9/22/91 8:04:46 PM Opening "LOG922" for Chat Log recording. MaryEz : Hi, what's on tonight? I ought to look at the schedule once in a while. AFA Bard : Hiya Mary!! It's LIBRARY FAVORITE's night! :) AFA Bard : [[ Gayle! ]] AFA Bard : Hiya Ragen, glad to see ya! RagenT : Hello, Long time no see! Panda4 : Hi! AFA Bard : Hiya Panda! Panda4 : Hey Bard! AFA Bard : Murray! AFC Tooter : Hi Murray! AFL Gayle : now.) AFA Bard : Tonight's scheduled chat topic is: The All Time Greatest Files in the AED libraries.... AFA Bard : ... according to one (admittedly biased) person... ME! AFL Gayle : Go for it, Bard! We've got one free hour to give away tonight to a lucky person who says the secret word. Panda4 : What if no one says the secret word? AFA Bard : The secret words are REALLY obvious.. chances are if you talk, someone will say it! AFL Gayle : Trust us, Andy. Some ONE always wins! :) We give easy "tests." :) Just AFL Gayle : participate meaningfully, and someone will win. :) AFA Bard : OK.. FIRST.. I'd like YOU to tell ME what files you've downl from AED and loved! Anyone have any recommendations? MaryEz : I only download Mac card games from the game library ;) Panda4 : I have found that Tonight's Sky is a really good program! AFA Bard : LOL Mary! I agree PANDA!!! In fact, that was one of my picks, too! (Hi Eric!) AFA Bard : Here are my other SCIENCE LIBRARY picks... AFA Bard : From AED SCIENCE: Will your sunpowered car beat all the rest? Your students will race to design the AFA Bard : most efficient sunpowered car with GM SUNRAYCER - a great AFA Bard : Science simulation! AFA Bard : And don't forget PERIODIC TABLE DATABASE and PERIODIC PUNS for those that are more "chemical AFA Bard : minded." :)) For the litttle ones - try AW DINOSAUR DATABASE - it's great! AFA Bard : PANDA, if you keep feeding me great opportunties like that YOU may win the hour!!! ;))) OK.. AFA Bard : anyone else got a favorite file.. ANY subject (Apple II AED please!) AFA Bard : Anyone? GS ERIC : So what's happening tonight Panda4 : The Periodic Table HyperCard is very useful, too! GS ERIC : to tell you the truth...I really haven't doanloaded much from the aed librarys GS ERIC : not enough time I guess AFA Bard : Yeah.. I like that one too, Panda. ERIC.. what's your favorite subject in school? Panda4 : And I could not live without 2.0!!!!!! GS ERIC : well I personally like biology this year...though past years have been giograph GS ERIC : y Panda4 : GradeBook 2.0, that is! GS ERIC : Who publishes that Panda4 : It's freeware! Panda4 : Here in AED! GS ERIC : really AFA Bard : Yea! It's pretty good, use QUICKFINDER and search for GRADEBOOK. :) Panda4 : Yes it is wonderful. GS ERIC : maybe my mom can use that...she's a teacher but right now she uses 123 AFA Bard : Or check TEACHER TOOLS library. AFL Gayle : Well, if she likes what she is using, she might not want to change, Andy. There GS ERIC : ok...thanks...I guess being a student not a teacher...I do not have much use.. GS ERIC : for stuff like that Panda4 : This program will generate letters and reports you / she can send home! AFL Gayle : are quite a few different gradebooks in our libraries, including a demo of GS ERIC : sounds pretty neat...I think I will check it out after the conference GS ERIC : 123??] AFL Gayle : Magic Windows from Kitchen Sink Software. (This is a commercial one, supported AFL Gayle : in one of our Direct Connects. :) AFA Bard : Eric, if you haven't seen it, the GM SunRaycer disk I mentioned is pretty cool. It's a long DL but AFA Bard : worth it. :) GS ERIC : Is that new...I don't thik I've heard of that before Panda4 : Your right Gayle I have tried them all, GradeBook 2.0 is still my fav. AFA Bard : Gradebusters 1,2,3 (now available in Mac, Apple // and Messy-DOS versions!) GS ERIC : Yes....our school got that through the local GM plant...I used it