with 5.0.4 and when we tested it at KansasFest, Panda4 : 320 graphics and 256 colors going to really make some heads turn! Apple24evr : it ran under 6.0 without a hitch. BCS Frank : Of course HS was first for the gs... lets say that HC-gs looks similar to HS.:) GS ERIC : great.....I was just about to ask that :) Panda4 : :) Apple24evr : Panda4 - on an issue of Stack-Central (now Studio-City) a few months ago, there was even GS ERIC : I'm looking foward to 6 AFL Gayle : Hmmmm... Will 3.0 come with System 6, Eric? Apple24evr : an XCMD that would let you load 3,200-color pictures! Wow! GS ERIC : ya....good question gayle Apple24evr : Gayle - we'd sure like to ship HS 3.0 with System 6, but since 6 isn't done yet, Apple won't let us. Apple24evr : When System 6 is available, I'm sure we'll switch the HyperStudio disks over to it. (Currently, GS ERIC : That's what I thought AFL Gayle : Sigh. Too bad. Couldn't hurt to ask. :) Apple24evr : the HyperStudio "boot" disk will boot into 5.0.4.) Apple24evr : Heheh AFA Bard : Patience! ;) GS ERIC : BArd wanted me to ask if HS 3 imported more graphics formats GS ERIC : :) Panda4 : Nice try Gayle;) AFA Bard : ;) Seeding the questions. :)) AFL Gayle : Patience? I thought System 6 was due out in Oct.? (But then I thought HS 3.0 AFL Gayle : was due out then, too. ;) GS ERIC : What the heck Gayle :) Apple24evr : We still load all of the "normal" Apple IIgs formats (Apple Preferred, PaintWorks, and AFL Marty : (January, Gayle) Apple24evr : regular screen $C1 files) plus PaintWorks Animation ($C2) files. GS ERIC : Paintworks is what type of format? AFL Gayle : Ack, Marty! :( (Thanks for the info, though. Sigh...) Panda4 : Wow animation files too!!! BCS Frank : Will HS 3.0 still have the same run-time module and lic. agreements? Apple24evr : We can also NOW load finder icon files (you can just cut an icon out for clip-art or to attach Apple24evr : to a button), and I think even print shop graphics made it in there. GS ERIC : is that that old activision program...hehe GS ERIC : hi ken AFA Bard : Welcome, Ken! We're chatting with Eric Mueller (Apple24evr), a representative from Roger Wagner Apple24evr : Frank - yes - it's the same system with the run-time module and (reasonable) licensing agreement. Apple24evr : GS Eric - Paintworks is something like $C1/0001. It's another format for regular super hi-res pictures GS ERIC : what about networking for 3.0??? GS ERIC : compatibility??? GS ERIC : thanks Apple24evr : There is a network version of HyperStudio 3.0 that will work with all of the popular networks (incl. Apple24evr : AppleShare, and Josten's learning system) MaryEz : Digicard? Apple24evr : Yeah! Digicard, too. (Thanks Mary! I knew there was one I was forgetting.) GS ERIC : What about a Mac fileserver running the new GS ethernet card??? BCS Frank : Corvus? Apple24evr : Corvus, also, Frank. AFC SteveB : You guys have planned for everything! GS ERIC : ethernet.... Apple24evr : GS Eric - it hasn't been tested but I don't see why not. We follow all the rules. GS ERIC : That's great! Apple24evr : Some other new features... BCS Frank : No wonder the documentation has plumped up a tad! :) Panda4 : :) Apple24evr : There's a ton of new transitions, and also, transitions are disk-based, so that someone AFA Bard : Hiya Westcom! We're chatting with Eric Mueller (Apple24evr), from Roger Wagner, Inc. Apple24evr : out there could write new ones that you can use. GS ERIC : You sure are prepared for everything! Apple24evr : All of the transitions are SEAMLESS when going from 640 to 320 --- one of the NEATEST demos of the AFL Marty : Is there a new manual? (Please say yes) Panda4 : Tooter! Apple24evr : new HyperStudio (try this when you get it!) is to make a stack with a 320 mode picture on one card AFL Gayle : Branching out in our questions, Eric, is Roger working on updates to any other AFC Tooter : *Welcome* Apple24evr : and a 640 mode picture on another card. Make a button that goes between then two using any of the AFL Gayle : of his programs and/or any new projects? AFA Bard : Toot!!!!!! Hi! Say Hi to Eric Mueller (Apple24evr), 10/20/91 8:49:52 PM Opening "Chat Log 10/20/91.2" for recording. a representative from Roger Wagner BCS Frank : Seamless? Tell them about the slow sweep left to right, 320 on one side, 640 Apple24evr : transitions... you can't see the change in colors or 320-to-640 mode! BCS Frank : on the other! GS ERIC : as PRODIGY ( :( ) says (it