11/10/91 8:00:54 PM Opening "Chat Log 11/10/91" for recording. AFL Gayle : Well, the official AOL clock says it's time to start, and the wrym has already AFL Gayle : marched by. ACOTScott : Toot, I just have the 1200, so I have no problem, or perhaps I do when I am so slow :) AFL Bobloo : ::chopping up wyrm...:: AFL Gayle : So, Bob, how about telling us about the Academic Bowl? AFL Bobloo : Hello there, Panda. Panda4 : Hi!!! AFL Gayle : Hi, Andy! :) Since you arrived, I'll announce we have one free hour to give AFA Bard : Andy! AFL Gayle : away to the lucky person who says the secret word in context and stays until Panda4 : Bard! AFL Bobloo : And you are the prime candidate so far...hehe AFL Gayle : the end of the chat. :) AFC Tooter : Hi Andy!!! *Welcome* Panda4 : Hi Toot AFL Bobloo : Most everyone here knows about the Academic Bowl already... AFL Bobloo : Though I don't know what Andy might or might not know. AFL Gayle : We don't know anything, Bob. Tell us. ;) AFL Bobloo : hehehe AFL Gayle : Andy wants to know all and so do all of our loyal log readers. :) AFL Bobloo : Ok... AFL Bobloo : The intent here is to have an Academic Bowl on Monday, Nov 25th AFL Bobloo : I sent out information on this last spring, but don't know how many AFL Gayle : Intent? We are, aren't we, Bob? AFL Bobloo : remember from that time. Panda4 : Where is the Academic Bowl, here on AOL? AFL Bobloo : Yes, Panda, and Yes, Gayle AFL Bobloo : The Academic Bowl, Andy AFL Gayle : Welcome, Lennie! The Academic Bowl is our topic tonight with our guest, Bob. :) AFL Bobloo : Runs a great deal like College Bowl used to. AFL Bobloo : We will be holding the event in the Rotunda AFL Gayle : Hmmm... actually, Andy has a good question, Bob. Will we be in the Forum AFL Gayle : Rotunda this time? AFL Bobloo : Where we have the ability to show questions on the screen AFL Gayle : (GMTA. :) Panda4 : How many schools participated last time? AFL Bobloo : Last time we had 6 schools, I believe AFL Bobloo : We can handle as many as 16, but that would really be pushing it Panda4 : :) AFL Bobloo : I feel comfortable with from 4 - 8 schools AFL Bobloo : We look for the kids to be from 4th grade - 7th grade ACOTScott : Bob are the schools submitting questions again this time? AFL Bobloo : I sure hope so, Thelma..:) AFL Bobloo : As of this point, I don't have any confirmations from any schools AFL Bobloo : But I haven't sent out info asking for it since last Spring AFL Bobloo : Which is MY fault... AFL Bobloo : Hi, Frank AFL Bobloo : Each school is asked to send questions to me... AFL Gayle : Welcome, Pamme, Frank, Gerry, AND Murray! :) AFL Bobloo : And then I chose 3-5 questions from each school BCS Frank : Hi, Bob, Pam, Toot et al :) AFA Bard : Hiya Murray! Frank!, Gerry!! IC Gerry : HI!!!! TEACHER ms : Thanks, Gayle !!! Pamme M : < {{{ Bob }}} > AFL Bobloo : Evening, Gerry, and Pam!! Panda4 : Do you do it by Grade level or is each grade working against the other? AFC Tooter : Hi all. Did you all come in the same taxi? BCS Frank : Hey, nice gang here tonight! :) IC Gerry : seems like the old days!!! :) AFL Bobloo : No. We have never had a grade level event, but haven't had a need to Panda4 : {{{{{{{{{{{{Gerry}}}}}}}}}}}} Panda4 : Hi Frank! AFL Bobloo : The mix of grade levels has not been a problem. AFA Bard : Our kids thought it was GREAT fun last year, Panda. We crammed all of them into our media center and AFA Bard : had the event on a large screen. It was fantastic. IC Gerry : <--doesn't want to interrupt so hugs for all.:) AFL Bobloo : As a matter of fact, we have found that anyone can win. AFL Bobloo : Our Fifth grade beat out some 7th grades last year. AFA Bard : :)) IC Gerry : <--is upset that the firsat one is held while we are not in school..:( WE haven't missed a one yet! IC Gerry : They are GREAT!!!!! :) AFC Tooter : Hi NIna!!!! AFL Bobloo : Awwwww Gerry! Your kids are out of school that date?? AFA Bard : And don't forget, Andy.. it's the ORIGIN of the Food fight online!!! (Yea, Toot!!) AFL Bobloo : So are the kids from Montery Calif. AFA Bard : Welcome Nina! AFC Tooter : *Welcome* AFL Gayle : No, Bob. Gerry's children are skipping