2/6/91 9:30:31 PM Opening "Chat2/6/91" for recording. Attending: Morah SINGL BELL AFC Tooter RagenT MDavis MaryEz MFJpsy johnny26 ADAMMED AFC Tooter: Well, not sure if others are coming, but we might as well begin. AFC Tooter: Let me begin by introducing the chat for this evening. AFC Tooter: I have no macros tonight as this is an informal chat, so you'll have to be a bit patient. AFC Tooter: Tonight's chat is an open ended chat on linking classrooms and students. AFC Tooter: It is a chance for us to share things we know about, for me to introduce any of you AFC Tooter: who are interested with some of the events currently occuring in the Ed Forum, and for us to AFC Tooter: brainstorm for new and different ideas for the future. AFC Tooter: There will be no protocol, but I do ask that you try to let others have their full say without AFC Tooter: interrupting too much. To begin, I wonder if those who are here would say a word about what (if) you AFC Tooter: teach, and what, if any, experience you might have had in linking classes online. AFC Tooter: Perhaps I should start. AFC Tooter: I teach high school English in rural Connecticut and have coordinated the ScrapBookUSA Writing Project on AO. AFC Tooter: I also help and teachers find online links. In addition to teaching english, I coordinate a middle/High School AFC Tooter: Writing Center which AFC Tooter: operates a pen pal mail service with quick turn around time (when the students are motivated). AFC Tooter: Now, How about you? Johnny26 : I'm an elementary school principal in Jacksonville, Oregon. I haven't had Johnny26 : much luck going on line due to computerized phone systems not taking Johnny26 : modem lines. AFC Tooter: Do you have a modem link in your school currently (that works)? Johnny26 : Yes, I can access one direct outside line located in our office. Just Johnny26 : have to get lines run to the computer lab. Johnny26 : But it does tie up our main phone line. AFC Tooter: Do you have a school AO account? Johnny26 : yes AFC Tooter: Congrats! that's a good part of the battle. Johnny26 : Actually no, it's my personal account I use. SINGL BELL: Tooter What is a school account?????? Johnny26 : Good question. MFJpsy : I was wondering HOW you got your school to obtain an AO account! AFC Tooter: I started from my personal account too. By a school account I just mean that you are not paying from your own pocket or AFC Tooter: waiting for someone to maybe reimburse you. SINGL BELL: Oh, :( MDavis : ! AFC Tooter: There is no special "school" account. We ARE HOPING for PO billing soon, maybe. Johnny26 : Excellent idea. AFC Tooter: Hi Ragen. RagenT : Gosh I made it! Hello! AFC Tooter: If you want PO billing, please let the powers at AO hear you. AFC Tooter: How about others. What do you teach? What projects, if any? SINGL BELL: Computer lab for a large elem school SINGL BELL: No modem yet, SINGL BELL: But I keep talking SINGL BELL: and talking AFC Tooter: Have you run any online projects w/students? SINGL BELL: and smiling and talking AFC Tooter: I know that experience!! SINGL BELL: No not yet. I would have to do it from my house SINGL BELL: and I would have to pay for it myself AFC Tooter: Ugh! SINGL BELL: Don't want to set that up SINGL BELL: If you get my drift. AFC Tooter: Have you tried bringing in samples of some of the things going on here? SINGL BELL: Budget is really bad in NY right about now. I haven't SINGL BELL: because sometimes my enthusiasim stimulates the right curiosity SINGL BELL: and I can get pretty enthusiastic.!!! Esp. about AOL AFC Tooter: I found by showing my excitement with printouts to the Principal and Supt. they would fund a first AFC Tooter: limited exchange which I ran from home. We got such good local publicity that they began AFC Tooter: asking for more. SINGL BELL: I have talked about E mail and the mail box that goes bonk and the electric school house MFJpsy : I'm interested in getting special ed classes interested in telecom, BUT I am MFJpsy : told for some reason our phone lines won't handle modems??? I'd take my OWN in Johnny26 : That's true MF Jpsy. Any kind of switchboard system usually won't take a Johnny26 : modem. MFJpsy : Oh! :( Too bad! SINGL BELL: Sounds fishy to me AFC Tooter: If you have questions about phone service types, you might contact Pax5 who has taken AO into a number AFC