8/25/91 -- 8:01:08 PM -- Opening "AED825" for Chat Log recording. AFL Gayle : OK. Our very special guest tonight is our very own forum consultant, AFC AFL Gayle : Tooter. He is going to share with us tonight some School to School Projects AFL Gayle : for the 1991-1992 School Year. AFL Gayle : For those of you who were paying attention, you saw that the wyrm announced AFL Gayle : a free hour. The person who will win must say a secret word we will be watching AFA Bard : Editor would've caught that one, Toot. :)) AFL Gayle : for in the context of the chat, and you must stay until the end of the chat to AFL Gayle : win. OK. TooT. Let the chat begin! :) AFC Tooter : I hope you've had a chance to visit the School-to-School area of the Electronic Schoolhouse (Keyword AFC Tooter : ESH). That's the place for posting notices regarding school-to-school links. Several projects are AFC Tooter : already planned and posted there. AFLBobloo has posted the date for the first Online Academic Bowl AFC Tooter : of the new year. That will be occuring on either Monday or Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. I have AFC Tooter : posted a notice outlining dates for 5 possible ScrapBook exchanges. You are invited to join one or AFC Tooter : almost ready with a 70 page ScrapBook toolkit filled with ideas for making ScrapBook run smoothly. AFC Tooter : Missed a line, back up. AFC Tooter : all. The first exchange will run from Sept.24 to Nov. 7th. This year I've made a few changes and AFC Tooter : am AFC Tooter : almost ready with a 70 page ScrapBook toolkit filled with ideas for making ScrapBook run smoothly. AFC Tooter : There have been postings by teachers looking for class-loads of pen pals in either English or AFC Tooter : Spanish. HerryT3, has posted looking for Science teachers to exchange data, and their has been a AFC Tooter : posting regarding an International School seeking links. I have sent several messages regarding AFC Tooter : this, but have, as yet, received no answer. Of course, you may also have discovered that National AFC Tooter : Geographic Kids Network now has an area online, and I suggest everyone visit Education & Reference to AFC Tooter : find out more. Now, if there are any questions about any of these or anyone who has a proposal they AFC Tooter : want to discuss, go ahead. AFA Bard : Welcome Marty! AFA Bard : Welcome Bob! AFC Tooter : Welcome, Marty. AFL Marty : Thanks MaryEz : I would like more info on the Academic Bowl, please. MaryEz : I have tried to reach Bobloo and have not been successful. AFC Tooter : I'm not an expert on Academic Bowl, but I think there are plenty of people here who have Joel SATX : OK, is the Soviet -US exchange going to go on this year? AFC Tooter : been involved. Perhaps somebody could tell about how to get involved, etc. AFA Bard : Hang on Joel... first about the Academic Bowl.. anyone else a participant? AFL Gayle : Hmmm... Mary. Bob has been out of town, but has answered some of my email. AFL Gayle : Let's see if we can answer your questions first. Then we'll get to Joel's. Booker2 : How do your schools pay for your online time since AOL does not accept Purchase Orders? AFC Tooter : Joel, Soviet exchange depends on hardware in CCCP. Mary has raised funds to get them a printer, AFL Gayle : OK. Let's hold off with any more questions for a few minutes. We'll get to AFA Bard : Great question, Booker -- Toot'll take that one after Joel's. :)) AFL Gayle : yours in just a minute, Booker. AFC Tooter : and it is there now. We're all waiting to hear how much rthey can handle. Scrap stuff always gets AFC Tooter : sent to CCCP. AFL Gayle : First of all, Mary, what is your about Academic Bowl? MaryEz : RRJoe is in USSR now making contacts for future. Joel SATX : Is RRJoe the guy from Nome? AFA Bard : Yes, Joel. MaryEz : I just want to know what it is all