3/22/92 8:00:09 PM Opening "Chat Log 3/22/92" for recording. AFL Gayle : Our guest tonight is LDB2, better known as Larry Bell, writer of Astronomer GS. Wigster : Welcome, Larry! LDB2 : howdy all! AFL Gayle : Your first question came before you got here, Larry. Mary wants to know, "What AFL Gayle : is Astronomer GS?" MaryEz : Oh, he's the space cadet!! Wigster : She took the words out of my mouth! :) Wigster : <--- Spacey, also. :) LDB2 : Its a "full featured" astronomer's assisstnt for ametuers AFL Gayle : Hey! Y'all be nice to our guest! ;) He's been running hard to get online. ;) LDB2 : The idea is for folks to be able to do basic calculations needed to LDB2 : be able to find things in the sky and predict events worth watching LDB2 : It also has a few features for historians like calendars for moon positions LDB2 : and time conversions etc. AFA Bard : Welcome SportGoofy! (We're chatting with Larry Bell about his Astronomer GS program) LDB2 : Hey, I saw that Space cadet remark! AFL Gayle : We have a free hour to give away tonight to the lucky person who says the LDB2 : The newest version of Astronomer (2.3) will have a neat comet locator for AFL Gayle : secret word. You've got to say it in context AND stay until the end of the Kirtap : hello LDB2 : both periodic and parabolic comets. AFL Gayle : chat to be eligible. :) AFC Tooter : Moose, moose, moose. do I win. AFL Gayle : You're not eligible, Ted, and that wasn't in context, anyway. ;) AFA Bard : Aha! So THAT'S why Toot wanted it to be moose! LOL! Kirtap : i need help ( begging, pleading) AFA Bard : Hang on, Kirtap. I'm on the way to help you! AFA Andy : I'll get it :) AFA Bard : OK, Andy... go for it! Super Todd : topic? AFA Bard : Welcome Todd! Super Todd : Hi AFA Bard : (We're chatting with Larry Bell about his Astronomer GS program) SPORTGOOFY : How does one go about sending for AstronomerGS rather than downloading it? Super Todd : GS LDB2 : Just send your name and address along with $34 for the program and manual. Super Todd : GS? LDB2 : To me at 2537 Jefferson St, Long Beach, CA 90810 SPORTGOOFY : Where do I send it? LDB2 : Address on screen! LDB2 : The program is 7 full disks and the manual is about 100 pgs that's why its so LDB2 : pricy for a Shareware program AFL Gayle : Keep those questions for Larry coming, please. :) Wigster : No wonder Larry's been having problems getting online... He's calling from SoCal like I am... AstroSteve : How does it compare with something like Voyager on the Mac? LDB2 : That's It! AFA Bard : It's also WORTH the download, Larry. Almost 100 people have downloaded it! LDB2 : It is NOT a sky simulation AFA Bard : (or at least information about it!) SPORTGOOFY : Do you think the planned corrections for the Hubble telescope will work? LDB2 : Its real strength is in the predictions capability LDB2 : Like the ones for eclipses and comet appearances AstroSteve : Are the predictions presented in graphical or tabular form? Wigster : Larry answered my question before I asked... I was wondering if he had any graphic data... Wigster : like Tonight's Sky... I guess he answered it. :) LDB2 : As for Hubble, I know some of the guys working on it and I KNOW the corrections LDB2 : will HELP but not totally fix the problem. Overall, Hubble is better off thanb LDB2 : most think LDB2 : Yes, it DOES have graphics but not simulated skys AFA Bard : Larry... can you talk the folks through some of your menu items? LDB2 : The best thing for folks to do is to download the "About Astro file in the foru LDB2 : It shows some sample screen shots LDB2 : Basicall the menu is laid out into related functions LDB2 : The total program is about 4 megs long (disk space used) AstroSteve : Is there any point in downloading the "About Astro" file onto a IIe? LDB2 : From the left on the menu bar are: AFA Bard : (The "About AstroGS" file is located in the AED Science forum.) AstroSteve : Will it do anything? I can