10/22/90 8:08:07 PM Opening "edchat10.21" for recording. AFL Gayle AFA Bard AFC Tooter MaryEz LavonneS GerryR5 RagenT DougB5 KipKippley Nuzz AFC Tooter: Oh, that one. I don't have Hyperstudio. Wish we did. I could really use the stack. MaryEz : None of us have enough memory for Hyperstudio;)!! AFC Tooter: & No GS!!!!!!!!!!!! MaryEz : That's why I like TutorTech! AFA Bard : Alas, Doug, I downloaded your stack. 'Tis a very noble undertaking! (I loved it!) GerryR5 : I have a GS and Hyperstudio..just haven't had time to download...will do it this week..:) DougB5 : Nonono, don't download it on my account! Only if you need it. What be the topic tonight? AFA Bard : Desktop Publishing. :) DougB5 : Ah, I just used Publish-It 2 yesterday to do a sign for my school MaryEz : What are you all using for DTP? AFL Gayle : Yes, topic tonight is Desktop publishing. NO macros tonight. One free hour goes to the lucky person who says the secret word. DougB5 : There's a kid in Barrington who needs a bone marrow transplant, and AFL Gayle : I really like Children's Writing and Publishing Center, Mary. GerryR5 : Long story..nothing at the present time...:) Just gave a demo of Medley to our eighth grade teacher AFC Tooter: We stiil need to get a duckto drop down at the secret word!! DougB5 : a group at school is having a fundraiser. The signs advertise the GerryR5 : though....we won it last year and I hate to say it, but they haven't toucjed it... MaryEz : Yes, I use that for my 5th graders. It's great! DougB5 : fundraiser and they're going to be literally plastered all over the school GerryR5 : but he liked it..:) AFL Gayle : No, TooT! We want everyone to not know what the word is until the end. :) AFA Bard : <---- Gayle's Duck. :)) AFL Gayle : You've got THAT right, Bard! ;) DougB5 : Ok let's try a few words here.... Page layout, I-beam, text window, scroll GerryR5 : "I" know about Barringon!!! :) DougB5 : bar, laser printer, imagewriter AFC Tooter: Still need a duck. MaryEz : clip art RagenT : We use Children's Writing and Publishing Center, too with 3rd &4th. GerryR5 : Gayle, I am trying to get our school to order CWPC for the lower grades...I have the third grade GerryR5 : teacher interested..;) AFL Gayle : The words have to be said in CONTEXT, Doug! (We're strict around here. ;) AFA Bard : Doug and Mary are WARM... but we need the word in context!!! (::: chuckle :::) DougB5 : Oh, ok ... "I use page layout." "I use an I-beam"... "I use.... AFL Gayle : It's REALLY inexpensive, Gerry. They can get lab packs VERY reasonably. RagenT : Doug! GerryR5 : I want a program that is easy, and will let us add graphics..;) AFA Bard : hahahahahha! Just like one of my students!! LOL! MaryEz : We just bought two new clip art disks to go with CWAP DougB5 : Ok, I'll talk sensibly then. I was using Publish-It 2 yesterday AFL Gayle : Doug! YOU are incorrigible! (Right... JUST like one of my students, too. ;) DougB5 : (a great program) but I was dismayed that it always refreshes the screen AFL Gayle : How are they, Mary? Which ones did you get? GerryR5 : Gayle, where can we get information on those lab packs? :) RagenT : And fairly easy. Helps kids learn disk swapping too if you only have one drive. DougB5 : instead of refreshing what's necesdsary AFC Tooter: We've pulished our Lit Mag simply with Superfonts. No fuss, but not too much layout possibility. RagenT : But they catch on faster than the teachers. GerryR5 : Mary, could you tell us more about where you got them? AFL Gayle : I bought mine from Educational Resources, Gerry, but any place that sells the educational versions of the software probably has them. RagenT : I use superfonts to write to my Greek Mother In