about. MaryEz : Yes, Joel. AFA Bard : Academic Bowl is a game show format quiz show that takes place here on AOL. Each school submits a AFA Bard : list of questions from a variety of subject areas. The questions are then collected and screened. On AFA Bard : Academic Bowl Day, participating schools gather together and take shots at answering the questions- AFA Bard : kind of like Jeopardy -- except EVERYBODY wins! You might even have a FOOD FIGHT!! Right, TOot??! AFL Gayle : RRJoe is also an AED Forum Consultant. His screen name is AFC RRJoe AFA Bard : Welcome Bugs! HoboJungle - Howdy! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Jon and Hobo! :) GS ERIC : Hello HoboJungle : Howdy Bugs Bugz : Hola. :) MaryEz : Welcome to you all!! AFC Tooter : On paying for AOL: Paying has always been a problem. Different schools have handled it AFL Gayle : Hi, Eric! :) AFA Bard : Hiya Eric! WElcome! MFJpsy : H AFA Bard : Welcome Jpsy! AFL Gayle : Mary, does that answer your questions about Academic Bowl? Check out the MFJpsy : hi! :) AFC Tooter : differently. At my school we took out a Mastercard so it is handlked like a personal account. This AFL Gayle : articles and transcripts library for logs of past bowls. AFC Tooter : year there are some changes. I understand that AOL will now accept special arrangements with large Joel SATX : Is there any chance of AO accepting PO's anytime soon? AFL Gayle : OK, Eric. Hurry back! :) GS ERIC : I have a HyperStudio thing to tell everyone...be back soon AFC Tooter : school systems that can guarantee a considerable usage. Perhaps several schools could find a way to AFC Tooter : join together and get in on that. We are all hoping for PO billing soon. MaryEz : Keep writing them. If enough of us push maybe something more will happen!!! Joel SATX : To whom shall we write? AFL Gayle : Joel, EdPTom is still working on getting purchase order acceptance. What TooT AFL Gayle : mentioned is the first step. WilburH1 : Thank you all- I will be back Booker2 : I have a good chance get a local grant for a fair amount of $. Would AOL accept $ and deduct usage? AFL Gayle : Joel, there is a board in TIN for posting your "WE want purchase order billing" AFL Gayle : messages. Joel SATX : Thanks AFC Tooter : I think they would, Booker. Best to write a note to Quantum Computer Services. AFC Tooter : It depends on the amount of usage. AFL Gayle : Booker, not that I know of. Suggestion... they do allow check drafts. Maybe AFC Tooter : At least that's what I've been told. MaryEz : What I do is charge my account using another screen name and then present a bill to my principal for reimbursement. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Morah! :) Joel SATX : It seems to me they should ENCOURAGE school busine$$, not the opposite! AFA Bard : Welcome Morah! BrandyS : I tried reimbursement but got stuck for the bills that came in after May. :( AFL Gayle : We're trying to convince them of that, Joel, too. It takes awhile to get Joel SATX : That sounds familiar!! MaryEz : Every kid is a potential customer from home. AFL Gayle : through the bureacratic red tape, unfortunately. AFC Tooter : Hi Nancy. AFC Tooter : There was someone who had a Hyper comment awhile back. Perhaps this is the moment. AFL Gayle : OK, Mary (and anyone else.) Any more questions about the Academic Bowl? AFL Gayle : TooT, that was Eric, who is gone with his blister. Will return later. MaryEz : No, I'll try Bobloo again. Thanks. AFL Gayle : Joel and Booker, have we answered your questions about ways to deal with AFL Gayle : billing? MaryEz : One more, questions for bowl are across the curriculum? AFL Gayle : Yes, Mary. BrandyS : Tooter, Is there anyone besides high school people who wants Spanish exchanges. AFL Gayle : Mary and anyone else, take a look in the Articles and Transcripts library. AFC Tooter : I think