5/31/92 7:59:45 PM Opening "Chat Log 5/31/92" for recording. AFL Gayle : OK. We're a small group here. I think everyone knows everyone else. :) I'll AFL Gayle : let Nina begin with some introductory remarks and then the questions can begin. AFL Gayle : We have a free hour to give away tonight as always. :) Welcome, Nina! :) NinaTE : Ok. I am sure we all know what an At Risk Kid is. My group is made up of NinaTE : a variety of ability levels. The one thing they all have in common is that they NinaTE : come from disfunctional families. Our goal was to give them a new role in the NinaTE : school and also help them to develop a relationship with an aduolt. NinaTE : Most of these kids had continually failed in school. I felt that by teaching NinaTE : them somethong few kids knew they would take on totally different roles NinaTE : I knew the chances of getting them to "turn on" to academics was minimal NinaTE : but I felt technology was a promising field for them NinaTE : It has turned out to be TRUE NinaTE : The kids have begun to first rely on each other.. no small feat NinaTE : Then they have started to rely on themselves and help teach others. It has been NinaTE : a unique experience for me NinaTE : Questions? AFL Gayle : How many students are involved, Nina? Grade levels? How many boys/girls? NinaTE : Presently there are 10 7th and 8th graders. Two girls 8 boys LavonneS : What were they doing that was unique to offer others? NinaTE : We hope to expand the program to 20 next year NinaTE : Inhave been teaching them how to use the telecommunications software for one NinaTE : They are going to be going to the elementary schoos to help teachers conduct pr NinaTE : projects NinaTE : They are using xapshot camers and learning to transfer files. I have alos NinaTE : worked with them with page maker and Free hand. Remember, at my school few NinaTE : teachers and studnts know how to use a Mac so to them this is impressive AFL Gayle : Where are you doing the telecomm, Nina? Anywhere else besides AOL? NinaTE : Yes, they will use IRIS and direct connect between schools NinaTE : I am also hoping to get them able to use INTERNET NinaTE : The biggest problem we've had with the elem teachers is their reluctance to LavonneS : What is Internet? NinaTE : use the hardware. Now these kids will do it for them (and get paid by the way) NinaTE : and the teachers can concentrate on the project. Internet is an internatiuonal NinaTE : network LavonneS : Are they on released time from school? AFA Bard : What was the ethnic makeup of the class? NinaTE : Our group mets twice a week after school. No way could they afford release time NinaTE : One note, although they have attendance problems, they never missed group NinaTE : I had one Canadian, one oriental and the est I don't know what they are. Becaus NinaTE : we worked under a Perkins Grant the Socio-Ethnic make-up had to meet guidlines AFL Gayle : Re-Hi! Got dumped. :( AFA Bard : Welcome back! LavonneS : in and out tonight huh :) AFA Bard : Are you collecting any data, Nina? Sounds like a GREAT oppor. for some action research. NinaTE : Another part of the project involves contact with other kids through AoL LavonneS : How did they work with teachers in after school time, not with elem students? NinaTE : We are being very careful about data collecting. My co-ordinator and I are NinaTE : hoping to present the project at MIT next year. I will also present at CECA AFC Tooter : How did your links with other schools on AOL turn out. I know you had a lot of interested teachers NinaTE : I have been particularly impressed with the affective behavioral changes I've s NinaTE : seen AFA Bard : Excellent. You should write this up for a computer/education magazine! AFC Tooter : watching. How many joined in? NinaTE : For instance, a student who shrank away from a touch now accepts hugs NinaTE : We had four schools participate fully and a few others came aboard a bit. NinaTE : We also had an interesting project with Phil Shapiro from Baloon Software that NinaTE : really got the kids involved AFA Bard : Tell us about