11/3/91 7:52:10 PM Opening "Chat Log 11/3/91" for recording. AFA Bard : Thanks for coming to AED this evening, folks! Ted (Tooter) and I are REALLY glad you dropped in! LavonneS : Thats good in a game of poker isn't it? AFA Bard : Before we get on with tonight's chat... a little commercial... :) RagenT : We can understand that, can't we Mary? Panda4 : Yes I belive so, Lavonne. AFA Bard : November 10 (next Sunday!).... MaryEz : Sure can! AFA Bard : .. right here in AED.... AFA Bard : ... same time (8:00).... AFA Bard : ... we'll unveil.... AFA Bard : ... something exciting... AFA Bard : ... something interesting... AFA Bard : ... it's... MaryEz : Hurry the suspense is killing me!! AFA Bard : ACADEMIC BOWL - 1991!!!!! Our own AFL Bobaloo will join us to talk about a new, AFA Bard : fun season of this online game!!!!! It's gonna be great! Panda4 : Alright! Fantasic!!!!! RagenT : been waiting for the announcement! AFC Tooter : Yeah!!!! splud. MaryEz : Maybe I can finally find out what it's all about! Panda4 : Also in the future will be a chat about Magic File Cabinet! RagenT : Mary, it's great! Panda4 : :) AFA Bard : Of course... that announcement PALES in what we're discussing tonight! :)) AFA Bard : (hmm... that macro didn't look right... some grammar lessons maybe? :)) MaryEz : Go, Toot. AFC Tooter : Bobloo is anything but pale. Panda4 : :) AFA Bard : So.... on to our show! The stars are YOU>>>! With our tour guide... TOOTER! Go Toot! AFC Tooter : I thought we'd begin this evening with a question. There are lots of areas on AO and lots of ways to AFC Tooter : use them. Ed areas only offer a small portion of the] AFC Tooter : possibilities for classes online. AFC Tooter : I'd like to know which AFC Tooter : areas you've tried to use or thought of using. Which are your favorite areas on AFC Tooter : aO for liking classes or running class projects? AFC Tooter : Any suggestions? Panda4 : My favorite haunts are AED, AGR, APR!! MaryEz : Oh, are there other areas besides TIN, AED, and ESH? LavonneS : I took my own AOL software in and connected hearing impaired kids with BarryP AFC Tooter : You bet, Mary. What can you do with a class in the other areas? RagenT : LOL, I never seem to get out of these areas myself. LavonneS : in Equal Access cafe. It was great. AFC Tooter : AO is great for hearing impaired. AFA Bard : Wow! Great ideas!!!! Who shall we start with, first, Toot? Tell us more! MaryEz : Lavonne, I'm trying to connect two hearing impaired kids from our school with others. AFA Bard : (Remember a FREE HOUR will be awarded at the end of tonight's chat!) AFC Tooter : What is Equal Access Cafe? LavonneS : Wow, us too! how old are they? MaryEz : 6th grade Panda4 : afk LavonneS : Equal Access Cafe is chat area in disAbilities area Panda4 : bak AFC Tooter : I didn't know there was a disAbilities area. Where? MaryEz : Where? LavonneS : It is in Lifestyles MaryEz : of the Rich and Famous? Panda4 : :) LavonneS : keyword disability AFC Tooter : That's great to know. One of the things I like about AO, however, is that nobody knows about Panda4 : It sounds interesting, Lavonne. AFC Tooter : the disabilities. LavonneS : we have 9 hearing impaired in mainstreamed classes in regular elem school AFC Tooter : How active is it? What kinds of resources have you found or used there? LavonneS : They are really interested in telecommunications MaryEz : Have you connected with LitLucy, Lavonne? AFC Tooter : We're beginning to get a small crowd of hearing impaired students. LitLucy has classes and MarkS20. LavonneS : It is fairly active and seems to be a place where disabled can share questions AFA Bard : Great suggestion, Mary! LavonneS : and experiences AFC Tooter : I'll be sure to check it out this week. MaryEz : Is it active during the daytime so we can find someone during the day? RagenT : There are a couple of hearing impaired in 4th and 5th grades at our school. I RagenT : will check it out. LavonneS : I think I have met her in Sun