9/29/91 8:11:19 PM Opening "chat929" for Chat Log recording. AFC Tooter : *H e l l o ?* all Panda4 : Thanks Tooter Hi Bard! LavonneS : Hi Bard AFC Tooter : Let me know if you have other questions, Panda. I can answer here or through e-mail. Panda4 : I will! AFL Gayle : Welcome, LeProf! :) AFC Tooter : *H e l l o ?* Prof. LeProf : good evening Panda4 : Hi Prf! AFL Gayle : I know this is a tender subject, Andy, but have you found a job yet? AFA Bard : LeProf! :) Panda4 : No not yet:( AFL Gayle : That's too bad. :( Panda4 : And the newspaper says the new budget will be cut before it goes into effect.. GS ERIC : Hello All Panda4 : and that some systems will go bankrupt. AFA Bard : Hiya Eric... great to see ya online! Panda4 : Hi Eric! GS ERIC : My mom had to do a little something on 1/2/3 so I was a little late GS ERIC : I'm looking foward to tonights monthly review GS ERIC : :) AFA Bard : Ooooo... Lotus... they're getting ready for a large product announcement this month. ;) Panda4 : Really, Bard? GS ERIC : For the Mac :( AFC Tooter : One of my students was a developer. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Eric! :) GS ERIC : isn't it Panda4 : One of your students? AFA Bard : Really Toot? GS ERIC : Hi Gayle...it's great to be here...topic is the review right??? AFL Gayle : Ack! :( That's even worse, Andy. :( AFC Tooter : One of my students who graduated a few years back has been working on Mac 123 for two years, now. Panda4 : Yeah, AFL Gayle : Right, Eric. Monthly roundup and Open Chat. Do you have anything in particular AFL Gayle : you'd like to discuss. GS ERIC : Well just one question at the time... GS ERIC : I was typing a report to day on AppleWorks v3.0 and I accidently... GS ERIC : added a page break,,,,I looked in the book and every resource I had but I did GS ERIC : not know how to delete this....This is due tomarrow and I need to know how GS ERIC : HELP :) AFC Tooter : To cut a page break, use APPLE-Z to see the break, then use APPLE-D to delete it. AFL Gayle : Sure, no problem, Eric. :) AFL Gayle : TooT has the answer, Eric. (Gosh, he's fast! :) GS ERIC : Thanks a lot guys GS ERIC : My mom and I haven't figured that out since we got our GS LavonneS : That took me a long time to figure out the first time it happened to me GS ERIC : Oh Well GS ERIC : There is one thing I would like to know more about GS ERIC : If you remember last time I told you that I was helping install modems AFC Tooter : Wait 'til you try to cancel an indent!!! GS ERIC : so our district could talk to classrooms all over the world AFL Gayle : Is that difficult, TooT? GS ERIC : Thanks toot :) AFL Gayle : Right, Eric. For AT&T. How is that going? GS ERIC : Well we haven't exactly got it hooked up yet, the compute cood. AFC Tooter : You have to INDENT zero characters. Never saw that anywhere in the books. Took a night's thought whe AFC Tooter : I first started. GS ERIC : has the software and I haven't seen it....has anyone Panda4 : Knowing where to find the answer is just as good as knowing the answer! GS ERIC : ???? GS ERIC : That's why I have AOL :) GS ERIC : Did MFJpsy stop by??? LeProf : Has anyone a recommendation for an electronic gradebook? Is an AppleWorks GS ERIC : GradeBusters 1/2/3!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : Bard, could you tell LeProf about some of the gradebooks available in our AFL Gayle : libraries, please? LeProf : template as good as anything for crunching numbers and weighting scores? GS ERIC : My mom uses it and I ma truly amazed at what it can do?? Panda4 : Appleworks is good and many people people like it. I like GradeBook 2.o Panda4 : It's here int the Teachers Tools library! GS ERIC : thats the one you talked about last week wasn't ot??? GS ERIC : it Panda4 : Yes it is Eric! GS ERIC : I'll have to check that out...DL time?? AFL Gayle : Eric, you might want to post your question about the AT&T network on the Let's AFL Gayle : Discuss message board here under the Networks section. GS ERIC : cool...thanks AFC Tooter : Prof, I loke AppleWorks as a gradebook. I'm still using AppleWorks on my IIe for grades even though I Panda4 : I think it's about 20 min. dl Eric. AFL Gayle : We've had other users in past years who have discussed it there. AFC Tooter : doing almost everything else on my Mac. GS ERIC : Has anyone heard the details from the UGC conference the other night??? GS ERIC : I would kill to get a video of that...DId recource central tape it?? Panda4 : I was there. AFC Tooter : AppleWorks is VERY flexible. However, you need a bit of a knack for math to do the exotic equations. BCS Frank : The UG-TV conference? AFL Gayle : Eric, look in their library for the chat log. It should have been released by AFL Gayle : now. AFA Bard : Hiya BFRANK, Murray.. didn't see ya slip in. :) Panda4 : Frank Hi I didn't see you come in!:) BCS Frank : Hi, y'all :) AFC Tooter : *H e l l o ?