Law! MaryEz : I'm trying to think but I'm brain dead tonight. GerryR5 : HI Lavonne! :) AFA Bard : Hiya Lavonne! Welcome! We're chatting about Desktop Publishing! ;) AFL Gayle : That's OK, Mary. Brain doesn't have to wake up until Mon. morning. :) LavonneS : Hi,sorry to be late, what up? GerryR5 : Does anyone know the price of an Appleworks site license? ;) AFL Gayle : LOTS, Gerry. ;) MaryEz : Tomorrow is my scrapbook day. AFL Gayle : Like about $1750, I think? GerryR5 : I KNOW that, Gayle..I need more detail than that!! :) LOL!!!! RagenT : Great, Mary! DougB5 : Back... as I was saying, Publish-It is a bit slow, even on a GS...but I hear that Springboard Publisher is even worse. Never used it AFA Bard : Around $1700, Gerry, but it's negotiable depending on the number that you need for your district. ;) GerryR5 : Just one small, private school..;) AFA Bard : Doug... Publish It3! is a bit faster. AFL Gayle : How many Scraps will you be uploading, Mary? RagenT : Yes, but Publish it make things look so professional if you have the patience. MaryEz : Springboard is terrible DougB5 : Oh really? I'll look into getting an upgrade GerryR5 : Yes, Springboard Publisher was so bad they discontinued it..I have it..:( AFL Gayle : Lavonne, what is your favorite desktop publishing package? MaryEz : I think about 75, Gayle. AFL Gayle : Great, Mary! :) MaryEz : We have to madly finish a few in the am. DougB5 : I don't have an Imagewriter, but if I did I'd want a DTP program with color I understand P-It3 does that, am I right? LavonneS : I just got GraphicWriterIII but haven't gotten into it GerryR5 : I still like Medley...easy, lots of graphics, and you don't have to draw lots of boxes..you go directl to a word processor..;) DougB5 : "Kid GraphicWriter"! AFL Gayle : Children's Writing and Publishing Center does wonderful color. AFA Bard : Yep.. P-IT3 supports color printing. DougB5 : P-It has such a marvellous interface... so easy to use. Loads in a flash, too! Does anyone here have P-it 3? LavonneS : In school I have used CWP most of all and it suits me too. EASY DougB5 : I used to own "Newsroom"... ah what a fun program. The clip art was hysterical AFL Gayle : I have Publish 2, Doug. I haven't gotten around to upgrading mine yet, either. RagenT : My friend Midge does. I use the older version. AFL Gayle : Fun, Doug? Ack! Newsroom drove me crazy! DougB5 : When I had my old II+, Newsroom was the greatest thing around! Oh it was soooo cute! LavonneS : I used to use Newroom on Commodore 64 and it was fun then ..Havent used it apl AFL Gayle : True, it was, Doug. Thank goodness it's been superceded. I still know some GerryR5 : Yes, even our novice teacher will NEVER use Newsroom again...he HATED it.. AFA Bard : You should see how Publish It3! prints with a laserwriter... wonderful! DougB5 : I never got the online modem-transfer function to work, though! :) AFL Gayle : teachers who love it, though. (I think it's fear of learning a new program.) DougB5 : Don't forget, Gayle, that Newsroom offers the "structured" concept... AFA Bard : Publish It is VERY slow on a network, though. :( AFL Gayle : Welcome, Kip! What is your favorite desktop publishing package? AFA Bard : Hiya KIP! DougB5 : panels, columns, etc. The other programs are a little more "loose" MaryEz : That's a question I had. Can you email CW&Pub.? AFL Gayle : It offers the "drive the teacher crazy" concept, too. ;) LavonneS : The thing about Newroom was the kids really got the feel of Newpaper AFL Gayle : Yes, Mary. :) KipKippley: I use Appleworks GS. HI, GERRY! DougB5 : hahah :) GerryR5 : Medley does columns too..:) AFL Gayle : CWPC uses subdirectories. KipKippley: I used to use Medley but tooo