11/24/91 8:00:20 PM Opening "Chat Log 11/24/91" for recording. AFL Gayle : OK. The wrym has come, and Jock will be back soon, I'm sure. Our topic tonight MIDGEF : OK AFL Gayle : is Delta Drawing Today. Our guests are Jeff (DeltaPower) and JockGill. We have DeltaPower : Anything we can do to increase your Delta pleasure? AFL Gayle : a free hour to give away to the lucky person who says the secret word in AFL Gayle : context tonight. You must stay until the end of the chat to be eligible. JOCKGILL : I'm back AFL Gayle : Re-Hi, Jock! You're on. ;) I just did your introduction. ;) JOCKGILL : Sorry. I missed it! AFL Gayle : How about an overview of Delta Drawing Today for our guests? EdithL2 : I'm having trouble with "smart" students deleting work someone else does later AFL Gayle : (You can catch it in the log that will be posted tomorrow, Jock. ;) JOCKGILL : Short and sweet AFL Gayle : Welcome, Prize! :) EdithL2 : in the day at the same computer. Suggestions?? JOCKGILL : Delta Drawing is drawing and programming in one package. Teacher jn : HELLO dare One & ALL ! :))) JOCKGILL : It is creative graphics software for exploration and discovery. DeltaPower : Right and left brain fun in one package. JOCKGILL : But I think most folks here are users. I'd like to hear from them. MIDGEF : Since I started with Delta my brain is much better! AFL Gayle : LOL, Midge! :) JOCKGILL : What do you do with DD? What do you like best? What would you share with a new user? MaryEz : Please airmail immediately!! DeltaPower : Edith, change the data disks. AFL Gayle : Midge, do you want to try and tackle some of Jock's questions? EdithL2 : We just did some animation projects--very simple. Students loved it! MIDGEF : Sure Panda4 : Able? Panda4 : BAK RagenT : I like to see when youngsters use it that they GET special direction. MIDGEF : That's what I do mostly...answer Jock's questions AFL Gayle : LOL, Midge. :) AFC SteveB : Hey everyone! :) Panda4 : Hey Steve!! MIDGEF : Ragen and I have done some Delta together AFL Gayle : Edith, how about uploading some of those animation projects to our New Files AFA Bard : Welcome Steve! We're chatting with JockGill from Delta Drawing Today! :) JOCKGILL : Howdy and welcome TEACHER ms : Hello All !!! EdithL2 : DeltaPower--I have 21 computers in lab; 137 students a day. Ind. data disks??? RagenT : And everyone elses questions too, Midge! MIDGEF : I have been a Delta user for 7 years AFL Gayle : Library here (before the next kid deletes them. :) AFC SteveB : Yo Bard! :) JOCKGILL : Why not ask you kids about "open trust" and why they do this to each other? JOCKGILL : An opportunity to use technology to talk about ethics! MaryEz : How much is Delta Draw? Is it networkable? Site License? EdithL2 : Gayle: I'm a newcomer to uploading/downloading. I'll try soon. MIDGEF : I have uploaded some of my feelings about this program in the New Files Teacher jn : What machines does DD run on ?? AFL Gayle : Is there a way to lock the files, Jock? MIDGEF : Jock: give technical details... JOCKGILL : MaryEz: ^9.95, $210, $400 AFL Gayle : We'll be glad to help you, Edith. :) AFL Gayle : Want to try that price again, Jock? I think your finger slipped on the shift MaryEz : Jock, is that 69.95 AFL Gayle : key. ;) EdithL2 : AFL Gayle: Can you tell me how to screen print in AOL? I haven't yet. JOCKGILL : DD assumes benevolent users! AFL Gayle : It's 69.95. :) MIDGEF : Ragen has handled that many kids in a lab JOCKGILL : I can't type in public! MIDGEF : (or alone either..:) AFL Gayle : Edith, yes, we can work with you on that a little later. AFA Bard : Benevolent users. :)) I like that one, Jock. RagenT : 2-3 at a computer! AFA Bard : (Welcome Lavonne!) DeltaPower : Hi, Teacher...Delta runs on all Apple II's and DOS machines(IBM, TANDY, compatibles) EdithL2 : JockGill: We've tried the "be proud of your work" and "how would you feel?" MaryEz : Can I preview before buying networkable? JOCKGILL : Yes! RagenT : brb JOCKGILL : Call 1-800-395-5009 JOCKGILL : BRB? MIDGEF : Demo disk online here (plus my wonderful sleeves) AFL Gayle : BRB=Be