* GS ERIC : Hi Frank :) TEACHER ms : Good Evening , Bard !!! GS ERIC : Long time since I talked to ya :) AFL Gayle : Andy just told me he's working on a proposal to teach teachers to use the AFL Gayle : computer in their classrooms. Could you tell us what you have thought about AFL Gayle : covering so far, Andy? AFL Gayle : Then maybe some of us would have some more ideas of what should be included. Panda4 : I am writing businesses in my area to fund it. AFA Bard : There are several demos for Gradebooks in our libraries, LeProf. Check our Teacher Tools library AFA Bard : for Magic Window and Gradebook 1 - they're both pretty interesting. I like GB 1/2/3 Mac (sold as AFA Bard : Making the Grade) though. :) Panda4 : What I am going to do is train teachers how to find, evaluate, implement GS ERIC : Is it as easy to use as the Apple version?? Panda4 : software into their lesson plans. AFA Bard : Wow, Andy! GREAT idea! (Yes, Eric.. easier - and you can use categories as well as points.) AFL Gayle : Where would you teach this course and with what types of computers, Andy? GS ERIC : Boy, if only someone in our district would do that, I think that 3-4 teachers.. BCS Frank : Andy, can you post your curriculum for that? Panda4 : Most of the teachers around here have no idea what to do with the computer so GS ERIC : use computers to fullest potential in my high school Panda4 : Yes When I get finalized, Frank! AFA Bard : Andy... where's your closest Apple Authorized dealership? Panda4 : the computers sit and collect dust. LavonneS : Andy, do the teachers have released time, after school, inservice credit ?? GS ERIC : Please let me now, I will definatley download that and give it to com. cood :) BCS Frank : Great :) Panda4 : There is one about 30 miles away, Bard. AFL Gayle : Are the computers in labs or in the classrooms, Andy? AFA Bard : Is that your Education authorized dealer, Andy? GS ERIC : The only okan we have so far in our district is after 50 hrs. of inservice... Panda4 : The time will be given as inservice time. It will have to worked through.. Panda4 : each local school system. GS ERIC : the teacher gets a computer.....That is still on the drawing boards though :) AFA Bard : Welcome Negotiator, Ximinez! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Bob and Ximinez! GS ERIC : hi BOB Panda4 : Some schools have labs and some have one computer in every room. Negotiator : Good evening. all GS ERIC : kind of computer :) AFC Tooter : Hi Bob, long time no see! Hi Xim! *H e l l o ?* Ximinez : Hello, people who are talking about education!!!! Panda4 : The teachers that use the computer in the classroom use it for enrichment LavonneS : Our computer coord. has had workshops to train computer using teachers to GS ERIC : IIe, IBM???? Panda4 : and drill and practice only :( GS ERIC : GS, Mac??? LavonneS : do workshops for peers about how they have used the tech. in curriculum GS ERIC : sounnd like our schools :( AFL Gayle : What types of software do you intend to show them, Andy? LeProf : thanks for your advice, good night all :) GS ERIC : later :) AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, LeProf! :) Panda4 : Mutilmedia for sure and also the State of AL has a conttract with MECC GS ERIC : for software>? Panda4 : Becuase most of the systems are so strapped money wise MECC will play heavly AFA Bard : Andy... Apple has a program called ACE. They offer "experts" in several subject areas as consultants- Panda4 : in all the software choices. AFA Bard : sometimes Apple dealers will pay for it. Roberta Young (their language arts/english) person has come AFA Bard : to Atlantass year. She's incredible! GS