sloooow! AFL Gayle : The easiest way to email it is to just shrink the whole disk. AFA Bard : AWGS Kip? You must have a hard drive! ;) KipKippley: Nope, i disk swap like crazy! MaryEz : I don't understand shrink? AFA Bard : Hiya Nuzz! What's your favorite desktop publshing program?? DougB5 : I'd buy AWGS if I had an Apple IIgs-compatible printer! I have instead a lousy Epson Lx-90 AFL Gayle : Mary, there's a program used online to make downloads shorter and easier. It's called ShrinkIt. It's available in the Apple // Utilities Forum and the Software Center. (There's probably a version on your AO disk, but it's outdated.) AFA Bard : Keyword: SHRINKIT :) KipKippley: I'm getting a MemorySaver and another MEG if RAM so I won't need two 3.5s! Nuzz : I don't get too much time to do DTP :( AFL Gayle : What do you like to use when you do, Nuzz? KipKippley: Anyone use IIWrite? DougB5 : I use PageMaker on the school's Macs, and I like it less than P-It2. The interface isn't as nice, in my opinion. MaryEz : Thanks, Gayle and Bard. Mostly I'm using my Mac at home but will look tomorrow from school on GS. AFL Gayle : I've heard good things about it, Kip. Isn't it just a WP, though? Nuzz : I've used GeoPublish a few times GerryR5 : New version of Medley isn't much slower than AWGS..and it is much easier..;) KipKippley: Yep, but it is easy and simple enough for a IIc with 128K. AFA Bard : (Mary.. SHRINKIT is like STUFFIT on the Mac. :)) GerryR5 : Has a MUCH better paint editor too! :) AFL Gayle : CWPC doesn't come in a Mac version, does it, Mary? AFA Bard : Hi Anthony!! We're chatting about desktop publishing... jump right in! :) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Anthony. What is your favorite desktop publishing program? AnthonyB24: Hi everyone MaryEz : I haven't used STUFFIT either. KipKippley: Medley doesn't have its own paint program does it? AnthonyB24: AWGS Nuzz : Are there any statistics available that show how many schools have GS's and AFL Gayle : Oh, another AWGS fan! Nuzz : VideoDisk players AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marty! :) GerryR5 : The bottom line is whatever we use must be easy..since there are still many teachers too fearful of the computer to use ANY program..;) AFL Marty : Thanks :) AFL Gayle : Not that I know of, Nuzz. KipKippley: I had a hard time finding a school with a GS in Iowa. (Except the music departments. GerryR5 : Kip, yes, Medley has a built in, easy to use, paint program..;) AFA Bard : Hmmm.. I read an article the other day in Teaching & Computers that said videodiscs were the next wave in technology. I think the MAC/videodisc pair is becoming popular, too. RagenT : Our elementary has 2 GS's in special ed. The rest of us have IIe's. KipKippley: That was news to me, Gerry. Wow! What's the cost of it now? (Medley) GerryR5 : OUr local school just put in 28 GS computers in a lab..;) RagenT : I read that too Bard. MaryEz : We have GS, laser disc, projection system etc. and use TutorTech for hypermedia AFA Bard : Ditto, Mary... but we use HyperStudio. :) GerryR5 : Bard....when schools can afford them, maybe...here we are still laying off teachers... Nuzz : How many people here would consider using VideoDisk and GS for courseware, say MaryEz : Not enough memory for me. KipKippley: How many use Hyperstudio and Hypercard? Nuzz : something like with PBS's Civil War series RagenT : We are piloting Tutor tech because of hardware. GerryR5 : Mary..you are very lucky... AFL Marty : My school doesn't have a videodisc player AFA Bard : <-- use BOTH HS and HC. Nuzz: we currently use the MLKing stackware, and some of the N. Geog. stuff. GerryR5 : I would, if we could afford it, Nuzz... AFL Gayle : If I could get them to buy the videodisc player, yes, Kip. MaryEz : Natl Geog's GTV is excellent but has some errors like leaving Hawaii off the Map Rap AFL Gayle : Oops, I mean Nuzz. GerryR5 : that is what we sAw last week at the state teacher meetings... AFL Gayle : What stacks do you use with HyperStudio, Bard? KipKippley: It's OK Gayle. We look the same on here! ;-) GerryR5 : Yes, Mary....that program was shown on the GS at the Mac rollout shows..:) RagenT : When things get better, here we will head towards multimedia too. GerryR5 : It was even at the Federal show in DC..:) AFA Bard : Mostly ones I've written, or ones that students write. The best I've seen are those written by MaryEz : We are very fortunate because we are under a building renovation and got the funds that way. AFA Bard : Roger himself.. like his USSR stackware (available here in the Stackware libraries). AFL Gayle : Ones YOU'VE written? I haven't seen any you've written in our libraries. ;) KipKippley: You mean, the Apple// is not dead! (You BETCHA it's NOT!!) MaryEz : We probably will never get another dollar for equip. AFL Gayle : Not when our schools are still full of them and software for them, Kip. Not by a LONG shot! :) AFA Bard : :) Thing is, they mostly need the videodisc to go with them. : ... or CD-ROM's.. my students have written some GREAT stackware with CD's of Beethoven. :) Welcome Marty!!! ;) MaryEz : Summer before last I went to Multimedia seminar at Michigan State with Fred D'Ignazio. It was great! AFL Gayle : What did you learn at the seminar, Mary? KipKippley: Bard you are making this music teacher extremely jealous!!! AFL Marty : CD-ROMs? That's pie-in-the-sky here in Middletown. MaryEz : We used video overlay, Slide Shop, VCR Companion, Keyboards, cameras, scanners, Macs & GS AFL Gayle : Back to desktop publishing. I'm curious, Marty. What is your favorite DTP package? AFL Marty : Publish It 3.0 AFL Gayle : Seems as though he covered everything, Mary. AFL Marty : (This is Marty the teacher talking) RagenT : Awesome, Mary. I would really like to get into Multimedia. KipKippley: I find the master page and other pages a little cumbersome at first on AWGS. AFL Gayle : Any particular reasons why, Marty? AFL Marty : Yes. GerryR5 : WE will never get CD Rom..still trying to enhance our IIes..;) AFL Marty : I use a GS at home and we have one GS at school... KipKippley: But after you get acquainted with the software (true of all of it) it's nice! AFL Marty : the rest are IIe and IIc+. Publish It is the only DTP program that will work on all of them. LavonneS : What would it cost to enhance IIe from 64 K to 128? AFL Gayle : About $50 at most, Lavonne, for the extended 80 column card. That doesn't enhance it, though. KipKippley: What /does/ the enhancing do? AFL Gayle : That's thinking of educational prices. AFL Marty : IIe to IIe enhanced involved replacing 3 ROMs I believe. AFA Bard : Welcome Richard! We're talking Desktop Publishing.. what's your favorite package??? AFL Gayle : Welcome, Richard! We're talking about desktop publishing. Do you have a GerryR5 : Right, Gayle..that was the price from Roger Coates..:) RagenT : Depends where you get the boards. I just upgraded mine $29 each with Learning AFA Bard : Hiya FRANK!!! Welcome! AFL Gayle : favorite package? AFL Marty : Enhancing lets you run a lot of software you can't run now. AFL FrankD: Hi there, Bard! :) RagenT : Services . I wanted the Apple brand but couldn't get the $70 a card. GerryR5 : HI FRank! :) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Frank! Just the person I wanted to ask. What is your favorite desktop publishing package? KipKippley: I knew that but I meant mechanically. I