right back. AFL Marty : (BRB = Be Right Back) Panda4 : Where are your sleeves, Midge? Teacher jn : Any memory requirements?? MIDGEF : In AED New Files AFL Gayle : Yes, you can find the Delta Drawing Today demo here in Direct Connect in the EdithL2 : Is Energy online? Panda4 : Thanks! Teacher jn : Must have HD, ?? etc. MIDGEF : need Publish it 3 or 4 AFL Gayle : Delta Drawing Today Library. Also, over in TIN, in the PC Libraries, you will AFL Gayle : find the MS-DOS version. JOCKGILL : What I'd like to see is you all posting your DD ideas in the DD Direct Connect area here on AOL MIDGEF : Delta works on 64K or 128K Apples LavonneS : Is this any relation to Delta Drawing years ago on Commodore 64? MaryEz : Do you know if pictures are convertible to be used with Broderbund's "VCR Companion?" MIDGEF : Yes! AFL Gayle : Edith, Energy has an account online, but isn't currently signed on. EdithL2 : JOCKGILL-what menu is DD Direct Connect area on?? Teacher jn : That's really encouraging' Mouse or sans mouse, joystick ??? MIDGEF : Yes, Mary JOCKGILL : Yes. Only that was version 2, and we now have ever 4.0 AFL Gayle : Edith, where you are right now. Keyword AED (Apple // Education Forum) Then MIDGEF : The 128K pictures are DHR and convert to VCR companion AFC SteveB : (Select Direct Connect from AED's main menu, Edith.) AFL Gayle : choose Direct Connect. Then Delta Drawing Today. (But not right now. :) Teacher jn : Bad typin' to make Jock comfortable! :))' AFA Bard : Welcome Toot! MaryEz : Thanks, Midge. MIDGEF : Input devices not needed..just your brain AFC Tooter : Hi all! Sorry I'm late. Got to run soon. JOCKGILL : We want kids to learn the location, looks, and sound of the letters -- thus no mouse! Panda4 : Toot!!!! AFL Marty : How is Delta Drawing different from other drawing programs? MIDGEF : (By the way, this is a great company to work for...) Teacher jn : NOW, we're talkin' Teacher jn : MIDGEF! JOCKGILL : It is a programming language! Has no failure. Teacher jn : idea = MIDGEF! EdithL2 : MIDGE! ?? LavonneS : Similar to instant LOGO ? AFC Tooter : Hi Andy. JOCKGILL : Except it has a text screen which can be edited and a richer command set! MIDGEF : Some what except there are no problems with error messages AFL Marty : Logo? I hope not. DeltaPower : Delta Drawing Today needs no hard disk, no joystick, no mouse, not much memory. JOCKGILL : It is, in truth a logo philosophy BUT NOT the language. MIDGEF : Just kids and a teacher with fast sneakers Teacher jn : Way To Go DeltaP! EdithL2 : DDT is version of LOGO--excellent to use as an intro to any other LOGO. DeltaPower : You only need to be open to have fun , to create, and to learn AFL Marty : I'm still a bit lost. Suppose I'm a 12 year old sitting down for the AFL Marty : first time. JOCKGILL : DD is uses from the bottom 1% all the way to Gifted and talented -- wish Energy were here! AFL Marty : What can I expect to see/do? AFL Gayle : Welcome, Cheswick! :) AFL Gayle : We're discussing Delta Drawing Today. Cheswick : hi AFL Gayle AFA Bard : Welcome Cheswick! We're chatting about DELTA DRAWING TODAY! EdithL2 : You will see a turtle/triangle/delta on screen; you can make it draw any design MIDGEF : Marty..you will see a screen like Logo but the commands to give are easier AFA Bard : (GMTA, Gayle!) DeltaPower : Read next Compute Magazine to see what the pundits say about Delta and Logo. JOCKGILL : 1st time users have fun, make great picks, and start to learn about the power of repetition and that MIDGEF : It's very easy to use..for BOTH students and teachers Panda4 : Does DD have online help? EdithL2 : I've used DDT with 5 year olds through 8th grade and adult teachers. Love it! JOCKGILL : process is where it is at! They succeed which often amazes them. It usually turns them on too! MIDGEF : Yes Panda Panda4 : Great! Panda4 : Ack. Panda4 : Great! MIDGEF : Press Shift H at anytime AFL Marty : I'm still lost. EdithL2 : Our minds work faster than keyboarding fingers!!! AFL Marty : What's the point of drawing via a language? Panda4 : Sometimes:) MIDGEF : Come to me Marty...I