night chats in Equal Access Cafe 10:00 PM EST AFA Bard : Welcome, Quinton! We're discussing our favorite areas for students online! AFC Tooter : Hi Quinton. We're discussing uses of AO for classes. Lavonne has just told AFA Bard : Bye Quinton. :( AFC Tooter : about the online disabilities area and her experiences with students there. Panda4 : He's gone:( AFC Tooter : Boy, we chased him out quick, Bard! Panda4 : :) LavonneS : The main thing I have gotten there is the chance to ask adults what they would Panda4 : Didn't like what he saw, I quess! LavonneS : hope we would be doing for kids to help educationally AFA Bard : Anybody use any of the online reference materials??? Panda4 : What kind of responses have you gotten Lavonne? LavonneS : They also are great in sharing adaptive equipment that has helped disable to LavonneS : use technology RagenT : My kids have used the encylopedia on occasion. MaryEz : We have used the encyclopedia but prime time is so costly we don't use it regularly. AFC Tooter : Andy, what thoughts have you had as to class uses or student uses of AGR, APR. Panda4 : I have Bard. It makes research a breez! AFA Bard : What do you think of it, Ragen? MaryEz : AGR? APR? Panda4 : Well, APR is linked to AWKS and all of the AWKS companies like TIN... Panda4 : Apple Productivity and Graphics Forums! RagenT : For older kids, it's ok, but some of it is higher reading levels and hard for MaryEz : Thanks. RagenT : the younger kids to understand. Panda4 : Art can be integrated into any subject without really trying. RagenT : But, I have had a certain teenage daughter that has pulled the 9pm needed the RagenT : library bit, and the encyclopedia online was a godsend. Panda4 : Hi Tandem! AFA Bard : Welcome Tandem! AFC Tooter : Absolutely, Andy. How could AO help? LavonneS : Hi Tandem Tandem1 : Hi guys. What's happenin ? AFC Tooter : Hi Tandem. We're discussing different ways of using AO with students and classes. Panda4 : Well, for the most part children can use the graphics for illustrating stories AFC Tooter : One of my dreams is getting kids to illustrate each other's stories online. Tandem1 : Ok then, I'll start the ball rolling. Does anyone know how I can learn more about programming Apple ? Panda4 : or get ideas about illustrations for stories. AFC Tooter : I still want to see Scrap schools do fine editions of each others work with DTP and graphics. They AFC Tooter : might even become each other's editors. Panda4 : I have written several books for early readers with PrintShop GS. Tandem1 : In that case, is my query relevant ? AFA Bard : Sure, Tandem..... hold a second. :) LavonneS : Tandem what languages are you interested in? AFA Bard : OK.. Go Tandem! AFC Tooter : Not sure how to learn programming on AO other than asking the experts. Anyone? AFA Bard : Are you talking about BASIC? Panda4 : Tandem there are also onLine classes for higher languages like Pascal, C.. MaryEz : Would you like some pictures using Dazzle Draw? I could probably get some kids to do some for tne AFA Bard : And, Tandem, there are several files in the ADV library (Development) that will help you out with MaryEz : next ScrapBook. AFA Bard : Pascal and BASIC> Tandem1 : Guys. I was thinking about "C" or Pascal. But I'd also heard about MACAPP (sp?). Any info on those ? RagenT : You can take courses online for programming. I took one and it was fun. Panda4 : For MacApp you need to check with MDV. AFA Bard : MACAPP files are located in the Mac Develop. Forum... keyword: MDV. It's supposed to be easy to lear AFA Bard : learn. RagenT : Toot, I also have that fantasy of taking the scraps and teaching DTP with them. RagenT : But who has the time? AFC Tooter : Mary, I was thinking that graphics and scanned pictures might be an excellent way of responding in MaryEz : Would you use Publish It, Ragen? Tandem1 : Panda4, what's MDV (I'm new at this!) AFC Tooter : ScrapBook. Once schools have tried that, they might be ready to DTP and edition for someone