Tooter: of different schools for demo. AFC Tooter: I think he has some tricks you might try. Johnny26 : You'll need a direct line to the phone company run into the school. MFJpsy : Great, Thanks! Will ask! MaryEz : Hi, Sorry I'm late. MaryEz : Any new ideas tonight? Could we email Computer Eyes pictures? AFC Tooter: Hi Mary. Mary is a pro at getting good publicity. Johnny26 : Sorry, got to run. :( This looks interesting tonight. AFC Tooter: We ought to finish intros since this is a good chance to meet others looking to link. So long Johnny. AFC Tooter: Who else wants to introcuce him/herself? MDavis : ! AFC Tooter: MDavis? MFJpsy : Boy, would THAT ever suck 'em in! :) MDavis : I'm not a teacher, but I play one on TV. (Just kidding)... MDavis : My name is Morgan Davis. My company develops a networked BBS for Apple II RagenT : <--Back MDavis : systems called ProLine. ProLine allows students, teachers, and administrators MDavis : to link up single school sites and whole districts across the WORLD into MDavis : an online forum using existing school equipment. All that is needed is a MDavis : modem in the school lab. I'm here just in case the subject of school lab MDavis : BBS's comes up and could offer some details on our product, which is very MDavis : popular in schools right now. ga AFC Tooter: What is the cost for this? Is there a worldwide network or just the chance to link to one? MDavis : The cost for the software is $195.50 per site. And the software includes its MDavis : own proprietary network with the ability to link up to world-wide networks MDavis : (collectively known as "the Internet"). OnlineHost: GAME DESIGNERS: Will Computers Begin to Think? Discuss it now at the Developers Conference. Keyword MDV. (9:52:23 PM) MDavis : ga RagenT : What is available on the network? MDavis : The Internet is a vast resource of information organized into thousands of MDavis : online "conferences" (called newsgroups). Systems all over the world contribut AFC Tooter: Hi Morah. Welcome. MaryEz : What are the network costs? MDavis : e and participate in these newsgroups, many with origins in the university MDavis : system. MDavis : Network access is FREE. SINGL BELL: No cost for on line time? MDavis : The only expense is any long distance a site may incur. Though, our network MDavis : has over 200 nodes nationwide (and in many countries), so networking is RagenT : World wide? Where are some of the international users located? MDavis : usually only a local cost. MDavis : Guam, West Germany, Sweden, Brasil, Canada, Japan, France, and Italy. (that's MDavis : off the top of my head). Morah : Israel? MDavis : Actually, a site may be going up in Bahrain. AFC Tooter: How can we get a list of local node locations? Can you post such a list on AO with other details about AFC Tooter: the system. MaryEz : Yale? MDavis : Yale is part of the university system, and they are also accessible over MDavis : the network, as are many other of the large and small campuses across the US. MDavis : We are fortunate to have a forum here on AOL. From the Apple II Utilities, MDavis : Communications, and Developers forums you can access the Morgan Davis Group MaryEz : I'm a local call from Yale so it shouldn't cost more than the software?? MDavis : from the "Direct Connect" menu items. We have a discussion area dedicated MDavis : to ProLine and its applications. SINGL BELL: Is there a project coordinator who would provide links or is this a hit or miss MDavis : Mary, that's right. That is, if Yale's administrators authorize the link up. MDavis : There is no top-heavy bureaucracy with the ProLine network. Your school MDavis : runs its own site and has a local system administrator that handles getting MDavis : linked up with other sites (this is all well documented and supported through MDavis : our company). AFC Tooter: What kind of computer system does one need? MDavis : Hardware required is minimally: Apple II+ with 64K. Hard disk, modem, MDavis : clock. And takes advantage of the IIGS with it's built in peripherals. MDavis : Works wonderfully on the IIe. MDavis : I can supply detailed information on ProLine. Just send me your name and SINGL BELL: At this rate we will have to search for things to work with the IIe MDavis : mailing address if you'd like more. AFC Tooter: All sounds too good to be true. Is there