5/17/92 7:58:55 PM Opening "Chat Log 5/17/92" for recording. AFL Gayle : Hi, Bard! Meet Amateur! His school in Lynnwood, WA, will be getting Channel AFL Gayle : One next year! AFL Gayle : Hi, Bill! :) AFA Bard : Hi Amateur, Bill! BRuke1 : hi Gayle nice to see you Amateur : We took a current events survey, and from the results, our school board decided we needed Channel One. AFA Bard : Did you investigate other services (or did they), Amateur? Amateur : I doubt it. BRuke1 : Channel One's sales people are real slick. They present the options as being: Channel One or total ignorance! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Hammer! Amateur : Where's everybody from? AFL Gayle : I work in Southeastern NC, Amateur. I'm a school librarian. Hammer2003 : Is this where the Channel 1 chat is going to take place. I am from Houston, TX. AFL Gayle : Yes, Hammer! You are here in the RIGHT place! :) BRuke1 : I work for the CA Dept of Education. We've been following Channel One since it was a glimmer in Chris Whittle' AFA Bard : Hiya GS! AFC Tooter : Hi Andy. You followed me through the door. Hammer2003 : Who is representing Whittle Communications? AFA Bard : Welcome Toot! AFL Gayle : No one, Hammer. AFA Andy : Hi Gayle, Bard, Toot, BRuke1, Hammer, Amateur!! AFC Tooter : Hi Bard. Thanks for the great note to Leni. BRuke1 : Hi all you AF people and everyone else AFA Andy : Hi DTW!! Amateur : Sorry I can't stay for the chat today. Bye! AFA Bard : Welcome DTW! AFC Tooter : Hello all! AFA Bard : Hammer.. you're from Atlanta? AFC Tooter : *Crunch and Swallow* Hammer2003 : I am a student at Emory University in Atlanta. I reside in Houston and am home for the summer. BRuke1 : Gayle do you roll out the carpet or do you want me to start? AFA Bard : Excellent! I'm in Lawrenceville, GA. :) AFL Gayle : Bill, I'll roll out the carpet! AFA Bard : ** Logging ** AFL Gayle : Our chat guest tonight is William L. Rukeyser, Special Assistant to the AFL Gayle : Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of CA, Dept. of Education. AFL Gayle : One of his special assignments is following news about Channel One. Be SURE and AFL Gayle : stop by our New Files library AFTER this chat to download some background AFL Gayle : information he's provided for us about Channel One. The status in CA right AFL Gayle : now is one school system has Channel One and the state DPE is fighting it, but AFL Gayle : I'll let Bill fill you in on all of those details! This chat is to explore the AFL Gayle : advantages and disadvantages of Channel One and other "free" news programs. AFL Gayle : We don't use protocol here, which means you can ask your questions as it AFL Gayle : occurs to you. We have one FREE hour to give away to the lucky person who AFL Gayle : says the secret word. The word MUST be said in context and you must stay AFL Gayle : until the end of the chat to be eligible. I'll let Bill say a few AFL Gayle : introductory comments now and then open the floor to questions. Welcome, Bill! AFA Bard : Welcome Wink! WINK5 : Hello BRuke1 : Thanks Gayle. Hello everyone, we think that Channel One and commercialism in schools will become BRuke1 : increasingly important topics in public education. BRuke1 : Actually there are a few school systems in CA with Channel One. We are going to court against East Side High BRuke1 : School District because it was the first. Our opposition to Channel One is based on ethics, educational BRuke1 : policy, fiscal issues and education law. The first three are universal, the last is specific to CA. BRuke1 : I would be happy to tell you about our position on any or all. Any preferences as to where we begin? WINK5 : Regarding Ethics? AFA Bard : Can you give an overview of exactly what Channel One IS and how they work? AFA Bard : Welcome MikeyMouse! MikeyMouse : hey! What's up? BRuke1 : That's a key point. We think that the big question is what is Channel One constructed the way it is: iron-clad BRuke1 : contract, mass penetration throughout the school. Guaranteed viewing, etc. The answer is that the MikeyMouse : Channel 1 as in the educational cable channel? BRuke1 : schools are selling their captive audience. Do they have a right to do that? Or do we have a special BRuke1 : trust we must fulfill for the public. We think the