else. Panda4 : Mac Development Forum Keyword MDV:) RagenT : However...just thinking here...I COULD have my club kids publish the 5th grader RagenT : s scraps as one of their projects... RagenT : using Publish it. RagenT : One nice thing about AOL is the ideas that you get from other teachers for AFC Tooter : PublishIt on an Apple II or Mac? Can you switch from one to the other? RagenT : projects...our club is calling in for earthquakes now. MaryEz : I would love to do same but it just isn't possible with the number of kids I'm working with. MaryEz : Apple, Tooter. AFA Bard : Ragen.. EARTHQUAKE stacks in Studioware library! RagenT : On an old apple ii e....a mac...are you kidding..those are for the secretaries. Panda4 : Is there a PublishIt on the Mac? I've only used PageMakerPro. Tandem1 : RagenT, how does online ed work ? I've seen it advertised, but unsure as to the mechanics. AFC Tooter : Yes, Andy. Can you move PUblishIt between formats? Does anyone know? RagenT : You sign up for the course you want and meet once a week, download homework and RagenT : upload your answers etc... is it IES, I think. MaryEz : Tooter, could we work something out with HoboJungle to do a ScrapBook edition? RagenT : I think it is about 20$ a course. AFC Tooter : Sure could. Marc and I have already talked about some of the possibilities. RagenT : I got Hobo Jungle in the mail, looks real good. AFC Tooter : Has anyone used the Debate boards with kids? LavonneS : I've missed coming every time Hobo Jungle comes up. What is it ?? MaryEz : If we take the best of the scraps instead of all of them, we should be able to get a special edition. RagenT : I don't think I would be able to use earthquake stacks. What machine are they Tandem1 : Panda4 & RagenT - Thanks a lot for your help guys. RagenT : for? MaryEz : Let's talk about it Wednesday. AFC Tooter : Hobo Jungle is a partially funded proiject that comes into your school and works with Panda4 : No Prob. Tandem glad to help :) RagenT : Anytime. Tandem1 : Bye guys! Panda4 : Bye ! AFC Tooter : kids for two or three days to publish a magazine of students' work. AFA Bard : Bye Tandem! RagenT : About what Mary? AFC Tooter : They p[articularly like to work with schools that are interested in publishing all kinds of work, AFC Tooter : pictures, music, poems, stories, everything. LavonneS : Do they publish in multimedia? AFC Tooter : They do a great job. They will be at my school sometime in March for three days. RagenT : Great, Tooter! Panda4 : No Lavonne it's a DTP publication. MaryEz : We are trying to set something up too! AFC Tooter : They have grant money which funds part of the project. The school has to put up the rest. AFC Tooter : They are publishers of a great magazine called Hobo Jungle. The school projects are an extension of AFC Tooter : thet work. AFC Tooter : For more info, just send e-mail to HoboJungle. AFC Tooter : Once again, has anyone tried using the Debate boards online? MaryEz : Where are they? Panda4 : It's a very good project, IMHO. AFC Tooter : Use keyword DEBATE. It might be a bit heavy for elementary schoolers. Panda4 : Where are the debate boards online, Toot? Panda4 : { S Never Mind} LavonneS : What kind of subjects come up there. anything? AFC Tooter : The debate boards are one if not the most active area on AO. The topics and views are AFC Tooter : wide-ranging. MaryEz : Boy, I've been living a sheltered life. Never getting out of AED, TIN, and ESH!! I'll have to MaryEz : get adventurous! AFC Tooter : Anything that people can wrangle about is there. Panda4 : :) LavonneS : Mary, what is ESH? AFC Tooter : Views range between both (all) political poles. MaryEz : Electronic School House LavonneS : gotcha AFC Tooter : ESH = Electronic SchoolHouse, the home of ScrapBook and the place for making class to class links. Panda4 : :) Go Toots! AFA Bard : And let's not forget EAASY SABRE - for school field trips without leaving the school! AFC Tooter : The debate boards were great