teach lost adults (Peter Pan) DeltaPower : You see a pointer blinking pleasantly. Press D and you're Drawing. R to turn right. L to turn Left.. JOCKGILL : Marty, why not download the free demo in the direct connect! Teacher jn : How bout confused computer teachers ?? JOCKGILL : Trying is believing! EdithL2 : Teacher: what grades do you work with? I work with 2nd-5th graders Teacher jn : Sounds Terrific for 'Special Ed. students Jock! :)) AFL Gayle : Are you any less lost yet, Marty? DeltaPower : Then you are drawing some amazing pictures. DELTA records the keystrokes--which you can edit. AFL Marty : Not really. AFL Marty : I'm still trying to see what the advantage is. MIDGEF : See the review in InCider DeltaPower : The recorded keystrokes are a bay program. JOCKGILL : Marty: what do YOU want to do? MIDGEF : Marty..some of the advantage is to teach novice computer users to use the AFL Gayle : I think it's ease of use, Marty. Single letters draw for the user. EdithL2 : Marty--for example, last spring my students did "earth day" posters. 4th and AFL Marty : It seems to me that if one wants to draw something then one should use a LavonneS : Its true that the drawing with L and R seems to help spec ed students Teacher jn : What company manuf. DD, and you said we have 'preview' rights ?? MIDGEF : computer without fear of failure AFL Marty : drawing program and be done with it. Panda4 : Spotty! LavonneS : clarify directionality on paper EdithL2 : 5th also did reports in Childrens W & Pub. Center AFA Bard : Spotty! AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Craig and Spotty! Our topic tonight is Delta Drawing Today.) DeltaPower : You can save a drawing or a piece of a drawing to memory. Then stamp- it out anywhere on the screen. AFA Bard : (That's going creative borders, Jeff!) AFL Marty : I'm assuming there must be some educational advantage to drawing in the DeltaPower : Make the stamp a new set of colors--bigger or smaller--fat or tall. JOCKGILL : If you want to paint, do it with a paint program. Not much thinking tho! AFA Bard : LOL! going= doing! Teacher jn : Yes but Marty, No mouse, No JS, No Lg. Memory DD sounds Perfect!! AFL Gayle : The company is the one you see that Jeff is bearing as his screen name, Prize. AFL Marty : manner that DD draws. AFL Gayle : Power Industries, LP, actually. MIDGEF : Yes, Marty to be creative even if you are too young to be able to read AFL Marty : I'd just like to know what that advantage is. RagenT : I have tried to tie DD to elementary curricula, like shapes, geometry MIDGEF : or too scared of failure to use drill programs Teacher jn : Now Let's be very careful here DD isn't MORE than A paint Prog. Like Kid Works! JOCKGILL : Marty, I can not help you if I do not understand your goal. RagenT : art, right, left directions, art (Modrian problem solving) and the kids RagenT : haven't had to learn a program to do it. EdithL2 : Marty; all learners have success! even my mainstreamed LD/EMH students. AFL Marty : Let me try rephrasing... AFA Bard : Welcome Kit! We're chatting about Delta Drawing Today! AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Kit. Our topic is Delta Drawing Today.) AFL Marty : What are the educational objectives that Delta Drawing attempts to meet? AFL Gayle : (And welcome, also, to Kevin.) Kit Cunre : 'lo, everyone... (What's Delta Drawing?) MIDGEF : Better question Marty EdithL2 : enabling creative work through graphic design JOCKGILL : DD is a teaching tool for integrating tech into the curriculum Teacher jn : Beautifully phrased Marty! ;) RagenT : It depends on what educational objectives you can find to tie to...can be many! JOCKGILL : and for integrating the curriculum with technology AFL Marty : Followup... AFL Marty : Why is DD better at what it does than Platinum Paint is at what it does? EdithL2 : Marty: I use it for holiday designs; special projects in LA,Social studies,sci JOCKGILL : It isn't. They are different programs with different goals. They could work together MIDGEF : First of all, it is accessible to more Apple users by