down to FL. Panda4 : LOL! NinaTE : HI TOOTER I made it, I don't know how! AFL Gayle : Glad to see you, Nina! :) AFL Bobloo : The reason that we choose this date for the first bowl of the year IC Gerry : Gayle, our school is off the week of Thnaksgiving..when Bob is having the first bowl..:) Panda4 : Hi Mike! IC Gerry : {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Nuzz}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} AFA Bard : Mike! Welcome! AFL Bobloo : is that I will be at NYSCTE Conference.. demoing the event IC Gerry : HI Nina!! Hi Ragen!!!! AFL Bobloo : Hi, Mike. Nuzz : Hello IC Gerry : I know...:) AFA Bard : [[[ Ragen! ]]] We're chatting with our own AFL Bobloo about ACADEMIC BOWL. RagenT : Hi Gang! AFL Gayle : (Gee, do you believe the long vacation those parochial schools take, Bard? ;) AFL Bobloo : Gerry...any possibility you can pull some kids together and enter a team? BCS Frank : Mike :) AFA Bard : LOL, Gayle! AFC Tooter : Ragen!!!!! AFL Gayle : Gerry will be in FL, Bard. She'd have to raid another school. ;) RagenT : Missed you at MacWorld Bobloo! AFL Bobloo : Hello there, Ragen!! Panda4 : Our schools are doing it to save money:( IC Gerry : But I will be where it is long distance..so I can't even attend.I hope someone logs for me! Hint Hint AFL Bobloo : Drats, Ragen :( Pamme M : Gerry... I'll log it for ya. IC Gerry : Grr Gayle..:) AFL Bobloo : Panda.. are your kids out of school on the 25th as well? RagenT : When's the big date ? AFA Bard : I think Sherah (TRICKUM) will particiate this year, Bob. IC Gerry : Thanks, Pamme!!!!!! Pamme M : :) AFL Bobloo : That's great, Bard! AFL Bobloo : The 25th of November, Ragen AFC Tooter : I think Nina was very interested. Will your school be able to make it for that date, Nina? AFL Bobloo : I'd like to have questions to me by next monday. NinaTE : Excuse me, but could you give me a quick run down on what is going on? ACOTScott : The 18th, Bob? AFL Bobloo : Yep.. the 18th, Thelma AFL Bobloo : Sure, Nina. We are talking about the Academic Bowl AFL Gayle : OK, Bob. How about starting from the beginning, Bob, for the late arrivers? RagenT : That's a Monday, the 25th? AFL Bobloo : Which we are running on Monday, Nov. 25th AFL Bobloo : An Academic Bowl IC Gerry : Whats the 18th then? ;) ACOTScott : I meant for the questions, not the Academic Bowl? AFL Bobloo : is similar to the old Colege Bowl games AFA Bard : Who's on first?? LOL! Panda4 : Do you take questions from participating schools, only? AFL Bobloo : Yes. And we want the questions to be written by the kids. AFL Bobloo : We also want to know who wrote the questions NinaTE : Are any types of questions game? Current Events for instance? AFL Bobloo : As we will give them credit when we use their question AFL Bobloo : Current events is fine. Panda4 : Our State has an AB on PBS television. AFL Bobloo : We also have had geography, science, math, including word problems. ACOTScott : Hello, Nealey. Everyone this is our ACOT teacher from Memphis this year. She tells me she is going AFL Bobloo : Any topic that is part of your curriculum is fair game ACOTScott : to participate in the Academic Bowl. AFL Bobloo : Great news, Nealy ACOTScott : It will be the first for Memphis. Hope that Blue Earth will also participate. TEACHER ms : Hello Nealey !! AFL Bobloo : er, Nealey. AFL Gayle : Great, Nealey! Welcome! :) AFA Bard : Welcome Nealey! We're glad you're on board! ACOTScott : Maybe even Nashville. AFC Tooter : You might have quite a crowd, Bob. AFL Bobloo : Quite a crowd would be ok with me..:) NinaTE : I want to watch the first time AFL Bobloo : Binghamton is def. playing. Panda4 : :) Bob ACOTScott : Nealey, Bob is explaining all about the game. AFA Bard : bob... you want to try a Sample question, just so folks know what to expect? MemNealey : MemNealey,finally made it and Memphis ACOT will not come in on the end like I did. AFL Bobloo : Ummm... not sure I can remember one right off the top of my head AFL Bobloo : but if you give me a second, I'll fire up my Mac AFL Bobloo : And see if I don't have some questions there. AFL Bobloo : from previous events. AFA Bard : Sure, Bob. This could