last year when I was teaching public speaking and the students were MaryEz : Toot, how many school with be involved in the first 3 scrapping sessions? AFC Tooter : preparing for their opwn debates. It was a plce to test ideas and get some. MaryEz : Schools will be involved? AFA Bard : ** Still looking for the secret word! ** Keep on chattin'! AFC Tooter : Not sure yet about #3, but the first two run more than 20 schools. LavonneS : Rumplestiltskin ?? RagenT : What is eaasy saber? MaryEz : I've learned to stay out of the People Connection!! AFC Tooter : HINT: Think computer. Must come up in normal RAM conversation. Panda4 : It's a travel area. AFA Bard : EAASY SABRE is the online travel service. Here's the scenario... you're studying about LONDON or AFC Tooter : Bard, you used Easy Saabre with kids, didn't you? AFA Bard : English LIT. have kids find out about flights to London... what hotel the Queen's stayed in... AFA Bard : how much it costs to rent a METRO (a really TINY car!) and how far it is from the airport to your AFA Bard : destination! The kids love it. Without a special number, they're browsing is harmless - they Can't RagenT : Is a data base? AFA Bard : book a flight. :)) Thankfully! Panda4 : All on a modem. Technology never stops amazing me :)! RagenT : Do they have to sign up? AFA Bard : Sort of, Ragen. It's actually the EXACT same service that travel agents use when you visit MaryEz : There are some I'd gladly book a flight for!! Panda4 : LOL! Mary! AFA Bard : them. There are "clickable" options or "fast path" options for easy navigation. No.. they don't have Panda4 : I know the few, too! AFA Bard : to signn up, Ragen. You can "browse" without booking. (You need an EAASY SABRE password to actually AFA Bard : book a flight or check your reservations... that only comes when you give them your VISA number! AFA Bard : _ credit card _ that is! ) AFC Tooter : Another useful area StockLink. Did you know that students can compile a whole portfolio and get it MaryEz : I'm always afraid I'll buy something I didn't want when I get into some of these areas. AFC Tooter : evaluated every 10 minutes. Then they can afford the flights in Easy Saabre. RagenT : Oh, we used to have a stock market club...that would have come in handy. Panda4 : :) Toot. AFA Bard : Right, Toot. And they can even set up a SAMPLE PORTFOLIO with BEARS & BULLS game. It allows you RagenT : I know what you mean, Mary. AFA Bard : to create a portfolio with $100,000 in "play money" and track it over time! AFA Bard : <-- wish I'd bought Apple 4 months ago! Panda4 : :) AFC Tooter : In NewsLink they can check the daily opinion pole and get the pulse of public opinion. Buy Summit Tec Panda4 : LAL Bard:) AFC Tooter : Technology. RagenT : No kidding! is that when Scully shook hands with IBM? AFA Bard : And don't forget using KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY.. this gives you a compendium of computer-related AFA Bard : news stories! RagenT : I have a couple of "hackers" in my club...what would be of interest to them? Panda4 : There is a lot more here than I thought. Well looks like like my bill will... MaryEz : Kidding aside, is there any way you can get into something you don't want? AFA Bard : Maybe the "virus" forum, Ragen? LOL! Panda4 : keep getting bigger:) RagenT : Is there a hackers anonomous? AFC Tooter : I've found the best way to locater student pen pals is to visit the special interest areas and have AFA Bard : No, Mary. Without a password, or other special numbers you can't 1) BUY anything or 2) SELL anything AFC Tooter : kids send e-mail to people who share similar interests. AFA Bard : you don't want to! :) AFC Tooter : Works much betterthan class to class pen pals. RagenT : They don't have an appreciation of what computers can do as tools. AFA Bard : Try EAASY SABRE and also visit the BUSINESS foru, Ragen. AND... check out the HOBBY FORUMS in the AFA Bard : Lifestyles and Interests area. AFA Bard : (foru = forum) AFC