sounds like to me that..... AFL Gayle : (Yes, Marty. That's what you get for being late. You missed it. ;) AFC Tooter : Hello Eric! AFC Tooter : Hello all. GS ERIC : You gotta get this thing! Apple24evr : Hi Tooter! GS ERIC : Hi toot Glad your here ! BCS Frank : TooT! :) Apple24evr : Marty - two new manuals, 250 page reference and 70+ page tutorial. AFC Tooter : Corrected. Hello Erics. AFL Marty : Good. My manual has about 8000 parts. Apple24evr : Hehe GS ERIC : Thats correct :) AFL Gayle : I agree wholeheartedly, Marty. :) AFC SteveB : :) Apple24evr : The new manuals will be spiral-bound so they'll lay flat and that should also reduce the wear-n-tear.. Apple24evr : on the pages. AFL Marty : Looks like a short note from Michael Fischer :D AFL Gayle : Eric, for those who don't like manuals, will it be easier to use HS 3.0 without GS ERIC : hi AOL assigned name Member8051 :) AFL Gayle : dipping into the manuals? ;) BCS Frank : Mr Odin : Has SoundStudio been up-graded? AFA Bard : Welcome 8051, Meet Eric Mueller (Apple24evr), a representative from Roger Wagner. Apple24evr : Gayle - you BET! HyperStudio is very intiutive; even... Apple24evr : the programming language is completely useable without a manual. Member8051 : Evening GS ERIC Apple24evr : Hi, Member8051. BCS Frank : Hi, '51 :)_ Member8051 : Hi All AFL Gayle : Welcome, Member! Delighted to see another Tar Heel online! :) (I live in AFL Gayle : Wilmington. :) Mr Odin : I want a kind-of frequency up & down control without messing with the sound Mr Odin : speed. AFA Bard : Great question, Odin! Apple24evr : Mr Odin, that's actually pretty tough to program (it's on my wish list, too, and I've talked to Apple24evr : Dave [the SoundShop programmer] about it a bit). Apple24evr : It might in a future version, though. GS ERIC : definatley! AFA Bard : (Rehi, Ken!) BCS Frank : Any difference in how HS 3.0 handles fonts? Member8051 : No Fort BRAGG AFL Gayle : (We will announce our winner in 5 min. :) Apple24evr : Frank - no, except that when you go to the "Choose font..." dialog box, you see a sample of each Apple24evr : font as you pick it and any styles or colors you apply to it. AFL Gayle : Yes, I know, Member. I live in Wilmington, not too far from Fort Bragg. :) GS ERIC : What about sound importation I wasn't sure if the 1st one did...3.0??? Apple24evr : 3.0 also comes with a NBA to load a font "live" so a stack can use a font even if the user doesn't hav Apple24evr : it installed in their SYSTEM:FONTS folder. Member8051 : Great Place. I was there fishing last weekend AFC SteveB : HS 3.0 will really be able to "Do it all!" Apple24evr : GS Eric - 3.0 can load Sound Shop sound files and then compress them to store in the stack. Panda4 : Can you use multiple fonts on a single field? Apple24evr : Steve B - we think so ! :) AFC SteveB : :) AFL Gayle : Gee, what DOESN'T HS 3.0 do, Eric? (besides control husbands? ;) Apple24evr : Panda - no problem! Multiple fonts, styles, colors - all in a single field! BCS Frank : Thats a nice "except." :) AFA Bard : (** NBA=new button activity - Roger's new name for an XCMD.) Apple24evr : Thanks Bard. GS ERIC : Thats for sure....Sound:Graphics:Text HYPER MEDIA! MaryEz : What age are the kids that use HS in school? Will it be too complicated for my 5th/6th graders? Panda4 : Great! GS ERIC : Sound import Eric :) Apple24evr : Mary - no - we designed HyperStudio with a -> fourth grader <- in mind. Panda4 : LOL! Gayle or wash dishes!!! BCS Frank : Shucks, Mary, some teachers have been able to use HS. :) Member8051 : GS Eric send last again Please MaryEz : LOL AFL Gayle : Not wash dishes? Sigh... I'll settle for washing, drying, folding, and putting AFL Gayle : the laundry away. ;) Panda4 : :) Apple24evr : There's a lot more that we haven't talked about; you'll have to get the program to see the GS ERIC : What about Sound Importation on 3.0??? Apple24evr : new animation system, or the phone dialer, or the icon maker, or the palette editor (to edit a AFL Marty : How has the concept of HyperStudio changed since its introduction? AFA Bard : That's HyperLaundry, Gayle. (in GS/OS ver. 6.0) :)) AFL Marty : (Or has it?) Mr Odin : Or SynthLab. Apple24evr : 640-mode palette _intelligently_ - it's really incredible), and so much more AFL Gayle : We'll get it, Eric, if y'all will just get it out of the door. ;) GS ERIC : Phone Dialer???? Mr Odin : AND sound playing durring music. Apple24evr : GS Eric - 3.0 can import