so, Mary. Bard? Is that right? AFA Bard : Yep. :) AFL Gayle : There are sample logs of past Academic Bowls as well as a text file of sample AFL Gayle : questions. Booker2 : Yes and no. Our business manager just happened to drop bye. Who would I discuss prepayment with? MaryEz : OK, I'll check, thanks. AFC Tooter : Brandy, there are a bunch of postings in StoS on spanish exchanges. I'm not sure what level. At AFC Tooter : my school the teacher wqho was doing it is gone for the year, but I have some contact and will pass AFC Tooter : them along to you. BrandyS : I did try to hook up with some HS people last year but they didn't want to deal with elementary. Booker2 : Here's the deal. I used to work with "Computer Palls around the world - VERY expensive. AFC Tooter : Booker, You can contact Quantum through what's new and online support. If you don't AFC Tooter : have success there, please let us know and we'll try another route. MaryEz : Our foreign language was cut out of the budget:( AFL Gayle : Booker, tell us a little bit about Compute Booker2 : Thanks! AFL Gayle : Oops... AFL Gayle : Computer Pals around the World. What is that? AFL Gayle : Are you a school librarian, Booker? What grades? Booker2 : OK. Computer Pals Around The World is an international network where folks team with other Booker2 : classes to conduct lessons. There is both a standard and non traditional track. BrandyS : What grade levels? AFA Bard : This in interesting, Booker - Tell us more! Booker2 : It was very excitying working with schools in Australia, the U.K., Moroco, Ireland, etc. AFC Tooter : How does one get in touch with Computer Pals? Booker2 : All grade levels were involved, but the best usage seemed to be at levels 4-12. AFL Gayle : Is it via telecommunications or regular mail, Booker? AFL Gayle : Hang on a minute, Eric. We'll be ready for you in a few minutes. Booker2 : Jim Erwin in Lake Oswego, Oregon used to be the head of it a few year back. GS ERIC : What happened there AFL Gayle : Gerry isn't here tonight, Eric. AFA Bard : Welcome Tom! TomD14 : Hi! MFJpsy : just got back, Eric, was serving dinner to 7 guys..... GS ERIC : I talked to Roger Wagner and asked him to come but I don't think he got my message..we're pretty good buddies now AFC Tooter : Booker, are you still there. Gayle asked if the link was telecomm or by reg. mail. Booker2 : Concerning "Computer Pals," it was via telecomm. GS ERIC : Is everyone ready to hear my latest IIGS adventure AFA Bard : What service, Booker? Joel SATX : How expensive was it , Booker? AFL Gayle : Eric, hang on just a minute, please. We're trying to find out something else.:) TEACHER ms : Thanks, Gayle !!! AFA Bard : Hang on Eric... AFL Gayle : Booker, was it via a network of some sort? GS ERIC : oh....just let me know when your ready I'll sit patenly Booker2 : Computer Pals used, I believe (it was a few years ago) the DIALCOM system. AFL Gayle : OK. Thanks, Booker. :) Joel SATX : Cuanto dinero, Booker? AFC Tooter : From Booker: I believe the cost was .05 per K for national traffic, .50 per K for AFC Tooter : international. Plus higher charges for heavy use time, plus about $50 per year administrative costs AFL Gayle : OK, Eric. I think we're ready for your announcement now. Go to it. GS ERIC : First our district is having a tech. day tomorrow GS ERIC : There will be Apple and IBM reps there GS ERIC : The teachers will go to the different booths for the different computers GS ERIC : The Apple rep was the guy that sold me my GS about a year ago...we're pretty good friends GS ERIC : He will be putting on an all Mac HyperCard demo on tomarrow GS ERIC : as the topic for the day is HyperMedia TEACHER ms : Hello Joel :) GS ERIC : He told me that and I was REAL upset...I told him that the GS was the hypermedia Teacher jn : Evenin' Lady 'G'! ;)))*Full Orchestra* GS ERIC : for