6/9/91 8:01:11 PM Opening "chat.06.09" for Chat Log recording. AFA Bard : Welcome Mary! MaryEz : Hi, Everybody. AFL Gayle : Hi, Jim and Bard! :) (and Mary! :) IC Gerry : Hi everyone! :) AFL Gayle : Gerry!!! :)))) Hi! MaryEz : Hi, Gerry! Good to see you! AFL Gayle : The official AO clock says it is time to start. :) Our guest tonight is Jim AFA Bard : Welcome Nuzz...we're talking about --- well we WILL be talking with TIIE's amazing Jim Carlisle! :)) AFA Bard : Welcome Shirley! AFL Gayle : Carlisle, from the Teachers' Idea & Information Network. IC Gerry : They wanted to give him grief about where his wife works..:) AFL Gayle : If you say the secret word, you may win one free hour of online time. AFL Gayle : You must stay until the end of the conference to be eligible, and you must say AFL Gayle : the word in a question or in context. AFL Gayle : With that, do you have any opening words you would like to say, Jim? TIIE Jim : Well... I guess I could tell you about TI&IE in general or specific projects... TIIE Jim : we have underway. What would you like to hear? AFA Bard : How about some background of TIIE and it's resources? TIIE Jim : Ok... IC Gerry : all of the above please..:) TIIE Jim : TI&IE is a nationwide exchange for educators ... TIIE Jim : we started it in 1986 and the medium of the exchange has been AW files... TIIE Jim : right now we have over 1000 templates and files and numerous special... TIIE Jim : collections. We also publish StoryWorks --- the ONLY hypertext program... TIIE Jim : which will run on ANY Apple II, including the old II+! TIIE Jim : Our membership stretches across N. America, with scattered souls in... TIIE Jim : Europe, Africa, S. America, Australia, and assorted points in between. TIIE Jim : We are currently moving much of the TI&IE collection to MicroSoft Works on... TIIE Jim : both the PC and Mac and will offer a Quarterly disk publication to those... TIIE Jim : users next school year. Of course, AppleWorks continues to be our "bread... TIIE Jim : and butter." TIIE Jim : Whoa! I need to cool off my fingers. Any questions? MaryEz : And please, please don't forget us!!!! Apple users! TIIE Jim : Never fear. Our true love is the Apple II. AFL Gayle : Any questions for Jim? IC Gerry : What is the cost? :) TIIE Jim : We sell a six disk subscription to our AppleWorks templates for $39.95... TIIE Jim : 12 disks for $75.95. Most of our special collections sell for $12.95 to TIIE Jim : $24.25 (with discounts to subscribers). Our MicroSoft Works Quarterly will... TIIE Jim : also sell for $39.95 (but the subscription is for four disks rather than six). MaryEz : Jim, I do use a Mac at home but GS at school. Will I be able to use Apple File Exchange to convert MaryEz : MSWorks files to AWKS files. MaryEz : For StoryWorks that is? AFA Bard : Welcome Particle! We're talking with Jim Carlisle, from the Teachers' Idea & Information Network. Particle : Hi IC Gerry : GMTA, Mary..:) TIIE Jim : Well, we have converted a host of AW files to Works files using Works to Works TIIE Jim : transporter with great success. Going the other way is a little less... TIIE Jim : successful, but then I've only experimented with it on a limited basis at ... TIIE Jim : this point. CrossWorks transfers AW files to Works on the PC like a charm. TIIE Jim : StoryWorks... available right now for use on Apple II's for $49.95... MaryEz : Does StoryWorks work with AWKSgs too? TIIE Jim : coming in September will be a PC version which works with Works files at the... TIIE Jim : same price. AFA Bard : Great question, Mary! TIIE Jim : No, StoryWorks requires classic AW files or MicroSoft Works PC files. TIIE Jim : I haven't seen it myself, but I've been told StoryWorks runs great on the... TIIE Jim : Mac LC with the II card. TIIE Jim : By the way... we are looking for folks who have developed extensive... TIIE Jim : StoryWorks stacks. We are putting together special collections and will... TIIE Jim : pay authors a royalty. TIIE Jim : Maybe I could give you our address: TI&IE, P.O. Box 6229, Lincoln, NE 68506 TIIE Jim : Phone orders: (402)-483-6987 IC Gerry : You just read my mind, Jim..:) AFL Gayle : You can also find TIIE 24 hours a day under Special Interest Groups, AFL Gayle : AppleWorks here in AED. :) AFA Bard : Jim... what's the future hold for TIIE? TIIE Jim : Well, that's an interesting