and liked it GS ERIC : Ya...I just heard about there....do they all have any way to import files to.. GS ERIC : each other AFA Bard : You might also like some of these files I like from the OTHER EDUCATIONAL library... GS ERIC : The elem. computer corrd. and I are rigging up somthing with AT&T to talk... GS ERIC : to schools all ove the world.... AFA Bard : Don't forget AED OTHER SUBJECT AREA files! Try CONUNDRUMS (problem solving toughies), BUNNY GAME, AFA Bard : a great problem-solver for the tots and AMIGO SPANISH a great multi-lingual tutor. GS ERIC : details are still pretty sctchy though..... GS ERIC : Has anyone heard anything about it???? Panda4 : I like the geometry tutor, too Bard. AFA Bard : Eric, AT&T has had a long distance "pen pal" service for some time. :) AFA Bard : Another GOOD file, Panda. :)) Here are some other MATH GOODIES that my students liked... AFA Bard : From AED MATH: Need to work on those BASIC MATH SKILLS? Try FLASH CARD HGR - a fast-paced math AFA Bard : programs that uses great graphics to "distract" a reluctant learner. Panda4 : :) AFL Gayle : Yes, Eric, but the AT&T program is fairly expensive. Around $400+ for several AFL Gayle : months. AFA Bard : Anyone seen any good STACKWARE programs around??? (fishing for an opportunity to run yet another AFA Bard : macro!) :)) Panda4 : One of my all time favorite math programs is the HS Stack Fractals! GS ERIC : Has anyone heard anything new about the Sept. 25 announcement from Apple Panda4 : Take it away Bard! AFA Bard : LOL.. Panda's GOOD at this! :)) Panda4 : :") AFL Gayle : Andy just gave you an opportunity, Bard. :) AFA Bard : From STACKWARE: Try out WOMEN IN HISTORY (now located in NEW FILES), SPELLSTACK and HS SWITCH GS ERIC : Also...I do not have a stellite or now someone that does....you'all????? AFA Bard : ANIMATION. For a really special "mathematics twist" try out the very well programmed SIERPINSKI AFA Bard : GASKETS. This one will turn any math teacher's head! GS ERIC : Where did gayle go???? AFA Bard : Seriously... that GASKETS file is pretty cool... AFA Bard : She probably got bumped by her local node, Eric. :( AFA Bard : Tooter.. you're quiet tonight. ;) GS ERIC : I wouldn't be a bit suprised :) AFC Tooter : Just the four of us now. The big hook. AFA Bard : Are you Multi-tasking? :)) AFC Tooter : So to speak. AFA Bard : Speaking of speaking...... GS ERIC : UGC Panda???? AFA Bard : From AED Language ARTS: Hangman.REVISED will thrill those interested in spelling with a twist. :) And AFC Tooter : Here's GAYLE!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : TIIE brings us a GREAT QUOTATIONS file perfect for finding the right quote for any project or speech. Panda4 : Serpinski's Gasket! Panda4 : UGC is a forum here on AO use keyworg UGC. Panda4 : I haven't seen that one, Bard I'll have to check it out! AFA Bard : From AED NEW FILES: Get the BIG PICTURE as you explore planets and stars with TONIGHT'S SKY GS - AFA Bard : great for middle school through HS students interested in astronomy! Panda4 : Kind of a Peter's Quotations on disk. AFL Gayle : AO is working on the problem, Eric. AFA Bard : (See Andy.. you read my mind. :)) Panda4 : :) AFA Bard : Welcome Steve! GS ERIC : Hey Steve :D Steve2543 : GOOD EVENING! AFC Tooter : Hi Steve. Steve2543 : IS "NIBBLE" MAGAZINE STILL AROUND? GS ERIC : Thanks for your help panda...it shouldn't be to complicated will it??? AFC Tooter : I haven't seen Nibble for awhile, but it may be. GS ERIC : to find how to access the conference Steve2543 : Sorry... Panda4 : Use keyword UGC and choose conference hall just like here in AED. GS ERIC : The las issue I bought in the local B. Dalton said that they were... GS ERIC : going to a subscription journal form only.......:) GS ERIC : thanks again Panda Panda4 : Any time. AFA Bard : Question: Who was "Atilla the Buns?" Steve2543 : Is GEOS too complicated for children? AFL Gayle : Nibble Magazine is available by using the keyword Nibble, Steve. Steve2543 : Thanks. The last issue I saw was April. Panda4 : I don't know Bard Who is Atilla the Buns? AFL Gayle : What age children are you asking about, Steve? Steve2543 : Nine and ten. AFL Gayle : I don't know who Atilla the Buns is either, Bard. :) Tell us. :) AFA Bard : LOL! (Thanks Andy!) Actually, it's from a GREAT online text file... watch this -----> AFA Bard : From AED SOCIAL STUDIES: Throw away your keys and use your COMPUTER to discover the USA with the AW Steve2543 : I have a 3.5" drive in my classroom, so that helps. AFL Gayle : I haven't actually used GEOS, Steve. You might try posting your question in AFA Bard : STATES DB - a database with lots of information! I can't fail to recommend one of my ALL TIME AFA Bard : favorites.... STUDENT BLOOPERS ABOUT HISTORY, located WAY down the list of files. This "excerpt" AFL Gayle : the Productivity Forum. They have a word processing consultant, AFC Frank, who AFA Bard : from a popular book is perfect as a problem solving task for hard to handle high schoolers! AFL Gayle : has used GEOS. GS ERIC : Both are having extreme trouble with the networks also....can't even come... AFC Tooter : So, who is Attila the Buns, Bard? AFA Bard : Hiya Negotiator!! Steve2543 : Thanks. And bye! GS ERIC : close to aed.....both said they will try a few more times AFC Tooter : Hi Bob, long time no see. GS ERIC : Hello Negotiator AFA Bard : He's a great conquerer, Toot... see the STUDENT BLOOPERS (he's next to Joan Aardvark :)) ) Panda4 : LOL!!! GS ERIC : has anyone had experiences with HyperStudio 3.0////anything real exciting thats GS ERIC : changed???? AFL Gayle : Gee, I had forgotten all about him, Bard! (And I'm the one who released that AFL Gayle : file. :) AFL Gayle : HyperStudio 3.0 is still in beta testing, Eric. Stay tuned to Roger Wagner's GS ERIC : boy//////just looked at the time.....time flys when yourhaving fun... AFL Gayle : Discussion Board in our Direct Connect for up-to-the-minute reports on HS 3.0 AFL Gayle : when it is released. GS ERIC : ok...thanks GS ERIC : just got an IM from IC Gerry..... Panda4 : The Dolch word list would be useful to reading teachers. I used it when I took reading methods! GS ERIC : Well Guys....I guess it's just us diehards GS ERIC : :) Panda4 : I'm trying Bard;) AFA Bard : Right, Panda. Also.. in case ANY of you have or work with kids who have special needs.. we've now AFA Bard : got 3 or 4 files in the libraries that use or require adaptive devices such as switches. I've Panda4 : I've seen those the are real neat! AFA Bard : talked to a couple of folks who've used these with Cerebral Palsy kids with great success. :) GS ERIC : Does anybody using GraphicWriter III??? Panda4 : Fantastic, Bard! AFA Bard : From TEACHERS TOOLS: Keep those screens locked on by locking kids OUT of the GS control panel with AFA Bard : LOCKOUT GS. And, don't forget our NASA library- download LOST IN THE UNIVERSE for a great AFA Bard : learning game. GS ERIC : I have been waiting frantically for v1.1...I publish a quaterly family newspape AFA Bard : That LOCKOUT program has saved me MUCHO headaches! GS ERIC : always crashes :( GS ERIC : By the way I just remembered.... Panda4 : I'll bet, Bard! AFL Gayle : Eric, GraphicWriter (Seven Hills) has a Direct Connect in the Productivity GS ERIC : oh....agin I thank you AFL Gayle : Forum. Use keyword APR to hear more about when 1.1 will be out and you will AFL Gayle : find LOTS of users of GraphicWriter there. :) GS ERIC : The history teacher at school asked me to sheck to see if you have online... Panda4 : Gayle :) GS ERIC : of know of any comercial programs realated to the civil war and or constitution GS ERIC : He also wanted the revelution but I told him rev 76 was the