be fun! Just like old times, remember Toot, Gerry? AFC Tooter : *MadHen* AFA Bard : LOL! IC Gerry : Yup... Pamme M : Technically, what happens is that we throw AFA Bard : Uh oh... lost Gayle! AFA Bard : Welcome Griffith! Pamme M : the question out for all of the schools to IC Gerry : Bob is a great Emcee..the kids love his corny jokes..:) Pamme M : answer... ask them to hold pressing return Pamme M : until they are told to do so... Pamme M : This gives even the slowest typists a Pamme M : chance to type in their answer.. Panda4 : :) Bob tells corny jokes, too? RagenT : Have some questions right in front of me Bobloo from the last one. IC Gerry : That's right, Pamme! Pamme M : Then, everyone sends in their answer and Pamme M : presses return at once... AFL Bobloo : Me?? Nah... no corny jokes here... Hummmphhhh... Pamme M : We give more time for the match questions... AFA Bard : Thanks, Pamme... it's also important that you folks go to GREAT pains to de-emphasize the competition IC Gerry : But even that doesn't give you much time..yuo have to really know those answers! :) AFA Bard : and emphasize learning and fun! BCS Frank : Those are his -best- jokes. :) Pamme M : :) Pamme M : Gerry... that's right.. Panda4 : LOL Frank! IC Gerry : <--LOVES to tease Bob! ;) AFL Bobloo : (BTW... I've got some sample questions, btw...:) RagenT : ie: What was Cortes searching for in Mexico...Gold and Silver. Pamme M : But it also helps to keep people from copying. AFL Bobloo : Name the two explorers sent out by Thomas Jefferson NinaTE : What grade levels usually participate? AFA Bard : Rehi Gayle! Panda4 : reGayle AFL Bobloo : The Highest Court in the US is the NinaTE : Lewis and Clark AFL Bobloo : Which State is farthest north on the continent of North America Pamme M : Nina... it's usually grades 4 - 6, right Bob? RagenT : Or : How many republics in the Soviet Union?. MemNealey : MemNealey: Supreme Court AFA Bard : Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill Show? AFC Tooter : None, Ragen! BCS Frank : How many Republics today? AFL Bobloo : Halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole is a mapline called the Panda4 : :) Bard! RagenT : Well, that WAS one of the questions... AFA Bard : Good point, BFrank! AFL Bobloo : How many miles is it to the sun and back? AFL Gayle : Lots, Bob. ;) Pamme M : As you can see, these questions are wonderful!! IC Gerry : Rehi Gayle..:) AFL Bobloo : Sorry... missed some questions...was trying to give you a feel for some of the questions Panda4 : I think taht changes daily, Frank! AFA Bard : (As the crow flies, bobloo - or by the Triple-A map?) BCS Frank : Too many, Bob, bertter you should travel at night. AFL Bobloo : hehe AFA Bard : ROTFL, Frank! NinaTE : How often do you hold a Bowl? AFL Bobloo : Anyhow.. the questions cover a wide gamut AFL Bobloo : Two to three times a year, Nina. ACOTScott : Will you send a form for them to submit their questions again, Bob? AFC Tooter : Not often enough, Nina ;) IC Gerry : NOt often enough, Nina..:) IC Gerry : :) AFL Bobloo : Frankly, I'm getting to the point where I will need to have help to put these together. Pamme M : Ohhhh echo!!! And a vote for more! IC Gerry : The kids LOVE these!!! ACOTScott : Hi, Alan, good to see you. AFL Gayle : For those who want the form for questions, check out the Article and AFL Bobloo : The kids do love them, but they are a lot of work AFL Bobloo : Anyone want to help?? hehe RagenT : When is the sign up deadline? AFL Gayle : Transcripts Library here in AED. For your convenience, I've moved it and all NinaTE : Sounds like a GREAT idea, I know we'd like to join. AFL Gayle : of the previous chat bowl logs to the top of the library. :) AFL Bobloo : We have accepted teams as late as the day before an event AFL Bobloo : However, we won't take questions that late AFL Bobloo : As I have to create the question files RagenT : Like doing what, Bobloo? AFA Bard : Download the last event and see the ORIGINAL online Food Fight... courtesy AFC Tooter. :) NinaTE : What time does it go on? BCS Frank : One day service? That's amazing! Pamme M : Frank, _Bob_ is amazing.. :) AFC Tooter : Food fight was