answer is the latter. AFA Bard : Iron clad contract? BRuke1 : It requires that the program be shown on ALL TV sets provided throughout the school. Individual BRuke1 : teachers don't have the right to turn them off. The school must also show the program at least 90% or BRuke1 : 95% percent of the days (depending on the version of the contract.) AFL Gayle : Right, Mikey. BRuke1 : There are also education issues, such as: how much professional control does a teacher have over his/ MikeyMouse : I don't know, our school has a cable system, but we do our own broadcasting, not channel 1 WINK5 : Who's the driving force behind Channel One? State BOE or commercial interests BRuke1 : her classroom? When a school district chooses material (the company claims Channel One is instructional BRuke1 : material, does it ever agree to use he entire thing? Don't you always get to pick and choose which channel DTW : So, assuming penetration at those %s is linked to commercial product, we have a barrage of mind control BRuke1 : chapters, or books you use and which you don't. In the case of schools using Channel One, it it the company, not BRuke1 : they educators which is calling the shots. DTW : for the students and the products being promoted? Not to ethical to me!!! AFA Bard : In tough economic times all some folks see are FREE TV's and SATELLITE access. They're not THINKING! BRuke1 : Whittle (the owners) promote this as "free". In fact the thing is a barter deal: TVs and wiring in BRuke1 : exchange for classroom minutes. We did a fiscal analysis and found out it was a sucker deal. AFA Bard : Our state department ruled it couldn't be used during instructional time or FTE funds would be BRuke1 : If all the high schools in CA signed up the cost to the company would be approx. 41 million. The cost WINK5 : Sounds like it might have been a sweetheart deal for someone AFA Bard : denied. Hooray for Werner Rogers (GA Supt.) AFC Tooter : Do you know what the position of the federal Dept of Ed is on Whittle? BRuke1 : to the taxpayer for the TIME (just the 2 minutes a day of commercials) over a 3 yr. contract would be BRuke1 : $89 million. AFL Gayle : Interesting question, Toot. Bill, has the federal Dept. of Ed. said anything AFL Gayle : about Channel One? BRuke1 : The USDE is taking a very careful neutral course. Lamer Alexander used to work for Whittle (Ch1's DennisGee : As a New Yorker, I find the TRIE system interesting BRuke1 : owners) and made lots of money on its stock. This came up during his confirmation and he said he BRuke1 : would excuse himself if the dept. ever considered it. BRuke1 : By the way, Whittle is part owner by Time-Warner and by Phillips Electronics (Magnavox) AFC Tooter : Have they taken any action in regard to Ch.1? BRuke1 : Tooter, are you talking about USDE? AFC Tooter : Yes. BRuke1 : No.. USDE is strictly hands off. Many state Depts or Ed are neutral. New York, Rhode Island and BRuke1 : CA are all strongly opposed. Others are also, but say that legally it is a local control issue. In CA BRuke1 : we believe both the state Ed code and constitution bar such a deal (at least during the official BRuke1 : school day.) AFC Tooter : I have read nothing about Ch.1 making it into any Connecticut Schools yet. MattS28 : ! BRuke1 : I got a call just a couple of weeks ago from a reporter from eastern Conn. (I think Norwich) he AFL Gayle : Matt, go with your question. AFA Bard : GO Matt! MattS28 : Well, I just wanted to comment on Ch. 1 as a student who watches it daily BRuke1 : asked whether Whittle was purposely targeting low wealth districts. I said I didn't know. AFA Bard : Yes, Matt. What do you think? MattS28 : I attend Brophy College Preparatory and many of the students dislike it MattS28 : I personally see the need for it, but I think there should be two version AFA Bard : Why? BRuke1 : Matt, because of the ads, or do you think the programming is low quality? MattS28 : Brophy is private and select students because of intelligence MattS28 : The program about the girl who spent $1000 on cloth is worthless to us MattS28 : The ads mean nothing to me BRuke1 : The students at North High in Fargo ND walked out of class to protest Channel One. The didn't mind the ads AFC Tooter : Why do you think there is a need for it? MattS28 : My teacher has a problem with them, but I think they we are all rational young adult and should AFC Tooter : That was to Matt. BRuke1 : that much, but felt the show talked down to them and was a waste of time. What do you think? MattS28 : be able to make the decision ourselves if we want to be influence by marketing MattS28 : I think America youth need to be informed MattS28 : I unlike many read the newspaper every morning at 5 and Time and Newsweek MattS28 : but many I know don't and need to be informed in this environment AFA Bard : I agree, Matt. Do you also use other programs, like CNN Newsroom? BRuke1 : Matt, we agree that students need to be informed about the news. They also need to discuss it MattS28 : I wish that they would have more world and national stories instead of these teen oriented BRuke1 : actively rather than passively watching a show and then moving on to something else MattS28 : I like there coverage of LA and the forum that Friday with Arsenio Hall in LA AFC Tooter : Isn't that the problem, Matt. They broadcast, not what you need, but what sells their products & hold AFC Tooter : s attention. MattS28 : The joke at Brophy is "The World is going to be destroyed in 5 hour" now in other news a new hair MattS28 : product has been released BRuke1 : Did you know that the company which owns Channel One has never been engaged in daily news gathering before BRuke1 : it started Channel One? AFA Bard : hahahaha, Matt! BRuke1 : You's still have time to go and buy it! MattS28 : I also watch NBC every night is amazing the related stories and video bits WINK5 : Gotta go, thanks AFA Bard : Does your school use other video news resources? AFA Bard : Thanks for joining us, Wink! MattS28 : But about the commercials I would like to know how many of you think teens take them seriously BRuke1 : If you have cable at your school, you might check out CNN "Newsroom" which is on at 3:45AM EDT every MattS28 : I don't know anyone BRuke1 : school day. AFA Bard : I don't think they do, Matt. I do, however, think there's a better use of class time than watching AFA Bard : an M & M commercial. Just makes me hungry. :) MattS28 : We have heard about that. but then the schools has to buy monitors and everything AFC Tooter : It's not a problem of taking them seriously. It's a problem of selling you out to the highest bidder. DTW : Serious or not, if they see enough of Pepsi, they'll be drinking it! And isn't that the goal of Channel One? AFC Tooter : As a teacher, I don't want to have to give my curriculum away to Whittle. MattS28 : I don't think so BRuke1 : When I've visited schools which use Channel One (public schools) more kids can name the sponsors than the BRuke1 : stories covered. That's name recognition! Bill DeCat : Who is Whittle and why is he taking your curriculum? MattS28 : When the commercials come one everyone either signs to song and mocks it or talk to a friend AFL Gayle : Channel One is in my county but not my school. Some of the librarians have AFL Gayle : commented about the excellent OTHER programs run all day long. Do you ever see AFL Gayle : any of those, Matt? Bill DeCat : Commercials are a part of life? Complaining about them is like complaining about the rain. MattS28 : You mean their specials. No it seems they always come on Fri.. MattS28 : And Friday I get out at 12;30 every week AFC Tooter : But I don't need to have commercials run during my class time. MattS28 : so I miss them AFL Gayle : I thought they could tape them and show them later? Bill DeCat : So why use T.V. to teach? MattS28 : I think the fact we got the TV is great. Every week we have a student produced show DTW : Hello Bill DeCAt! From Elysburg? AFC Tooter : I get 45 minutes per day per class. That time is very valuable. MattS28 : and all my classes show video on the monitors BRuke1 : Whittle is trying to make Channel One more acceptable by providing additional programming, but the ethical BRuke1 : questions remain. Bill DeCat : Hellow DTW. Awk! AFC Tooter : Bill, if the school signs up for Ch.1, I am given no choice. It has to be run. MattS28 : I know student are being sold as a 7 million + audience, but the fact remains if they want to spend MattS28 : their money why can't they? Bill DeCat : So mute the commercials and have