4/14/91 8:01:21 PM Opening "chat4.14" for recording. AFA Bard AFL Gayle Member4626 AFL Marty Tall Fred LavonneS IC Gerry AFA Bard : Welcome Morah! IC Gerry : Of COURSE!!!!! :) AFL Gayle : OK. We'll go ahead and get started. If you haven't read the HotShot, be sure AFL Gayle : and check it out at the top of your menu to see what other chats are happening this week. AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is our software libraries. Since AFA Bard is our Most AFL Gayle : Excellent Librarian of the libraries, I'll turn the meeting over to him in just a minute. We're giving away 2 free hours tonight. AFL Gayle : You have to talk to win, however. No protocol used here.Just wait until there's a break (although Bard fields questions very quickly. :) Take it away, Bard! :) IC Gerry : Gosh..I always talk..:) AFA Bard : Thanks Gayle!!! (::: bowing :::) AFA Bard : First, I'd like to let IC Gerry show off her new clothes. For those that don't know the IC prefix AFA Bard : means she's now with the Industry Connection. Take a bow, Gerry! IC Gerry : THanks, Bard and Gayle..:) IC Gerry : ::bowing::: IC Gerry : Have been with IC for a while... IC Gerry : but new name as of today..:) AFA Bard : Well done! And now on with the show.... AFL Gayle : Applause Gerry AFA Bard : Tonight I'll just throw out the BEST OF THE AED Libraries. Please stop me if you have questions AFA Bard : or have a specific need you think might be filled by one of the HUNDREDS of programs in our AED AFA Bard : libraries. AFL Gayle : Throw out, Bard? Ack! :) I think you mean share with us? :) AFA Bard : :)) IC Gerry : <--hates to have things thrown at her..:) AFA Bard : It WOULD make my job easier, Gayle. :)) AFA Bard : First... let's get on the bus and take the GRAND LIBRARY tour.. first stop: NEW FILES LIBRARY... AFA Bard : If you like spicy TEXT files.. check out the controversial GS vs LC file. It'll boil your AFA Bard : blood.:)) For those with kiddies... try REACH FOR THE SMILE - a GREAT HyperStudio stack that works AFA Bard : on word and picture identification. AFA Bard : Welcome Toot! IC Gerry : ::imagining:: :) IC Gerry : HI Toot! :) AFC Tooter: Good evening Welcome AFC Tooter: IC Gerry !!!!!!!! AFA Bard : One more goodie... GROUND TRACK 1.0 helps frustrated star-gazers find the location of AFA Bard : lots of heavenly bodies. :))) With other text files now found in NEW FILES you can even track AFA Bard : the shuttle when it's up!! AFA Bard : Anyone else wanna recommend anything in NEW FILES?? AFA Bard : Anyone, anyone? AFC Tooter: I always want to recommend people sign out a ScrapBook set and send a note of encouragement to a writer!!! Tall Fred : Is it time to talk AFL Gayle : Well, there's always the chat logs to catch up on what you missed at previous AFL Gayle : chats in the libraries. :) AFL Gayle : Yes, Fred. Talk away! :) AFA Bard : YES, FRED! What library (subject) would you like to hear about next? Tall Fred : I'm very new at this so where do we start. AFA Bard : What was your favorite subject in school, Fred? IC Gerry : Fred, just relax..we are very friendly..:) AFL Gayle : How about you tell him what libraries we have to offer here in AED, Bard? LavonneS : Really we bite but they won't tell you that! Tall Fred : So far so good AFA Bard : AED libraries include: New Files, Math, Language ARts, Science, Social STudies, Teacher's Tools, AFA Bard : Articles & Transcripts, NASA, Studioware and "Other". Any of those sound interesting, Fred? Tall Fred : How about DBases AFA Bard : Databases it is!!! In the SCIENCE area, you'll find a great database with information about the AFA Bard : periodic table. There's also a great DINOSAUR DB there. In Social Studies & History, there's a AFA Bard : info-packed DB about COUNTRIES and one on states, too. Member4626: Have you got any biology? AFA Bard : Biology.. yeah! There are several Biology Databases in the Science library. Mostly stuff like AFA Bard : bones, muscles, classification. Pretty terrific! Member4626: neat AFL Gayle : What are you most interested in finding, Member? AFA Bard : Any "math lovers" out there? Member4626: Science AFA Bard : Don't forget to check the libraries for some great programs! AFL Gayle : Bye, Fred. Hope to see you again soon! :) AFL Gayle : OK, Bard. How about another look at the Science libraries for Member? AFA Bard : You pick the next area, Member. Any particular interests? LavonneS : I vote for free time for member to get to know us :) Member4626: Science AFL Gayle : He wants to hear about science, Bard. AFA Bard : Aha.. my favorite! OK. In the Science library you'll find an amazing dabase on Astronomy called AFA Bard : the DeepSky Saguaro database. It's the perfect reference for a telescope buff. If you're into Member4626: astronomy? AFA Bard : genetics - grin - you'll also find a great program called GENEBUSTERS. It's a simulation game. AFA Bard : Welcome Jed! AFA Bard : Are you familiar with the SUNRAYCER, Member?? Jed D4 : HI ! LavonneS : Are the databases all Appleworks DB? Member4626: Where are you from Jed? AFA Bard : Most are, Lavonne. Some are AppleWorks GS. AFL Gayle : Member's already won an hour, Lavonne, but he has to STAY to claim it. :) Jed D4 : Is there any education software for IBM? AFL Gayle : He might even win another. :) Morah : How many of these files are for gs and how many (est. %) will work for IIe? Member4626: neat AFA Bard : Sure, Jed. Visit the PC Education libraries. Return to your MAIN MENU and select "Software AFA Bard : Libraries". We're mostly chatting about Apple stuff here.. but you're welcomed to stay! Jed D4 : Thanks. AFL Gayle : Jed, some of the files are text files and can be read by any computer. Member4626: Where are you from Member4626: Jed Jed D4 : Beaumont TEXAS. AFA Bard : Probably about 85% for //e (maybe more!). Very few are GS only. AFL Gayle : Hmmm.. interesting question, Morah. I would guess most of them work on the Member4626: I'm from Charleston,SC AFA Bard : Jed.. what's your favorite school subject? LavonneS : Are ALL Texans tall or is that just a folk tale? AFL Gayle : What libraries would you like to hear about, Morah? Jed D4 : Do you ever use any ED sw that would be helpful for grammer ? AFA Bard : Grammar... hmmm... well - we've got the COMPLETE text of Hamlet to analyze. That'll keep 'em AFA Bard : jumping! Also... Morah : I'm computer coordinator for a small school--interested in all. AFA Bard : you'll find several files that teachers have uploaded that can be used as an editing exercise. I AFA Bard : ighly recommend the Student Bloopers on History file in the Social STudies library. It's really AFA Bard : funny and can be a great exercise in SS and grammar! Member4626: what's the keyword for that Jed D4 : Thanks. AFA Bard : No Keyword...it's in the APPLE II SOFTWARE LIBRARIES.. get there from the menu you used Member4626: Where are you now Bard? AFA Bard : to come into this conference room. You'll see a menu with all the subject areas on it. Just click AFL Gayle : Bard is in GA physically, but is in the Education Conference Room online. :) AFA Bard : Social STudies. Uhm.. I'm in here with you.. or in Atlanta, however you look at it. :)) AFA Bard : My brain is somewhere South of Alpha Centauri. :) Member4626: What city AFA Bard : A northern suburb of Atlanta called Lawrenceville. Member4626: Atlanta? AFA Bard : Yep. AFL Gayle : Bard, how about some computer coordinator files for Morah? Member4626: sorry, I keep typing too late and ask a question after you answer it AFL Gayle : The keyword to get here any time is AED, Member. That will take you to our AFL Gayle : Main Apple // Education Forum (better known as AED) menu. From there, you can AFL Gayle : select the Software Libraries, the Message Board called Let's Discuss, Direct Member4626: do you have info. about history AFL Gayle : Connect, which has libraries of our forum developers, and Special Interest AFL Gayle : Groups, where you will find files about school to school projects and projects AFL Gayle : with the Soviet Union. AFA Bard : That's OK Member. :)) Sure, Gayle. We've got quite a few TOOLS online... In our TEACHER TOOLS AFA Bard : libraries we've got a great WORDSEARCH program called WORDSEARCH.4. We've also got a REALLY handy AFA Bard : program called DISABLE CONTROL PANEL that allow GS owners to temporarily disable this feature so that LavonneS : Bard tell me more about gradebooks using