save on a 3.5 LDB2 : NO the ABOUT file contains a text file and 7 or 8 pictures LDB2 : Defaults--area to tell the program where you are and what the date and time etc AFL Gayle : Steve, you could read the text file and possibly look at the pictures with a AstroSteve : From the size of thefile, a school type GS without a hard drive would be AstroSteve : not the ideal platform! Am I right? LDB2 : UTILITIES-- covers conversions between coordinate systems (ALT/AZ-Equatorial) e AFL Gayle : an Apple //e graphics program (not sure about that one), but Astronomer GS LDB2 : Actually, the way the program is laid out it IS very useable from a single AFL Gayle : requires a GS to use the program. AFA Andy : Some schools do have hard drives on their GS's, but not many. LDB2 : 3.5" drive and a 1.25 meg machine! LDB2 : A hard drive is not required!! AFA Andy : That's great :D LDB2 : I have done much of the program's developement without a hard drive installed. AFA Bard : When I downloaded and checked the files before release, I tested them with several 8th graders on AFA Bard : a 1.25 GS with two 3.5 drives. It was wonderful! LDB2 : I have worked hard to make it more useable on a 3.5" drive... AFL Gayle : Speaking of 8th graders, what grades is this program appropriate for, Larry? AFL Gayle : (How young?)_ LDB2 : Bard-- I got rid of that annoying beep when a disk change is needed AstroSteve : That's great. This is my first time with AOL and a forum. Do I lose scroll? LDB2 : I would say 7th grade and up could use it. My 7yr old uses parts of it AFA Bard : Are you on a GS/Mac or PC, Steve? LDB2 : (with help of course). AFL Gayle : AstroSteve, you can scroll up and down a screen or two. You can log the chat AstroSteve : Apple IIe! AFA Bard : (Thanks, Larry.. it WAS annoying!) AFL Gayle : from the File menu. (I'm assuming you're using a //e. :) AFA Bard : Yes, Steve.. you need to turn on your LOG to save the chat. LDB2 : It has a nice soft chime now. AFA Andy : Hi Rod :) AstroSteve : Larry, could you put your address one more time on the screen? AFL Gayle : When will the new version be ready for release, Larry? LDB2 : Version 2.3 has much improved accuracy over the version 1.0 too. AFA Game : evening andy AFA Bard : I'll send it to Steve in an IM, Larry. LDB2 : Version 2.3 will be ready sometime in June 92. LDB2 : However, version 2.1 is now shipping. AFL Gayle : And which version is in our libraries here? LDB2 : It has many of 2.3's features bu the new version of the manual isn't ready LDB2 : V1.0 is in the library now. I will upload version 2.3 in early may. LDB2 : The manual won't be done till june AFL Gayle : OK. Thanks, Larry! Now... more questions for Larry from the audience, please. AFA Bard : Great! Compliments on the old manual - it was easy for a layperson to read! LDB2 : The new one will hopefully be laser printed! LDB2 : I'm also adding a table of contents. LDB2 : And of course...more graphics. LDB2 : Version 2.3 has lots more graphics modules LDB2 : I have added a great simulation of Saturn's rings as seen from Earth. AFA Andy : I'd like to see that! LDB2 : They change is aspect from day to day ...this module will show them AFL Gayle : Will the manual for the new version still use GraphicWriter? LDB2 : very nearly like they will appear through a telescope on yor selected day. LDB2 : YES...I have to have the graphics and I HATE Appleworks GS!!! LDB2 : A simulation of the Galilean moons has been added too AFA Bard : How about building in a log or some sort of database to record a user's sightings? LDB2 : One to show "up close" the positions of the moons LDB2 : Another to show the traditional WAVY line diagram often seen in Astronomy MAG LDB2 : I thought about that but I've taken a liking to A NDA called EGO'ed LDB2 : which is a little word processor. I take notes on it. Since NDA's LDB2 : are accessible from the program I recommend it. I doubt I could do a better LDB2 : job myself. AstroSteve : Will you have any information on any variable stars built in? AFA Bard : (NDA is "New Desk Accessory" - you'll find them in the utilities forum - KEYWORD: AUT) LDB2 : I'm considering it...in particular binary's. I don't plan to LDB2 : add extensive star catalogs. You can find one on-line as the Saguaro LDB2 : deep sky catalog for Appleworks. LDB2 : In the back of the manual are several refrences for more object catalogs. LDB2 : Obvious copywrite rules and the shear size prohibit my adding anything usefule LDB2 : in the way of object catalogs. LDB2 : PS. the EGO'd NDA can only be gotten from GS+ magazine editors..It theirs. LDB2 : And no..I don't get anything for plugging it . AFA Bard : From ANDY: "EGO'ed is an NDA from GS+ magazing.. it's commercial, but there's a demo in the GS+ AFA Bard : library here online. Go KEYWORD: GSMAG. :)) AFA Andy : :) AFA Bard : (Thanks, Andy!) AFA Andy : You are welcome AFL Gayle : But do all of that after first visiting the Science Library here in AED to AFL Gayle : check out Larry's About Astronomer GS file. :) LDB2 : The best feature of Astronomer V2.3 is the addition of the Orbit Determination LDB2 : Module. AFA Andy : Oh, that will be useful!! LDB2 : It allows folks to find their own comets! AFA Bard : Larry, what other resources (magazines, etc.) do you recommend for novice astronomers? AFA Bard : Welcome Airship! We're chatting with Larry Bell about his Astronomer GS program. AFL Gayle : Welcome, John! (Airship :) LDB2 : Most people don't realize that 90% of new comets are found by Regular folks! LDB2 : Not professional Astronomers. AFA Bard : 90%, wow! Airship : Hi :) LDB2 : There are thousands to be found and if you find one first you get to name it AstroSteve : $6 will bring a year of Sky Calendar from Michigan State. The best aid LDB2 : which sort of puts you right in the thick of history AstroSteve : for a real beginner, and real aid to the pros as well. AFA Bard : Do you have an address, Steve? AFA Bard : (for Sky Calendar) LDB2 : The SKy Calendar won't help you in historical research beyond the 1800's and AstroSteve : Abrams Planetarium, Michigan State University, E. Lansing MI 48824 (ZIP?) LDB2 : it won't help at all for future years. LDB2 : That's what computers are about. AstroSteve : All the calendar does is tell you what's up during current months. LDB2 : Most programs...Astronomer included are fairly accurate from 4000BC AstroSteve : But it is a great aid. AFA Andy : Hi Ragen. :) LDB2 : to 4000 AD AFA Bard : Welcome, Ragen! RagenT : Sorry, I'm late. LDB2 : As for comets..Astronomer lets you take notes of an objects position over LDB2 : several dates then it reduces them to standard orbit elements...Then all you LDB2 : have to do is compare the numbers to a standard comet element listing LDB2 : like found in Astronomy magazine this month to see if you have a new one LDB2 : or not! LDB2 : It doesn't take a BRAIN to do it. Most folks intimidate themselves into not LDB2 : trying. LDB2 : All you really need to do is spend time looking up and taking a few notes. LDB2 : But you must have tools...believe me the program was real PAIN to write Wigster : Who does one contact if you think you HAVE found a new one? Wigster : Wow... Comet Wiggy! :) LDB2 : Well, you could just contact MR Astro right here on line LDB2 : He works with the folks at Sky and TElescope. LDB2 : They work with pro's all the time to check out such reports Airship : ! AFC Tooter : Comet Wiggy! We'll all go out and wave! LDB2 : You don't have to worry about being wrong either. Every body makes mistakes Wigster : Good.. I already know him... I've even been out to dinner with him. AFL Gayle : Go ahead, John. No protocol here. :) Airship : Central Bureau fo Astronomical Telegrams Airship : Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Airship : Cambridge, MA 02138 LDB2 : Personnally, I'd go to the magazine first. The BIG