was USAF computer Maintenance. AFL FrankD: Hi, Gerry and Gayle. :) AFL Marty : Mechanically it involved replacing 3 (I think) chips. AFL FrankD: Depends on what you're going to do with it, Gayle. :) RagenT : Marty, exactly what does enhancing do...does it have to do with graphics? AFL FrankD: You KNEW that was coming, didn't you? :) GerryR5 : WHAT IS enhancement of the IIE, anyway?? What does it involve? WE need to get beyond 64K... AFA Bard : Here's a BIG question for everyone! AFL Gayle : Use it in a school, Frank, of course. :) AFA Bard : What's the most important feature of a DTP program?? AFL Marty : Has to do with the instruction set of the microprocessor and the addition of MouseText. AFL Marty : Expanding the memory to 128K allows DHires graphics. KipKippley: Columning, graphics and fonts and ease of use. AFL FrankD: And enhancing also enables MouseText, replaces the normal Character generation ROM. LavonneS : My husband just started teaching where they have IIes with 80 col card but only GerryR5 : What EXACTLY DO we have to do to get to 128K? LavonneS : 64K so he cannot use APW for instance AFL Gayle : Sure. Go ahead and turn this into a hardware chat, Gerry. ;) KipKippley: Thak you, Frank!! AFL Marty : My opinion... most important feature is ability to use -standard- format graphics and fonts. AFL FrankD: The 80 column card comes with another 64K on it. That gives you 128K. AFL Gayle : That's very important, Marty. LavonneS : Sorry Gayle I started this direction KipKippley: I use SHRConvert 2.1 to do the graphics changing from GIFs to PNTs to SHR. AFL Gayle : It's 2 different issues, Gerry. There's enhancing and there's upgrading the AFL Marty : That's one of the many reasons Springboard Publisher never made it (IMHO) AFA Bard : OK.. so far we've got columms, graphics, fonts, standard format.. any other features that are a MUST? AFL Gayle : memory. NO problem, Lavonne. We're here to answer your questions. (I just can't resist KipKippley: Disk upon disk of clip art! AFL Gayle : the opportunity to tease Gerry. ;) RagenT : I like DTP because it brings the artist in me Word processing LOOKs better KipKippley: Too bad DTPs can't include sound as well. RagenT : Layed out! AFA Bard : LOL Ragen! :) AFL Gayle : Some software packages you can't use with the enhancement. Others just need LavonneS : Frank, if he has 80 col card then why can"t he load appleworks? AFL Gayle : the 128K. They don't care whether your computer is enhanced or not. Because he doesn't have an EXTENDED 80 column card, Lavonne. GerryR5 : <--LOVES being teased by Gayle..;) AFL Marty : AppleWorks will load into 64K if it's the right version of Appleworks. KipKippley: So stretch the card, Gayle! AFL Gayle : You have to have 128K to use AppleWorks now, Lavonne. 80 column gives you just 64K. AFA Bard : LOL Kip! AFL FrankD: To use DHR with the card, you also have to install the little jumper correctly. AFL Gayle : LOL, Kip! AppleWorks wouldn't be convinced. AFL FrankD: The instructions for that are in the documentation that comes with the card. AFL Marty : That's no longer true on the newer extended 80-col cards Frank. KipKippley: Claris would charge extra for it! (Just kidding) AFL FrankD: Ok. AFA Bard : New cards don't need it Frank. GMTA Marty. :) AFL FrankD: Probably no longer on the newer models of the IIe either. I don't have the newer model. Sorry. :) AFL Marty : The newer ones are only about 3 inches long and are just plug & play. AFL FrankD: Smaller and better, huh? :) The wonders of modern technology. KipKippley: I want a GS on a wristwatch! AFL Gayle : Yes, they are, Frank. (But they blew my whole explanation to the dense AFL Marty : What does everyone