virtue of being Kit Cunre : (still unsure as to exactly what DD is) RagenT : It works on the old apple II's for instance, no input device needed, simple Teacher jn : I would say much easier for users to work w/ ! Panda4 : Hi Lisa!! MIDGEF : able to use on even OLD Apples AFC SteveB : IMHO, you can't compare the two. RagenT : commands to learn... Lisa192968 : hi AFL Marty : (Join my club, Kit. :) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Lisa! Our topic is Delta Drawing Today. AFA Bard : Hi Lisa! We're chatting with Jock & Jeff from Delta Drawing Today! EdithL2 : Marty and Kit--try the demo. then send questions. RagenT : It is not a paint program...more alike a preprogramming program with graphics JOCKGILL : Mary & Kit: have you tried the program? Teacher jn : THAT's a tremendous Advantage!! Marty not ever Lab. has state of the art equip. RagenT : and problem solving AFL Marty : Just help me understand what DD is in terms of my prior learning Lisa192968 : thank you :) AFL Marty : (the Logo philosophy :) Kit Cunre : Nope.. never used it... just trying to get a grasp on what it does. DeltaPower : Hi Kit! DD is a drawing program for children for the child within adults. AFL Marty : I shall try it. DeltaPower : Would you care to try the demo? AFL Gayle : Check out the demo, Marty. It has quite a few examples included with it. Kit Cunre : actually, yes, it does sound a bit like Logo... JOCKGILL : Great. I'd like all the feedback I can get. We depend on it! EdithL2 : JOCKGILL--what date of InCider has the review of DDT? LavonneS : Marty, did you dislike everything about Logo? Teacher jn : I would and so would my students! :)))))))))) MIDGEF : I like using Logo..but the commitment to learning it is long and hard AFL Marty : I could never understand what all the hoo-ha was about (with Logo). MIDGEF : You can learn Delta quickly and teach it to more children EdithL2 : When using DDT with teachers first time, they were up and going in 30 min. RagenT : Getting teachers to learn logo is even harder, huh, Midge! JOCKGILL : You are not alone on that one! MIDGEF : Right Ragen AFL Marty : I don't particularly dislike Logo, just the way everyone hopped on the Teacher jn : ME tooo!! Tremendous amt. of time to master, frustrating to most of my students AFL Marty : bandwagon without even knowing what Logo was about. MIDGEF : After all Marty there wasn't much software then DeltaPower : DD is a drawing tool first and foremost. Much easier to use than logo. Can be used by non-readers. JOCKGILL : For folks who use logo, DD is a great logo accelerator! Teacher jn : WE like being one of the gang & like buzz word progs.! ;)) MaryEz : No, I haven't but I do use LOGO on occasion. MIDGEF : My friend is on TV right now JOCKGILL : For those who do not, DD is great on its own for introducing all comers to the world of computers AFL Gayle : (Did she win, Midge?) AFL Marty : Anyhow, I'll DL the demo and try it. Teacher jn : Alabama is your friend ?? MIDGEF : It's a he..he teaches Vocational Ed AFL Gayle : (Well, did he win?) MIDGEF : They are showing the teacher profiles right now AFL Marty : (Hope I wasn't too much a pain. :) Panda4 : :) AFL Marty : --===Spotty JOCKGILL : Absolutely not! EdithL2 : All: I'm just home from Thurs. surgery and must signoff to rest. Enjoyed it!! AFL Marty : (ack! +[}} MIDGEF : No Marty.. it is important to know what the computer can do for you AFL Gayle : Jock, some questions that all teachers like to ask. Is Delta Drawing Today LavonneS : Logo had its place at the time and I did think the problem solving was worth AFL Gayle : copy protected? Spottysoft : (Marty... think you could make a decent pie??) :::yeesh:: Panda4 : Bye Edith, I hope you feel better! LavonneS : while and worked on directionality MIDGEF : Talk to you later Edith AFL Gayle : Thanks for stopping by, Edith. :) DeltaPower : DD has no error messages, no syntax, no frustration. DD is not logo. JOCKGILL : Feel better Edith. Loved your leaf project! MIDGEF : He didn't win JOCKGILL : Edith had her kids bring leaves, tape them to monitor, and trace