GUYS like the reports Airship : Attn Brian Mardsen.... LDB2 : in a very specific format and speek a language all their own. AFL Gayle : Thanks, John! For those of you interested in another astronomy program, you LDB2 : S&T would help translate that stuff MaryEz : Hi, John Welcom AFC Tooter : Hi John!!!! AFL Gayle : might want to check out our newest released uploads in the New Files Library. Airship : ~~~~~~~ waving ~~~~~~~ AFL Gayle : There is a new version of John's (Airship) popular Tonight's Sky for both the Airship : Hi Larry. JohnKceca : HI Mary, Ted- This is the first time I've found you guys LDB2 : Howdy Airship AFL Gayle : 3.5" version and the 5.25" version. For the GS version, you will find Tonight's MaryEz : Tooter and I would like to introduce the President of the Connecticut Educators Computer Assn. MaryEz : JohnKCeca LDB2 : Thanks for all the help you've given on this project. AFL Gayle : Sky GS in the Science Library along with Larry's Astronomer GS files. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Mr. President! Hi to John K.! :) AFA Bard : Hiya John! Welcome to the Education Chat! AFC Tooter : Yeah John!!!!! Wigster : Welcome, John!!!! LDB2 : For those who don't know, Airship help me sort out some programming Teacher jn : Hi Mr. JKC! RagenT : Hello, John! LDB2 : problems on version 1 Wigster : <---- Misses New England. I wish I were there with you, John! AFA Bard : We're chatting with Larry Bell, author of the popular Astronomer GS program. AFC Tooter : It's snowing, Wiggy. JohnKceca : Please- no Pres. I,m curious about what is going on Airship : I saw Larry was going be here and decided to stop by and watch him on the hot Airship : seat. LDB2 : Gee thanks... Airship : :) AFL Gayle : Speaking of snow and astronomy, on the first day of spring, we had an early AFA Bard : Larry... how long have you been interested in astronomy? Wigster : It's raining and in the upper 50s here in LA, Toot. I wish I was there! Don't make me even more Wigster : Homesick!!!! Teacher jn : ( Let it snow, let it s n o w !!! Live from N.Y.) AFL Gayle : release at our school (in NC!) for snow on Friday! Thanks for sending it to us, AFL Gayle : Ted! :) LDB2 : For ABOUT 30 yrs (I'm 32 now). AFL Gayle : LOL, Larry! :) (Was your first word star? ;) Teacher jn : Maybe the same for tomorrow Gayle! MaryEz : NOOOO! No more snow days. I have to leave on my trip on June 22 and now we have 2 days to make up AFL Gayle : Not here, Joel. Wigster : My old school is on its spring break right now.. All the kids are in the Caribbean and Florida. They Wigster : missed the snow days! MaryEz : the 22, 23. : ( AFA Bard : 30 years??? Wow! When did it turn from a hobby into an obsession, Larry? :)) LDB2 : NOP...just really got started with computing with an //e and IBM XT LDB2 : about 10 yrs ago. AFL Gayle : Luckily, we got out at 1 pm, so we don't have to make it up. :) LDB2 : Used Word PErfect from start. Teacher jn : Shame on You LDB2, you said a nasty! :(( AFL Gayle : And then graduated to GraphicWriter an a GS. :) LDB2 : When I moved from Clovis NM to LA I decided outside viewing was DEAD LDB2 : so I stored my scope and started programming instead. AFA Bard : It's the Captain! Welcome! We're chatting with Larry Bell, author of the Astronomer GS program. AFL Gayle : Luckily for us users, you started programming. :) AFL Gayle : OK. It's about time to close, so please get your last minute questions in to LDB2 : Thanks..but it was purely a selfish instinct AFL Gayle : Larry now. Remember, we have a free hour to give away tonight. LDB2 : The idea was to be able to locate objects by coordinate then LDB2 : use a filter to get the light polution out so I could see from my LDB2 : backyard. AFL Gayle : Did it work, Larry? LDB2 : How's the free hour work ...caught unprepared on that one. Teacher jn : Nite, One & All going to check the amt. of accumulations! :)))) Airship : Gonna sneak out. Nice