2/4/90 8:05:30 PM Opening "America Online LogChat" for recording. AFL Wiggy : Be sure to be with us next week as we have a special AFL Wiggy : guest visiting the Forum. Busy Bill has been taching AFL Wiggy : diversity and world citizenship in a different way; AFL Wiggy : his school is using AppleWorksGS and telecom to share AFL Wiggy : files with a school in the Soviet Union. Be sure to AFL Wiggy : be with us in the AED conference hall next weekend as AFL Wiggy : Bill shares his experiences with us! AFL Wiggy : Welcome to the Apple II Education Forum and tonight's AFL Wiggy : conference about word processing in foreign languages. AFL Wiggy : Before we get started, now's the time for you to run AFL Wiggy : to the bathroom, hit the refirgerator, or let Fluffy AFL Wiggy : out... Yes it is time for the dreaded (sigh)... AFL Wiggy : FORUM ANNOUNCEMENTS: AFL Wiggy : Visit Tutor-Tech with Tutor-Tech. DLampert of Tech- AFL Wiggy : Ware software does a great job of maintaining the AFL Wiggy : message boards in Direct Connect. Be sure to visit AFL Wiggy : Their area there and leave questions about this great AFL Wiggy : hypermedia product for the entire Apple II line of AFL Wiggy : computers. If you haven't downloaded the demo, be AFL Wiggy : sure to do so right after this conference! AFL Wiggy : Visit Roger Wagner in Direct Connect. Many of the AFL Wiggy : programs that Roger produces are used in schools AFL Wiggy : the country. Be sure to check out the boards. YOu AFL Wiggy : can also download HyperStudio stacks from the Studio- AFL Wiggy : Ware library. If you'd like a demo (and can afford AFL Wiggy : the long downloading time), you can do that from that AFL Wiggy : library as well. Our StudioWare library is the most AFL Wiggy : complete stack library anywhere in the world! AFL Wiggy : Find out about TI&IE. The Teacher's Idea and AFL Wiggy : Information Exchange is located in Direct Connect. AFL Wiggy : TI&IE is an organization which shares AppleWorks files AFL Wiggy : among teachers nationwide. In addition, TI&IE AFL Wiggy : distributes the new StoryWorks program which turns AFL Wiggy : AppleWorks Word Procsessor files into HyperMedia text AFL Wiggy : scripts. Find out more in the TI&IE Direct Connect AFL Wiggy : area (and look for the new StoryWorks library coming AFL Wiggy : soon to TI&IE's area)! AFL Wiggy : The AppleWorks Educator is a newsletter for teachers AFL Wiggy : who use AppleWorks. Not only does it have some of the AFL Wiggy : best looking writers in the business, but the A.E. AFL Wiggy : also has pages of hints, ideas, and uses for AW in the AFL Wiggy : classroom. To find out more about the AppleWorks AFL Wiggy : Educator, visit their area in the Education Forum's AFL Wiggy : Direct Connect section. AFL Wiggy : CONSTRUCTION AHEAD: YOUR A.O. DOLLARS AT WORK! AFL Wiggy : Look for the new Virtual Realities area in Direct AFL Wiggy : Connect this coming week. Virtual Realities is a new AFL Wiggy : company dedicated to advancing the Apple II. They AFL Wiggy : have told me that they would like to get their new AFL Wiggy : digitizer board in the schools; here's our chance to AFL Wiggy : help them develop a school purchase policy! Make sure AFL Wiggy : you contribute to their message board this week! AFL Wiggy : And now back to our conference... AFL Wiggy : Every Apple Printer comes equipped with the ability to AFL Wiggy : use 256 built-in characters. These characters include AFL Wiggy : the letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and AFL Wiggy : symbols we use every day here in the U.S.A. But, what AFL Wiggy : about those of us who need to use special characters? AFL Wiggy : Well, many of those foreign language characters are AFL Wiggy : built-in, too. We just have to find a way to get to AFL Wiggy : them. AFL Wiggy : Unfortunately, the keyboard has on it only about 100 AFL Wiggy : characters. By placing the Open Apple and Option AFL Wiggy : keys on the keyboard, the number of characters can be AFL Wiggy : increased. The Open Apple key combinations are AFL Wiggy : generally reserved for providing special functions AFL Wiggy : such as printing (Open-Apple-S on many programs), and AFL Wiggy : Quit (Open-Apple-Q on many programs). That leaves AFL Wiggy : the option keys to provide those special characters. AFL Wiggy : For years, the Macintosh has had the ability to use AFL Wiggy : the Option Key combinations to provide access to those AFL Wiggy : extra characters. With the coming of the GS system AFL Wiggy : software 5.0 (or higher), GS users can now access AFL Wiggy : those hidden characters. AFL Wiggy : Of course, the developers of all those hundreds of AFL Wiggy : fonts (downloadable from the Word Processing and AFL Wiggy : Productivity Forums; AWP and APR) did not envision AFL Wiggy : Apple's finally making the Option Key combinations AFL Wiggy : available. A number of those fonts are taken from AFL Wiggy : Macintosh fonts so the Option Characters may be AFL Wiggy : available. I guess it is time to check your fonts AFL Wiggy : to be sure that they are there. AFL Wiggy : Now.... AFL Wiggy : the problem I have.... AFL Wiggy : I was suddenly called away from my GS (sigh)... AFL Wiggy : And I do not have the ability to check out the fonts... AFL Wiggy : And so, tonight's conference will be all about AFL Wiggy : The fonts we have used and know about. AFL Wiggy : Does anybody have any questions or comments to begin with??? RagenT : Here's a doozie... I am looking for a Greek word processor. MacTeach : How do you generate Greek characters? MacTeach : GMTA! :) AFL Wiggy : Ragen.... Many of the Greek letters are available on the GS... AFL Wiggy : If you go to the Productivity or Word Processing Forums.... AFL Wiggy : You will find several different Greek fonts. I noticed there is a newish one in there (although I AFL Wiggy : haven't tried it out). AFL Wiggy : But I have yet to see a Greek WP program. :( RagenT : So far I write in greek with American letters and then print through Super Font RagenT : which is not easy. AFL Marty : Who was looking for Greek characters? AFL Marty : The font SYMBOL is virtually 100% Greek characters. Soko : Does anybody has experience/opinions about Euroworks? Soko : I have seen Euroworks advertised and it got a nice letter in A2 Central...... AFL Wiggy : I have not used EuropWorks... I have heard some great things... AFL Wiggy : But I also suggest that buying the foreign versions of AppleWorks might be a good alternative... AFL Wiggy : Although, the last time I priced French AppleWorks, it was almost $300! :( AFL Wiggy : Ragen... The fonts that are there are $C8 fonts... AFL Wiggy : This mean that they can be used with SuperFont or any Graphic IIgs word processor. RagenT : I just learning, here, thanks you answered my question. MacTeach : There are Spanish and French editions of LogoWriter on the market... but it's not a very good WP. :( Soko : I think Euroworks is $30/ 4 languages, French Italian German & Spanish RagenT : How about with Print Shop GS AFL Wiggy : One of the interesting thisngs I heard about was that.... AFL Wiggy : Writers Choice Elite could once use the option key fonts.... but with system 5.0 it no longer can. :) Soko : Does Fredwriter still publish a Spanish version? My disk says in the intro Soko : a Spanish version is available, but my version is about 4 years olds AFL Wiggy : Soko... as far as I know they do... I don't have any of my information with me in my travels.... AFL Wiggy : but last time I looked, they offered it. MacTeach : MECC also publishes a Spanish version of its MECC Write program. RagenT : EGO! AFL Wiggy : American dictionary makers have not listed suggested spellings for kids who use the es. :( AFL FrankD: Writer's Choice elite doesn't even WORK under 5.0, so you can forget about that one. :) RagenT : I'm really looking for a Greek word processor. Maestro12 : Ragen, were you looking for Spanish fonts for print shop GS? RagenT : No, Greek AFL Wiggy : Ragen... I know of no specific Greek word processor... all I know of is how to make our AFL Wiggy : american WPs work with Greek letters. In my travels in Greece, I didn't even see an Apple II! :( Maestro12 : Someone else looking for Spanish fonts for print shop GS? MacTeach : Anyone ever seen a talking wp in a language other than English? AFL FrankD: I don't know of a Greek Word Processor either, Wigs. RagenT : Relatives came from Athens, and I turned them on to Apples... But, they didn't RagenT : seem to know of them. They are looking for me. AFL Wiggy : Yes... The Apple II has not caught on in Europe... AFL Wiggy : It seems that American Apple Marketing is taking a lesson from Apple/Europe... and ignoring everybody AFL Wiggy : all togeter. :) Soko : So what is the computer of choice overseas? AFL Wiggy : Soko... Amstrad is big... RagenT : I don't know. AFL Wiggy : The Amiga is big (especially in music and games). AFL Wiggy : In education the Apple II was in a few years ago... AFL Wiggy : but is now almost unheard of anymore. :( AFL Wiggy : but, those of you who are looking for the special fonts.... AFL Wiggy : I urge you to look at the Word Processing and Productivity Forum libraries... AFL Wiggy : (keyword AWP and APR).... Those are the most extensive font libraries in the business... AFL Wiggy : and the fonts work with the GS and with SuperFonts on the IIe/c. AFL Wiggy : And, for those of you who would like to view fonts... AFL Wiggy : there are even programs in the WP and APR libraries that will allow you to view the fonts. Soko : One of the odd experiences I had was "fixing" a broken GS. The kids had used RagenT : Euxapistw(thanks) Soko : the control panel to switch the keyboard display to Spanish, the teacher Soko : was sure that the keyboard was broken AFL Marty : Let me know if you need something that's not in the library. I'll make AFL Marty : every effort to locate it for you. AFL TimB : Soko: LOL! AFL Wiggy : Soko.... I have fixed that one more than once! :) Soko : I now taech the rudiments of the control panel in all mt intro workshops WayneD7 : I have an excellent Greek learning disk! WayneD7 : I obtained it from a Greek friend. AFL Wiggy : Tell us about it, Wayne... We were discussing that earlier. RagenT : Oh yeh, tell me more! WayneD7 : I am a German freak(Deutsch, verstehen Sie?) RagenT : Wayne, how can I find it? WayneD7 : Where do you live? RagenT : Bridgewater, MA WayneD7 : Leave me E-mail w/ your address and I will send it to you. AFA GayleK: Why not upload it to the New Files section of our libraries here, Wayne, AFA GayleK: please? :) WayneD7 : Not sure if I can! AFL Wiggy : But only if it is Public domain or shareware! AFA GayleK: Why not, Wayne? Not public domain? Sigh... WayneD7 : I'll have to look at it. I have forgotten. AFL Wiggy : I would love to learn Greek myself... AFL Wiggy : but after I learn Russian. :) WayneD7 : and German! AFA GayleK: OK. Thanks, Wayne. :) RagenT : I learned it by being married to a Greek. The russian font is similar to RagenT : the greek. AFL Wiggy : Ragen...very similar... and boy was I confused when I was in Greece and in Russia... I couldn't read AFL Wiggy : a thing. I knew my subway stop in Moscow only because it was the only stop with only four letters. AFL Wiggy : :) RagenT : LOL WayneD7 : Russian alphabet is differnt:) AFA GayleK: We have a Russian HyperStudio stack in the library. AFL TimB : I read about a virus that changed the control panel settings so that text is.. AFL TimB : black on black. AFL TimB : Can be changed but has to be changed from user memory. AFA GayleK: No, Tim. That's called letting the kids in Paintworks Plus. ;) I had that AFA GayleK: happen in computer camp with kindergarteners. AFL Wiggy : And several programs are now out that will let you design your own fonts. AFL Wiggy : I would think that a number of companies would do a killing if they would release their foreign AFL Wiggy : language versions of software to schools and the public. I have had a number of people looking for AFL Wiggy : Spanish and French versions of AppleWorks. SCL Biblia: Jim, do you suppose a GOOD Apple dealer in the South Florida area may be able SCL Biblia: to get thos editions? Especially if they do any export business... AFL Wiggy : Leonard... are there GOOD apple dealers???? :) WayneD7 : Neba Computer in Plaistow , N.H.:) SCL Biblia: Well, I suppose could get lucky -- like winning the lottery. SCL Biblia: Honestly don't know. I knopw that South Florida is a good place for dual SCL Biblia: voltage applinces and such. It would seem to follow that a savvy dealer might SCL Biblia: carry at least the Spanish version. The Tooter: Hi all. Hi Wiggy Soko : It would seem that a distributor of some kind could pull together a listing Soko : of all products concerning other language applications 7 specialize AFL Wiggy : I suppose that they could be imported... AFL Wiggy : but what's to stop Claris from sending them to us directly! I'll have to give them a call to see if AFL Wiggy : that is possible! (they are scheduled for a conference in March or April). GSTEACH : Gayle... can you tell me more about the Russian stack? (I just got a Soviet student!) AFL Wiggy : Bard... AFL Wiggy : I can tell you about it... AFL Wiggy : The stack gives pronunciations of a few Russian words and