Opening Chat Log 8:01 pm - 6/23/91 TOPIC: LC vs GS and NECC/Phoenix Conference Summary ------------------------------------- IC Gerry : Claris has a support area here on AOL, too..keyword Claris.. EricA30 : I think it will prosper despite... IC Gerry : I hear good things happening for the GS soon..:) EricA30 : I mean despite rumors KIDCOBRA : Gerry, when you trash a file and are in panic, who can wait for the online KIDCOBRA : answer:)? IC Gerry : IT is much more expandable than the LC too..:) EricA30 : What Gerry MFJpsy : oops! EricA30 : I mean what good things] IC Gerry : and faster with an accelerator, which you can not get for the LC..:) AFL Gayle : Well, I can tell you from what I saw last week on the statistics of the school KIDCOBRA : Eric, for my money, a used GS system loaded to the gills can be had for 1500 KIDCOBRA : or less AFA Bard : Why do you think Apple chose not to make the LC be GS compatible? EricA30 : I still see Apple producing things like HyperCard and system updates BCS Frank : Yeah... try stuffing a VOC into an LC. :) KIDCOBRA : I would think that is a pretty good choice when compared to a lot of things KIDCOBRA : including an LC AFL Gayle : district I'm interning with. They bought LOTS of GS's and //e's and only a AFL Gayle : few Macs. KIDCOBRA : Bard, I assumed that the LC is not GS compatible because of the cost AFL Gayle : Make that GSs above. This //c+ buffer is too slow for my GS accustomed AFL Gayle : fingers. ;) KIDCOBRA : But , motives are so hard to discern EricA30 : Has anyone heard off a system 6 for the GS coming out this summer AFA Bard : Really, Kid? Do you think a 3rd party will produce GS compatibility? BCS Frank : GS compatibility would involve more $$$, more power usage, EricA30 : Sorry about my typing BCS Frank : more space, more system speed from the LC, etc... KIDCOBRA : No, I just figured that to keep the cost "LC" that Apple didn't KIDCOBRA : put GS compatible into the thing AFL Gayle : Is that you, Prize? Hi! :) EricA30 : Will someone say something spectacular about the GS... DAVIDSONRP: IN thee flesh! :)))))))))))) KIDCOBRA : I have been hearing rumors (ah rumors are great, aren't they) of a new EricA30 : I am logging this for a perspective LC buyer KIDCOBRA : GS for KansasFest AFL Gayle : OK. Seems a good opening for Bard to tell us what you saw at NECC this past BCS Frank : System 6 rumors abound, including rumors of it's being Beta tested. DAVIDSONRP: It the greatest machine made but never recognized to its fullest potential!! AFL Gayle : week. What is coming that is good news for GS owners? EricA30 : That's what I thought too KID COBRA EricA30 : Gayle please think of something KIDCOBRA : Also, I have heard more than a few rumors about a new finder meaning new KIDCOBRA : system software IC Gerry : Eric, I have heard about the new system too..:) KIDCOBRA : Well, Bard, what have you hear???????????? AFC Tooter: That was your cue, Bard. EricA30 : I read something about in Incider under the article about System & for the Mac AFL Gayle : I did, Eric. I turned it over to my AFA who saw the newest stuff last week. ;) BCS Frank : Yup, Andy Nichols (of ShrinkIt fame) has been working on a GS/OS Finder... EricA30 : I mean 7 not & AFA Bard : Well... it WAS encouraging to see that Apple chose to display both a IIgs and a IIe at their booth DAVIDSONRP: Evening' TooT! :)) EricA30 : What's the AFA Gay;e IC Gerry : Great, Bard!!!! AFC Tooter: Hi David. Hi all who said hi earlier when I was downstairs. EricA30 : Booth where Bard AFA Bard : at NECC in Phoenix last week. Of course, this was alongside a Mac running a IIe card. EricA30 : Of course AFA Bard : And... Roger Wagner did an AWESOME demo for about 250 people showing off the multimedia capabilities KIDCOBRA : Bard, I live down the road