spreadsheets AFA Bard : the kiddles don't change your screen colors. :)) AFA Bard : History... Well - besides the Student Bloopers we've got several history files in our Studiware LavonneS : I've seen several gradebooks in the library but haven't downloaded any to look AFA Bard : libraries. These are HYPERSTUDIO, HYPERCARD GS and TUTOR TECH files. Member4626: I have a IIc AFA Bard : Lavonne.. there's a great demo of the AMAZING WINDOW gradebook in the TOOLS library. Also one AFA Bard : called ULTRA gradebook that's pretty good. Member4626: Do you have the time, Bard? AFL Gayle : In Direct Connect, you can even communicate with the author of Amazing Window, AFA Bard : Sure... Member, press OPEN APPLE K and type TIME. :)) AFL Gayle : in Kitchen Sink Software. The author is a teacher himself. LavonneS : Is that shareware? AFL Gayle : No, it's commercial software. AFA Bard : Commercial, Lavonne. I like Gradebusters 1/2/3, myself. :)) Member4626: I've already used up my hour for the month AFA Bard : Hang in there Member.. you're gonna win another one! AFA Bard : (swami sez!) Member4626: thank you AFA Bard : Anyone into Edgar Allen Poe? LavonneS : Member, this is cheaper than a movie and twice as enlightening ;) AFA Bard : And we e-mail popcorn upon request. :) Member4626: Do you have info. on sci fi short stories Member4626: I really love sci fi AFA Bard : Welcome GraemeC!! We're chatting about programs found in our software libraries (educational). GraemeC : Any good ones? Member4626: What about math? AFA Bard : Sci Fi.. got a pretty good database of literature that has lots of sci fi books in it... find the file AFA Bard : called NEWBERY. AFL Gayle : Oh, they are ALL good, Graeme! What subject area are you interested in? LavonneS : Bard, what is Gradebusters 1/2/3? AFA Bard : Math... a great file called PRIME NUMBERS generates all the prime numbers between 1 and a zillion - AFA Bard : almost instantly. Geometry Instruction (for the GS) is also great. One file called FLASH CARD AFA Bard : would be great forIc if you have kids. Member4626: Hold on a second AFL Gayle : Member, not to send you elsewhere, but there IS also a Science Fiction Club AFL Gayle : online over in the Clubs area. They have quite a few files, too. AFA Bard : Lavonne... GB 1/2/3 is a commercial spreadsheet-like in format.. great printouts! LavonneS : Who puts that out? AFA Bard : Commercial gradebook, that is. :) AFL Gayle : That one is also written by a teacher, Lavonne. Member4626: How do I get to the sci fi club AFA Bard : GB 1/2/3 is the name of the company. You'll find their ads in InCider. LavonneS : OK, I'll look for that AFA Bard : Anyone out there using a hard disk drive?? LavonneS : Don't I wish. Morah : Teachers, not businessmen, Bard. AFL Gayle : The keyword is Clubs for that area, Member. AFL Gayle : Positive, Member. :) I'm the keeper of the free hours. :) AFA Bard : Right, Morah. Let's try another question... AFA Bard : Anyone watch Twin Peaks? Member4626: do you Morah : Northern exposure is as wild as I get. AFA Bard : do I? Member4626: yes, do you AFA Bard : LOL!!! There's a great TWIN PEAKS HyperSTudio stack in the Studioware libraries... it's even got AFA Bard : digitized sound. :) Member4626: what kind of computer do you need to have AFA Bard : Ahtere's also a GREAT calendar spreadsheet for appleworks in the NEW FILES library. Look for the AFA Bard : files MONTHLY CALENDAR SS, YEARLY CALENDAR SS and TINY CALENDAR SS. AFL Gayle : That file is a HyperStudio file, Member, which runs only on the GS. AFA Bard : ******************************************* AFA Bard : Commercial time!