letters... AFL Wiggy : Things like Dostvadonya... AFL Wiggy : The sound is not particularly good... GSTEACH : It might be great for giving the other students a bit of an introduction though! AFL Wiggy : Bard... That it would... :) AFL Wiggy : But, I would go to the word processing forum and download BusyBill's RussKeys... AFL Wiggy : He developed the Cyrrilic font and has mapped the keyboard so that people can type using the full AFL Wiggy : Russian Alphabet. GSTEACH : Neat! Thanks Wiggy. WayneD7 : Have got to go, Gute nacht! AFA GayleK: Bye, Wayne! Thanks for coming. :) RagenT : Bye, Wayne WayneD7 : Richtig! AFL Wiggy : AFL Wiggy : Be sure to be with us next week as we have a special AFL Wiggy : guest visiting the Forum. Busy Bill has been taching AFL Wiggy : diversity and world citizenship in a different way; AFL Wiggy : his school is using AppleWorksGS and telecom to share AFL Wiggy : files with a school in the Soviet Union. Be sure to AFL Wiggy : be with us in the AED conference hall next weekend as AFL Wiggy : Bill shares his experiences with us! AFL Wiggy : done... AFL Wiggy : But, I did look at the files that Bill has been sending... AFL Wiggy : and they are neat! :) AFL Wiggy : He managed to get around the lack of Option Key availability by developing his own fonts with a AFL Wiggy : font editor.... That way all of the Russian letters are on the keyboard without having to use the AFL Wiggy : option key at all. AFL Wiggy : It was a lot of work.... and I suggest that we all go with word processors that work with system 5.0 AFL Wiggy : instead of designing our own fonts. RagenT : You mentioned Font editors earlier,like.... AFL Wiggy : How I wish I was home right now... I have all the information there... AFL Wiggy : but... SevenHills has a very good font editing program... AFL Wiggy : Beagle Brothers has another very good (if not better) program. AFL Wiggy : The problem with these programs is that you need to design the fonts.... AFL FrankD: Font Factory from Seven Hills. AFL Wiggy : one font at a time... AFL FrankD: GS Font Editor from Beagle. AFL Wiggy : (thank you, Frank) Gerry MPC : Said his words and got bumped! :( AFL Wiggy : and you have to design them almost pixel for pixel... AFL Wiggy : it is very time consuming. But, once you have one sized font designed... AFL Wiggy : you can always easily increase or decrease the size of the font. AFL Wiggy : Poor Frank! FL Wiggy : <---Had lunch with Frank, Joey, AFL Scott, Former AFL DougW, Former AFL RichM, and BillP. :) AFL Wiggy : Two large pizzas gone in just a few minutes. :) AFL Wiggy : Hello, Rick! RICKP47 : Hi folks Maestro12 : Can Appleworks 3.0 take advantage of the GS 5.0 capability for fonts? AFL Wiggy : Maestro.... AFL Wiggy : I was afraid that question was coming tonight... AFL Wiggy : Since I am GS-less for a few weeks, I have been unable to try it out... AFL Wiggy : I asked our resident guru, AFL Frank... and he was unsure himself. I can't wait to get home to try AFL Wiggy : it out and see! :) Maestro12 : I need to put accent marks over the vowels in Spanish. AFL Wiggy : Anybody with a GS... Please try it soon and let me know via email! :) AFL Wiggy : Maestro... AppleWorks with SuperFopnts can always do that for you... AFL Wiggy : They use the common $C8 fonts that are in the libraries... AFL Wiggy : The problem is, you don't see them until they are printed. RagenT : I must leave, thank you very much Wiggy for your help! AFL Wiggy : (excuse my typing). AFL Wiggy : Havew fun Ragen.... and give my regards to MA... I miss it@! :) AFL Wiggy : Ack! My typing is getting worse and worse!!! RagenT : Ok. RICKP47 : Maestro, I think there is a product called EuroWorks that will let you do RICKP47 : that automatically. It requires UltraMacros though. AFL Wiggy : Yes... Euroworks can do it. I used a similar product (I forget the name) years ago. Maestro12 : I was trying to keep it simple. AFL Wiggy : Maestro... what computer are you wanting to do this with? Maestro12 : GS AFL Wiggy : (I will check out the 5.0/AW option and let you know via email. AFL Wiggy : (or I will ask somebody to since I won't be seeing my beloved GS for another 3 weeks). :) Maestro12 : Thanks! AFL Wiggy : Well, we are about out of time... AFL Wiggy : Since the Tonight in the Forums has not been updated, I have no idea what the AFL Wiggy : AppleWorks conference is tonight... AFL Wiggy : but whatever it is, it starts up in a dfew minutes.