from that conference, and was too overworked to get BCS Frank : Also Apple is releasing a new poster and booklet to their ed reps.... KIDCOBRA : there, How was it?????????? EricA30 : Did Apple show a lot of support for the GS at this thing in Phoenix KIDCOBRA : Energy level, interest lever, GS interest? EricA30 : Frank on what computer AFA Bard : of his HyperStudio. He "hinted" that a new release was around the corner.. including some great new AFA Bard : XCMDS. KIDCOBRA : Make that level, not lever BCS Frank : shows a IIe and an LC but features the IIgs as a Hypermedia machine. AFL Gayle : AFA=America Online Forum Assistant, Eric. IC Gerry : <<---politely listening to Bard... AFL Gayle : Bard is the assistant in this forum. EricA30 : How do I access them Gayle AFA Bard : Well, Eric, not really a LOT - most of their eggs were in the Mac basket... They did, however, EricA30 : Sorry,,,I understand now AFA Bard : invite some local students from Phoenix and some teachers to demo some stuff done on DazzleDraw and AFA Bard : Fantavision, etc. on the II machines. As far as vendors... AFA Bard : Broderbund eluded to some possible rewrites of their AW tools updated for GS capabilities. They KIDCOBRA : Soooooooo, getting back to LC software, HyperCard, Claris, and Works for K-8 AFL Gayle : Access them, Eric? Bard is right here, talking to you. :) KIDCOBRA : Does that about cover it???????????? KIDCOBRA : :) AFA Bard : refused comment when I quizzed them, though. Pioneer had some great driver software for the IIgs EricA30 : Pioneer for laserdisc?? AFA Bard : and their videodiscware. Also... Adventures in Learning showed a couple of gradebooks and teacher AFA Bard : productivity tools I hadn't seen before for the II. AFA Bard : Pioneer software that runs the laserdisc. :) AFC Tooter: Will pioneer stuff be cross compatible to Mac, Bard? EricA30 : I have a friend right now that wants an IBM.... KIDCOBRA : Why? AFA Bard : Right now, Toot, Pioneer's releasing all their stuff so that it's cross compatible. The videodisc EricA30 : I am trying to talk him into a GS...What do I say AFA Bard : players are not the problem, it's the front-end software. They're writing a LOT in HyperCard and AFA Bard : a bit in LinkWay (for IBM) AFL Gayle : The GS is MUCH friendlier, Eric. EricA30 : He's also interested in the Mac but I think a GS is his machine... EricA30 : Again what do I say KIDCOBRA : Eric, say that GS owners have more fun:) EricA30 : ANY HELP] BCS Frank : Re the LC: Is it true that you can't run Appleworks from the LC HD? AFA Bard : Eric.. why not just send him to a store to sit in front of both machines? EricA30 : Good idea...but he's hooked on PRODIGY KIDCOBRA : The store idea is the best, usually results in sale for Apple AFL Gayle : That's sneaky, Bard. ;) (But should work well. :) KIDCOBRA : Problem is to find a store with GS] EricA30 : I'm trying to convince him it's not that great AFA Bard : I don't think know, Frank. I've only seen it run from the external drive. EricA30 : watch your mouth kid cobra AFL Gayle : Show him AO instead, Eric. That ought to help him lose his Prodigy addiction. KIDCOBRA : My dealer only has one in the service department for testing EricA30 : I have but he likes the graphics MFJpsy : Show him AO, Eric! :) AFC Tooter: The graphics only slow Prodigy down. DAVIDSONRP: The best way to demo a IIGS is have Roger Wagner do it with HyperStudio! If AFC Tooter: Show him sounds with AO on the Mac or GS. BCS Frank : Hmmm... to compare the GS and the LC try running HyperCard. In color. :) AFL Gayle : Well, if he wants graphics, he doesn't want an IBM! ;) GS is more colorful! :) AFA Bard : Send him anonymous mail, Eric, with things like: c:cd/DOS/Word/*.