right program... AFA Bard : Broderbund just released "Where in America's Past is Carmen SanDiego" -- it's got lots of that kind AFA Bard : of stuff inside. :) GS ERIC : he just got his GS.... AFL Gayle : Civil War and Constitution... Hmm, try searching by keyword using ALL Libraries GS ERIC : Yes...I hear it will be out for Apple after IBM and Mac AFL Gayle : from our menu, Eric. I THINK there are HyperStudio stacks about the Civil War. Panda4 : :) AFL Gayle : Broderbund will support their current programs but not develop any new ones? AFA Bard : Just a guess... Broderbund will continue to support current programs, but their primary platforms will AFA Bard : be Mac, IBM and Apple // - in that order. GS ERIC : I have a consistant set of letters that I write to popular Apple II companies.. AFA Bard : [Ragen!] RagenT : Back! GS ERIC : asking them for future pland...usually I get stuff saying that I'm on their Panda4 : bak GS ERIC : mailing list or catalogs or I'll be notified of future updates... GS ERIC : the industry is crazy... AFA Bard : :) Gayle.. what did you think of the Women in History stacks? AFL Gayle : Haven't had a chance to look at them yet, Bard. Just downloaded them late AFL Gayle : this afternoon. Panda4 : Eric, AFC SteveB is in APR Keyword APR he keeps up with the stuff you want to Panda4 : know! GS ERIC : ok.....whats the apr...hardware??? AFA Bard : The author, JanLynn, has put everyone from Shirley Chisholm to Rosanne Barr-Arnold in there. Her AFA Bard : scanned photos are great! GS ERIC : I wonder if he send out regualr mailngs???? AFL Gayle : APR is Apple // Productivity, Eric. AFL Marty (Knight) is the Forum Leader. Panda4 : Just use keyword APR and go to the conf. hall! AFL Gayle : AHW is the keyword for hardware, Eric. GS ERIC : awsome....thanks for your help again AFA Bard : So, Toot, ready any good BOOKS lately?? GS ERIC : that women in history thing.....is it a long DL.....what does it need to run??? AFL Gayle : Eric, the Women in History has 2 stacks. You don't even need HyperStudio to AFL Gayle : run it, just your GS System Disk (which you obviously already have, since you AFL Gayle : are online. :) AFL Gayle : Jan has just released an upgraded version. MUCH shorter download, Eric. GS ERIC : I think I'll download anything later because of network problems. AFL Gayle : One is somewhere around 38 min. The other, 56 or so. AFL Gayle : Waiting is an excellent idea, Eric, but don't forget about it! :) GS ERIC : thats not toooooooo bad :) AFA Bard : DL time is about 90 minutes, total, Eric. GS ERIC : I always have a pen and paper when I'm on AOL...something always comes up AFA Bard : Hey Gerry!!! How's it going? Panda4 : {{{{{{{{{{Gerry}}}}}}}}}}} GS ERIC : Gerry...finally made it AFL Gayle : Eric, why don't you get the CDA that will do a Screen Dump of your screen for GS ERIC : :) :) :) :) :) IC Gerry :{{{{{{{{{{Panda}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Panda4 : :) AFL Gayle : you. Much faster than pen and paper. :) You can find it in the Utilities Forum, AFL Gayle : Keyword AUT. :) IC Gerry : Eric, some of us have to do some work here occasionally..;) AFL Gayle : Also, in that forum or in APR, you can find a CDA that AFL Marty wrote that GS ERIC : Oh yes.......I tryed installing that but I couldn't get it to work..novice at. GS ERIC : these things IC Gerry : Great idea, Gayle..any idea what the name of it is? Or is it just screen dump? :) AFL Gayle : lists all of the A2 forums and their keywords. GS ERIC : aaaaaaaaaa.....I'm getting a little confused...help :) Panda4 : Programmed by AFL MArty!!!! AFL Gayle : Something like PrintScreen CDA, Gerry. There are 2 versions. I like the one by AFL Gayle : Guy T. Rice, but it's ImageWriter II specific. AFL Gayle : OK. The wrym for the 9 pm chat is going by, so it must be time to announce the IC Gerry : THat is my favorite CDA..I can't LIVE without that one!!!! :) AFL Gayle : winner of our free hour for tonight! :) GS ERIC : whats the wrym??? GS ERIC : drum roll>>>>>>>>>>>>> IC Gerry : the announcement that flashes on your screen, Eric.. AFL Gayle : Next week, since it is the 5th week in the month, we decided to try something IC Gerry : or rolls along the bottom, depending on your computer type..:) AFL Gayle : that other forums (Make that week...) IC Gerry : :) AFL Gayle : have used. We'll have a Monthly RoundUp of what we've talked about all of this AFL Gayle : past month. AFL Gayle : Now for our winner... GS ERIC : that sounds pretty coold...I can't wait :) IC Gerry : Great!!! I can catch up that way! :) GS ERIC : cool...hehe AFL Gayle : Andy, Panda4 wins for saying disk! :) (You have to have a disk to download all AFL Gayle : of the wonderful files in our libraries, of course. :) AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Alright PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice job!!!!! (::: standing ovation! :::) IC Gerry : Congrats, Andy!!!!!! :) Panda4 : Thanks Gayle, Bard. RagenT : Congratulations, Panda! AFL Gayle : Andy, Congratulations! :) GS ERIC : Panda YIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : A nonprime time hour will be credited to your account some time later this AFL Gayle : week! :) AFC Tooter : kabonga AFC Tooter : kerrrspludddd AFC Tooter : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzip AFC Tooter : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzippppppppp AFC Tooter : old toads AFC Tooter : KaBooooomb AFA Bard : Yea!!!!!!!!!! Toot's FOOD FIGHT macros are attacking!!! Yippeeeee!!! AFC Tooter : SPLAT AFC Tooter : whoooosh AFC Tooter : baNG*** AFC Tooter : BOARS HEAD AFC Tooter : Ghooooosh Panda4 : Tooter are you ok!! AFC Tooter : Ghoooooooooooooooooooosh AFC Tooter : Popcorn AFC Tooter : road apples AFC Tooter : kablooooohy AFC Tooter : shoouush IC Gerry : Has Toot gone completely nuts???? AFC Tooter : whsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssh AFC Tooter : Lacorazza GS ERIC : no he speaks up :) AFC Tooter : boing AFC Tooter : SPLAT AFA Bard : Toot's OK, but his NODE is running!!!!!!!! :))) AFL Gayle : Eric, if you need help with installing your CDAs, post a message in the AFL Gayle : Utilities Forum (Keyword AUT) or drop by on Wed. night at 9 pm when AFL Floyd AFL Gayle : has his chats. :) AFC Tooter : Sorry, just harvested the garden today. IC Gerry : And Toot seems so quiet and shy in person too..:) IC Gerry : JUst shows you what some people become when they get behind the screen. :) AFC Tooter : thought I just did. You don't know me well enough, Gerrry! IC Gerry : Eric, they don't have all the great things we do..:) GS ERIC : it's been an enjoyable evening as always AFL Gayle : Yes, Eric. AFL SandyB in the Beginners' Forum is VERY helpful. As a matter of AFC Tooter : fact. GS ERIC : u got that right,,,,that's why I only have AOL AFL Gayle : fact, the chat for Apple // users is going on right now in her forum, starring AFL Gayle : AFA JoeyS. Keyword ABF. :) IC Gerry : Joey is WONDERFUL!!!!!! GS ERIC : Nice talkin tonight..... GS ERIC : Good Night :) Panda4 : Good night Eric!!! AFA Bard : Night, Eric. Thanks for joining us! GS ERIC : You bet....everyone keep in touch and I'll see you all next week...hopefully :) AFL Gayle : Well, thanks to all for coming. I'm going to go put in the request for Andy's AFL Gayle : free hours. :) GS ERIC : bye IC Gerry : What do you mean, Andy? :) AFC Tooter : Complaint numbers are: Telenet............. ..............1-800-877-5045 AFC Tooter : Tymnet......... ...................1-800-336-0149 AFL Gayle : Good night, all! :) AFL Gayle : tonight. Thanks, TooT! :) AFA Bard : See ya folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9/22/91 9:14:27 PM Closing Chat Log.