coordinated curriculum? MaryEz : What application might be appropriate for 5th/6th graders? MDavis : At this time, there is only once coordinated newsgroup called "Kids-Net", MDavis : a pen-pal system that spans the globe. ProLine is an upstart technology, so MDavis : the opportunities for creating new curriculums awaits creative educators. MFJpsy : Sorry, I have to leave. Will surely download this log! Nite..... MDavis : I should point out that we do have access to the Rainbow System network, AFC Tooter: Jpsy, talk to me about picture exchange later. Bye. MDavis : which does have a number of organized curriculums online. MaryEz : We belong to Rainbow through Project Learn in East Lyme, CT. MDavis : ProLine is an excellent vehicle for writing and creative exchange, science MDavis : experiments where results are exchanged on a global basis (e.g. weather MDavis : and environment studies), high-ed and gifted curriculums, computer science, MDavis : and so on. The Internet provides thousands of "newsgroups" that schools MDavis : can subscribe to in order to obtain resources. The list of groups may MDavis : be available in the Apple II or Macintosh file libraries. It is known as MDavis : the Internet Newsgroup or Usenet Newsgroup list. MDavis : ga AFC Tooter: Are clock and hard drive needed? MDavis : Mary, what is your rti- address? MDavis : Yes, clock, hard disk, and modem are required. Printer and RAM disks are MDavis : optional and supported. MDavis : ProLine will run off hard disk 10mb or larger. AFC Tooter: Is the clock for automatic log on? MDavis : The clock is needed on the host site only, not on the dial-up systems. MDavis : It is used to time-coordinate automated maintenance tasks (like cleaning MDavis : up the system, calling sites that the host links with to exchange mail, and MDavis : so on). ProLine is virtually maintenance free since it allows students to MDavis : sign on to create their own accounts, does nightly system maintenance, MDavis : autmatically manages the BBS section, and will remove inactive accounts MDavis : as you see fit. I let my system run 24 hours a day and can leave it alone MDavis : for weeks or months unattended. AFC Tooter: That must make for some heavy reading when you come home. MDavis : I have to call it about once a day, as I get about 50 pieces of mail. (That's MDavis : the hazard of being the software's producer, of course). RagenT : Especially if Tooter is leaving mail ;) AFC Tooter: LOL - Only to my favorite two-hundred correspondents. MDavis : By the way, the system boasts a local and remote FULL SCREEN text editor, MDavis : so if you're experienced at using a word processor, working with files online MDavis : is just as easy. MaryEz : All this sounds great but the idea of keeping it all together when dealing with over 500 5th/6th MaryEz : and their teachers is overwhelming. MDavis : You're right, Mary. That's why a single ProLine site can host over 1,500 MDavis : accounts effortlessly. RagenT : We don't have hard drives...we wouldn't be able use Proline? MDavis : Again, send mail to "MDavis" with your address for printed literature on MDavis : ProLine. I'll bow out now. MDavis : ProLine alone requires about 1.5MB of storage. So floppies wouldn't work./ RagenT : I understand. MaryEz : I just managed to get up to 1.25mb. I'll never get a hard disk. AFC Tooter: Any other questions on ProLine? AFC Tooter: You ought to leave some info on ProLine in the School-to-School area or at least an intro and where to AFC Tooter: look for more. MDavis : I should clarify that -- you just need 1.5MB of *disk space*. Not RAM. MDavis : Tooter -- good idea. For now, you can get more information right here on MDavis : AOL by using the keyword "ACM" and entering the "Direct Connect" area. MDavis : Then go into the "Morgan Davis Group". We have a forum set up for our MDavis : communications products. AFC Tooter: Thanks. This has been very valuable. MaryEz : I have a parent volunteer from the Yale Computer Center. I'll talk to her. MDavis : Glad to help out. RagenT : Morgan, I will check out your area, thanks for the info! AFC Tooter: What else do you all want to publicize or ask about? SINGL BELL: What projects are you working on here AFC Tooter: ScrapBook is moving ahead with vigor. Teachers are currently preparing to exchange Poloroid snapshots AFC Tooter: while