* :))) EricA30 : Thank you tooter..that's what I tried but he wont believe me DAVIDSONRP: that doesn't impressive Erica nothing' will! :))) AFL Gayle : Good suggestion, TooT. EricA30 : Thanks guys.. KIDCOBRA : Hey guy (ladies), I have to jump four kids, dinner, etc.. Thanks for the AFA Bard : You're welcome, Eric. :) KIDCOBRA : advice MFJpsy : LOL KIDCOBRA : Good night EricA30 : He never believed me when I told him these things AFA Bard : Nite KIDCOBRA AFA Bard : Hiya Lavonne.. didn't see you come in! :)) AFL Gayle : Don't tell him. SHOW him, Eric! IC Gerry : IBM also doesn't automatically take advantage of memory above 640 have to program it..:( EricA30 : I'll print this out and march him on over to an authorized dealer... DAVIDSONRP: Seeing & hearing is the keywords! IC Gerry : I mutter nasty words when I have to use ours..:( PhilB18 : Haven't been able to get Apple stuff to operate as automatically.... PhilB18 : as DOS BCS Frank : Of course, Roger Wagner could sell abacuses at IBM. :) DAVIDSONRP: is = are LavonneS : I sneaked in here late, left a swim party just to catch the Sun nite wisdom ;) AFA Bard : Really, Phil? Like what? IC Gerry : Must be the wrong programs, Phil..:) EricA30 : And them I stink he'll like GS/OS than MS-DOS this and that and boring OS/2 BCS Frank : Phil, have you tried ProSel-16? TimD22 : hi eric EricA30 : Hey Tim AFA Bard : Hiya Tim! EricA30 : Do you like this stuff TimD22 : did ya get my mail? PhilB18 : I can run onto a board, download & back to c prompt with one .. keystroke DAVIDSONRP: I thought Roger was the one who convinced Apple to talk to IBM or IBM to Apple EricA30 : Yeppers...Congrats on sending it TimD22 : yeppers? IC Gerry : Hard to believe, Phil..I have two MS Dos compouters and I can't do that in one keystroke..:) EricA30 : Midwest term for YES AFA Bard : At the show, the Apple booth was massive. Their theme was "Opening Minds with a new set of Keys"... TimD22 : ok EricA30 : Please continue Bard BCS Frank : Phil, you can set up macros like that on Apples too... except for AOL. AFA Bard : the booth (at NECC in Phoenix) was flanked by the IBM booth and the Commodore & Tandy "tents"... TimD22 : i'm going to lobby a EricA30 : What about Apples again please AFA Bard : Commodore gets the innovation award... they were demo-ing (is that a word?) a new really NEAT glimpse PhilB18 : But to do it on Apples I have to get other special macro pgms and ... IC Gerry : Apples are just plain easier...especially for the novice... PhilB18 : nest macros ion macros. AFA Bard : into virtual reality called Mandela. Picture a bank of monitors 5 high and 5 wide... you're standing EricA30 : Thanks Gerry AFA Bard : in front of them and moving around interacting LIVE with the objects on the screen. It was amazing! IC Gerry : What programs, Phil? That has not been my experience... AFC Tooter: We're all ears (err eyes), Bard. EricA30 : Does anyone know how the GS is doing sales wise AFA Bard : Most were impressed until they saw all the other machines in their booth with text-based edware on AFA Bard : them. :)) MFJpsy : Tell more, Bard! AFA Bard : One scene, for example, showed a bunch of random alphabetical characters falling from the ceiling.. EricA30 : Bard is this Apple] AFA Bard : the user simply reaches up and "grabs" a letter.. and places it on the top of the "screen"... I DAVIDSONRP: to most Apple dealers the don't know what a IIGS is all the show you are MACS!! AFL Gayle : Nope, Eric. Commodore. IC Gerry : There is an Apple program that does that also..:) AFA Bard : watched a grandma write a poem that way. :)) Back at the Apple booth, I saw some more amazing things, DAVIDSONRP: the =they EricA30 : I don't get it DAVIDSONRP AFA Bard : though... like a Spanish and Japanese version of MacWrite, a GREAT demo of MECC's 1848 and some DAVIDSONRP: Bard what did you see from good ol' Apple ???? EricA30 : Ya bard....mainly the Apple IIgs AFA Bard : super rewrites -- like the upgraded Mac version of Children's Writing and Publishing. On the IIgs DAVIDSONRP: The dealers will show you Macs, they have wiped to IIGS from there memories! AFC Tooter: Japanese MacWrite!!! What kind of characters? AFA Bard : they were running mostly HyperStudio demos from folks who brought them in. I also saw a demo of EricA30 : I wish APple knew about this AFA Bard : a game, it was (another) version of the popular Tetris. (Toot -- it was Kanji, I think) AFL Gayle : Apple does, Eric. They were there at NECC. AFA Bard : NECC = National Educational Computing Conference DAVIDSONRP: I think Apple has stopped production on the IIGS, no more will be produced! EricA30 : Do you think schools are falling for the "Mac ATtack" AFA Bard : Right, Davidson... so did YOUR folks at the NECC conference. They displayed NO Apple II stuff. :) EricA30 : Are you kidding DAVid AFA Bard : Hiya OLI!!! Missed you at NECC! MFJpsy : Our school isn't! They are over in the 'other' camp! AFL Gayle : No, Eric, except maybe high schools. Elem. are still going for GS and e. DAVIDSONRP: Not if the schools are hurtin' from the budget & fiscal restraints!! DAVIDSONRP: Who Davidson at NECC ??? IC Gerry : GS computers are low priced right now.. AFA Bard : Yep. Davidson. AFC Tooter: I still love my orphaned e, Gayle, but why would anybody buy an e instead of a gs?\ IC Gerry : and new things are coming for the GS from Apple.. AFA Bard : Do schools really still buy e's?? DAVIDSONRP: What did you see there demo ed from Davidson , just curious ???? AFC Tooter: GMTA, Bard. IC Gerry : That has been discussed here on AOL..:) AFA Bard : Know any great rumors, Gerry? AFA Bard : Davidson... uhm.. I think MathBlaster and a geometry program. EricA30 : What about The Learning Company Bard DAVIDSONRP: YOU saw What's my Angle ??? and the New Math Blaster Plus for the MAC ??? AFA Bard : They were VERY big at NECC, Eric. Their booth was Great. They demo'd mostly Mac stuff. LavonneS : Bard, did you say that there was a GS upgrade for Children's Writing & Pub? AFL Gayle : No, Lavonne. Mac version of CWPC. DAVIDSONRP: BTW, Gerry Davidson is releasing a Geometry prog in Sept!!! AFA Bard : Yeah, DAV>REP. What's my Angle was the name of the program. VERY Nice! AFA Bard : No LAvonne... Mac Version.. VERY nice, though. :) EricA30 : Any GS specific stuff from the lern comp. AFL Gayle : Also a site license version for A2 now; network version due out the end of the AFL Gayle : year. IC Gerry : Great, Davidson..I'll be anxious to take a look at it.:) AFA Bard : REally, Gayle??? Great! AFL Gayle : No, Eric. :( Learning Company is going over to the Mac and IBM. :( LavonneS : When will the Mac version be released? AFA Bard : Hmmm.. don't remember, Eric. About that time I was doing System 7 training for Apple. :) EricA30 : Do you think APple will ever advertise the GS again DAVIDSONRP: What's the premise of the Geometry (What's My Angle ? Pool or Golf ??? AFA Bard : Not while the Classic and LC are selling well, Eric. MFJpsy : Bard, did you see any adaptive devices for users with limitations on input or MFJpsy : special output needs??? AFL Gayle : Mac version of CWPC is due out soon or is out already. Not sure, Lavonne. AFA Bard : Jpsy... I did see a neat adaptive aid for the Mac that's based on the voice input. It was a monstrous EricA30 : Are they selling for schools or business DAVIDSONRP: Bard, anyone demo English Express from Davidson the multi-media ESL prog. ??? AFA Bard : black thing that allowed kids who speak through a throat thingie (sorry medicine isn't my subject!) LavonneS : Does it CWPC for Mac have a good spell checker? IC Gerry : For the Mac there is OUtspoken and Voice Navigator..:) AFA Bard : to input text and give commands. Didn't see that one DAVIDSON. MFJpsy : Ah! Too big to be very practical, eh? :( AFC Tooter: Bard, any truth to the rumor that their might be a version of AppleWorks for the Mac? EricA30 : Please NO! AFA Bard : Yes, lavonne.. a GREAT one.. also some impressive sound and graphic capabilities.. almost like a AFC Tooter: NO? MFJpsy : I know, Gerry, but OUTSpoken is software, isn't it? AFA Bard : grandaddy DTP program. AFA Bard : Uhm, Toot. We cannot comment on unannounced products. :)) MFJpsy : There are several things built into MACS, I know. EricA30 : The II needs all support it can get AFA Bard : Eric.. if you were Apple or Claris.. what would YOU do about the IIgs? DAVIDSONRP: ESPECIALLY the IIGS's !!! :)))) EricA30 : Bard you mean you have access to unanounced products AFA Bard : Eric, we cannot commen announced products. :) EricA30 : I would liciense the support and marketing to.. DAVIDSONRP: He already mentioned in a nice way the prog What's My Angle from Davidson, LavonneS : Our district put on hold any purchases of IIGS and we bought only LCs this year IC Gerry : Yes, Fritzi...OUtspoken is software that reads the screen..voice Navigator uses voice commands to IC Gerry : operate the computer..:) Great for sightless. EricA30 : Quality Computers with still retaing.. DAVIDSONRP: thank you Bard! :)) It, too, hasn't been released but .... MFJpsy : Yes, Gerry. I know. EricA30 : The original logo and peripherals EricA30 : Quality in my opinion is the best Apple II supporter around DAVIDSONRP: Lavonne I bet you also purchased emulator cards for the LC's!! ;(((( EricA30 : Well everyone especially the guides... LavonneS : They did but I do not find myself using it. I have a GS that does that better. EricA30 : Thanks alot for an enjoyable conversation.... IC Gerry : I agree Lavonne..:) AFA Bard : Quality is great, Eric. I agree! AFA Bard : Welcome Spot! Just noticed you stepped in! EricA30 : If any one on here heres anything good or bad about the GS... LavonneS : I have a GS and a LC with an imagewriter between them and love them both :)) DAVIDSONRP: Is it amazin', the school purchase LC's and emulator cards, to me that's UNbel Spottysoft: heheh just lurking in the corner.. :) AFC Tooter: Ditto on Quality! AFL Gayle : Don't leave yet, Eric! We give away free hours each week to those who say the BCS Frank : Eric, there should be lots of gs news coming out of KansasFest. DAVIDSONRP: ievable! It's like One step forward 3 steps back! AFL Gayle : secret word first. (Hint... it would be well worth your while to stay until AFC Tooter: You're very lucky Lavonne. Best of both worlds. AFL Gayle : the end of the chat. :) LavonneS : They bought the emulator cards to transition people who have huge amt of MECC IC Gerry : Who here is going to Kansasfest besides me? :) BCS Frank : <-- Kansas Fest Bound! IC Gerry : :) AFA Bard : Hiya Jim & Sid! MFJpsy : Hopefully (if I get a room) coming for the weekend, Gerry. DAVIDSONRP: Not moi! ;(((( But two people I know from my Apple User group are going! :))) JimR2 : Hi, all! EricA30 : OK great Gayle...Because I'm only a kid and I vcan't afford all this BCS Frank : .... well, see you there, Gerry, Fritzi. :) MFJpsy : yep! :) DAVIDSONRP: Tell your friend Erica to get a IIGS - he /she won't regret it! :))) AFA Bard : Hang in there Eric.. you've been a GREAT part of tonight's chat! EricA30 : Thanks David and Bart DAVIDSONRP: Long Live the IIGS!! IC Gerry : Yes, FRank..I am SURE I will see you there..:) EricA30 : sorry.....I mean Bard....I'm sure your not like "Bart" HA! HA! BCS Frank : :) EricA30 : That's the spirit David DAVIDSONRP: It's a machine that Apple never recognize for it's fullest potential!! AFA Bard : Have a cow, Eric! :)))) EricA30 : With all the help I recieved tonight I'm sure I can convince him to get... AFA Bard : (Ieve I said that!))