them AFL Gayle : (And don't forget to try uploading your projects later, Edith! :) MIDGEF : He didn't expect to but I am disappointed DeltaPower : Edith, I got one of your photos enlarged. AFL Gayle : (Oh, well. At least he made it to the TV finals, Midge.) EdithL2 : Gayle: with lots of help I'll try. Send me a printed set of inst.Jock has add. MIDGEF : Let's try that Ragen DeltaPower : Just beautiful! RagenT : I love to see the thrill that the kids experience when they find they can progr AFA Bard : Great idea, Edith!! I like that one! RagenT : am a circle. JOCKGILL : Or Teddy Bear Day: Bring in teddy, trace teddy, recreate tracing with DD, print out, compare! DeltaPower : Ragen They can measure pi and program a circle! RagenT : I had kids try to draw in the style of Mondrian (second graders!) MIDGEF : I'm working on a Valentine lesson right now MIDGEF : based on Ragen's love notes Lesson RagenT : Of course they had draw back and forth from a black screen to a white screen, Teacher jn : How bout a lesson on Escher!! JOCKGILL : Any one tried Delta Drawing with Pattern Blocks? RagenT : problem solving deluxe! DeltaPower : Look at clrplay on the program disk for random Mondrians. Press SHIFT-G to redraw randomly. JOCKGILL : Has anyone had any failures with DD? AFA Bard : Jock & Jeff... what's your position of copy protection?? MIDGEF : Boy..this is a fast chat! It must be the right and left brain fever AFA Bard : of=on (finger fatigue!) AFA Bard : Welcome Ron! MaryEz : How about tessellations? Could they be done more easily than with LOGO? But would they learn as JOCKGILL : DD is copy protected in single user version. In special circumstances we supply open disks -- special MaryEz : much. RagenT : I could dig Escher! DeltaPower : This is my FIRST chat Midge. I hope they're all this exciting! DeltaPower : Look at Eshcerblks on the program disk. Teacher jn : WELL , THAT'S TESSELLATIONS ETC. :)) JOCKGILL : We work with special needs users who require hard disk installation. MIDGEF : I have learned to type faster since I've been online AFA Bard : I saw the Escherblks - this is a WONDERFUL inclusion in DD! DeltaPower : DD may be installed to hard disks on DOS machines. Teacher jn : I MENTIONED ESCHER W/O KNOWING ABOUT DD! Amazin' ! ;(( LavonneS : No DeltaPower, chats in other areas are never as exciting as in AED ;) MaryEz : Hi, Eileen, welcome! JOCKGILL : Please upload your best .dd files to the Direct Connect. That way we can all share Teacher jn : That's for sure! AFL Marty : (except for APR :) AFA Bard : Welcome Svetlana! Edward! We're chatting about Delta Drawing Today. AFC Tooter : Eileen!!!!! MIDGEF : Or at an earlier time..Yawn! AFA Bard : LOL Marty! (There are some great Escher files in APR!) MIDGEF : Gayle is very fast at reviewing them Teacher jn : Did you mention what issue of InCider / A+ DD is in ?? Svetlana : Hi, Guess it's better late than never! AFC Tooter : *Look out/French fries* MIDGEF : September JOCKGILL : September 1991. Call us and will send you a copy MIDGEF : My disk sleeves in October (brag) MIDGEF : Everyone gets 15 minutes of fame AFL Gayle : But Midge's disk sleeves are available right here in the New Files Library. :) JOCKGILL : My letter in December got about 3 emails! TEACHER ms : We take it !! Teacher jn : What's this about Disk Sleeves ?? JOCKGILL : APR? Teacher jn : Apple Productivity! RagenT : Midge is very creative and makes disk sleeves to match the disks for children AFL Gayle : APR= Apple // Productivity Forum, where Marty is AFL. :) JOCKGILL : Anyone here read the folders in the ACOT area of AOL? RagenT : so that they have a help card in front of them. Teacher jn : Some of them! AFA Bard : I have Jock. :) MIDGEF : I make disk sleeves for other programs too Spottysoft : Marty <-- *IS* APR :) JOCKGILL : Bard, any comments? Panda4 : What about Steve, Spot:) AFL Marty : ::blush:: Spottysoft : (what about 'im??? ;) LavonneS : Marty, what language do you program in ? AFL Marty : English AFL Marty : :) JOCKGILL : Marty, one user says there is no better way to open the door to the