the 90's GS ERIC : SOOOOOOOOO MaryEz : Go for it, Eric!! GS ERIC : The computer coordinator suggested GS ERIC : that I put on a GS hyperstudio demo on my own in a separte "booth" GS ERIC : So I talked to Roger online and he sent me this awesome demo kit RagenT : hi, just sneakin in:) GS ERIC : Of course the Apple reps will have cutting-edge Mac technology which I'm competing GS ERIC : with And I only have a 1.25 GS with a 3.5 d drive AFL Gayle : Marty, go ahead. Jump right in. :) GS ERIC : So Rog sent me all this literature that I will hand out, including his Booker2 : Can AOL connect with international schools? AFL Marty : IF you are going to run from a stock GS you might want to make it a point AFL Marty : to mention that during your demonstration. GS ERIC : letter to Incider expaining why the GS is the HyperMedia machine GS ERIC : I hope to pass this out despite the request of the Apple dude GS ERIC : to convince the teachers THAT THE GS IS THERE HYPERMEDIA COMPUTER AFL Gayle : Not yet, Booker, although AFC RRJoe connects our messages to the Soviet Union, Joel SATX : (Eric, use the fancy Demo to show the powers that be that upgrading existing... GS ERIC : I was suprised they even let me do this...I had to really beg though Teacher jn : IT sure IS Mine Eric!! AFL Gayle : Great idea, Marty. Thanks! :) Joel SATX : GSs to do HyperStudio is cheaper than buying expensive new MACs!) GS ERIC : Some teachers don't like AFL Marty : When is your demonstration? MaryEz : Mine too, and Apple better realize it!! GS ERIC : You bet Joel GS ERIC : students teaching them...Hold on Marty AFL Marty : (holding on) Booker2 : I live out on the coast in Washington and have whined my way onto Internet - too *&^% difficult AFL Gayle : Eric, if you get a chance, get a copy of the HyperPostCards demo in the Booker2 : for teachers to use Teacher jn : The GS fully loaded like Roger's IS a MAC!!! in the HM sense! GS ERIC : SO I pulled a few strings and tomorrow at 8 I will have 3 - 40 min. sessions showcasing the IIGS AFL Gayle : HyperStudio Network SIG. It's quite impressive and will work on 1.25 GS. GS ERIC : Heres my demo: Joel SATX : Good luck Eric! GS forever! (Apple did build it to be expanded, didn't they?) AFL Marty : Disagree Joel. GS ERIC : Remember I only had 3 DAYS to prepare for this Booker2 : Since I am new here, I should search through the scrapbook looking for connections, right? GS ERIC : I will start out by passing out the copys of RW letter to incider Joel SATX : Disagree with what part of what I said, Marty? AFL Marty : Mac is a hypermedia wannabe IMHO. AFL Marty : (wrong Joel :) GS ERIC : and basically explaining that the GS is better and a heck of a lot chaeper MaryEz : Booker, just post a notice of your interest in the scrapbook folder. AFL Gayle : TooT, would you address Booker's question, please, of how to get involved in AFL Gayle : ScrapBook? Booker2 : Thanks, Mary:) GS ERIC : Next I will go through the stack titled the "Intro to HyperMedia" MaryEz : And email to AFC Tooter. GS ERIC : seince our schoool district si just starting this AFC Tooter : ScrapBook is a writing project. There is lots of info in the Electronic Schoolhouse and I will GS ERIC : Hopefully then the teachers will fully understand what it is AFC Tooter : add you to my list of interested teachers. GS ERIC : Since most only have Laser 128's IIe's or in the JR and HIGH IBM;'s AFC Tooter : To find out all about it, use keyword ESH (later) and visit the boards and ScrapBook library there. AFC Tooter : Last year more than 35 schools participated and I think things went well. This year should be even better. GS ERIC : From there I will go through creating your own stacks AFL Gayle : Your plans sound great, Eric! Thanks for sharing them. You might want to post AFL Gayle : a message in Roger Wagner's message board, explaining how you