in the ScrapBook Finale, not the bowl, Bard. AFL Bobloo : This event will be from12:45 - 1:45 Eastern BCS Frank : That explains a great deal, Pam :) IPGriffith : 9-12 AFL Gayle : TooT's too old for the Academic Bowl, Bard. ;) AFC Tooter : Ancient! Panda4 : :) Panda4 : Your never too old. AFL Bobloo : I'd really like to have the questions to me by next MONDAY... AFC Tooter : On Firdays I am. RagenT : Toot's just well preserved;) Panda4 : LOL Toot! AFL Gayle : Actually, it's his students. They're older than grades 4-6. :) BCS Frank : "You're never too old." -- I.R.S. ACOTScott : Bob, is there a possibility that we might expand and create a game for high school students also? AFA Bard : "Or too rich..." Leona Helmsley AFL Bobloo : That would be possible, Thelma.. RagenT : What is the age or grade levels that will be allowed to participate? RagenT : Just 4-6? Pamme M : "Or too thin..." Twiggy AFL Bobloo : However, as I've said... I'm going to need someone to help put this all together AFL Bobloo : As it's getting more than I can handle...:) :) NinaTE : What do you need done? BCS Frank : "... or too well shod." A. Marcos AFL Bobloo : (Notice how he puts his plea in here...:) ACOTScott : IPGriffith is one of our new Accounts with ACOT this year working with the Image Processing project AFL Bobloo : Mostly the promotional, and getting folks signed up part, Nina. BCS Frank : Subtle plug, Bob, what needs doing? AFL Bobloo : The actual technical part of the event is all mine... lucky me... AFL Bobloo : But I don't mind that part. AFL Bobloo : For future events I'm going to need help getting schools signed up AFL Bobloo : and getting the word out. AFC Tooter : I can contribute a dandy mailing list. AFL Bobloo : As well as getting questions sent in NinaTE : How do we do that, just WOM? AFL Gayle : Bob, you had a schedule for Bowls for the whole school year. Could you refresh IPGriffith : As I watch this roll past GTE is eating me alive. I have go get another connection to do this! AFL Gayle : our memories as to when the others are scheduled, please? BCS Frank : WOM? NinaTE : Word of Mouth AFL Bobloo : Word of mouth... I figgered that one out...:) BCS Frank : OIC :) Pamme M : Me too... :) IC Gerry : BoB is so quick..:) ACOTScott : Oh, we sometimes forget that some of you have to pay long distance charges. TEACHER ms : :) AFL Bobloo : I was looking for a game in late January/Early February, as well as another one in May ACOTScott : I will send you some mail if you feel you have to leave. MemNealey : What can I do to help? AFL Gayle : IPGriffith, the log of this chat will be posted in the AED New Files Library BCS Frank : Like, a St. Valentine's Day game, and another one for May Day? AFL Bobloo : Well, for this one, not to much is needed, above getting questions to me AFL Bobloo : by next Monday if your kids will be playing. AFL Gayle : by tomorrow. You can find out what happened by downloading that. Not as good AFL Gayle : as being here, but cheaper. :) NinaTE : I hav a SS teacher that won't touch a computer, bet this will hook him!!! AFL Bobloo : If you know of other schools that might like to take part Pamme M : Bob... it would be wonderful if we could coordinate a Bowl with the BCS/MIT Kids CompuFest... AFL Bobloo : Is that a school day, though, Pam? IC Gerry : When is that, Pamme? :) AFA Bard : Pamme.. great idea! Pamme M : That'll probably happen in May. BCS Frank : Pam I -like- that! :) Pamme M : I don't know when but I can find out. AFL Bobloo : We need to have the event when school is in session, unfortunately BCS Frank : They were talking slightly earlier this year... maybe April. IPGriffith : I spent yesterday from 7:00 am to today 1:00am with student council state convention AFL Gayle : Great idea, Nina! :) Pamme M : Bob, last year it was on a saturday, but we talked AFL Bobloo : Thelma, do you know if Blue Earth is taking part? Pamme M : about making it a 2-day event. IPGriffith : Think I will get some shut eye and pick up the log! ACOTScott : I don't know but will find out tomorrow. IC Gerry : WE usually LOVE to beat Blue Eearth..:) ACOTScott : They had planned to earlier. BCS Frank : And "games" -are- a Youth CompuFest category. IC Gerry : That's Earth AFL Bobloo : Bard...you say your school is taking part? ACOTScott : See you Alan. BCS Frank : Night, Griffith :) AFA Bard : My (former) school, Trickum, is still interested, yes. The new person running the lab is Sherah AFL Gayle : Thanks for stopping by, Alan! :) Good night! :) AFL Bobloo : Goodnight, Griffith AFA Bard : Nelson (Sherah1 or Trickum) are her screennames. AFL Bobloo : Will you be talking to them, then? ACOTScott : I will talk with Dave tomorrow and get that info to you. NinaTE : I'll have to do some talking, but will get back to you. RagenT : How many questions do you need from each school? 10? AFL Bobloo : Thanks, Thelma AFA Bard : Yes, Bob. IC Gerry : Say hi to him for me, will you Thelma? :) ACOTScott : Will do, Gerry. AFL Bobloo : 10 is what I like to get, as that gives me some flexibility in choosing questions NinaTE : How many school usually play? Panda4 : How long does the bowl last, Bob? AFL Bobloo : Anywhere from 3 - 8 have played AFL Bobloo : I'd say that it normally is about 5-6 AFL Bobloo : and the game goes about an hour NinaTE : How long does it last? AFL Bobloo : We get in 30-35 questions in that time frame AFL Bobloo : So you can see the game really moves right along NinaTE : Opps, you anticipated well!! AFL Bobloo : The kids have a real ball Panda4 : That's moving along. RagenT : We video taped it for the kids, they really enjoyed seeing it later. Pamme M : But you should also plan on being online a few minutes early and stayingh for a few minutes... IC Gerry : Bob moves right along so the kids don't get bored..:) Pamme M : Also, I'll reiterate that we really fly through the questions... TEACHER ms : Mine too, Pam :) Pamme M : There's almost no spare seconds between answers and the AFL Bobloo : Nina... you don't know if your school wants to take part yet? Pamme M : next question coming on screen. AFL Bobloo : That's right, Pam...otherwise the kids get bored. NinaTE : I have to talk someone into it, I don't have a class AFL Bobloo : And, we don't want them to stop and worry about missed questions AFL Bobloo : The idea is to have fun, and to communicate with others. AFL Bobloo : Someone mentioned earlier that we downplay the competition.. AFL Bobloo : And that is exactly right. AFL Bobloo : We mention in the beginning... Pamme M : I've gotta get to the store for some last-minute supplies... so I've gotta go.. :(:( Pamme M : See y'all later! IC Gerry : They DO have fun!!!!! :) Best of all, they remeber the answers from year to year..so they DO learn the Panda4 : Bye AFA Bard : [[ Pamme! ]] IC Gerry : material..:) AFL Bobloo : that classes cover information at different times AFL Bobloo : And that there is no reason for them to expect that they should know it all BCS Frank : Downplay the competion? No thrill of victory, agony of defeat? AFL Bobloo : Nah... only beatings with wet noodles...:) AFL Bobloo : Frankly, they love to win.. IC Gerry : It is still there Frank..just not quite as cutthroat... Nuzz : Mind if I sneak in a small announcement before I have to leave? AFL Bobloo : But we have had no one stomp off the playing field in disgust..:) AFA Bard : Go Nuzz!!!!!! AFL Bobloo : Go for it, Nuzz RagenT : My kids were thrilled even though they were in last place! THey all got BCS Frank : plug alert! :) RagenT : certificates of participation anyway. Panda4 : :) Nuzz : Triad Venture is about to start work on a series of Educational Adventure Games IC Gerry : Yes!!!!!! :) AFL Bobloo : Allright, NUZZ...:) :) Nuzz : These games will be in the HyperCard IIGS and HyperCard (Mac) enviroments BCS Frank : Way to go, Triad Ventures! :) Panda4 : Great!!!!!! IC Gerry : I can't wait for these!!! :) Nuzz : They will be based on the "required" reading lists of many schools RagenT : Neat. IC Gerry : That is JUST what teachers need, Nuzz! :) Nuzz : The first game will be "Macbeth" BCS Frank : AFL Gayle : Great news, Nuzz! :) BCS Frank : What?! No GS-Beth? Nuzz : Ha Ha Frank Panda4 : LOL! AFC Tooter : Great. I'll wear my MacDuff tartan tie to play. AFL Bobloo : Frank...that was AWFUL... hehe AFL Gayle : Groan, Frank. BCS