quick discussions during that time. BRuke1 : That is correct Tooter. I know of teachers in NM and Mich who face discipline because they objected MattS28 : The students make the choice of watching. I know you think the school is selling the product but it AFC Tooter : Not legal, Bill. The school signs a contract in order toget the TVs. MattS28 : istn't. BRuke1 : to specific portions and tried to turn it off or edit it. Two of the plaintiffs in the CA suit are Bill DeCat : In the meantime, spend outside time trying to fight to bring education back to the teacher ... Bill DeCat : and away from the T.V. screen. BRuke1 : teacers at the school being sued. (Not for $, but for an injuction. MattS28 : I think the TV screen is a very valuable resource Bill AFC Tooter : Better to fight to keep this kind of sham out of the schools in the first place. AFC Tooter : We should be providing TVs to ALL schools without these kinds of strings attached. AFL Gayle : Not legal to mute the commercials, Bill Cat. Part of the signed contract. Bill DeCat : Matt, I am not doubting the value of the T.V. MattS28 : Okay let me explain Bill DeCat : But, I think, only when you don't have a teacher available. BRuke1 : The TV can be useful, but there are better ways to get it. What if your computer labs' machines AFC Tooter : Hi Marty. AFL Marty : Hi Toot BRuke1 : interrupted every 4 minutes with sales pitches? MattS28 : Last year in GeoScience I visited 74 countries on video and recieved a greater apperication of other MattS28 : cultures, religions, and ideologies AFC Tooter : Why can't your school buy the TVs out of tuition money as other schools do? MattS28 : In english after reading the once and future King the stories of King Authur I saw the movie BRuke1 : The school we are suing used taxpayer money to buy a satellite dish (in addition to the locked down MattS28 : in World History this year i have visited WW1,WW2, and Vietham BRuke1 : Whittle dish) and 50 VCRs. That's after they got Whittle's TV sets. I asked how they knew which Bill DeCat : I don't doubt the educational benefit at all. BRuke1 : classrooms should get the VCRs. They aid "where educationally appropriate". That's our point about BRuke1 : not evey room needing a permanent TV set AFL Gayle : Matt, are you saying you were able to see these programs because your classroom Bill DeCat : I just think the foundation of teaching and learning really falls on person-to-person interaction. AFL Gayle : had the TV set available or were these Whittle programs? MattS28 : Well, I rememebre in grade school we had those Tv on wheels and kids got hurt and kill in some states Bill DeCat : Having T.V.'s is like icing on the cake. Bill DeCat : If your going to have the icing, prepare to get fat. (i.e., the commercials) MattS28 : Bill our right about person-to-person, but lets say a teacher want to use a current event example Bill DeCat : But don't abandon the true value of education. MattS28 : not everyone is going to understand the analogy unless they stay current CH. 1 does that Developer1 : Hey Andy, Martman, Totter, all... BRuke1 : This is something that really should be determined by individual professionals on a day to day, person AFA Andy : Hi Ev!! Bill DeCat : I didn't get that last statement ?? BRuke1 : by person basis. We believe that the teacher should use the medium, the medium should not be allowed t MattS28 : IN the contract there is also a clause that the school can miss Ch. 1 so many days because of schedule MattS28 : conflict or such BRuke1 : to use the teacher! Developer1 : who just sent me an IM, I lost it... :( MattS28 : My school used ABC news this mornign during the Gulf War on the big news days to keep us better inform Bill DeCat : I couldn't have put it better BR! AFC Tooter : Hi Developer. totter? BRuke1 : Matt, the school can only miss one or two shows per month (4 or 8 commercials) or it risks losing the Developer1 : tooter... sorry! :) MattS28 : The Devils adovate is so fun to play BRuke1 : TVs, VCRs and dish MattS28 : I know the stats MattS28 : But the dish wasn't working Bill DeCat : Put some ice cream in it. MattS28 : The school insurance policy states everyone has to watch this video on playing it safe AFA Bard : Bill.. ever hear of a case where Channel One was REMOVED? What