10/13/91 8:00:52 PM Opening "Chat Log 10/13/91" for recording. AFL Gayle : OK. We're ready to get started. (Was on a voice call to Daddy.) Our "guest" AFL Gayle : tonight is AFC Tooter, who will share with us information about ScrapBook, USA. KristinT1 : Where's your daughter's school Gerry? AFL Gayle : (And Bard and Gerry both promise not to mention baseball at all. ;) AFC Tooter : ScrapBook and happy to talk about any link projects. AFL Gayle : We have one free nonprime time hour to give away to the lucky person who says AFL Gayle : the secret word IN context and stays until the end of the chat. AFC Tooter : There's a great folder starting on Math writing. IC Gerry : Mahtomedi, MInnesota..about 20 minutes NE of St. Paul,Kristin..:) AFL Gayle : That hour would be great for helping you with ScrapBook. :) Go, Ted. :) AFC Tooter : I'm not sure where to start. Wondering if anyone has seen the folder on writing in math class? AFC Tooter : MaryEz has 6th graders writing word probs about their school for other schools to solve. IC Gerry : I have seen the other folders but not that one... Panda4 : I haven't seen it Totter. What are some of the ideas in it? AFL Gayle : Why don't you tell us about it, TooT, and where we can find that folder? AFC Tooter : She's hoping other schools will respond by solving them and posting more word problems. AFC Tooter : Totter??? Not this early in the evening! AFC Tooter : The folder is in the Electronic Schoolhouse, keyword ESH. AFC Tooter : Are there any math teachers here? Does anyone know a math teacher? Panda4 : My fingers don't work right somtimes:) IC Gerry : <--has a son struggling with math as we type..does that count? :) KristinT1 : Met a few :) AFC Tooter : That's OK Andy. You could easily have been right. Panda4 : LOL! AFC Tooter : Well, it's a great folder. I like to see writing going on outside the English class. KristinT1 : Yes! LavonneS : I got into this late. what was the conversation about word problems? LavonneS : What level?? AFC Tooter : The problems are being written by 6th graders. They have measured everything in their school, I think AFC Tooter : and they are turning their measurements into word problems for others to solve. AFL Gayle : I know a math teacher. :) AFC Tooter : It grew out of a great chat Mary and Ragen held on writing in the math class. KristinT1 : Does AOL offer any type of school discount? I've been using my own. LavonneS : I think some of the best writing could come out of content subject areas AFC Tooter : I just saw when I signed on last week in school a note for a one year membership. Has anyone else see AFC Tooter : that. AFA Bard : I'm a fan of content-based writing, too, Lavonne. AFA Bard : Toot...Kristin.. I encourage you to deal with Quantum directly for "special" school account IC Gerry : No..where is that? I have been paying for my school too AFA Bard : matters. They're being VERY flexible of late!: AFC Tooter : We've been struggling about how to work math into ScrapBook. Every other subject can fit. Panda4 : I had my 6th graders write stories about what we studied in science all the Panda4 : time. AFC Tooter : Bard, perhaps this is a good moment for you to say a word on school accounts as you have one? LavonneS : Sounds like the word problems should be a good start AFC Tooter : Word problems make for a great project. I'm not sure how other Scrappers writing about more personal AFA Bard : OK... Panda4 : It helps them to personalize what they learned. AFC Tooter : things, would deal with them. AFA Bard : Currently, Quantum (AOL) is offering schools accounts with several billing options. However, AFA Bard : their flexibility is MUCH greater when you join with several other schools in your district or area AFC Tooter : We had some great social studies scraps from Georgia. Students studying the civil war wrote about the AFC Tooter : things around them which reminded them of the historic past. I did the same with AFA Bard : and bill centrally. OUr district just logged on 12 new accounts this month! Look for lots of Georgia AFA Bard : Teachers online! :)) AFC Tooter : a class of students studying 19th century Amer Lit. AFC Tooter : Already lots! Connecticut too. LavonneS : Will they bill via purchase order? AFC Tooter : Who do you contact, Bard? AFA Bard : I called Quantum's number in Virginia and talked with the "new accounts" person. AFA Bard : They WILL bill via purchase order IF you have enough accounts in one purchase group. LavonneS : Like how many? AFC Tooter : Any idea how many is enough. Do they want a minimum level of spending? AFL Gayle : 10, I think it is. AFA Bard : I think you're right, Gayle. They also look for "future potential accounts". We hope to have all AFA Bard : many more schools in our system online by June of 1992. AFL Gayle : AO can't afford to bill a small amount monthly without a credit card or check AFL Gayle : draft. AFC Tooter : Wow. That and the series, too! Panda4 : That's great Bard! AFA Bard : I'm really excited! IC Gerry : I am going to tell my principal about that! :) LavonneS : Bard will your schools contact each other thru AOL as well as other areas of LavonneS : country? LavonneS : Do you have a local BBS within your district? AFA Bard : Yes, Lavonne, but the main reason for the accounts is to use the other features of AOL - like AFA Bard : Scrapbook, encyclopedia online, etc. We have no BBS.. but we do have inter-school e-mail. It's AFA Bard : I*M based though and everyone hates it. :)) Panda4 : :) AFC Tooter : I see lots of schools turning to networks set up for schools only. I like the real-world atmosphere AFC Tooter : of AO. LavonneS : I*M based? AFC Tooter : -B- AFC Tooter : Hi Babz!!!!! AFA Bard : (Thanks, Toot!) AFC Tooter : *Welcome* AFA Bard : Babz!!! Wow! It's been quite awhile! BABZ001 : Hi! I was looking all over for you! AFC Tooter : I'm planning on reading one of your notes, Babz at CeCA on Wednesday. IC Gerry : HI Babz!!!! IC Gerry : LTNS!!!! KristinT1 : Thanks for the info. Bard. Do you work at the district level? AFC Tooter : Tell her, Bard. IC Gerry : LTNS is Long Time No See..;) KristinT1 : Someone famous hiding their identity? : ) AFC Tooter : Bard must be watching sports. Yes, he works at the district level with a budget we might all envy. AFA Bard : Yup.. I was recently promoted to Coordinator of Instructional Technology for my school district. :) Panda4 : So Scrapbook is a writing across the curriculum project! That's Great! I wish AFC Tooter : Well deserved!! AFA Bard : Sports, Tooter? No.. just busy doing the tomahawk chop. :)) AFA Bard : Thanks, Toot. :) Panda4 : I could get the yahoos around hear interested! AFC Tooter : Absolutely, Andy. In the Curric guide I put lots of suggestions for adapting to different curric areas KristinT1 : Geat! And it sounds like you're doing a super job for them IC Gerry : Congrats, Bard!!!! BTW, if Gayle won't let me say anything about baseball, you can't either..:) Panda4 : These folks around here talk the talk but will not walk the walk! Panda4 : :( IC Gerry : And that curriculum guide is fantastic!!!! :) AFC Tooter : Thanks, Gerry. IC Gerry : Lots of them are just afraid, Andy..:) Panda4 : Our Tech Coordinator was using Sys 4.0 until I change it for her. IC Gerry : But Toot makes it so easy for us! :) KristinT1 : Where are you, Panda? LavonneS : Tooter, are you going to publish it for the rest of us? AFL Gayle : That's right. Bard, NO baseball. ;) Panda4 : Alabama AFC Tooter : It is published, Lavonne. Panda4 : I hope not for long;) LavonneS : OK, how is it available? I would like to get a look AFC Tooter : It's about 70 pages and filled with suggestions from great Scrappers like Babz qand Gerry and Bard and Panda4 : How could we get a published copy Toot? AFC Tooter : more. KristinT1 : Are some(most?) of you using Macs? I know we're in the Apple II 'area' Panda4 : IIGS:) BABZ001 : I'm Mac. AFC Tooter : The first