! LavonneS : Bart you have a new nickname :)) EricA30 : A GS instead of a Mac or MS_DOS DAVIDSONRP: If your friend needs convincing have him speak to Roger Wagner our IIGS is DAVIDSONRP: Apple's LC!!!! EricA30 : Bard-----Thanks for the friendly comment AFA Bard : Now Lavonne... I'm an underachiever. :)) EricA30 : Good one David AFA Bard : You're welcome, Eric. :) JimR2 : Roger Wagner could convince anyone to buy a IIGS. He is a great guy! EricA30 : I've never seen or met him...I would liek too AFA Bard : Roger Wagner's presentation at NECC sent the IBM folks scrambling.. you mean their LOW END (!!) EricA30 : Is there any way I can send him personal E-Mail AFA Bard : machine does all THAT??? LOL! LavonneS : Maybe Apple should let Wagner take over that part of the Apple world. He would DAVIDSONRP: It's Amazin', awesome what Roger does with a little ol' IIGS & HyperCard! BCS Frank : Eric if you ever get the chance to see him, it's worth it. JimR2 : I saw him at NECC and I think he will be at KansasFest. Talk to him there if you go. LavonneS : make it go places without their marketing help BCS Frank : Computers aside, his salesmanship is a great show, a real crowd stopper. AFA Bard : Jim, you were at NECC too? What did YOU think? DAVIDSONRP: Erica he's on AOL , you can probably contact thru the HyperStudio section! AFL Gayle : Eric, send email to RWagnerInc MFJpsy : I expect Wagner to do his demo at KFest!!! Think it's on the weekend! Hoping JimR2 : I didn' JimR2 : OOPS! DAVIDSONRP: Frank another Ex-Teacher/Educator!! :))) EricA30 : Thanks Bard IC Gerry : Roger WILL be at Kansasfest... AFL Gayle : You can also go to the Direct Connect area here in AED and find him in the JimR2 : I didn't see as many new things as I thought might be introduced. LavonneS : He's pretty available, I reached him via his 800 number. EricA30 : Gayle...Will the Roger read it himself JimR2 : I did enjoy it though. AFL Gayle : Roger Wagner area. AFL Gayle : Yes, Eric. IC Gerry : Yes, Eric..and he answers also..:) AFL Gayle : He also answers questions himself regularly. EricA30 : Wow...I'm going to send him something right away...A true GS type of Guy DAVIDSONRP: Gerry, tell Roger PRIZE says, "hello!" Give a hug to Della for me!! ;))) IC Gerry : I will..:) EricA30 : Me too David AFA Bard : I LOVE Della.. she's amazing! She remembers EVERYONE! Incredible! IC Gerry : Let's put Frank in charge of hugging Della tho..ok? :) AFA Bard : OK folks.. it's almost time for the FREE HOURS to be awarded!!!!!! EricA30 : Whos Della JimR2 : Rogers company is great. All his people are good people to know. AFL Gayle : My question, too, Eric. Who IS Della? DAVIDSONRP: So does Roger, Erica, mention something about Roger's tie and you'll be his Spottysoft: (working on it Gerry) :) AFA Bard : Della is Roger's secretary/confidant. She answers the phone. IC Gerry : Della is Roger's right hand person.:) DAVIDSONRP: life long friend!! Better yet find a WILD tie, and send it to him! :))) IC Gerry : in charge of demos also..:) EricA30 : Oh BCS Frank : Hmm... sounds like a great demo...... EricA30 : If I'm logging this whole thing will I be able... JimR2 : She's also the educational contact for all schools. EricA30 : to print it out later to show my prospective LC buyer..offline MFJpsy : Sounds like a good person to get to know, this Della! :) DAVIDSONRP: Frank, IF Apple had Roger demo the IIGS, there wouldn't be an LC etc. etc.!! EricA30 : Ya! AFA Bard : Right, Eric. Just close the log before you leave and then open it after you sign off. You can also AFA Bard : read it with an ASCII word processor. BCS Frank : :) IC Gerry : Fritzi, she is!! Very nice personality also..:) DAVIDSONRP: ERICA, you're potential