happened to the TV? Wiring? MattS28 : Without a major incovience to the teacher everyone saw this at once because of the Ch 1 system install AFC Tooter : Good question, Bard. Bill DeCat : So do what the school says. Practice the boy scout motto and just plain be prepared... MattS28 : No its the SouthWest motto just plane smart to pay it safe Bill DeCat : Handle situations as they arise. Live day by day. With competance, things will work out fine. BRuke1 : No. The contract says the wiring stays, but is the property of Whittle Communications and subsequent BRuke1 : use is subject to their approval (or some such language.) Bill DeCat : I have to ask... who the hell is Whittle Communications? MattS28 : Its a company is Ohia BRuke1 : Is everyone familiar with Cable in the Classroom as an alternative to Channel One? Bill DeCat : Are they some Evil Power buying up all the schools? MattS28 : they also have several other channel as the Shopping Channel in malls and supermarkets Bill DeCat : Where have all the teachers gone... out to pasture? MattS28 : Ch 1 doesn't buy the school advertiser do and they do that in our homes anyways AFL Marty : <-- hardly out to pasture MattS28 : Hi marty long time no see AFL Marty : Hi Matt BRuke1 : Whittle Communication Limited Partership of Knoxville Tennessee. Partly owned by Chris Whittle DTW : Who is Whittle? Anyone ever watch MaxHeadroom? AFA Bard : w-w-w-w-w-whittle? LOL! Bill DeCat : I take it that you, Marty, are a teacher who has not gone to pasture? AFL Gayle : Bill, please tell us about Cable in the Classroom. MattS28 : there has been many good stories on ch 1 you know BRuke1 : and also by Time-Warner and Phillips Electronics. Lamar Alexander used to work for them and was BRuke1 : a limited partner. MattS28 : They have coverd the election process very well AFL Marty : I don't think I have. AFL Gayle : LOL, Marty! Agreed. :) AFC Tooter : It probably ought to be clarified for those here who are not teachers, that VERY FEW schools have sold AFC Tooter : out to Ch.1.!!!! AFA Bard : Bill.. wasn't there a well-known Texan once on their board? $$$$$ Bill DeCat : Do not know. MattS28 : Then why do they have an audience of 7 million??? AFA Bard : (BRUKE) AFL Marty : (and yes, I'm a teacher) BRuke1 : Bard, Ross Perot recently dropped off their ADVISORY board, which is all I believe he was on MattS28 : and I'm a student Bill DeCat : I thought so, Tooter. (Boy, I was beginning to get scared) AFL Gayle : Bill DeCat, our guest, BRuke1, is Bill, too. :) BRuke1 : (it's a purely figurehead thing) Al Shanker also quit in disgust. AFC Tooter : Ch.1 just happens to be the topic of discussion tonight, Bill. AFA Bard : Right, Bill. Ross Perot was an INVESTOR, too. Guess he knows a moneymaker when he sees it. :) AFL Marty : Who says they have an audience of 7 million? Bill DeCat : Oh. AFA Bard : 7 million? *NOT* MattS28 : They do trust they like to blow there own horn BRuke1 : Cable in the Classroom was put together by the major cable networks and operators. MattS28 : Trust me we had a piece recently telling about there goals for the next 5 years BRuke1 : They are pledged to provide a minimum level of service (free) to schools passed by cables and MattS28 : they said they had a 7mill audience BRuke1 : also carry a certain number of hours of commercial free and relaxed copyright programs which schools AFL Marty : They said that, did they? AFC Tooter : Don't count on it, Matt. At least not in the schools. Bill DeCat : This is interesting. So what kind of schools are we generally talking about? Bill DeCat : College, High School, ????? BRuke1 : MAY, they don't have to, use. CNN "Newsroom" is an example. We are watching this carefully and feel MattS28 : 5-12 grades AFC Tooter : HighSchools, Bill. Particularly those who can be lured by the opffer of lots of free TVs. BRuke1 : it provides an possible alternative as long as TV doesn't become just a cheap school house baby sitter Bill DeCat : I know that no matter what the subject was, if someone put on a T.V. for me, I'd catch some Z's. MattS28 : That is one of my arguements. Why should I have HS to be junior have to watch twatch 5graders do? AFL Gayle : Bill Cat, any schools grades 7-12 that have over 200 students and their Board MattS28 : That is why