edition is mostly sold, but I will have another edition within the week. The cost is $25. AFC Tooter : Just contact me throuygh e-mail if you want one. LavonneS : <----- GS IC Gerry : Kristin, we are on Apple IIs at our schools..the original ones I think..LOL!!! AFC Tooter : My school is all IIe's so our work on ScrapBook is IIe. I'm running on Mac. AFC Tooter : Oh, Gerry, like ours. AFA Bard : Remember, Kristin, that if you work in ASCII everyone can share. :) AFC Tooter : BobPeck has one in a wood case. AFC Tooter : I think it's a horse drawn IIe. AFA Bard : (BUY the ScrapbooBook.. it's WELL worth it!) (::: plug:::plug::) LavonneS : I am about to begin an independent study on Technology in Spec Ed Curriculum IC Gerry : ok..maybe ours are the SECOND group they made.:) LOL!!! KristinT1 : Yes, Bard, it is a great equalizer LavonneS : Any references that would help would be most appreciated AFC Tooter : Lavonne, two things to look into... AFC Tooter : NinaTE is putting together a data base of telecomm projects in the school for SNET, out local phone co AFC Tooter : company. You might want to contact her. Another source is NCTE. Our Writing Center is an AFC Tooter : 'NCTE Center of Excellence for students at risk. They have a program identifying programs AFC Tooter : throughout the country. AFL Gayle : (Voice call from car pool; watching chat, too) IC Gerry : Isn't there a project out there about tracking earthquakes too? :) KristinT1 : May I ask a specific Scrapbook question? AFC Tooter : Sure :)))) AFA Bard : Go, Kristin! LavonneS : Thanks Tooter, I'll follow those leads KristinT1 : Thanks, tell me about CHRONICLES KristinT1 : I haven't found the info on it yet AFC Tooter : Chornicles was new with the Spring exchange. Students add a short newsy piece each week AFC Tooter : about what happened in their classes, school or community. It is an informal AFC Tooter : way for students to communicate while working on the essays. You can read the AFC Tooter : current chronicles in STtoST now. Generally, it is best KristinT1 : one per student? One per class? AFC Tooter : done by appointing teams of chroniclers for the week. AFC Tooter : One chronical per class eaxch week or maybe twice a week. AFC Tooter : I let my students do it as an extra credit assignment outside of class. Kids like it IC Gerry : Is that part of the Rich and Creamy, or the regular scrapping? :) AFC Tooter : because then they're the ones that get to go online and post and download. We hang thew Chronicle ent KristinT1 : I would like to participate fully, but I only have these kids one afternoon per week - we'll see... AFC Tooter : entries on a bulletin board in class and students read them during the day. AFC Tooter : Regular, Gerry. AFC Tooter : Kristin, perhapos you have a couple of zealous students who want to come in extra once a week to do it AFC Tooter : If you absolutley can';t, don't let that keep you from ScrapBook, but it very much spices things up. BABZ001 : Can anyone tell me about the GIFconverter? What does it do? AFC Tooter : GIF converter converts between various image formats on the Mac. KristinT1 : I'm sure we'll find a way. Thanks for the suggestions. AFC Tooter : It's a neat utility to let you look at all kinds of graphics that you get online. It's shareware. AFL Gayle : GIF converters work for all graphics, TooT. AFA Bard : GIF images can also be read by IBM programs. It's a "universal" graphics format. :) Panda4 : Even my machine reads Gif:) AFC Tooter : But I don't think the GIF converter works on anything else. I think there is a different utility on t AFC Tooter : the other formats. Panda4 : But they are usally called Gif converters:) AFA Bard : Marty!!! BABZ001 : I'm still searching for something to convert my digital photos of kids for scrapbook project to send BABZ001 : with essays. <<<< AFA Bard was bumped for a minute or so.. log resumed >>>> IC Gerry : IC is Industry Connection here on AOL.. AFL Marty : AFC = AOL Forum Comedian AFA Bard : rehi.. got bumped. :(( AFL Gayle : AFL=America Online Forum Leader AFC Tooter : AFC = AOL Forum Consultant AFL Marty : :) Panda4 : IC=Industry Connection AFL Marty : err... Consultant AFL Gayle : The C is a Consultant, and the A is an Assistant. AFC Tooter : Much better, Marty. AFL Marty : AFA = Always Fooling Around :) AFC Tooter : He's gone. Panda4 : LOL! IC Gerry : I am Online Support Specialist in Industry Connection AFL Marty : (AOL forum Assistant) AFC Tooter : He's back. AFL Gayle : That's right, Marty. He just sneaked out. ;) AFL Gayle : The C is correct, too, I dare say, TooT. ;) IC Gerry : HI PShapiro! :) AFL Marty : Hi Phil AFA Bard : Dumped again! :( AFC Tooter : Hi PS AFA Bard : Hi Phil! AFL Gayle : Hi, Phil! :) Panda4 : Hi Phil! PShapiro : Hi folks. KristinT1 : Do you represent a specific industry/company, Gerry? AFL Gayle : A BIG welcome to our newest Direct Connect, Phil Shapiro, from Balloons AFL Gayle : Software! :) AFL Gayle : Gerry covers them all, Kristin. IC Gerry : I support all of the over 90 companies we have here online..hardware and software..keyword IC..:) PShapiro : This is my first time in a group conference, so don't mind me if I'm a little PShapiro : shy. IC Gerry : WElcome, Phil!!!! Glad to have you aboard!!! AFL Gayle : No need to be shy, Phil. We're all friendly educators here. :) IC Gerry : Phil, we give good lessons.: AFC Tooter : The topic tonight is school links. Anyone looking for pen pals, at least? PShapiro : Gee, what's the topic of discussion tonite? AFA Bard : Don't be shy, Phil. Jump in whenever you wish! BTW..I've been to the new area and it looks great! AFL Gayle : Using America Online in the Classroom, Phil. PShapiro : Oh, thanks, Bard. AFC Tooter : I'll have to make the trip when we're done. AFL Gayle : Phil will be our guest in December. :) IC Gerry : Especially the Scrapbook project..:) AFC Tooter : :))))) LavonneS : Phil, I saw the description of your software. What level would it be for? AFL Marty : You're involved with the ScrapBook project, aren't you Gerry? PShapiro : Lavonne, the Number Squares puzzles can be used by any kids in K-8, PShapiro : although they were designed specifically for 3rd and 4th graders. AFL Gayle : Gerry's school has participated in ScrapBook before, yes, Marty. AFC Tooter : Gerry participated last year and hopes her schoool will be in the current exchange. LavonneS : Great, I will EMail you to check on ordering AFL Marty : My school will be involved in the November Exchange. AFL Marty : (exchange #3) AFC Tooter : That's great, Marty. PShapiro : Lavonne, I'd be happy to send out a flyer, if you get me your address. AFC Tooter : I got a note from another teacher today who wants to be in that one. IC Gerry : GLad to hear that, Marty..sorry..I was helping someone..:) AFC Tooter : What does the number square puzzle teach, Phil? PShapiro : Can someone explain the Scrapbook project, please? AFC Tooter : Sure... PShapiro : Logically reasoning, Tooter. AFL Gayle : Logic, TooT. AFC Tooter : ScrapBook is an essay exchange toward building a ScrapBook of all the places we live. PShapiro : But they're really fun. Not like the dull Sunburst disks. AFC Tooter : Classes or individual engage in an 8 week curriculum with lots of room for special AFC Tooter : 'events. Half way through they exchange essays and then respond. Everything ends with an online part AFC Tooter : party. AFL Gayle : (And less expensive than Sunburst, not to mention, not copy protected. :) AFC Tooter : Can my 3rd grade son play at home? Panda4 : What's part party, Toot? AFL Gayle : And, of course, Balloons Software has online support. :) AFC Tooter : At the end of each exchange we have an online Finale Celebration. PShapiro : I think the party could be very pedagogically beneficial. AFC Tooter : And it's fun, too. There's a log of oner in the ScrapBook library. IC Gerry : <--hates copy protection..it just makes more teachers