running into you all. Take care! AFA Bard : We wait for someone to say the "secret word" in each chat. That person wins a FREE "nonprime" hour AFA Bard : for their input! LDB2 : Well yes and no...since I started programming I've spent much less time outside LDB2 : wit the scope. MaryEz : Was SPACE CADET the secret word? AFA Bard : What type of telescope do your currently use, Larry? AFL Gayle : No, Mary. :) AFA Bard : LOL, Mary! AFC Tooter : Moose, moose, moose. LDB2 : A home brew 11" newtonian AFA Bard : Aha.. I KNEW he'd build his own. :))) I did that for a scout project about 10 years ago... still AFL Gayle : OK. Time for a short commercial before we announce the winner of our free hour. AFA Bard : got mine. :) Now use it to spy on neighbors. :) MaryEz : *smash!* LDB2 : Its not a pretty scope but it has exceptional optics (1/25 wave Cave optics) AFL Gayle : Be sure and stop by the Science Library to check out the Astronomer GS files. AFC Tooter : You didn't show me any of your neighbors when I voisited, Bard. MaryEz : Keyword, Gayle? AFL Gayle : Keep your eyes on the New Files library for the new version. Meanwhile, you AFA Bard : LOL! AFL Gayle : can download Airship's new files in the New Files Library. Our guest next week AFL Gayle : will be Phil Shapiro from Balloons Software, telling us about a great new AFL Gayle : program called Big Text Machine! If you want a preview, check out his file in AFL Gayle : the New Files Library. (It's a handy place to visit often, in case you haven't AFL Gayle : guessed. :) MaryEz : Wednesday night in TIN at 9:30 the discussion in about "Acquiring Technology with no Money" Guest AFL Gayle : And now for our winner.... MaryEz : Eakin PTO. AFL Gayle : Tonight's winner is AstroSteve for the secret word, stars! AFA Bard : Congrats to AstroSteve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : Congrats to AstroSteve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : Congrats to AstroSteve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Steve! AstroSteve : All right! Thanks everyone!!!!!! MaryEz : *Drum Roll Start* AFL Gayle : You will see a free hour credited to your account later this week, Steve. AFL Gayle : And a BIG thanks to our guest, Larry Bell! Keep up the great job of programming AstroSteve : Thanks Gayle.. With the many referesnces to GS have I stumbled onto an all GS AFC Tooter : Sounds not working. New software on the drive tonight. AFA Bard : Thanks, Larry!! AstroSteve : Forum? AFL Gayle : The chat log will be available in our library for downloading tomorrow. It will LDB2 : Thanks for the chat..It's been fun MaryEz : Especially for the GS!!!!! Wigster : What a great way to start your AOL Forum visitations! AFC Tooter : And please everybody, visit the Scrap #4 Favorites folder in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH) AFL Gayle : of course be in the New Files Library. :) AFC Tooter : and leave a note for a Writer. AFA Bard : Thanks to everyone for joining us tonight! Be here next week, same AOL time, same AOL channel! Wigster : Nah, Steve... Not all GS here... I am on a Mac and we use IBMs in my school (Yech!!!!) MaryEz : Have had good responses to the letter from Nome and from the Russian student visiting Nome. AstroSteve : Thanks Wigster AFL Gayle : No, Steve. This is the Apple // Education Forum. We support ALL Apple // models AFC Tooter : I'll mail you some snow, Wiggy. Wigster : (I also own a GS and a //c) AFL Gayle : It just so happens Larry's program is GS specific. Check out Airship's for an AFL Gayle : Apple //e version of a program. :) AFL Gayle : Thanks to everyone for coming! See you again next Sunday at 8 pm with Phil AFL Gayle : Shapiro! He's a dynamite guest, too! :) AFC Tooter : Welcome to AO Steve. AFL Gayle : Now I'm off to put in the request for Steve's free hour. :) Good night, all! :) AFA Bard : Off to edit the logs! G'night folks! 3/22/92 9:04:06 PM Closing Log file.