I sugeest the solution fo two version AFL Marty : Seems to me they can claim anything. Who can dispute their numbers? AFL Gayle : of Ed. contracts with Whittle. AFL Gayle : Many rural schools have been attracted to it in NC because of the equipment. MattS28 : They also said " More student watch Ch 1 than 90210" BRuke1 : Some of the advetising magazines have questioned Whittle's numbers with Channel One and its print properties AFL Marty : Must be true if "they" said it. Bill DeCat : Does everyone get channel one? Do I/ MattS28 : I think adult have to accept my generation is the TV generation from Seasme Street to Ch 1 AFL Gayle : Only schools who contract with Whittle can see Channel One, Bill Cat. AFL Marty : Not here. I've only read about it. MattS28 : here Bill DeCat : I don't know. Sounds like a scam to me. AFL Gayle : Marty, my guess is Whittle's numbers come from school enrollment figures AFL Marty : Right. AFL Marty : And who knows what that includes. AFL Gayle : supplied by the schools. The TVs they give out are very carefully calculated AFA Bard : I think you're right, Gayle. "Potential audience" MattS28 : Well, I should be getting back to my constituion term paper, which is another good weekly piece they Bill DeCat : I think this Whittle is capitalizing on the poor state of our school systems these days. BRuke1 : The profit potential is huge with a captive audience, product exclusivity and the teens MattS28 : did last novvmber AFL Gayle : to school enrollment. Not ALL classrooms in the school receive one. BRuke1 : deprived of a remote control to ZAP the ads! AFL Marty : Teachers, custodians, administration, adult ed classes MattS28 : Its onyl 200,000 dollars per day MattS28 : then you have to remember they costs MattS28 : like the TV and production of the show AFL Marty : visitors :) MattS28 : its not cheap sending mark carter to the CIS BRuke1 : The companies like Pepsi, Mars M&M and Nike pay $157,000 per 30 seconds! AFL Gayle : LOL, Marty! Great point! :) MattS28 : I read its 50,000 per ad MattS28 : at four measy ads a day that only 200,000 MattS28 : and when you think of the superbowl at 1 million for 30 seconds AFA Bard : Matt.. be sure to download the TEXT file about Channel One from the AED New Files library after MattS28 : you have to put things in prepective AFA Bard : tonight's chat. Lots of stats. there! BRuke1 : We will be going to court 5/28. I'll let Gayle know the progress of the suit. I may indirectly affect AFL Gayle : Matt, how do your fellow students react? Do most of them watch or ignore it? BRuke1 : everyone of us in (public) education. AFL Marty : SuperBowl doesn't play to a captive audience. AFL Gayle : Do most of the teachers incorporate the material into the classroom? MattS28 : ignore it. We somethign sign the song. I mean they play the same comerical all wekk NINE : Any Corel or Designer Users here? MattS28 : Yes they do incoropate the material AFL Marty : You sing the song? AFA Bard : Hang on NINE. MattS28 : We talk about abortion, civil rights, everything MattS28 : Be like Mike Be like Mike you know AFL Marty : Sounds like pretty effective advertising. Bill DeCat : This was very educational. Thanks. :) AFL Gayle : But yet that SONG is in your mind when you reach for a candy bar, possibly. BRuke1 : Matt, try an experiment. At the end of the day ask your fellow students which products were advertised BRuke1 : that day. MattS28 : We find it stupdif and below out level of intelligetns but once again I go to a College Prep MattS28 : HS DTW : Gotta Go! Channel One......NOT!!!! AFL Gayle : Great idea, Bill R.! MattS28 : We did that in a class nobody remembered AFL Marty : You know, there's a reason they teach little kids things via song. MattS28 : But I know the Coral the private firm that sells our lunches does because they carry the product on MattS28 : CH 1 AFL Gayle : So then why does your school continue to use it? The lure of equipment? BRuke1 : Sounds like an unusual school MattS28 : Yes, and it here so why no. It does not effect out school hours MattS28 : techincally we are not in school during Ch 1 MattS28 : but we are reguired to be there AFL Marty : Strange MattS28 : When installed we had to come to school 10 minuted earlier BRuke1 : The issues for a private school are