IIGS buyer!! If you have trouble finding a IIGS for EricA30 : Marvelous again David...Thanks DAVIDSONRP: sale I may know someone who is dumb enough to sell his!! to your friend :))) EricA30 : That's a;; right I got something rigged up my sleeve to show him.... AFA Bard : LOL, Eric. :) DAVIDSONRP: THEN he can run all the marvelous Davidson IIGS sftwr. on his new IIGS!!! ;)))) EricA30 : a;;- alright AFA Bard : JIm.. anothing impressive YOU saw at NECC? AFA Bard : anothing = anything. :)) EricA30 : A nice copy of The Apple II Guide and a print out of this conv. JimR2 : InWords, the OCR software for the IIGS that works with scanners. DAVIDSONRP: Is that an Apple freudian slip Bard ??? JimR2 : It's been out since January but the first time I saw it. BCS Frank : reHi, y'all! :) AFA Bard : Hiya Dave! DAVIDSONRP: What does InWords, permit you to do Jim w/ a scanner ??? AFA Bard : Yeah, Jim. That was impressive! MFJpsy : afk LavonneS : Jim, how did it work? Is it fast? AFA Dave : Hi folks, I was at NECC, too! IC Gerry : Rehi, Frank!! :) DAVIDSONRP: Dave, what impressed you the most at Necc ??? JimR2 : It scans a page of text and transforms it from an image... JimR2 : to text. It was quick and very easy to use. AFC Tooter: Reports from a friend who uses InWords regularly are that it is better OCR than anything for the Mac. AFA Bard : And character recognition was almost 100%! IC Gerry : Yes, operates with the Quickie, from Vitesse..:) JimR2 : It works with the Quickie hand scanner or Thunderware's... DAVIDSONRP: No problem recognizing the various fonts or text ?? JimR2 : Lightning Scan. IC Gerry : :) EricA30 : Thanks Again Bard...Your a real pal JimR2 : That can always be an issue but what I saw was very good. AFA Bard : I watched him scan in a page from a newspaper -- great. It recognized different fonts, too.. after AFA Bard : training it. Training took less than 3 minutes. AFA Bard : And once you've trained it for a particular font, you don't have to do it again. AFC Tooter: Yes, just type the correct letter and it rmembers its mistake and corrects it forever. EricA30 : whats the $ on inwords DAVIDSONRP: That's the BIG improvement - training the scanner! way to go! JimR2 : It sure is nice to use when you have to copy a page of text... AFL Gayle : Around $79, Eric, from most mail order companies. JimR2 : and don't have the file. I hate retyping something over again. EricA30 : Not bad AFL Gayle : After I finish my internship, you'll get a first hand report on InWords and AFA Dave : The enthusiasm of all of the presenters and the participants for conference. DAVIDSONRP: Anything else, impress ya Dave ??? AFL Gayle : Quickie. I've got one now, but they're at home with my GS, put away until the AFA Bard : Jim... did you see the Commodore virtual reality exhibit? EricA30 : Isn't the GS great AFL Gayle : school work is done. JimR2 : Sure did. That was impressive. I haven't figured out where to... AFL Gayle : OK. It's time to announce our free winner for tonight. JimR2 : use it but I was impressed. DAVIDSONRP: 4 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE END OF school!! ;)))))))))))))))) LavonneS : Was Commodore's display on the Amiga? AFL Gayle : Our free winner is EricA30 for the word GS :) AFA Bard : Here it comes.. FREE hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah ERIC!!!! ()()()()()() Major applause! BCS Frank : Way to go Eric!! :) AFC Tooter: plop AFL Gayle : Not for me, Prize. "Real" school is over, but I'm interning through the end AFC Tooter: poached eggs AFC Tooter: phssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst AFC Tooter: SPLUDDDDDDDDDDDD AFC Tooter: BinGo JimR2 : Nice going Eric! AFC Tooter: pop pop AFC Tooter: thwang AFL Gayle : of July. AFA Dave : I saw the Commodore exibit, it wasn't virtual