did your AFL Gayle : presentation. GS ERIC : After that I will go through the different recourses for Buttons, Backgrounds, etc. AFA Bard : Eric -- GREAT plans. Let us know how it goes!! AFL Gayle : OK. Thanks, Eric! :) Now let's get back to our announced topic for tonight. MFJpsy : May I come watch, Eric? ;) Booker2 : Any librarians out there? Any of you made stacks for the library? Teacher jn : Also, Eric for your HS crowd, check out EARTHQUEST for IBM!!! It is a HyperCard prog. converted to MS-DOS! AFL Gayle : Toot, continue, please. :) GS ERIC : And then I will show the teachers different stacks concerning there own subject AFC Tooter : I know that there are lots of people here tonight who are looking for ways to link classes. AFL Gayle : Booker, I'm a librarian, but no stacks yet. What grades are you a librarian AFL Gayle : for? GS ERIC : OK...sorry for taking so much time...but that is my main project :) AFC Tooter : If you have questions or thoughts, you can try them here, but PLEASE, visit the Electronic Schoolhouse AFL Marty : Good luck, Eric. I know you'll do a fine job! AFL Gayle : Eric, Mary's idea is a good one. Any way you could have your presentation AFL Gayle : videotaped? AFA Bard : Eric.. why not have someone videotape this masterpiece?? AFC Tooter : There are messages already posted, and one of us will get back to you quickly to answer questions and AFC Tooter : help you along. AFA Bard : Then you could share the videotape with teachers, etc.? GS ERIC : I would like to but AFL Gayle : GMTA, Bard. :) AFA Bard : Welcome Tommahawk! BrandyS : Bye the way TooT. How is the epic coming? What are your distribution plans? GS ERIC : Theay are using all our camcorders for the mac and IBM demos Teacher jn : Then send Roger the video tape! I asked Roger to make a Video of himself demoin' HS! Booker2 : Gayle, I recently moved to a small district. I have 4! schools, K-12, + Tech. Coord, + grant writer. GS ERIC : Did he?? Tommahawk : Hello, All!:) AFC Tooter : The epic Brandy is referring to is a 70 page curric toolkit I have put together to help Booker2 : BEAUTIFUL place to live, weird job. Joel SATX : Howdy Tomahawk! AFC Tooter : teachers manage ScrapBook successfully. It's AFL Gayle : Well, that ought to keep you from getting bored, Booker. ;) AFC Tooter : packed with ideas that have come from the many teahcers who have worked AFL Gayle : Borrow one from a friend, Eric. :) AFC Tooter : on the project in the last 2 years. AFL Marty : And you're going to make stacks in your spare time, right Booker? :) Teacher jn : NOT yet! Thinkin' about it! GS ERIC : I also am going to liven up the place with BannerMania Banners and litature AFL Gayle : Marty, you're right on target! :) GS ERIC : MAKE THE GS LOOK GOOD IS MY MAIN GOAL ! GS ERIC : Ok Fritz Booker2 : You bet, Marty. Actually, when you have this much to do, you do what you want! Joel SATX : If you believe in it, you will, Eric! AFL Gayle : Well, you've got plenty of help from Roger to do that, Eric. :) GS ERIC : Has anybody heard any rumors about the ScullyÕs presentation on the 25th ? MFJpsy : Your enthusiasm will really do it, Eric! :) GS ERIC : Yep....I know of at least 3 teachers that are getting HS from my previous help GS ERIC : w/them Booker2 : We have a 6th grade teacher is is scared of computers but wants to work with a class. Volunteers? GS ERIC : Did y'all get that AppleWorks chat thing just now?? GS ERIC : rumors??? MaryEz : Is there anyone here interested in a 6th grade science connection? Physical science. Joel SATX : here it comes again... AFL Gayle : Yes, Eric. The wrym for AppleWorks is going by early. GS ERIC : yep AFL Marty : There's only one way for him to get over being scared, Booker. GS ERIC : Joel are you new here?? Joel SATX : Moi? AFC Tooter : Dive in. Are you a resource to help, Booker? Booker2 : MaryEz, I bet my