Sound Shop sound files. Other formats need to come in through Sound Shop AFA Bard : Welcome Steve! We're chatting with Eric Mueller (Apple24evr) who's representing Roger Wagner, Inc. MaryEz : Will we be able to telecommunicate with HS 3.0? Apple24evr : first (then you save them in Sound Shop, so HyperStudio can load them). There is a Public Domain SteveAllen : Who's Eric Mueller? BCS Frank : Can HS 3.0 answer the phone & play Synthlab tunes for callers on hold? Apple24evr : SoundSmith song player for HyperStudio, and Triad Venture sells a MIDIsynth song player. Apple24evr : Frank - hehehe, it just might AFA Bard : Eric Mueller's representing Roger Wagner, Inc. the makers of HyperStudio 3.0. Apple24evr : Mary - not built in, but it's possible through an NBA. I was investigating writing a HyperStudio AFL Gayle : Work on it, Frank, and upload it for us. ;) AFL Marty : ? GS ERIC : Steve....Rep from Roger Wagner...The next best thing...right :) AFA Bard : Gerry!!!! Apple24evr : terminal program and determined that it would be possible but never got farther than that. IC Gerry : HI!!!! GS ERIC : Hi Gerry Apple24evr : Steve!! IC Gerry : HI Eric!! :) Member8051 : If I may Could I solicite some thoughts on where the computer industry is headed? BCS Frank : Gerry! :) SteveAllen : Oh, I've heard of him before. I hear he does some nice work! AFL Marty : ? GS ERIC : thanks frank Member8051 : I need in fo for a short research paper Panda4 : {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Gerry}}}}}}}}}}} AFA Bard : Member 8051.. check keyword ACOT for some GREAT research already online!!!! Apple24evr : Steve Allen wrote the new animation system in HyperStudio 3.0 AFA Bard : LOL!!!!! :) Apple24evr : Where you can define a _path_ for an object to follow... it's very easy to do and works great. AFA Bard : Welcome Steve! SteveAllen : How you doing Tosh? AFL Marty : Eric, has the general concept behind HyperStudio changed since it was Apple24evr : The effects you can do with it are pretty impressive, too! AFL Marty : first introduced? Member8051 : Thank you I will :) AFC Tosh : :) AFL Gayle : OK. It's time to announce our secret word winner. But first, a word from your AFL Gayle : sponsor... ;) Apple24evr : Marty - a little bit. Back in the beginning, we consciously decided to _not_ put a scripting Apple24evr : lang in, but now, we find that people want the technical edge in addition to the simple stuff. AFL Gayle : You can find Roger Wagner and Eric round the clock 24 hours a day in Direct AFL Gayle : Connect, right here in AED. Also, you will find tons of HyperStudio stacks Apple24evr : [you can almost find Eric 24 hours a day in the office in San Diego, too ] AFL Gayle : that other users have uploaded in StackWare. Our topic next week is another Panda4 : :) AFL Marty : I think you're arrived at a nice blend of technical and simple. AFL Gayle : one of our Direct Connects, FrEdMail. :) Apple24evr : Thanks, Marty. GS ERIC : Nice ad Gayle :) AFL Gayle : OK. Now for the moment you've been waiting for.... Our winner tonight is.... GS ERIC : Boy...sounds like me doing homework...around the clock :( AFL Marty : I especially like the way you've implemented pull down menus to do AFL Marty : StudioScript writing. SteveAllen : Just to let you know, Roger wanted to be Online tonight, but he's in-flight AFL Gayle : Mr Odin for being the first to use the word, button! Congratulations, Mr Odin! AFA Bard : Congratulations Mr Odin!!!!!!!! (::: applause ::: ) (::: chop :::: chop::::) Apple24evr : Yay Mr Odin!!! SteveAllen : from Chicago. He says "hi" to everyone. GS ERIC : Eric....If you get a chance please tell Roger I said...I'll e-mail one of these AFL Gayle : You will see a free nonprime time hour credited to your account some time in GS ERIC : times :) Apple24evr : Steve - he called you? Hehe! :) AFL Gayle : the next week. :) Mr Odin : Thank you, thank you! I'm the happiest spiece in the world! AFL Gayle : *Applause* IC Gerry : Congrats!!!!! :) Apple24evr : Marty - yep, the pull-down menus in SimpleSCript are a good example of even making the "complex" Apple24evr : (programming language) simple! AFA Bard : We love happy species, Mr. O! :)) AFL Gayle : You, too, can be a winner by attending our next chat and/or uploading files AFL Gayle : to our New Files Library. It's about time to choose our New Files winner for AFL Gayle : Oct., so get your uploads in now! :) 10/20/91 9:06:24 PM Closing Log file.