unsure of how to use the software. :( LavonneS : Last year I put hearing impaired kids in touch by chat with BarryP. in Phoenix AFA Bard : Ditto, Gerry. :) AFL Gayle : Any final questions about ScrapBook USA before I announce our free hour winner AFL Gayle : for tonight? LavonneS : It was GREAT and we will do it some more if I can get an acct going. IC Gerry : It doesn't seem to stop the pirates..just the innocents.. IC Gerry : Toot got dumped..:( AFA Bard : Don't say PIRATES, Gerry!! :)) AFL Gayle : Be sure and check out all of our Direct Connects. Several new ones. :) KristinT1 : No, thank you for the conversation Panda4 : Thanks Toot for all of the info!!! AFL Gayle : Our guest next week will be Roger Wagner, speaking of Direct Connects. :) IC Gerry : Bard!!!!! ::Glancing at Gayle, hoping she didn't notice that::: ;) AFA Bard : LOL! AFL Gayle : Our winner for tonight is..... AFL Gayle : (=I= saw you slip that in, Gerry!) IC Gerry : Roger does a GREAT job!!!! Panda4 : re Tooter! AFC Tooter : Made it back. AFL Gayle : LavonneS for using the word, writing! IC Gerry : Gayle!!!!! Only BARD took it as sports..I DID mean software you know whats AFL Gayle : Re-Hi, TooT! :) IC Gerry : Rehi Toot!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Yea.................. LAVONNE! ......... YEA!!! AFC Tooter : Did Lavonne win? IC Gerry : Congrats, Lavonne!!!!! :) AFL Gayle : For more information about ScrapBook, USA, check out The Education Connection PShapiro : It was quite funny, though, Tooter. AFC Tooter : Or use keyword ESH AFL Gayle : here in the Apple // Education Forum. A new round will begin on Tuesday. AFC Tooter : Right!!! AFA Bard : (more or less!) IC Gerry : Phil, it gets faster with prqactice and enthusiasm..and these chats are ALWAYS enthusiastic!! AFL Gayle : He was chastised, Gerry. ;) AFC Tooter : Lots of school are signed up. Exchange one is going strong. AFA Bard : (still reeling from the flogging) IC Gerry : <--glad to hear that! LOL!!!! PShapiro : What's the distribution of elementary, middle, and high school teachers IC Gerry : ROTFL!!!!! PShapiro : online tonite? LavonneS : Phil, watch these guys, they get out of hand if you let them IC Gerry : <--elementary Panda4 : Elementary:) LavonneS : Elementary AFC Tooter : We've had schools all the way from grade 2 through college. Most seem to fall between PShapiro : Elementary AFA Bard : <-- former middle, now a "district office" person. :) BABZ001 : Grades 7-12 AFC Tooter : grade 5 and 9 PShapiro : As they say in Japan, "Velly, velly intellesting." Panda4 : :) AFA Bard : I thought that was Laugh-In, Phil. :)) Anyone remember the ending?? Panda4 : I remember! IC Gerry : Ours is grade 8 this time... AFL Marty : <-- middle school AFC Tooter : Oh. 9-12 PShapiro : What distribution of Apple II, Mac, MessyDos? PShapiro : Me, A2. AFL Marty : Apple II Panda4 : <------IIGS AFC Tooter : <----- Writing Center coordinator 6-12 AFL Gayle : Mostly, Apple //, Phil; a few Mac. Any MSers yet, TooT? AFC Tooter : Mac and IIe at home IIe's at school. BABZ001 : Mac Lab. IC Gerry : IIE AFC Tooter : Don't brag :) AFC Tooter : That was to Babz. IC Gerry : GS, Mac and IBM at home... IC Gerry : for work..:) Panda4 : Did you get your HD fixed yet, Gerry? AFA Bard : Well folks.. I'm heading off to, er.. do my homework. ;) Look for an edited log in our AED AFA Bard : NEW FILES library by tomorrow night. :) AFA Bard : Night! BABZ001 : I guessed it was Toot. PShapiro : IC Gerry. Sounds like you've got all your bases covered. AFC Tooter : Night, bard. No school tomorrow. Panda4 : See you Friday Bard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : Can't wait Panda!! AFL Gayle : Homework? I know administrators have secretaries to do your homework for you!;) IC Gerry : I try Phil..:) Panda4 : :) AFL Gayle : No school tomorrow? Gee, is there any justice in this world? ;) AFA Bard : LOL! AFA Bard : Nite, Toot. Great work, as always! 10/13/91 9:09:59 PM Closing Log file.