world of computers! Panda4 : LOL!! MIDGEF : LOL LavonneS : LOL me too RagenT : (tee hee!) MIDGEF : HyperTalk Panda4 : Just because your his uncle....... AFL Marty : Actually, I've done some programming in BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, Teacher jn : InCider Pg. 61! AFL Marty : Assembler, and Pascal. MIDGEF : and HyperTalk AFL Marty : Oh yeah... HyperTalk too. AFA Bard : LOL! Jock.. I like the files in ACOT describing the research on empowering students. They also AFA Bard : mentioned DD :)) TEACHER ms : Yep, they are great !!! Andy Stein : Does anyone know where I might be able to find a timeline of American Foreign AFC Tooter : Hi Andy. Andy Stein : Policy? (No details; just a list of all foreign policy decisions and events.) Andy Stein : Hi, Tooter. :) LavonneS : Actually, I think SOME programming introduction is good to offer kids AFL Gayle : Uh, Andy, maybe World Book? MaryEz : Are we doing your homework, Andy? Andy Stein : (Preferably in computer text form.) :) JOCKGILL : What do you all think about America 2000? MIDGEF : try Compton Encyclopedia Teacher jn : Don"t ask Prez Reagan! AFL Gayle : Use your Quickie scanner after you find it, Andy. ;) RagenT : It gives them an understanding of what goes into making a commercial program. Andy Stein : No, no. :) I just thought there might be a file online. :) AFA Bard : America 2000 -- hmm.. looks VERY political, to me. What do YOU think, Jock? RagenT : Please don't! Panda4 : Scan it with Quickie and InWords, Andy. AFL Marty : What is America 2000? DeltaPower : Should we make coloring book demos on the disk? Andy Stein : Good idea, but I'm not too handy with a scanner. :) Panda4 : Pres Bush's ideas on quality education, Marty. JOCKGILL : A2000 will only work if funded by something other than real estate. Teacher jn : Especially cartoon Characters if you can! MIDGEF : We could upload some of those as separate files Jeff AFL Gayle : Coloring book demos on the disk? Why would you want to do that, Jeff? TEACHER ms : Really, Lamar Alexander's ideas :) MaryEz : That's for sure! But isn't everything funded by real estate? RagenT : Coloring book demos...how about having kids make their own coloring books? Panda4 : Not where I'm from :( AFL Marty : I like the idea. Lots of kids like to color. MIDGEF : Tell them how I have used Cartoon in other programs Teacher jn : Need a 'model' first then the students create their own! :))) Pest II : definitely Ragen...after all they could cheat and just use the fill tool :-) JOCKGILL : I think a fixed percent on real estate and the rest on a graduated, national income tax dedicated to ed Andy Stein : The Groliers Online Encyclopedia is a great source, but unfortunately, it lacks LavonneS : How is education funded where you are Andy? RagenT : True. Panda4 : State income tax:/ Andy Stein : a synopsis. AFA Bard : Welcome Pest! Panda4 : Business has the prop. tax in the country. 11/24/91 8:53:34 PM Opening "Chat Log 11/24/91.2" for recording. Andy Stein : The educational system in Los Angeles is in turmoil, but it's much better in AFL Marty : When is this assignment due, Andy? DeltaPower : Kids could call up the pics...Then fill with DD. Then print. Then color with crayons. Pest II : You don't have to call me Pest...Vernon will do AFL Gayle : Hi, Vernon! Our guests are Delta Drawing Today. Andy Stein : Beverly Hills (although there are still plenty of problems). Andy Stein : It's due December 3. RagenT : How about DD in Junior High and above..outside the Elementary realm, what Spottysoft : (what income Panda? We're all slaves here.. :) Pest II : Hi Gayle RagenT : are people doing with it? Panda4 : :) Spotty! Teacher jn : Wow, my main Man Pest II found his way to AED!! Hooooowdy, Pest! :)))) JOCKGILL : Anyone read Savage Inequalities (J. Kozol) AFL Marty : Enough time to write (or call) the State Dept.? Pest II : Ji Joel DeltaPower : We have material for Junior High . Just call us! MIDGEF : Jock, when do you read all this stuff? Pest II : oops that should be "Hi Joel" Teacher jn : Fits nicely into my Magnet JHS Computer