slightly different from publics. At least its not tax- MattS28 : Its a private catholic school in phoenix BRuke1 : payers' money that's being wasted. MattS28 : What money? MattS28 : Whittle paid for everything BRuke1 : At the Dept of Ed we have a standard response when asked about Catholic schools: AFC Tooter : Will you come in twenty minutes earlier if I give your school computers that sell my products? BRuke1 : "They answer to a Higher Authority :) AFA Bard : LOL! MattS28 : I gues that mean its ethical!!! AFA Bard : "This edition of Geometry 101 sponsored by the US Navy... " :)) Just think! BRuke1 : Matt asks "What Money?" Good question. We are talking about the money it takes to keep the school MattS28 : We need new computers, normally we get hand me downs from coporations AFL Marty : What money? The money spent for electricity, heat, custodians, and AFL Marty : supervisory personnel to name a few. BRuke1 : operating each and every minute of the day. If you assign each minute a cost, you can calculate the BRuke1 : relative cost to the school and to Whittle for the AFL Marty : (If you think custodians will work 10 minutes extra for free you need a BRuke1 : five school days of program and one day per year of ads. A school day a year is a lot of ads! MattS28 : Ch 1 is only 12 minutes sometime longer. And its a same cost to pay to have informed students AFL Marty : reality check :) MattS28 : Well, at my school we are the custodians. It the campus is dirty we don't go home AFL Gayle : Well, our hour is over. We're ALL welcome to stay beyond the time, if our MattS28 : Afterschool people who can't afford to attend the school but are smart enought work as custodians MattS28 : Its a good policy MattS28 : everyone who desrves an educations gets one AFL Gayle : guest is willing. However, I'd like take a brief minute to announce that AED AFL Gayle : would like you to enjoy other areas of AED next Sunday. We're taking a Memorial AFL Gayle : Day Holiday from chatting, but PLEASE check out the Channel One material Bill AFL Gayle : has given us for the New Files Library. AFL Gayle : Also, mark your calendars NOW for May 31. Nina will be here to talk to us about AFC Tooter : Thanks for coming tonight, Bill. This has been a great chat. Also, thanks for bringing another AFL Gayle : a special At Risk Project she is doing with her students. AFC Tooter : perspective, Matt. BRuke1 : I'm happy to keep talking for a few minutes (although I do have to cook dinner for the kids... AFL Gayle : Now for what you've been waiting for... the free hour. AFL Gayle : Our free hour tonight goes to MattS28 for the word, ad! AFA Bard : Yea, Matt!!! Thanks for making our chat EXCITING!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFC Tooter : Hoooray!!!! *We're having food fight2* AFL Gayle : The nonprime time hour will be credited to your account later this week. BRuke1 : it's only 6:00 here.) I'll also be happy to send you additional stuff from out Dept. MattS28 : Thank you I'm happy that I represent the student prespective at this interesting chat AFL Gayle : And a BIG thank you to Bill R. who has provided me with lots of information BRuke1 : Good going Matt, you added a lot MattS28 : Thanks you all for a great and prolix chat AFL Gayle : about Channel One! AFA Bard : Matt's a winner -- and a bright one, at that! :) Join us ANYTIME! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Bill AND Matt! :) AFA Bard : Thanks to you, too, Bill! AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()()()()() BRuke1 : Thanx everyone. I enjoyed it! AFC Tooter : *Look out/French fries* AFL Gayle : Bill, please do keep us posted on what happens in court. In NC, Channel One MattS28 : I enjoyed this very much too AFA Bard : MikeyMouse.. hope you'll stop by again soon! Thanks for coming. AFL Gayle : won in the end. :( AFC Tooter : Good night all. BRuke1 : Yeah I know. Whittle keeps reminding us. But the laws and constitution are different and our MattS28 : Bye marty. I hope to see you soon even though I don't have my GS but a Powerbook. BRuke1 : dept. lawyers say we and the state PTA have a really good chance. AFL Gayle : The chat log will be available in the New Files Library by tomorrow for AFL Gayle : downloading. 5/17/92 9:10:37 PM Closing Log file.