question. TIIE Jim : Right now, I'm not looking too far past next school year. We are very... TIIE Jim : excited about the Apple II moving out of labs and into more classrooms and... TIIE Jim : the broadening of our support to the Mac and PC platforms. We are also... TIIE Jim : working on developments with other developers, but I can't go into details... TIIE Jim : at this time. I'm cautiously optimistic about TI&IE in the middle of a ... TIIE Jim : recession and a slow summer:) MaryEz : Why do you like the idea of the Apples going out of the labs? AFA Bard : Things seem to be picking up, though!!! What do you all think about Apple's decision to break into AFA Bard : the retail markets with CompuUSA? TIIE Jim : Moving Apples out of labs puts them in the hands of more teachers... TIIE Jim : which means more computer use... in general I think this has to be good for... MaryEz : 72% of the teachers in our school use the lab. TIIE Jim : folks like us. MaryEz : Many of them would not use computers in their classroom. IC Gerry : I think it depends on your faculty..for ours, the lab is a good excuse not to use them.. IC Gerry : there is never time to go there... AFA Bard : Mary... don't you think the issue is training.. lack of knowledge?? IC Gerry : and if it isn't in the classroom, kids never get a chance to even touch them. TIIE Jim : Well, I don't think the labs are being forsaken in most schools, but I've... MaryEz : Ours are required to come to the lab with their students to work on curriculum based projects. We MaryEz : have some in classrooms but usually it's the resource rooms that use them the most. TIIE Jim : heard from numerous teachers about II labs being replaced by Macs. The II's... TIIE Jim : are going to individual classrooms. AFA Bard : Yep. That's exactly what's going on here, Jim. :) AFA Bard : (rehi Gayle!) TIIE Jim : Hopefully, the II's won't just sit. We want to help teachers put them to... TIIE Jim : good use. MaryEz : Do you find the classroom teachers using StoryWorks more than the lab teacher did? AFA Bard : Mary.. by RESOURCE, do you mean special ed.? MaryEz : Yes, Bard. Particle : Are schools really buying macs? TIIE Jim : I really can't say whether StoryWorks is being used more in labs or classrooms. TIIE Jim : Word here is the new Macs are selling very well to schools. MaryEz : Not mine. We bought 28 GS in summer of '89 and that's it for quite awhile.:( AFA Bard : They are now, Particle. Seems Apple's really working hard to get them into schools. So far this AFA Bard : year, over 1100 Macs have been installed in the three districts north of Atlanta, Ga. Particle : In my moms district they keep buying GS's is that unusual? AFL Gayle : I certainly wouldn't be frowning at a lab of 28 GSes, Mary! :) TIIE Jim : Microsoft tells me Works for the Mac sales have skyrocketed with the release... MaryEz : How many and what size schools are you talking about, Bard? TIIE Jim : of lower cost Macs. MaryEz : No, Gayle, I'm not. But I do worry about being left in the dust;) AFA Bard : They vary, Mary. Our district has 80,000 students, typical of the other two district I mentioned. AFA Bard : Most Mac units are being installed in high schools right now, though. A few are also being purchased AFA Bard : for administrative tasks. Luckily (yea JIM!) the IIe cards are also popular! TIIE Jim : You know Mary, I've heard the same thing from others. But I feel the II will.. AFA Bard : Hiya Lil' Toot!! Where's Dad? LittleTooT: Wolf in sheep's clothing. IC Gerry : Wait till they look at the cost of Mac software..:) MaryEz : LOL! TIIE Jim : be a viable machine for quite awhile. I still find new things to do with it! AFA Bard : Right, Gerry! (Hiya Toot!) LittleTooT: Hi all. Wrong screen name, sorry. IC Gerry : I think some new GS things will be announced this summer too..I don't think the II wil die..:) AFA Bard : I found it very interesting that Apple's devoting two platform areas at NECC to the GS. :)) A good AFA Bard : sign?!? IC Gerry : I have great hopes for Kansasfest..:) MaryEz : There is a great deal you can do Multimedia wise with the GS. Lego robots too. LittleTooT: Kansasfest???? MaryEz : Interactive multimedia is alive and well with the GS, too. AFL Gayle : Could you highlight for us, Jim, some of the "best" of TIIE from this past AFL Gayle : year's subscription? IC Gerry : Yes, I am going to Kansasfest..:) Apple II developer's conf.:) TIIE Jim : Mmmm... well that's tough, I was very pleased with the work of our... TIIE Jim : regular contributors. Barry McDonald did a fantastic job of putting ... TIIE Jim : together a neat collection of StoryWorks stacks which really showed the... TIIE Jim : potential for the program. I was also please with a number of other files... AFA Bard : Welcome, Turgid! We're talking with Jim Carlisle, from the Teachers' Idea & Information Network. TIIE Jim : but since I don't have a list at my fingertips I won't attempt to list them... MaryEz : Are any of them posted in the Library here? TIIE Jim : we were also happy with the release of MapWorks by Bob Corvello, Carmen's... TIIE Jim : Companion by Tracey Zigo, and Ready-to-Use Math Games by Bev Peterson. Particle : MaryEZ are your GS's running HCGS? TIIE Jim : We also just put out StatWorks and EcologyWorks which have been well... TIIE Jim : received. Mary, we will be posting numerous files in the "near" future on... TIIE Jim : Online. Many of the most frequently downloaded files on Online originated... TIIE Jim : with TI&IE. MaryEz : HCGS? Particle : Hypercard GS. TIIE Jim : Also... we pulled together the Notable Women Data Base disk which ... MaryEz : No, we are starting to use HyperStudio, TutorTech, and will be learning StoryWorks this summer. TIIE Jim : I think should be a part of every middle to high school software collection... TIIE Jim : this fills a need in an area which is sorely lacking. AFA Bard : Particle... do folks in your school use StoryWorks, HCGS or what? IC Gerry : I agree, Jim..:) Particle : In my school they have many computers, but I don't see them using them. Particle : They only use an IBM writing lab. Particle : It is such a waste. AFA Bard : When the Apples ARE used.. what do they use them for? Particle : I don't know. I think some science programs. I have never seen them used. IC Gerry : WE use them for Word Processing on OLD software. I am trying to get them to upgrade. :) AFA Bard : Wow! How about you.. have your tried StoryWorks or any of the other hypermedia programs? IC Gerry : Converting to Ascii is not fun.:( IC Gerry : I have not seen a copy of Storyworks. LittleTooT: A great program, Gerry. AFA Bard : Particle.. how about you? have you looked at any hypermedia programs? IC Gerry : Being a volunteer consultant, it gets a bit expensive for me to buy every program. :) AFL Gayle : Only $49.95, direct from TIIE, Gerry. Check it out! Particle : Yes, HyperCard GS is the best for the GS. TIIE Jim : :) You bet... we'll fire it right off to you! Particle : The scripting is the best part. AFL Gayle : That allows you to make a classroom worth of copies, too, unlike the expensive AFL Gayle : AppleWorks site license. AFA Bard : Welcome JockGill! We're talking with Jim Carlisle, from the Teachers' Idea & Information Network! JOCKGILL : Yes, but is there a gateway? AFL Gayle : I'd like to break in for a moment to introduce, JockGill. He is from Power Particle : Hyperstudio is also good and very easy to use. AFL Gayle : Industries, who makes Delta Drawing Today. IC Gerry : We can't afford Appleworks..a small school... AFL Gayle : We can afford 2 copies of it, Gerry. JOCKGILL : What are you looking to do IC AFC Tooter: That feels better. The pants were a bit tight. AFL Gayle : LOL, TooT! :) MaryEz : rotfl AFA Bard : Rehi, TooT! AFA Bard : Hey, Toot... congrats on the CECA board appointment! AFC Tooter: *Welcome* AFL Gayle : Welcome, Jock! AFC Tooter: Thanks. Congratulate Mary too. JOCKGILL : I see that insiders have their private language -- how about going public AFA Bard : (We already did!) AFA Bard : ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing! :) AFL Gayle : Look for Power Industries and Jock at NECC in Booth 1210. AFC Tooter: I was here before you came in under another name JOCKGILL, that's all. Particle : What is NECC? AFL Gayle : LOL=Laughing out Loud, Jock. IC Gerry : When and Where is NECC? :) JOCKGILL : National Educational Computer Conf. AFA Bard : Jock.. mary & I will be at NECC (National Education al Computing Conference) in Phoenix, AZ too! The AFA Bard : conference is June 16-20. AFA Bard : Whoa! GMTA! AFL Gayle : AED will be represented there by our own AFA Bard, who promises to keep us AFL Gayle : updated. :) MaryEz : Boy, we