reality, more like interactive video... :) LavonneS : Congratulations Eric :))) AFC Tooter: kamakamakamakamakamakamakamakamakamasp AFA Bard : Uh oh... Toot's FOOD FIGHT again!!! DAVIDSONRP: See Erica talkin' about a IIGS paid off already!! Tell ya friend if he buys a AFC Tooter: Abrdged food fight this time. AFA Bard : Right, Dave. My thoughts exactly. DAVIDSONRP: IIGS, he may win free time on AOL! :)))) AFA Bard : (Thanks, Toot!!) EricA30 : You mean I can sign off now I got a free hour DAVIDSONRP: and forget Prodigy whatever!!! AFA Dave : One thing did bother me a bit, there were no Apple II computers at the Apple booth, only Macs. LavonneS : Your chat with us was a freebie :)) AFA Bard : Right, Eric! It will be credited to your account within a few days. (or sooner!) JimR2 : That's true, Bard. EricA30 : Thanks a lot guys...I'll send you all some mail if I get a chance DAVIDSONRP: Any thing impress ya w/ the MACS (excuse the use of the word) ??? AFA Bard : G'nite Eric. Say hi to Mom for me. ;) AFL Gayle : Right, Eric. The free nonprime time hour will be credited to your account IC Gerry : Mom?? ;) AFL Gayle : some time later this week. JimR2 : QuickTime on the Macs was really neat!!! AFC Tooter: Night Eric. Congrats on prize. Sorry about the food fight spill. DAVIDSONRP: Here's a IIGS's lookin' at ya Kid! :)))))))))))) AFA Bard : MECC's 1848 was incredible. QuickTime and some of the new SYSTEM 7 features were good too. LavonneS : What is QuickTime? AFA Bard : GMTA , JIM! QuickTime is a new multimedia editing tool (video especially). DAVIDSONRP: Pray Tell what's QTime ??? EricA30 : See Ya later AFA Dave : Lots of new software coming out on the Mac, some of the new programs that will use QuickTime are... JimR2 : You can I really like MECC's 1848 Wagon Train. AFA Dave : very interesting. IC Gerry : And what does it cost? Mac stuff is usually expensive..:) LavonneS : I am supposed to preview software for Mac this summer, QuickTime from who?? JimR2 : QuickTime allows you to compress and store video and audio... AFA Bard : Do tell, Dave! :) AFC Tooter: Did Broderbund show off KidPix? AFA Dave : Yes! JimR2 : in a file. In other words, you can take a clip of a video and... DAVIDSONRP: Can I help ya 'preview' Mac sftwr. ??? Dave AFA Bard : Yes, Toot. It was AWESOME! KidPix is the world's first SOUND enriched paint program. I watched a MFJpsy : Gotta move along. Nite, and thanks, all! :) LavonneS : Sure, what you got that's worth considering?? JimR2 : store it as a file so you don't need the video tape or laserdisc to show it. AFA Bard : grown man try to draw a pig and then grunt into a microphone!!! LOL!!! ROTFL!!! AFL Gayle : Well, gang, I'm on a "borrowed" phone line, so I need to go put in the request Mac Prince: Have you had problems printing with KidsPix? DAVIDSONRP: Later MF Jpsy Peace! AFC Tooter: I can vouch for its effectiveness with kids and adults as well. The best intro to paint I've seen. JimR2 : QuickTime is part of the system software, available in January. AFL Gayle : for Eric's free hour and log off. Thanks all for coming! See you next Sunday, AFL Gayle : as always at 8 pm ET. BCS Frank : Night, Fritzi :) AFA Bard : Prince... The KidPix folks admitted that one... they said a "patch" is on the way. DAVIDSONRP: Tooter, you at Necc, too??? AFC Tooter: None. It works fine on my Mac si. DAVIDSONRP: {}{}{}{}{}{}****** Gayle AFC Tooter: I wish :(((( AFA Bard : Good night folks... look for tonight's log to be posted (in edited form) in the AED NewFiles area AFA Bard : sometime tomorrow. AFC Tooter: Good night Gayle. Thanks. Mac Prince: Yes, we didn't select it for an 120 unit take home project because of that problems and others. BCS Frank : Night Gayle, thanks AFA Bard : Nite [[ Gayle ]]. 6/23/91 9:17:34 PM Closing Chat Log.