it, Nina! NinaTE : Next year I hope to get even more involvement going. I think one problem was NinaTE : that we started too late in the year. AFL Gayle : Was that with the Big Text Machine, Nina? (Project with Phil.) NinaTE : Phil had our kids test some software and critic it. He wrote to each individual NinaTE : and really made them feel important. It turned one kid around and now NinaTE : he is coming into the lab almost every day to do his school work, he is NinaTE : now convinced that he is smart (he is) AFA Bard : That's a real success! Have his parents seen the difference too? NinaTE : It was with Number squarea dn Number games NinaTE : Most of these parents hardly know their kids exist. AFL Gayle : Ah! Number Games, available right here in the AED Libraries. :) NinaTE : I hae had the kids do I Am poems and we are publishing them. They would tear yo NinaTE : apart AFC Tooter : They are wonderful. Stop down in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH) and have a look! AFC Tooter : Not now!!!! NinaTE : We did an exchange with a group in Millbury MAss.that went well too LavonneS : Did you meet and chat live? NinaTE : I think the success lies in the fact that each student now feels that they are NinaTE : a step ahead of a lot of others. Something they never felt before NinaTE : I think technology offers this opportunity for these kids and will continue to NinaTE : do so. AFC Tooter : How did you use Iris? NinaTE : No we did not meet live. We hoped to butit didn't work out NinaTE : We didn't with this project. I had used it for others and the elementary school NinaTE : will be using it so the kids have to learn it AFC Tooter : Online chats are one of the best motivators I know, but kids insecurities also come out very strongly. AFC Tooter : Not sure how they would work with your kids. NinaTE : Phil wrote a good article about that and I hope to use his suggestions when we NinaTE : do do a live chat AFA Bard : Insecurities, Toot? AFL Gayle : Where was Phil's article published, Nina? AFC Tooter : I'll have to ask him. Do you have a copy in your computer you could send. He writes articles on ever AFC Tooter : everything. NinaTE : I'm not sure he sent me a copy, I think I still have it saved, I could get it NinaTE : to you NinaTE : It's on the computer at school so I'll do that tomorrow AFC Tooter : I've seen it any number of times. Some of the nicest kids develop a "superiority" attitude toward tho LavonneS : Maybe electronic pen pals for a few exchanges and then the live chat AFL Gayle : Thanks, Nina! :) Phil had hoped to make it to the chat tonight but I guess AFC Tooter : those they meet online. Very strange. AFL Gayle : something came up. In case all here don't know, Phil is one of our Company AFA Bard : Not unlike what I've observed with kids and Nintendo, Toot. Think it's related? AFL Gayle : Support areas (Balloons Software) here in AED. AFC Tooter : Haven't observed that with Nintendo. AFC Tooter : What happens. AFC Tooter : ? NinaTE : LavonneS I don't believe we've met before. What is your interst here? Could you NinaTE : be a possible project person? AFA Bard : Those with the best motor skills, or problem-solving skills, get the same "superior" AFA Bard : attitude. As skills improve, attitude seems to get worse. LavonneS : I have learning disabled students in a resource room elem.level in NJ AFA Bard : I think it's the competitive environment... maybe the live chats tap a bit of that? NinaTE : I'd love to have you aboard, see the I Am folder in schook to school in the LavonneS : I am looking to get them involved more as "building experts" to teach others NinaTE : electronic scholl house, it might interest you LavonneS : multimedia, etc AFC Tooter : I suspect what happens in chats occurs because people are reduced to typed letter. Not even voice to AFC Tooter : make them a bit more human. It may be easier to be nasty online than in person or on the phone. NinaTE : That is exactly what happens to my kids. They be come "experts" AFA Bard : OIC, good point, Toot. LavonneS : Toot, who's been nasty to you?? AFL Gayle : Where does the funding for your project come from, Nina? Who pays for the NinaTE : We had an interesting chat with the 5th graders coming to the middle school AFL Gayle : online time? Who bought the modem, etc.? AFC Tooter : Nobody, but I've observed this in class to class online chats and other teachers have noted it as well NinaTE : talk about wanting to get nasty. I think the anonymity help bring out the nasti LavonneS : We've had some of that already with HyperStudio video along with concert NinaTE : nasties AFC Tooter : Just got a note from LeniD about it this weekend. After her first live chat experience she was very p AFC Tooter : puzzled. Not sure I know why, but it seems very common. AFC Tooter : That's why I try to keep the Scrap Parties very fast moving. NinaTE : I think live chats are fun but limited. I thout I'd perfer them, but found that NinaTE : I don't AFC Tooter : I think they're great to get kids motivated. Kids really love them and then want to get involved. NinaTE : On the other hand the live Current Events challenge went very well AFC Tooter : The ScrapBook schools that make a link at the time of posting Hello Letters are always the most eager. LavonneS : We had hearing impaired exchanging Email with BarryP in Phoenix, later a chat LavonneS : It was VERY successful AFA Bard : Puzzled, Tooter? How so? AFC Tooter : Yes, Nina, if the kids have something very focussed to do, they have no chance for their bad instincts AFA Bard : THAT was a GREAT idea, Lavonne! AFC Tooter : to emerge. AFC Tooter : Lavonne, are you in touch with the other teachers online with hearing impaired students. AFC Tooter : There seems to nbe a whole bunch online now. LavonneS : I never see BarryP around often, is he still on line sometimes? LavonneS : No, I was just trying to introduce hearing impaired tchr to AOL She is LavonneS : interested by we havent followed up. AFA Bard : Hearing impaired kids are usually pretty good at this.. especially if they're used to TTY. AFC Tooter : Try contacting LitLucy, MaryEz and I think it was LitLucy, Marko20. Also visit DisAbilities. LavonneS : We now have telephone line into classroom but need the modem AND an account AFA Bard : Could you use Chapter II money, Lavonne? AFL Gayle : How is your project funded, Nina? AFC Tooter : Modems are cheap and sometimes local businesses can donate old ones. AFA Bard : Uh oh.. lost Nina! AFC Tooter : Gayle back, featured guest gone! :-( AFA Bard : Such a turn! LavonneS : I brought mine in from home to talk to Barry. We will buy one out of Spec Ed LavonneS : budget. AFC Tooter : *Boing* LavonneS : Need Purchase Order for time online. It would help AFA Bard : Have you called AOL to see about using a PO, Lavonne? LavonneS : no, our computer person did a year or so ago. Is it possible now? AFC Tooter : 1-800-827-6364 and ask for extension 5670 AFA Bard : It was possible then... but there are restrictions. Due to some review of their policies, I think you AFA Bard : have got a shot at it now. :) 800-827-6364 x5670 AFA Bard : GMTA, Toot. :) AFC Tooter : :-) AFA Bard : I think the Telenet ate Nina. :( LavonneS : Thanks, I will try it. We do have budget and it would be a great project AFC Tooter : Gee, just checked. She's not even back online wnadering the halls. AFL Gayle : She's back online. AFA Bard : How many schools in CT now use AOL, Toot? AFA Bard : REHI, NINA!! LavonneS : Nina good to see you! AFC Tooter : I think I see her rounding the bend down by the AOL cafeteria. NinaTE : sorry about that, I have total phone and my area does not have the AFC Tooter : Oh, here she is! NinaTE : capacity to disarm it NinaTE : now, where were we AFA Bard : You can't append a *70 or 1170, to your number? NinaTE : No, we even called the operator, my husband is with AT&T and he NinaTE : confirmed our inability LavonneS : Nina, what are you looking for in project participants? AFL Gayle : Funding is where we were, Nina. Who pays for your project? :) AFA Bard : OIC NinaTE : The project is actually paid for by the state throuth the Perkins Grant NinaTE : It is $16,000 for each of three