ought to get something for this free advertising. AFA Bard : <--have modem will travel! IC Gerry : Same time as Kansasfest..we'll all have lots to report when we return..:) AFL Gayle : Kansasfest is that early this year, Gerry? Didn't realize that. JOCKGILL : Anyone going to the show in KC in late July? IC Gerry : Yes..I am..:) Particle : Do you think they will release a new GS? JOCKGILL : Great, See Delta Drawing at Booth 12, next to PC GLObe IC Gerry : Great!!! I'll look for you!!!! Particle : Or at least System 6.0 for it? IC Gerry : Particle, I hope so..:) AFL Gayle : Will TIIE be at either of those conferences, Jim? MaryEz : Jim, will you be going to NECC? I think you already answered that but I've forgotten. AFA Bard : Look for AFA Bard in the Apple booth demonstrating System 7 and a new Spanish version of MacWrite II. TIIE Jim : Not this year... we've attended NECC for the last three years, and will... IC Gerry : I love System 7..:) MaryEz : Look for MaryEz in the Digicard booth doing a multimedia demo. JOCKGILL : The nice thing about DD is that it still runs on a 64K AII TIIE Jim : really miss not being there... but it just wasn't possible. AFC Tooter: Spanish MacWrite!!! Wow! Any info on French or Spanish grammar checkers? JOCKGILL : Its not the technology its what you DO WITH IT, so what ARE WE DOING? AFA Bard : Not yet Toot ---> I'll keep you posted! IC Gerry : Great, Jock..that is right up our alley..:) JOCKGILL : I'm creating and trying to sell learning tools that run on real machines in real classrooms MaryEz : JOCKGILL, I use Dazzle Draw because I can convert the files to use with VCR Companion. Could I do MaryEz : the same thing with DeltaDraw? AFL Gayle : Sounds like TIIE and Delta Drawing Today have a lot in common. :) JOCKGILL : And I'm looking for all the help I can get -- you bet! AFC Tooter: What kind of learning tools? JOCKGILL : Ask MidgeF about that. DD exports Dazzle Draw Double Hi-Res screen images JOCKGILL : And imports the same, I should add JOCKGILL : Tools which "create excited learning and motivate students to achieve more thean they ever expected" JOCKGILL : THe quote is from Algot Runeman, a 7th grade teacher and 8 year DD user AFL Gayle : OK. It's the time we've all been waiting for. ;) Time to announce our winners IC Gerry : Just what all teachers are looking for, right? :) AFA Bard : Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : for this evening. Particle wins one free hour for using the secret word, AFL Gayle : scripting. Particle : WOW!!!!! AFL Gayle : And our faithful MaryEZ wins one free hour for saying StoryWorks. IC Gerry : Congrats, Particle!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Congratulations to PARTICLE and MARY!!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() AFC Tooter: phssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst AFC Tooter: SPLUDDDDDDDDDDDD AFC Tooter: BinGo AFA Bard : Uh oh...it's Tooter's food fight again!!! AFC Tooter: whoooosh TIIE Jim : I've enjoyed the hour folks.... drop me a note or give us a call! IC Gerry : Tnaks, Jim..we'll pass the word on for you!! :) AFL Gayle : These hours will be posted to your account some time later this week. AFA Bard : Duck, folks!!!!! MaryEz : ROTFL!!!!!!!! IC Gerry : Thanks that was..:) AFC Tooter: Oooops, just slipped out. IC Gerry : Gee, Gayle..can't you make the kids behave? ;) AFA Bard : Thanks, Jim...once again you've enlightened us about the great things going on at TIIE... BTW... MaryEz : OK, TooT, How many Macros did that take!? AFA Bard : I HIGHLY recommend StoryWorks!! It's fast, easy and the journey is certainly worth the reward!! :)) Particle : Bye, thanks alot! :) JOCKGILL : Adios TIIE Jim : Bye! MaryEz : TooT is the father of the online food fight! You just had an example. AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, Jock! :) AFL Gayle : And a GREAT big thanks to our guest, Jim! :) AFC Tooter: Five mice for StoryWorks. AFA Bard : Now, Toot. go and stand in the corner until the chat's over. :)) AFC Tooter: :\ AFA Bard : Repeat after me "Apple II Forever", "Apple II Forever",.... AFA Bard : LOL! AFC Tooter: ROTFL MaryEz : Goodnight all. Long live Apple IIs AFC Tooter: * ROTFL (rolling on the floor l* AFA Bard : Long live my CPU! Nite Mary! AFC Tooter: Nite all. 6/9/91 9:10:09 PM -------------------------- Closing Chat Log.