use DTP for in school anyway? AFL Gayle : librarians. I no longer could say you can tell it's the extended card because AFA Bard : (:: Marty asks loaded question :::) :)) AFL Gayle : there are more chips on it.) AFL Marty : (We're going to use it to do the school newspaper.) KipKippley: Newsletters to parents. Music Department Handbook. Concert Programs. RagenT : One teacher (3rd grade CW&PC) let the kids pick out graphics and then they AFL Gayle : What do you use it for, Bard? RagenT : had to write a math word problem to match. KipKippley: What DON'T I use it for would be better ... AFA Bard : Ads, invitations, menus, newsletters, letterhead. :) GerryR5 : WE have ORIGINAL IIE models I think..;( AFL Gayle : Probably, Gerry. We've got lots of those, too. AFL Marty : I saw CW&PC in operation one day. I didn't like it. AFL Gayle : Why not, Marty? AFA Bard : Ragen.. a GREAT idea!!! You should upload a few of those! AFL Marty : WAY too much disk swapping. Flip this disk, insert that one, now flip back... bah. LavonneS : Marty, if you have 3.5 version and 5.25 data disk there is no disk swapping GerryR5 : We have a school newspaper..done on the copy machine right now..want to use the computer..:) AFL Marty : I suppose I'm spoiled by hacing my hard drive at home though. AFL Gayle : I do agree in terms of printing. It was really a pain to have to flip CWPC to AFL FrankD: To have 128K in a //e, there have to be 16 each of the 64K chips. AFL Marty : That's the other thing I don't like about it... it's copy protected. AFL Gayle : get the printer driver each time. AFL FrankD: 8 of them are on the mother board. RagenT : Yep, Marty but the kids love it. Shows the teacher up! AFL FrankD: The other 8 will be on a card. AFA Bard : Anybody use a scanner for DTP??? AFL FrankD: Count 'em. :) AFL Marty : I do Bard. AFL Gayle : Yes, you can't put it on your hard drive, Marty. AFA Bard : What kind, Marty? And do you use it with your GS? AFL Marty : My school doesn't have one but I use my personal one for it. AFL FrankD: You CAN put it on your hard drive, Gayle. But nothing ELSE will run on it. :) AFL Marty : I use a ThunderScan. Yes, I use it with my GS at home. KipKippley: My wife would LOVE to for her artwork but no finances as yet for one. AFL Marty : I just used it to digitize the school logo from letterhead stationery. AFA Bard : How would you rate ThunderScan against other scanners? AFL Gayle : Not MY hard drive you wouldn't do that, Frank. ;) AFL FrankD: CW&PC uses RDOS and has files that must appear in the root directory. That is NOT ProDOS. :) Direct conflict there. :) KipKippley: The handscanners seem to be used much more frequently with better quality. GerryR5 : Yes, Frank..Candy and I figured that out one weekend, after a LOT of work..:) AFL Gayle : Unfortunately, although Learning Company has great programs, they still love AFL Gayle : copy protection, Frank. :( KipKippley: (Than the printer model of Thunderscan) AFL Gayle : Which hand scanners have you used, Kip? AFL Marty : True Kip. I want to get a Quickie or Lightningscan sometime soon. RagenT : I've played with Thunderscan and found it confusing. AFL FrankD: Not exactly copy protection, Gayle. Different operating system. AFL Marty : Maybe I will buy myself a Christmas present this year. AFA Bard : I'd like a Quickie too. :) KipKippley: I've downloaded more graphics from Quickie recently than any other scanner. AFL FrankD: Has the same effect though. AFL Gayle : Any opinions about which to buy, Marty? AFL Marty : But I want an HP Deskjet too. AFA Bard : How much are they? (Quickie scanner...) AFL Marty : sigh decisions decisions AFL FrankD: :) KipKippley: I don't have access to a