friend would like to do it. GS ERIC : Nice to meet you...I'll e-mail you sometime....Same??? Booker2 : Yes, Tooter, I'm the resource. Joel SATX : Not exactly, but I don't catch the forums too often. GS ERIC : So what did I miss before I came Gayle?? Teacher jn : Or MOI! There are TWO Joels here tonight! ;)) MaryEz : I am not the science teacher but would try to work something out with one of the teachers at our school. TEACHER ms : Right, Joel :) AFL Gayle : It will be in the chat log that will be posted in the New Files library in the Morah : Let me ask our new science teacher for sixth grade and let you know, Booker. AFL Gayle : next day or so, Eric, but, mostly, we talked about ScrapBook and Academic Bowl. AFC Tooter : With you as a resource, you might want to suggest ScrapBook. GS ERIC : Is anyone planning to tape that SCuelly cast?? Booker2 : Thanks Mary & Morah!:) AFL Marty : Speaking of Scrapbook... Joel SATX : Who is Scuelly? GS ERIC : How about you fritz?? AFL Gayle : Neither of the two Joels are new around here, Eric. :) AFL Marty : I've DL'd the files from the library on it. Are there any other things I'll AFL Marty : need? Teacher jn : Agin' rapidily! AFA Bard : ** Remember folks, in a few minutes we'll be giving away TWO free online hours to the users who've GS ERIC : John from Apple...I just don't know how to spell name?? AFA Bard : said the secret words!! ** AFA Bard : S C U L L E Y, Eric. :) AFC Tooter : Marty, what files did you download. There's lots there. Most of the stuff you will need is on the book. GS ERIC : Thanks...I should know I write enough letters to him AFC Tooter : boards in StoS. If you have questions afterthat, I can answerr them and get you going. Teacher jn : I thought the recent coup eliminated J. Sculley! ;)) GS ERIC : That are never anwseres BrandyS : Bard, have you guys been watching old Groucho re-runs? Booker2 : Drop me a line, anybody, for 6th grade connections. TEACHER ms : My wife's boss :):) GS ERIC : Please, PLese Booker2 : Thanks folks. I must go. My long distance bill is getting out of hand! Great meeting you-all AFL Marty : Okay. The files I DL'd were at or near the top of the library. Obviously AFL Gayle : OK, any last words you would like to say about School to School, TooT, before AFL Marty : I haven't looked at them yet. GS ERIC : Does Apple directly have direct support on AOL??? AFL Gayle : we announce our winners? TEACHER ms : Yes Teacher jn : Booker, I may try to 'work' w/ the frightened sixth grade teacher, but Science isn't my forte! AFC Tooter : I think the place to start is the StoS boards. I'll send you things to help, Marty. AFL Marty : (Sadly, other things have priority right now) AFL Marty : okay GS ERIC : If anyone has ever a chance to present or help the Apple II on any way shape or GS ERIC : form to do so...even if it means taking a chance!! GS ERIC : There are my last words AFL Marty : Apple has lots of chances to do that. Too bad they won't follow your Teacher jn : Marty its a SUPER prog! Thanxs to TooT! AFL Marty : advice, Eric. AFL Gayle : Eric, we'll be looking forward to hearing your report on how your presentation AFL Gayle : went. :) AFA Bard : OK folks... Shhhhh... here comes the WINNERS of tonight's FREE hours -- courtesy AED!!! AFA Bard : Take it away... Gayle!!! GS ERIC : I'll try to post my results in Accress the boards AFC Tooter : Thanks jn. AFL Gayle : No, Eric. Put them in Roger Wagner's Message Board instead, please. AFL Gayle : ATB is for non-computer specific topics. :) GS ERIC : ok....is that in accross the boards?? AFL Marty : Post it in both places :) GS ERIC : jow do i get there AFL Gayle : No, Eric. Choose Direct Connect from the Menu here. Then choose Roger GS ERIC : Thanks....is that the RWagnerInc?? AFL Gayle : Wagner. GS ERIC : Ok thanks...I'll do that AFC Tooter : Bard, you were about to say? AFL