ERIC : Ya but they will probably lean all the way towards Macs respectivly:() Panda4 : I dled the TXT file several weeks ago, but I have not had time to read it AFL Gayle : Is ACE based in Cupertino, Bard? Negotiator : Do you know who is the Apple person for math, Bard? GS ERIC : right??? AFL Gayle : What text file, Andy? Panda4 : ACOT Panda4 : Apple classrooms of tomorrow! Panda4 : GS, Eric! AFA Bard : Uhmm...nope. ACE is nationwide. Consultants are from everywhere. Roberta is from Texas. GS ERIC : Oh ya...I recieved something in the mail from them AFL Gayle : That's different from ACE, Andy. LavonneS : Eric, I suspect you ARE right but Apple does still know we are out here GS ERIC : Wow...thats cool Panda4 : What is ACE. GS ERIC : true AFL Gayle : Speaking of ACOT, we will have someone from ACOT as our chat guest in Nov. BCS Frank : Andy, have you looked at the "loaner lab" offer from Roger Wagner, Andy? GS ERIC : Did anyone here the exact announcements from Apple, I heard... AFA Bard : Apple Consultants for Education. There are about 12 people from around the country. Apple flies AFL Gayle : And for those of you who have missed it, ACOT is now available in The AFA Bard : them everywhere. AFL Gayle : Education Connection, right here in AED. AFA Bard : ACOT can also be reached with KEYWORD: ACOT. :) GS ERIC : System 6, SuperDrive, Ehternet Panda4 : Yes I have Roger and I write each other all the time. He is a wonderful person GS ERIC : Now kid....I write him too GS ERIC : I mean no kidding...sorry BCS Frank : I suspect a lot of us write Roger. :) Panda4 : Do they have a fixed number Bard or do look around for more! GS ERIC : My cousin in West Virginia said that the state noew has a contact w/IBM GS ERIC : and they are taking out all present Apple's and implementing state issued IBM's GS ERIC : HAS anyone heard of that happening????? AFA Bard : They look, Andy, but haven't expanded lately. The program was evidently effected by budget cuts. :( GS ERIC : Mail....Please hold on Panda4 : :( money I wish it was 24 century ala ST TNG;) GS ERIC : back BCS Frank : Careful, Ady, with any luck you'd wind up working in a Klingon School district. AFL Gayle : Speaking of Roger, he will be a chat guest here next month on Oct. 20. :) AFL Gayle : LOL, Frank! :) Panda4 : I will talk to my dealer but they are not much help. They don't know about GS ERIC : really GS ERIC : That will be SO AWSOME!!!!!! Panda4 : much. LOL! Frank that wouldn't be as bad as the past two years in Bessemer! AFA Bard : Andy.. make sure it's the AESC (Apple Education Sales consultant) dealer for your area. They're GS ERIC : I always wnated to have like a conference w/him :) AFA Bard : Supposed to know what's going on! Negotiator : Great about Roger Wagner. I remember talking to him before and he was in a hotel room with a Panda4 : They are! Negotiator : lap top computer GS ERIC : IBM?? AFA Bard : Time for a letter to Cupertino, then, Andy. The last letter a county in S. Georgia wrote go em 2 fre Negotiator : Roger was most helpful - good guest AFA Bard : free Macs. :) GS ERIC : Great....Thanks Gayle Panda4 : A letter about getting a consultant, Bard? LavonneS : HS 3.0 should be out by then AFA Bard : Right, Panda! AFL Gayle : The newest issue of HyperStudio Forum (Fall, 1991) that just arrived late last AFL Gayle : week has an interview with Roger about 3.0. GS ERIC : Speaking of which, I just got e-mail from Roger saying that notices will go out GS ERIC : at the end of the month GS ERIC : for 3.0 AFL Gayle : Which month, Eric? Sept. or Oct.? LavonneS : The upgrade will be $50 for registered HS owners Panda4 : October, Gayle. BCS Frank : Looking forward to 3.0 :) GS ERIC : Oct repectivly GS ERIC : RESPECTIVY....I need Mavis :) AFL Gayle : Right. This issue of HyperStudio Forum says it will be released on Oct. 15. LavonneS : It is supposed to be a major revision that took lots of work so thats why price AFL Gayle : $45 + $5 shipping. AFA Bard : Anyone out there ever order anything from CDA computer sales? (mail order) Panda4 : The angle I am working on for this proposal is to get companies in this area AFL Gayle : "Almost a year in the making..." it says. BCS Frank : The Mac press reports that CDA is dead. Panda4 : I Have Bard, They are pretty good. Negotiator : Nope - you having trouble, Bard? GS ERIC : I got GWIII from them last Christmas and TD II...Are they still going??? AFL Gayle : Why do you ask, Bard? AFA Bard : Just a caution - they are in bankruptcy and are about to be bought out by a larger company. If AFA Bard : you have placed an order, or plan to place an order - Don't! I received e-mail (via AppleLink) that Panda4 : Well I will not order from them anymore. AFA Bard : over $65,000 in orders wouldn't be filled. Glad I didn't order anything! ;) GS ERIC : I was wondering myself, I haven't seen a ad in incider MACWORLD or USer :) AFA Bard : Welcome Philip! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Philip! :) LavonneS : Thanks for the tip Bard. could save a lot of trouble Philip1276 : hello Panda4 : I got the idea from Bruno's Apples for the Classroom Program. GS ERIC : Well thats all right, I only order from Quality now anyway :) GS ERIC : THERE THE BEST!! AFC Tooter : *H e l l o ?* AFA Bard : They're the best. :) I like Quality, too. :) AFL Gayle : Quality certainly has fast and competent service, Eric, and they have great Panda4 : :) GS ERIC : Enhance is real cool also AFL Gayle : support here online. :) GS ERIC : they do??? where AFL Gayle : So, Andy, when do you think you will be ready to submit your proposal? GS ERIC : I was going to write them and recamend that they do Philip1276 : What's Quality? An online store? GS ERIC : Quality Computers...The best Apple II mailorder business Panda4 : Probablly the middle of this week, I hope. AFL Gayle : Uh, I think maybe in AUT and AHW, Eric. Not sure. Panda4 : The bills are starting to come in ;) Philip1276 : Oh, I use an IBM clone. GS ERIC : ok...thanks...I think it would neat if some Apple II mailorder would have GS ERIC : ordering online AFA Bard : That's OK, Philip.. everyone's welcome! GS ERIC : IT wouls be super cool GS ERIC : No prob.....Welcome....There's a hint of IBM in their catalog...I don't know GS ERIC : about stock thought GS ERIC : ZAP the t Philip1276 : I don't know the first thing about apples except its interface is a lot like Win #.0 GS ERIC : mail...please hold GS ERIC : yep...thats only the Mac and the IIGS though BCS Frank : Philip, you got that backwards..... :) Panda4 : well actually it's the other way around.... but...... GS ERIC : Thats for sure Frank! Philip1276 : No, I recall seeing a Mac interface long before I saw Win LavonneS : What do you think will come of Apple and IBM coming together for development Panda4 : Pink OS. AFA Bard : Remember 5 + 3 is less than 7. :))) GS ERIC : Hold on that though Lavonne,,,,, AFA Bard : DOS 5.0 + Windows 3.0 is less than Mac System 7. :) AFL Gayle : Say what, Bard? AFL Gayle : Oh, I see. GS ERIC : When we had tech day...An IBM ed. rep was there that I talked to BCS Frank : Right, Windows has been trying to capture the Apple man Interface GS ERIC : from the big HQ in Atlanta for the IBM ed. dept..... BCS Frank : for a long time. Philip1276 : Maybe so but you may see developments for IBM clones and PS that will rival Macs GS ERIC : She was suprised I even mentioned it to her......SHe said she was Panda4 : Pink OS will reportedly run on any hardware platform. GS ERIC : told not to expect anything for about a decade :) AFA Bard : Yes, Philip.. I think we ALL hope that someday IBM will catch up to where Mac is today. ;) BCS Frank : Yup, we may... on the other hand Macs and gs's get new system software too. AFA Bard : Eric... what was her name? Philip1276 : How big will Pink OS be, after all look how big OS 2 is. GS ERIC : She wasn't on AOL....I met her in person she came all the way up from Atlanta GS ERIC : because our district put in a new PS/2 lab AFA Bard : You might be interested to know, Eric, that here in Atlanta Apple controls 47% of the BUSINESS and 89% BCS Frank : Pink OS is targeted to run on Macs... the "Purple" OS (Pink+IBM Blue) Panda4 : I am not sure but MacWeek says that is their long range goal. AFA Bard : of the Education market share....right in IBM's back yard. :) BCS Frank : is targeted for "all platforms." GS ERIC : WOW...you live in ATlanta???? AFA Bard : Go Braves! :)) Philip1276 : Go Dodgers GS ERIC : is there more than IBM ed. there...like other dept.??? Panda4 : And I live in Birmingham