scanner! :( :( AFL Marty : I'm inclined to go with the Quickie. AFL FrankD: Before you invest in a scanner of any type, would recommend you think about... the material you normally SCAN. KipKippley: Both Lightning Scan and Quickie are $129 or so. AFL Gayle : Why is that, Marty? (Dreaming of a scanner, too.) AFA Bard : Why Frank? GerryR5 : Good idea, Frank..;) AFL Gayle : OK, Frank. After we think about that, then what? GerryR5 : LOL, Gayle..;) AFL Marty : I'm taking into account the amount of activity I see online by their AFL FrankD: If you're going to be scanning things out of a magazine, KipKippley: Anyone use INWords? AFL Marty : representatives. AFL FrankD: you certainly won't want to use ThunderScan. :) Hard to get a magazine in your printer. KipKippley: Much less an encyclopedia! AFL FrankD: And second generation copies don't always get the quality you want. AFL Marty : Vitesse is very active on AOL. I interpret this as possible evidence of superior product support. AFA Bard : Excellent point(s), Frank! I've heard that there are problems with keeping a hand scanner steady.. any thoughts on that? AFL FrankD: If you're the "nervous" type, I'd get one that has substantial "rollers" on it. To use as a stabilizing guide. AFL Marty : Use a straightedge Frank :) KipKippley: They were the FIRST hand scanner if I remember correctly! KipKippley: Vitesse AFL FrankD: GMTA, Bard. :) AFL Marty : You recall correctly Kip :) AFL Gayle : Is the Quickie the only one that works with InWords, Marty? AFL Marty : Scanners scan in B&W by the way. So don't be disappointed in not seeing colors after you buy one. AFA Bard : Welcome Jim! We're talking about DESKTOP PUBLISHING.. on a SCANNER tangent now. :) GerryR5 : Hi Jim...:) AFL Marty : InWords should work with both Quickie and Lightningscan. KipKippley: You an always use your video for color. AFL Marty : Well.. someone a couple of weeks ago expressed surprise that all scans were in B&W. AFA Bard : Anyone know what vendor is selling Quickie for the least amount of bucks?? RagenT : I scanned color photographs, and got BW. AFL FrankD: Watch the color switches between 640 and 320 resolution though. When using normal artwork. AFL Marty : That's what's supposed to happen Ragen :) DougB5 : Lowest I've seen on Quickie is $197...Not sure where RagenT : They looked pretty good anyway. KipKippley: Use the SHRConvert 2.1 to minimize those conversions/ AFL Marty : Probably Programs Plus or something like that. RagenT : I used them for insides of Valentine cards. AFA Bard : Will Quickie work with a Mac too? (Is it SCSI?) DougB5 : Speaking of which, how about a SuperConvert tangent? AFL FrankD: I usually check Programs Plus and Roger Coates. AFL Marty : It is not. AFL Gayle : Sure, Doug. I'm anxious to hear more about that program. KipKippley: Oops! I quoted $129 above. You're right. It's $199! AFL Marty : Quickie requires a card be plugged into a slot on the GS or IIe. GerryR5 : We also have to remember about copyrights, though too..don't we? AFL FrankD: Download the chats from last thursday in Productivity and Friday in Word Processing. Lots of stuff in those two about Super Convert. :) AFA Bard : Ahhh, yes, Gerry.. DISNEY get's REALLY perturbed about that one! ;) DougB5 : Well, I'd like to know what improvements it offers over SHRC 2.1 KipKippley: One time copy for education purposes is legal. AFL Marty : Copyrights... what do you mean Gerry? AFL Gayle : OK. Thanks for the tip, Frank. :) AFA Bard : But Kip.. you can't photocopy your digitized image for distribution. :( AFL FrankD: AND about the REST of your topic, DTP. :) RagenT : Someone enlighten me, what is Super Convert.. in 3 words or less. GerryR5 : Disney and