Gayle : The message board is the top item. Marty's idea is even better. :) GS ERIC : look for it around Thurs or so.... GS ERIC : It shall do then AFL Gayle : Our chat next week is an Open Chat and a Labor Day Picnic, to kick off the AFL Marty : Since one of your objectives is promoting the GS in general it seems AFL Marty : appropriate for ATB. AFL Gayle : start of the school year (for those unfortunates who don't have the little AFL Gayle : darlings coming back this week. ;) GS ERIC : Ok....I hope to takl to evryone next Sunday I f we don't gop away AFL Gayle : Seriously, bring any topic. As always, we have free hours to give away. And AFL Gayle : speaking of free hours, our winners for tonight are...... GS ERIC : AHHHHHHHHH The user group from mars notice GS ERIC : ha ha AFL Gayle : Joel SATX for "Soviet" Joel SATX : Yippee! AFL Gayle : and Booker2 for "grant." AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : ()()() !!!! Way to go BOOKER and JOEL!!! MAJOR APPLAUSE!!!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()()() AFC Tooter : Yeahhhhh! Joel SATX : Golly gee, Thanks, Gayle! TEACHER ms : Congrats !!! GS ERIC : Congats guys....see everyone next sunday MaryEz : ()()()()()()()() AFL Gayle : You will see the hour applied to your account some time in the next week. AFL Gayle : That's a nonprime time hour, guys. :) BrandyS : Good job! Booker2 : Gollllley! Teacher jn : Congrats Joel from one to another! :)))) AFC Tooter : !!!! GS ERIC : of Soviet that is AFL Gayle : Thanks to TooT for his as ever wonderful guesting tonight. GS ERIC : See`everyone on Sunday hopefully AFL Marty : Good luck Eric. GS ERIC : later Joel SATX : Thanks! If it'll avoid confusion, you can call me "Tex" GS ERIC : Watch for my results AFL Gayle : Great, Eric! Good luck! :) AFA Bard : Nite everyone ... Thanks for coming!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : Oops, thanks, Booker. :) AFL Marty : (Where does Eric teach?) Joel SATX : Dobri noch, Bard! AFL Gayle : Booker2 will get the free hour. :) MaryEz : You are all invited to the TIN conferences Wed and Thurs nights in the Teachers Forum at 9:30. AFA Bard : Dobri noch, indeed! :) AFL Gayle : Eric, you're a student, aren't you? Where? GS ERIC : Yes.....From Essexville Mochigan GS ERIC : I'm going in to 9th grade AFL Marty : Really? GS ERIC : 14 yeasr of age AFL Marty : I think that's -excellent-! GS ERIC : you bet GS ERIC : thanks...can't you tell by my typing TEACHER ms : You are invited to take part in the History Contest Challenge of IES !!! AFL Gayle : Wow! That IS impressive, Eric! :) AFL Marty : Nope BrandyS : Ooops! My family just caught me. I guess I'll have to go cook dinner. :( AFL Marty : Well... Joel SATX : you are a GeniuS, Eric AFL Marty : now that you mention it... GS ERIC : I wish AFL Marty : you do type somewhat better than most teachers I know. AFA Bard : Eric... Roger Wagner better watch out for his job!!! Good luck!!! GS ERIC : I though everyone knew this AFL Gayle : LOL! You've got that right, Marty. :) GS ERIC : I plan on getting GEnie though Joel SATX : Last call for margaritas from SA TX.... AFL Marty : Genie who? :) AFL Gayle : No, Eric. That's the beauty of online. No one knows your age or what you look GS ERIC : Online service AFL Gayle : like. GEnie? You don't need her, Eric! ;) MaryEz : Thanx, Tex! My favorite drink since Phoenix. GS ERIC : you bet....I'd be in a lot of trouble IF everyone knew y age BrandyS : Bye guys. Joel SATX : voila... GS ERIC : I only want ot for the value in E mail AFA Bard : LOL! Mary... hear, hear!! GS ERIC : AOL for everything else though...later AFL Gayle : Value in email? What do you mean by that, Eric? (seriously) AFC Tooter : I could use one about now, Tex. AFA Bard : Here's a DOUBLE, Toot. GREAT job! AFC Tooter : slurp. Joel SATX : one margarita for Toot!.....here you go... AFC