Prog. (curriculum) Andy Stein : That's an excellent idea. I think I'll give them a call. (I just hope they JOCKGILL : JN, PLEASE tell us about it! AFL Gayle : Prize, Vernon is a semi-regular here in AED. He just seems to visit when you AFL Gayle : don't. LavonneS : Teacher, how do you use it in JHS? Andy Stein : have enough funds to send me a timeline in time. :) ) Andy Stein : Thanks, Marty@ Energy : Hi, sorry I'm late. Got involved with a project...Time flew away. Teacher jn : Have an 800 # Jock ??First I have to get the Demo and see, but I foresee no AFL Marty : If they don't have the money they'll just have more printed. MIDGEF : Just like when using Delta! Spottysoft : :) TEACHER ms : I don't use it !!! JOCKGILL : 1-800-395-5009 AFL Gayle : Welcome, Energy! We've heard a lot about you from Edith. :) Could you share DeltaPower : 1-800-395-5009 MIDGEF : 800-395-5009 AFL Gayle : with us how you use Delta Drawing Today, please? Pest II : You can use Delta Draw to print money??? wow AFA Bard : 1-800-395-5009 Energy : Share what? Panda4 : :) AFL Marty : Ooh! MIDGEF : There's an idea... Spottysoft : (but don't dial it 3 times :) AFL Marty : (and a darned good one :) Teacher jn : problem incorporating DD into my Lab. Basically I like the idea of no JS, Mouse Spottysoft : (ooop... 4 :) RagenT : our school system could use it's own "print shop" AFL Gayle : Share with us how you use Delta Drawing Today, Energy. Andy Stein : I could pay for the stamp and printing. :) $.29 for a stamp and $.05 for a LavonneS : Marty, now thereีs a use for it MONEY!! Andy Stein : Xerox. :) JOCKGILL : Hi Mary (Energy) tells us about G&T PLEASE! DeltaPower : You can print money, you just can't spend it...:) Teacher jn : Lg. Memory that is what really restricts me from using all the 'other' progs. AFL Marty : Sigh.... always a catch. Pest II : rats! spending it would be half the fun! :-) MIDGEF : Spoke like the true pres of a company Andy Stein : Thanks, all! Good night. :) Energy : I spent time in an all-female computer lab with DDT as a beginning. Success Pest II : night Andy MIDGEF : Memory is not a problem with Delta AFL Gayle : Good luck with your project, Andy! Upload what you find, please. :) Panda4 : Nite Andy :) AFA Bard : Nite Andy! Andy Stein : I will. I found an American History Timeline in a HyperStudio stack online, DeltaPower : Try making a time line with DD. Send us a copy! MIDGEF : ALL female! Andy Stein : but I don't know how thorough it is. Panda4 : energy AFA Bard : Hiya Bob, welcome! Energy : Midge, it alternates with P.E. and the girls are so creative with DDT. Andy Stein : Delta Draw does timelines? (Sounds like you've got a good commercial. :) ) LavonneS : Andy, Are you doing your work with Timeliner? RagenT : How did you do that! I am bribing girls into joining computer club! MIDGEF : that's great Andy Stein : What's Timeliner? Andy Stein : (I think I'll have to use AppleWorks GS.) DeltaPower : GIRLS and BOYS are creative with DD. MIDGEF : Maybe I should do a guest appearance at club, Ragen Energy : I got a grant for Computer Equity with females. So I PUSH it here. AFL Gayle : TimeLiner is a program made by Tom Snyder. LavonneS : Its a program to insert information to print out in timeline form. Pest II : I have to start learning how to program Andy Stein : It sounds like it would be really helpful. However, due to limited time and Energy : I wanted to invite others to my home to "meet" all of you. No luck. SNOW. Panda4 : :( MIDGEF : Yuck JOCKGILL : Ah Kansas MIDGEF : I hate snow Andy Stein : funds, I think I'll have to work with what I have. Sounds good for the future, Andy Stein : though. Pest II : wowzers...where are you Energy DeltaPower : You will probably get a better time line with Snyder. But its fun learning how to create with DD. Energy : I love snow. It keeps you inside and looking out in wonder. MIDGEF : Good attitude Andy Stein : Thanks again, everyone! Night! LavonneS : Check it out, it is a good program in the SS classroom Teacher jn : Ragen, my females student like Computers! Energy : I got the entire