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : ******************************************* AFA Bard : Remember.. you can win MUCHO free hours by uploading files, too! Each month we give away AFA Bard : free hours to the person who UPLOADS the most interesting or educationally incredible file. AFA Bard : Try it you'll like it! AFA Bard : End of Commercial! AFA Bard : ******************************************* AFL Gayle : Morah, yes, there is what is called a RunTime HyperStudio Stack file that is AFL Gayle : included in a lot of the uploads. You don't need HyperStudio to run those with that. AFA Bard : Anyone out there speak French or ever been to FRANCE? AFL Gayle : Besides, the more files that you upload, the more fun Bard has playing with IC Gerry : <--has been to France..:) AFL Gayle : them and trying them out. ;) Member4626: My parents went on their honeymoon and are going again this summer Morah : Oui, monsieur. IC Gerry : <--LOVES the thought of making life fun for Bard..:) AFA Bard : Aha!!! You should download FRENCH VERB RACING - a program in the OTHER library. While you're there AFA Bard : you should check out the CONUNDRUMS file there too - its a file with several SUPER STUMPER logic AFA Bard : problems that'll perplex the most intellectual among 'em. :)) AFA Bard : (Thanks GERRY... we'll talk about THAT later!!!!!) AFA Bard : ;) Member4626: I'll tell my parents, Bard. They need the practice LavonneS : Gerry, what do you do in IC? AFA Bard : Welcoem DGUM! DGum : hello, all AFA Bard : Welcoem??? I mean WELCOME! Member4626: because they are going in June! AFL Gayle : Go ahead. Another short commercial break for Gerry. :) AFA Bard : FREE HOURS AWARDED SOON!!! IC Gerry : I support Users, compnay reps and act as liason between them all and Quantum..:) Member4626: Thank goodness LavonneS : Member, I just figure a budget for this stuff and then relax and enjoy that much time each month Member4626: If I don't win anything I'm in big trouble IC Gerry : I also work with Forum leraders if asked to help them get together with IC vendors.. Member4626: because I've already used up and gone beyond my free time LavonneS : I'll bet your parents will watch that JUNE phone bill!!! IC Gerry : Member, it adds up to what you spend if you go to a movie..or bowling..and you learn a lot more..:) AFA Bard : OK... AFA Bard : here it is... AFA Bard : the moment of truth!!!! AFA Bard : Take it away GAYLE!!! AFL Gayle : Drum roll.... AFA Bard : rolling............... AFL Gayle : Our winners tonight, one free hour each are Member4626 AND Morah! :) IC Gerry : <------- LOVES givaways!!!!! :) AFL Gayle : Applause AFA Bard : What a surprisse!!! Congrats to 4626 and Morah!!!!!!! IC Gerry : Congtrats Member and Morah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LavonneS : good deal :) AFL Gayle : You, TOO, can win MORE free hours by coming next week to our chat and by Morah : Thanks a million, guys. IC Gerry : and gal..:) AFL Gayle : uploading new files to our library. :) Member4626: by bard and Gayle Morah : ya'll then AFA Bard : You're welcome, Morah. How about finding some files to upload? AFA Bard : Bye 4626.. thanks again for comeing! Member4626: thanks Gayle Member4626: Bye Bard! AFL Gayle : Our topic next week is an Update on the School to School Projects by our very AFL Gayle : own AFC Tooter as guest! :) Morah : Thanks for the encouragement and info too. AFL Gayle : Next Sunday, April 21, 8 pm EDT. :) AFA Bard : Don't miss it... BE THERE!!! :)) AFL Gayle : You're welcome, Morah and Member. Glad you stopped by and participated. Tell Member4626: I'll be there. Thanks for the info! AFL Gayle : all of your online friends the fun is here. :) AFA Bard : We serve drinks after 10 pm. :))) LavonneS : gotta go, thanks again for chat, good to see new folks try us out. AFL Gayle : GREAT job tonight, Bard! :) AFA Bard : Well.. I've got to sign off and finish my laundry. Can't convince my GS to do it! IC Gerry : I like the repartee between you two..good stuff!!! AFL Gayle : Well, I'm certain your Mac won't so guess you have to. ;) AFA Bard : Thanks, Gayle... I'm PERMANENTLY on vacation. :)) AFL Gayle : You are? Independently wealthy? ;) IC Gerry : rehi, Member!!!! AFA Bard : Just a figure of speech, Gerry. I am independently tied to my job - forever! Nope.. just on vacation AFA Bard : mentally, I guess. :))) IC Gerry : Oh..scared me there...:) Member4626: I just checked my bill and there's no free time AFL Gayle : Member, it won't show up for a few days. Member4626: Do I have it now AFL Gayle : It will show up before Quantum mails you out your bill, though. AFA Bard : Bye folks!Learn how to trace your roots at the Genealogy Conference, 9 p.m. ET on Mon., April 15. Keyword CENTER STAGE. 4/14/91 9:09:40 PM Closing file.