Frank : Thank, you Bob... from you that's a complement :) Nuzz : They are designed to NOT infringe on the literature, but play around it IC Gerry : :) AFL Bobloo : :) :) I think... AFC Tooter : When will these be for sale? AFL Gayle : (I was just about to say it's something I'd expect you to say, Bob, not Frank;) Nuzz : An example: in Macbeth th eplayer is a time traveller to Shakespeare's London Panda4 : Neat! Nuzz : he wonders down to the Globe theatre and gets a job as Prop Assistant IC Gerry : I LOVE these ideas!!! AFL Bobloo : (Hmmmm...seems as if my reputation has preceeded me here...:) :) MemNealey : Mrs..Scott,just got back .MOdem keeps disconnecting and somebody can call.Hope you can fix later. IC Gerry : ROTFL, Bob!!!! Nuzz : The Bard himself tells him to "Fetch the first five for act four" Nuzz : Therein lies the game AFL Bobloo : Sounds like MemNealy has Call waiting!! AFC Tooter : Eye of newt and toe of frog. ACOTScott : We will work on it, probably you did not set the call waiting exactly right. IC Gerry : GMTA, Bob..:) Panda4 : It sounds fantastic, I can't wait to see them! BCS Frank : That's going to be a -very- powerful school aspplication. I can see student BCS Frank : teams playing these games. IC Gerry : Maybe Bob can help, Thelma..:) BCS Frank : application ^^ ACOTScott : You have to be sure to set save on it after the changes. AFL Bobloo : Nuzz... it sounds really neat! Nuzz : We're excited about the project IC Gerry : :) AFL Bobloo : Any expected release date? Omro : excuse me for coming in late, but what are we talking about? Nuzz : We're hoping for an April realease to coincide with the BCS show AFA Bard : wonderful, Nuzz! Can't Wait! Panda4 : :) AFL Gayle : Omro, the topic tonight is the Academic Bowl. Right now, Nuzz was discussing a AFL Gayle : new product to be released by his company. AFC Tooter : WE were talking about Online Academic Bowl. We are now learniung about a new Macbeth computer game. BCS Frank : Sounds like Christmas in Spring to me. :) Omro : thanks TEACHER ms : Go over the rules again for the Academic Bowl, Bob IC Gerry : Do you have the dates on that FRank? MemNealey : Give Nuzz and all of us a summary of all major points. NinaTE : Sorry, I've got to go, it's been fun. I'll get back to you soon. Thanks... IC Gerry : Nite,Nina..:) AFL Bobloo : Night, Nina Panda4 : Nite Nina Nuzz : Thanks for listening. Nite BCS Frank : April 4th, 5th, Saturday, Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm. Panda4 : Bye Mike, Can't wait o see them! BCS Frank : For the Apple Expo East. :) BCS Frank : Bye. Mike :) NinaTE : Tooter talked me into it, I'm staying. BCS Frank : Night, Nina :) AFL Bobloo : Gerry... we will really miss your kids this game. AFL Gayle : While Bob is gathering his thoughts, I'd like to remind everyone that the logs AFC Tooter : :))) AFL Gayle : of previous Academic Bowls, as well as the Question Template, are available BCS Frank : ohh, well, welcome back, Nina :) AFL Bobloo : Gathering thoughts? Sheesh... they have NEVER been gathered..:) IC Gerry : That's nice, Bob..not HALF as much as I will miss being there..:) NinaTE : When the kids participate, I assume anyone in the class can answer, right? AFL Gayle : in the Articles & Transcripts Library of AED. :) AFL Bobloo : Nina...what we normally do is have 5 kids at the keyboard AFL Bobloo : But you can do it any way you like AFL Bobloo : And.... AFL Bobloo : The kids can use any resources they would like AFL Bobloo : Calculators, encyclopedias, etc, are all cricket ACOTScott : Except the teacher :) AFL Gayle : We'll be announcing our winner of our free hour soon. :) AFL Bobloo : Correct...except the teacher AFC Tooter : *Monkey* BCS Frank : Hmmm... could they use databases on other computers? AFL Bobloo : Sure, Frank. AFL Bobloo : Actually, we can not control what the kids use AFL Bobloo : And I don't want anyone playing police IC Gerry : but there isn't much time to look..you really have to know the nswers..:) IC Gerry : answers AFL Bobloo : So...as long as they aren't looking over my shoulder AFL Bobloo : At the answer sheet... AFL Bobloo : I don't care WHAT they use. BCS Frank :