Tooter : Yes, that was what I was referring to for pen pals. Panda4 : Most educators are that way, Ragen. Persent company excluded, of course. RagenT : These are wonderful...I would like to know about creative financing of kids RagenT : daytime use of AOL. MaryEz : Me too!!! AFC Tooter : Me too!! Panda4 : :) AFA Bard : Murray! Panda4 : Hi Teacher! RagenT : There is no one to foot the bill...so I am using some of my free hours..however AFC Tooter : Hi, Murray. TEACHER ms : Hello All !!! RagenT : the kids call during prime time. LavonneS : I think we will be getting telecomm software on network that we could send LavonneS : EMail after 6:00PM Panda4 : That would be nice, Lavonne. Panda4 : Save a few $$ RagenT : Interesting idea. MaryEz : How can we get AOL to seriously consider selling blocks of time and when the time is gone, it's MaryEz : gone. LavonneS : I don't know exactly what it is but our tech person was telling me will will LavonneS : soon have the ability to do that AFA Bard : Mary.. I think they're working on that. ;0 Panda4 : I have software that does that now, but not for AOL. RagenT : If my memory serves me right, tomorrow's Monday and I still have hours of work RagenT : to do...must be running.... Panda4 : Bye Ragen. LavonneS : Maybe this won't work for AOL, I don't know Panda4 : Have a good week:) AFA Bard : Not going to stick around for the FREE HOURS, Ragen? RagenT : Great, as usual...night! AFA Bard : }:) LavonneS : Bye Ragen AFA Bard : Nite Ragen! RagenT : Should I? Panda4 : The Mac software or the version of it will let you do flash mail sessions. LavonneS : Always stick around Ragen ... the work will wait MaryEz : Ragen, you said database, maybe that's the secret word. You never know. Panda4 : It sure got quite in here:) MaryEz : quite quiet! AFC Tooter : I love flashmail. AFA Bard : I can'tand the suspense... AFA Bard : Let's do the SECRET WORD! AFC Tooter : But it's NOT the secret word. Panda4 : My typing is really bad. I need to stop taking lessons from AFL Marty:) AFC Tooter : Go, Bard! AFA Bard : The Winner of our SECRET word.... AFA Bard : .... for 11/3/91... AFA Bard : in the AED Chat... AFC Tooter : blurtp AFA Bard : ... attended by many WONDERFUL people... AFC Tooter : glooobergloober AFA Bard : .... is... MaryEz : *Clink-Klank* AFA Bard : .. for the word MULTIMEDIA.... AFC Tooter : splut AFA Bard : LAVONNE!!!! (:: MAJOR APPLAUSE :::) ()()()()()() AFA Bard : YEA, LAVONNE!!! Panda4 : Congrats..... Lavonne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] AFA Bard : Don't forget -- next week, same time... the introduction of ACADEMIC BOWL, 1991!!! Meet here AFC Tooter : * ROTFL (rolling on the floor l* LavonneS : Tooter MY how you type sooo fast. ! AFA Bard : and hear from our host AFL Bobloo - master of ceremonies... MaryEz : Please log it for me. I'll be in New Hampshire!! Panda4 : This is the only time he can get it out of his system! AFA Bard : Macros - Lavone! AFC Tooter : And I can do it exactly the same again next week. AFA Bard : You know, Toot.. they have medicine for that. :)) AFC Tooter : Oh, Bard, you give away all the secrets. Panda4 : LOL! Bard! MaryEz : Smack his fingers!!1 AFA Bard : It was GREAT to see you folks. LOTS of very creative ideas from all YOU creative people!!! AFA Bard : LOL, Andy! AFC Tooter : By the way, Kid Toot pushed the food fight this week. MaryEz : Hi, Melissa. LavonneS : Can't we hear more from him? AFC Tooter : Good night all. Back to finishing up grades. Hi Mary. LavonneS : OR her? sorry AFC Tooter : So long all. Have a good week. Fingers still crossed for Andy. MaryEz : Nitey, nite. Come to TIN, Teachers' Forum, Rm 1 on Wednesday at 9:30 EST for a talk on AFA Bard : Nite, TOOT! Log posted tomorrow. Congrats again to LAVONNE for winning a free hour. It will be AFA Bard : posted to your account within 72 hours! :)) MaryEz : Where we are and Where we are going. Panda4 : Hi GRay! LavonneS : Thanks, its great :))) 11/3/91 9:04:24 PM Closing Log file.