package from TSnyder at NAGC because I'm Vice Chair of the MIDGEF : Wow..it's nine! Pest II : fare well Andy Energy : Computer Technology Division next year. DeltaPower : I love all the seasons! Each has its own charm. AFL Gayle : Andy, there are a lot of templates that you can buy with TimeLiner, too. They Teacher jn : MIDGEF where are you ?? Andy Stein : I'll call Tom Snyder Productions to see if they have a demo. Pest II : time flies AFL Gayle : might have one that you're looking for, even. RagenT : I know, I finally got 2 girls to join. AFL Gayle : They do, Andy. MIDGEF : Massachusetts AFL Gayle : (Demo, that is.) Energy : Jock, what about the guy from Omaha? Tim? Andy Stein : Then again, maybe this really would help. The timeline is really for my own RagenT : My daughter likes computers but she won't tell anyone. MaryEz : I love Tom Snyder's software. Nat'l Inspirer is great. MIDGEF : RagenT and I are a few miles from each other and 45 minutes from Power Teacher jn : To far to visit our User group on L.I.! Andy Stein : reference, since my teacher gave our class the assignment of writing a "10-page Pest II : Power and Energy all in the same chat room!?? JOCKGILL : Not if you get lots of folks and we are in the area! DeltaPower : Tom is an inspiration of mine too. RagenT : Goodnight, miles to travel before I sleep. Nice to meet you Jock and DeltaP. AFL Gayle : Well, it's time to announce our winners of our free hours tonight. Andy Stein : pamphlet on America Foreign Policy." That's it. Rather vague, but intentionally AFA Bard : Drum roll..... Andy Stein : so, in order to allow us freedom in our paper (so he says). :) AFL Marty : Not vague; open-ended. AFL Gayle : This week, since we had 2 special guests, we found 2 hours to give away. :) Energy : I'm running out of energy....need more power... Pest II : (biting fingernails) Teacher jn : IS there a DD for the excuse the term Apple II GS ?? AFL Gayle : Lavonne wins the first one for saying problem solving. Pest II : I kinna defy the laws of physics!... MIDGEF : Works on all Apples JOCKGILL : You bet! ProDOS too! AFA Bard : Lavonne!!!!!!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()()()() AFL Gayle : And... Energy... Good thing you made it here... You win the second hour for Andy Stein : ()()()()()()()()()()()()() Lavonne! Teacher jn : Roger! LavonneS : ah Ha great, thanks I love you all AFL Gayle : saying creative! :) Panda4 : Why would you need an excuse for that Teacher jn? RagenT : Hurray! Lavonne! Andy Stein : Congratulations, Energy!!!!!! MIDGEF : Good chat!! AFA Bard : ENERGY... great! Super!! ()()()()() Congrats, Energy! AFL Gayle : The hours will be credited to your account some time in the next week. TEACHER ms : Don't forget the Academic Bowl tomorrow at 12:45 p.m. :) Energy : Jock, where is Edith? JOCKGILL : Edith signed off to rest after her medical problem AFL Gayle : Next Sunday (When it will be Dec.! :) our chat guest is Phil Shapiro, owner MIDGEF : Jock and Jeff: I'm coming up on Tuesday Pest II : creative problem solving AFL Gayle : of Balloons Software. We'll have another free hour to give away then. Energy : Darn! I knew I would miss her. Teacher jn : Lately, I feel like we //GS owners are orphans, abandoned by Apple! :(((( AFL Gayle : Thank you all for coming and a BIG thanks to our guests, Jock and Jeff! :) Pest II : cheer up...I'm still here AFL Gayle : *Applause* Pest II : :-) AFA Bard : Thanks Jock and Jeff!!! AFA Bard : *Applause* TEACHER ms : Thanks !!! MIDGEF : Aren't they great? AFA Bard : (:: cheering and whistling! ::) Energy : Teacher, don't let Roger Wagner hear yousay that! He's MR. IIGS Pest II : hooting LavonneS : Great chat :)))) Panda4 : But look at all the neat stuff 3rd party folks are coming out with!!!! DeltaPower : Thanks for inviting us! JOCKGILL : Thank you all for your time and interest. Call us often. Up-load everything! AFL Gayle : You can find Jock and Jeff, 24 hours a day, right here in Direct Connect. :) Teacher jn : WAY to go DeltaPower!!! Lookin' for the Demo! 11/24/91 9:07:07 PM Closing Log file.