years to develpo a project for At Risk kids. NinaTE : We share the money with the High School. LavonneS : Wow , thats great NinaTE : It is, and it gives us the opportunity to get a curriculum going that bridges t NinaTE : the gap between middle and high school. I am working with two high school NinaTE : teachers this summer on a summer school project for 20 kids LavonneS : Did your kids have direct contact with elem kids or just the teachers? NinaTE : From what I've been told there is a lotof federal money around for At Risk NinaTE : The kids will have diect contact with the kids because they will be there NinaTE : with them during the actual telecommunicating AFL Gayle : ECIA Chapter 2 federal funds are almost strictly for At Risk Projects. AFA Bard : How do you see the project changing next year? NinaTE : For half of the kids it will be the second year. They will become assistants NinaTE : and will be paid to help me teach these skills to the 7th fraders in the projec AFA Bard : Phil!!! Welcome! PShapiro : Hi all. NinaTE : I feel that by giving them a pay check ...Hi Phil, your ears must have NinaTE : been ringing, I've been talking about you!! PShapiro : Me? AFL Gayle : Hi, Phil!!! Welcome! :) AFA Bard : She's saying nice things about you again, Phil. We're all glad you're online! NinaTE : I was telling them how your project turned one kid right around (John) AFL Gayle : She was telling us about an article you wrote, Phil. Where was it published? NinaTE : He is now working his tail off cause you convinced him he might be a PShapiro : Oh, it's always nice to hear of kids being turned around. NinaTE : computer programmer someday AFC Tooter : Phil!!!! PShapiro : Hiya, Ted. AFA Bard : Phil, you made it just in time to see who wins our FREE HOUR tonight! :)) NinaTE : Phil its the article about live chatting you sent me AFL Gayle : It's time now to announce our free hour winner. :) AFC Tooter : The article had to do with online chats. Can you send it. Have I seen it and forgotten? AFL Gayle : But, first a word from our sponsor, AED... ;) You can find out more about AFL Gayle : Nina's Project in Special Interest/Education Connection/School to School right PShapiro : Ted, it was printed in Enhance, so I can't offer re-prints myself. AFL Gayle : here in the AED menu. :) AFA Bard : And.... check out the new ASTRONOMER GS and SimpleScript Exploration Kit in the NEW FILES library! AFL Gayle : However, Enhance is free, so it should be easy to get a copy of it, Ted. NinaTE : My project is in Student to Student under I Am poems AFL Gayle : Next week's chat topic is an Open Chat. Bring all your questions (and answer AFL Gayle : oops... answers to others' questions next Sunday. :) AFL Gayle : Our free winner tonight is.... AFL Gayle : LavonneS for the word resource! :) AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Congrats to LAVONNE!!!!!!! Yippee!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() NinaTE : :))) GREAT! LavonneS : Yes, allllll right! AFC Tooter : *Indigo* AFL Gayle : The free nonprime time hour will be credited to your account soon. AFC Tooter : Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : *Indigo* AFA Bard : *Sosumi* AFC Tooter : Wish I had my foodfight macro handy LavonneS : Thanks Gayle, you make my budget smile :) AFL Gayle : You're welcome, Lavonne. Glad you came to our chat. :) AFA Bard : Thanks, Nina, for a TERRIFIC chat.. and sharing your EXTRAORDINARY project! LavonneS : Yes, it sounds like you are getting lots done there with your kids and the NinaTE : It was my pleasure, and I hope to see you all next school year I olan to LavonneS : whole school must benefit NinaTE : get this going much earlier in the year next time PShapiro : Oh, I just realized I came in on the end of the chat... :( Will read transcript AFA Bard : LOL! Log will be posted by tomorrow PM. :) NinaTE : Did you think it was at 9? AFL Gayle : Chats begin at 8 pm, Phil. :) AFA Bard : Well, folks... I've gotta go do laundry. :( GREAT to see you all online! LavonneS : Phil believes what he reads 5/31/92 9:07:34 PM Closing Log file.