Tooter : I think that was left over from the food fight. MFJpsy : My apologies, I was called away for an emergency, no time to say AFK. Missed AFA Bard : It's amazing when all their HORMONES go off at once, isn't it!! ??!! MFJpsy : so much of tonight. :( AFC Tooter : Thanks, Joel. Joel SATX : OK, Buenas noches, y'all! Teacher jn : TooT please count me in! :)) MFJpsy : nitol. :) AFL Gayle : No problem, MF! It will all be recorded and posted in the log. :) AFC Tooter : Thanks all for coming. You bet, jn. AFA Bard : Nite, Joel! MFJpsy : Thanks, Gayle, I WAS logging, but wanted to BE here. :) AFA Bard : (after MAJOR editing, Gayle! :)))) MaryEz : It's sad when the hormones have stopped ;( Joel SATX : Ciao! Adios! Au revoir! Auf wiedersehen! Do svidaniya! Shalom! AFL Gayle : I know. :) Teacher jn : Evenin' Ladies & Gents! ;)) This is like the 'old' Chats!! ;))))))))))))))))))) AFC Tooter : Nite, Tex. AFA Bard : At least Tooter didn't throw food tonight. :))) AFA Bard : (::: ducking :::) AFC Tooter : I came close. AFL Gayle : He forgot to load those macros in, Bard. :) Teacher jn : *Australian* AFC Tooter : Macro is on the other software or I would have. AFA Bard : LOL! Joel! AFL Gayle : Great! Glad to hear that, Prize. :) MaryEz : Ah. Tooter, you are the best!!! AFC Tooter : Thanks, Mary. Can't wait to talk on the 11th. MaryEz : See you all at the Roll of History in Science on Wed night in Teachers' Forum. Pleassssssssse! Teacher jn : Gayle & ALL the interested parties ... good ol' DAVIDSON has just released a GEOMETRY prog.!! AFC Tooter : History really is rolling, isn't it? AFA Bard : AND, Davidson's EARTHQUEST and MATH BLASTER PLUS for the MAC is terrific! AFL Gayle : For what computer, Prize? AFC Tooter : What's EARTHQUEST? Teacher jn : Murray Davidson has ventured into a History / Geog. adventure prog. called "Headline Harry & the Great AFA Bard : EarthQuest is an amazing HyperCard based science resource stack. It's full of Earth Science and Teacher jn : Paper Race - it covers the 1950 -1990's!! Teacher jn : Bless YOU Bard!! I told ya! AFA Bard : environmental information targeted at grades 6 and up. Terrific! AFA Bard : Did you say something about Angles, JN?? AFC Tooter : Sounds good. Wish we could get our science dept to staert using the computers they have. Teacher jn : You also manage to ask thee question Gayle so far the releases are for the MS-Dos world of computers! Teacher jn : Writin' for MAC in the near future! AFL Gayle : Ack! :( What happened to the Apple // and the Davidson market, Prize? :( AFL Gayle : Speaking of Davidson, the man who posted the message in the message board still AFL Gayle : hasn't gotten an answer from Davidson. Can you help expedite that? Teacher jn : The Geometry prog. is called .... "What's My Angle?' the commercial is now over thanks for your kind Teacher jn : indulgences! AFA Bard : Gotta go folks - gotta cut some serious Z's before tomorrow!... Thanks Prize!! See you folks later! AFL Gayle : OK. Now that the commercial is over, can you get an answer for that poor man Teacher jn : He STILL hasn't received an answer?? You have to be kiddin'! I thought it was ALL takin' care of! I'll AFL Gayle : who still hasn't heard from Davidson yet? Teacher jn : look into it AGAIN! UNbelieveable! AFC Tooter : So long, Bard. thanks for monitoring the hormones tonight. AFL Gayle : No, he hasn't. Check out the folder for the latest. AFL Gayle : Thanks! AFL Gayle : LOL, TooT! :) AFL Gayle : GREAT job tonight, TooT and Bard! :) We're off to a wonderful school year! :) Teacher jn : I check my bds. just the other day! Is he still usin' your AED to communicate with us?? AFC Tooter : So long, jn, Gayle, ms. I'm not sure what we accomplished. AFL Gayle : The folder is in Elementary Education under Where's the Beef or something like that. 8/25/91 9:28:43 PM --- Closing Chat Log.