GO Go Braves!!!!!!! AFA Bard : LOL, Philip! AFL Gayle : CNN is also there, Eric. :) GS ERIC : I love Atlanta...we alwayas stop there on our way to Florida ever year BCS Frank : "Pink is the advanced Apple OS, elements of which may be used in the BCS Frank : Apple/IM joint OS. GS ERIC : Ya...I know we are taking a tour the next time we go through AFA Bard : And CocaCola, too, Gayle. :) Panda4 : MacWeek messed up, then. GS ERIC : TEDS EHAVEN :) AFL Gayle : Sure, Bard, but Pepsi is the Pride of the Carolinas (New Bern, NC) Negotiator : Yeh, I've seen your airport too, Bard. They make me fly to it on the way to Florida Philip1276 : gotta go, bye. AFA Bard : Bye Phil! AFL Gayle : Thanks for stopping by, Philip! :) GS ERIC : TNT, Weather Channel, Superstation TBS, CNN and HEadline News :) I KNOW TV! GS ERIC : later Phil AFA Bard : You know what they say, Negotiator... even to get to H*ll you gotta fly through Atlanta. :)) Panda4 : No matter where you go in the South even h*** you through Atlanta! AFL Gayle : Yes, "Bard's airport" has escalators and trams that talk to you. ;) AFA Bard : (That's Delta flight 666, BTW. :))) Panda4 : LOL!, Bard! GS ERIC : I have always head great luck w/DELTA through Atlanta AFA Bard : Yes, Gayle... and a ZILLION people running around asking questions like "where am I" and "do they AFA Bard : REALLY eat grits here?" :)) Negotiator : You land at one gate and have to travel on those damn trams for a half hour to get the connnection GS ERIC : Probably because after once....we stoped flying them:) UNTIED RULES!! GS ERIC : :) Panda4 : And I'm on the right end of the airport... and where's the bathroom! GS ERIC : We only have Continental, Northwest USAir and UNITED at our airport though Panda4 : How was the grit crop in GA this year Bard? ;) GS ERIC : 2 hr. drive to fly Delta...gotta go to Detroit GS ERIC : Is this farm ed. :) Panda4 : Hey Marty AFL Marty : Hi BCS Frank : Marty. :) GS ERIC : hi Marty ^&%&@%#*@&^#@)^@3%^&^*(*& GS ERIC : % AFL Gayle : Hi, Marty! :))) AFL Marty : It's nice to see you too Eric. GS ERIC : :))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) AFA Bard : "Grits is Great", Andy. I have personally sampled them... it's a VERY good year. :)) LOL! Panda4 : :) AFA Bard : Marty!! GS ERIC : He He...Jst haven a little fun :) AFL Gayle : Well, the Official AO clock tells me it is 8:58, which means it' Panda4 : It was good here in AL too! AFL Gayle : it's time to announce our Secret Word Winner for tonight. :) GS ERIC : do do do do dooooooooooo AFL Gayle : But first, a message from our sponsor... AED ;) Panda4 : :) AFL Marty : oops... bbl AFL Gayle : Our chat topic next week will be DeskTop Publishing in the Schools with Guest, GS ERIC : Martys cool :) AFL Gayle : HoboJungle. Right here on Oct. 6. :) AFL Gayle : Now for our winner... GS ERIC : Who's that??? AFL Gayle : Tonight's Free Hour Winner is ....... AFL Gayle : LavonneS for saying the secret word, "inservice." AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Congrats to [[[[[[ Lavonne! ]]]]]] !!!!!!!!! (::: standing ovation! :::) AFC Tooter : Yeahhhhh!!!!!!! Hooorray!!!! Gluglub splat FoodFight. GS ERIC : HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! LavonneS : yeah! all RIGHT Thanks, thanks Panda4 : Cograts Lavonne! AFC Tooter : Macro's dead :((((((((((((((((( AFL Gayle : You will see a free nonprime time hour credited to your account some time AFL Gayle : soon. Negotiator : yeah, lets see food fight AFA Bard : (I miss Toot's macros!) GS ERIC : Me too....wher is he\:( Panda4 : :) BCS Frank : Congrats Lavonne :) AFL Gayle : The winners of our free hours for files uploaded this month are JanLynn for Negotiator : we want food fight! We want food fight! AFC Tooter : Geee! Last week everyone thought I'd lost my marbles. LavonneS : Gayle you make my night. AFA Bard : Tooter is HERE, Eric. He's just "macro-less" :) Negotiator : We want food fight! AFC Tooter : Congrats Lavonne!!! AFL Gayle : her Women in American History HyperStudio Stacks and NathanG for his AFL Gayle : Tectonics HyperCard GS stack. AFA Bard : (both are OUTRAGEOUSLY great stacks!) AFL Gayle : We will have free hours again next month and will be celebrating Computer AFL Gayle : Learning Month! :) 9/29/91 9:03:53 PM Closing Chat Log.