a few other people, Bard! :) KipKippley: That's the SHRConvert gone commercial right? AFL Gayle : The upgrade of ShrConvert, Ragen. AFL Marty : SuperConvert = SHRConvert 3.0 AFL FrankD: The commercial version of SHR Convert. RagenT : OK, thanks. AFL FrankD: WITHOUT the GIF. KipKippley: Huh?? No GIF??? AFL Marty : Yes. Without the GIF. Lawyer stuff. :( AFA Bard : GIF converters are available online, Kip. ;) AFL FrankD: Back to the copyrighting Gerry mentioned. :) That's what happened to GIF. :) KipKippley: He's the guy whose monitor on Compu$erve! That's really dumb! GerryR5 : HI Jim! :) AFL Marty : Lawyers gotta pay for their vacations somehow. KipKippley: Compu$erve began the GIFs for crying out loud! AFA Bard : Hiya Jim! We're talking DTP! :) LavonneS : Anybody use GraphicWriterIII? KipKippley: I'll stick with SHRConvert 2.1, thank you! AFL Marty : I use all of them at different times Lavonne. KipKippley: Ah, the big war! Pub3 vs. GW! GerryR5 : Educators often have special privileges the rest of the world doesn't...but we have to watch the AFL FrankD: That's not really much of a war, Kip. :) GerryR5 : limits of that too..like the rest of the world..;) LavonneS : Hows the learning curve? Is it possible to use without hard drive? KipKippley: Why do you say that, Frank. Are you a GW or Pub3 fan! AFL FrankD: Some people HAVE to use PI because of their hardware. AFL Marty : Any of them are possible to use without a hard drive. AFL FrankD: Others CAN use GW-III. AFL Marty : All of them are -mush easier- to use with one. AFL Gayle : For the reasons Marty mentioned earlier. He can use PI at school with his //e. He couldn't do that with GWIII. KipKippley: LOTS of things are easier with a HD. The fonts alone speak of that with GSOS. AFL FrankD: Exactly, Gayle. Not much choice to it. LavonneS : How does GWIII compare to appleworksGS? AFL Marty : It is superior. AFL FrankD: GW-III is a better DTP program. AFL Gayle : Well, it's about time to close. Even with all of the words everyone has used, AFL FrankD: MUCH better. KipKippley: AWGS gets passed over in the DTP arena in InCider/A+. AFL Gayle : no one used the secret word, import. :) Next week our chat is an open chat so AFL FrankD: Read the December issue of Nibble, Kip. AFL Gayle : we'll be open to discuss what everyone your latest burning question is. :) AFL FrankD: It doesn't get passed over in THAT issue. :) KipKippley: We don't like supporting foreign cars Gayle! LavonneS : Gayle, we do that anyway :) KipKippley: imports AFL FrankD: When it comes OUT, that is. :) AFA Bard : LOL, Kip! :) AFL Gayle : LOL, Kip! :) No, you were supposed to IMPORT graphics or documents. No cars KipKippley: Frank have you got an inside to Nibble or what?? AFL Gayle : here. ;) AFL FrankD: I wrote the article, Kip. :) AFA Bard : Thanks to everyone for coming tonite! We learned something about DTP, scanners and, yes, even 80 col. cards!! :) GerryR5 : :) And we have bene waiting to read it too! :) KipKippley: I feel pretty IMPORTant! Good job, Frank!! AFA Bard : ()()() Frank! AFL Gayle : Yes, I grabbed the new NIBBLE when it came, but it wasn't the right one, Frank. RagenT : Night all, time to "export". AFL FrankD: Not good until it gets PUBLISHED! :) LavonneS : Good chat, bye AFA Bard : Nite Lavonne, Ragen. :) AFL FrankD: I've been doing that for a COUPLE of months, Gayle. :) KipKippley: See ya next week I hope! Chow! DougB5 : Has the free hour been won yet? :):) RagenT : LOL. Doug! AFL Gayle : It went unclaimed, Doug. You missed the one word--import. AFA Bard : Nope, Doug. ;) GerryR5 : GMTA, Frank!!!!!! :) AFL Gayle : LOL, Frank! :) AFA Bard : *********** END OF LOG ********** 10/22/90 9:06:53 PM Closing file.