they work on the ScrapBook essays. MaryEz : I was just wondering about Computer Eyes pictures and whether they can be uploaded or what? RagenT : Tooter, I added our address in for picture exchange. AFC Tooter: I'm pretty sure they can. The question is who is equipped to receive them. AFC Tooter: Good, Ragen. We'll be sure to get a picture to you. ADAMMED : hi are any of you students? Morah : Learned something. Thanks, Tooter. SINGL BELL: What do you need to recv? AFC Tooter: Hi ADAMMED. Most here are teachers talking about School links. SINGL BELL: Now we're all teachers ADAMMED : oh.. ok.. well if you haven't already please read my posting under my other AFC Tooter: SB, not sure what you're asking. ADAMMED : screen name (Pixies) in the Secondary education board..i'm going to need help SINGL BELL: What do you need to recv the computer eyes pictures ADAMMED : from lots of teachers and hopefully your students!! AFC Tooter: Will do ADAMMED. AFC Tooter: Do you want to say a word about what you're looking for? ADAMMED : sure, i'm organizing a coalition of American Students.. ADAMMED : i plan to distribute a draft letter to as many schools as possible throughout ADAMMED : the US. AFC Tooter: Coalition for what? ADAMMED : with this letter i'd like as many teachers and students that are interested to ADAMMED : mail the letters to the President and your state representatives.. ADAMMED : the coalition will be for the increased funding of education in the U.S. AFC Tooter: BRAVO! ADAMMED : esp. in the areas of computer purchases, large equip. purchases.. RagenT : Now I'm hooked! ADAMMED : i want to send a message the education funding is not the place to make cuts, ADAMMED : instead its the place to increase spending by vast amounts.. ADAMMED : i'd like to see legislation for foreign languages, etc. SINGL BELL: I was thinking of applying for grants thru environmental protection on SINGL BELL: the basis of children being our greatest resource. ADAMMED : i'd also like to send these letters to as many newpaper editorial pages as AFC Tooter: There is an area in TIN especially for linking students on such issues such as this. It has seen ADAMMED : possible and get them printed all on the same day! AFC Tooter: very little use recently except for ScrapBook project. I suggest that you add notes AFC Tooter: there and see what you can gather, but, of course, don't limit yourself to that forum. ADAMMED : yup, i did that, that's the special interest groups, student to student board ADAMMED : right? AFC Tooter: Right. Excellent. ADAMMED : the proposal is also on the ATB board. AFC Tooter: I'll be happy to post some more mail to Regan and others if I can be of any help. AFC Tooter: ;) ADAMMED : i'm trying to get a feel to see if this can really move transcontinental first AFC Tooter: SUGGESTION: Contact a student online called Fictionist and see if you can interest him. RagenT : We'd be glad to read it! My club kids could get interested, too. ADAMMED : then i'll be doing a lot of research and drafting a letter to send ADAMMED : ok. will do, the only concern i have is that this organization will need ADAMMED : continued leadership, and unfortunately i'm leaving for a year in Germany in ADAMMED : sept. AFC Tooter: I guess you need to work quickly ;) ADAMMED : yeah, well i have a good background from organizing local groups for the same ADAMMED : purpose.. but anyway, enough of me disturbing your chat.. please leave any AFC Tooter: Where are you from? ADAMMED : comments on any of the boards with my letter.. thanks ADAMMED : Portsmouth, NH AFC Tooter: Big school cuts there, I know. ADAMMED : yup.. we're fighting them or at least trying.. ADAMMED : we beat some tax cap legislation that would have cut the school budget by 5% ADAMMED : about a year ago.. but anyhow, goodnight AFC Tooter: Goodnight and thanks. It is a fantastic project. AFC Tooter: Are there other issues or questions to be raised related to this or other matters? MaryEz : Picts can be imported into a drawing program such as Dazzle Draw, SB and then printed. Not too great MaryEz : but the kids enjoy them. AFC Tooter: The reaction of most of the Scrappers was lack of time and equipment to make scans, I think. But there SINGL BELL: Oh, ok I can handle that I think, AFC Tooter: may be a few who are interested. Poloroids seem to be simpler for most (though more expensive). MaryEz : I just wanted to try it. SINGL BELL: I need someone to try it so I can watch;) MaryEz : I will be sending regular pictures in the mail. Don't have a polaroid. AFC Tooter: That's fine. Said Poloroids to make it as quick and simple as possible. SINGL BELL: Well, my collegues I'm getting wingy here so I catch you around MaryEz : Tooter, pictures of 5 classes of 83 kids is not simple;) RagenT : Good, 'cuz mine aren't poloroid either. AFC Tooter: I know. Speaking relatively. Ragen, did you get the pen pal letter I sent today. Was it yours? RagenT : How many pictures do we need all together, about? SINGL BELL: Thanks for all the info. I hope to join in a project some day soon. MaryEz : Then there's the 15 copies that you need. RagenT : Yes, Ted, it was. Eric Destefano was your new student, right? AFC Tooter: Yes. good. He lost the letter with the info. AFC Tooter: I haven't counted, Mary. MaryEz : I think there are 15 or 16 schools. RagenT : I had my students do a data base of all the hello letters and I grouped AFC Tooter: Be sure to check the most recent postings on the board for address changes, etc. RagenT : just the towns, and came up with about 12, 13 and I'm sure there are more. AFC Tooter: Ragne!!! Why not add the data base to the ScrapBook library!!! AFC Tooter: Ragne = well, you know! MaryEz : Tooter, you are a special person! and so is Ragen! I can't imagine all the organization that goes RagenT : That's ok, you should hear what my mo-in-law calls me! MaryEz : into this project!{:> AFC Tooter: Let your students upload and see their work go to use. AFC Tooter: Thanks, Mary ---- (blushing) RagenT : What organization? I do anything to get the kids to bite...they just want RagenT : to play games. AFC Tooter: What kind of DB? RagenT : Categories: School, grade (timeperiod), class, town, state, how many? MaryEz : Today I couldn't load an 83K file of kids expository writing that I was putting into a MaryEz : instruction book for publication. I'm bummed! RagenT : We'll add addresses on Friday and make labels I hope from the DB. AFC Tooter: No, AW or another format? If you let them upload to the library, I'll review it, correct it and issue AFC Tooter: it. MaryEz : Ragen, that sounds great. Why didn't I think of that? RagenT : Ted, when do we actually have to upload writing? AFC Tooter: That date is still a little way off. I'll be alerting all to that soon. RagenT : I have them writing at home since I see them once a week. Next week we will AFC Tooter: I think we said third week in February, but we'll check progress before fixing the date. We also RagenT : start word processing. AFC Tooter: need to talk about how we want to make the exchange. AFC Tooter: Ragen!!! What kind of DB :))) RagenT : Did I tell you we made our display case, just as one walks into the school? RagenT : Apple works. It's great and already people are asking. AFC Tooter: Didn't you put a note on the Scrap/91 board about it oir am I thinking of someone else? RagenT : Yes, it is awaiting pictures now,,,and we will tie strings from pictures to AFC Tooter: I'd love a picture of that, too. It sounds incredible! RagenT : thumbtacks to all locations. There is a lot of space on the bottom to display RagenT : writing. SO I thought we'd start with hello letters and every 3-4 days RagenT : change them so there is something new to read. AFC Tooter: The school that finally hires you will be very lucky. I wish we could. RagenT : When the writings start coming in, we will then display the essays. AFC Tooter: I'm afraid our display is looking a bit run-down now. I don't have any classes in this ScrapBook. I am AFC Tooter: hoping DWink will pick something up. We also have all our sixth graders coming in soon. AFC Tooter: They have actually been working on Scraps, but I can't get the teacher to get to the modem. RagenT : I really know how things can get. Crazy? RagenT : Speaking of getting...I should be moving along. It was great. Especially RagenT : learning about ProLine. AFC Tooter: Yes. Well, the official time is long over and I have miles of mail before I sleep. Anything else befor AFC Tooter: I leave? RagenT : No. Goodnight. AFC Tooter: Yes, thanmks for telling us about that. Perhaps we'll be able to do an 3evening just on ProLine. AFC Tooter: Goodnight all. 2/6/91 10:45:52 PM Closing file.