10/18/92 8:04:39 PM Opening "Chat Log 10/18/92" for recording. AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is HyperMedia. Open chat, no protocal used. AFL Gayle : One FREE hour to be given away to the person who says the secret AFL Gayle : word. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Jay! AFA Jay : Hi Gayle :) AFA Bard : Hi jay, Welcoem to AED - we're just getting started. AFA Bard : Welcoem=welcome! AFA Jay : :) AFL Gayle : Bugs, are you currently working on any hypermedia projects? CNN Candi : Hi Jay:) Bugs Bugz : Yeah... big project... "Electroman" the final version. Bugs Bugz : A cartoon based adventure involving physics problem solving. Bugs Bugz : With digitized cartoon characters. :)] AFA Jay : ack! Gotta run, maybe bbl :) AFA Bard : Can you tell us more about how Electroman works? Format, etc.? Bugs Bugz : Not really I'm playing around with different formats... Bugs Bugz : Either a full adventure ie (Go north, Go south, talk...) or Bugs Bugz : to keep disk space down a more pre-arranged adventure.. card to card if Bugs Bugz : the answer is wrong the game ends. AFA Bard : Aha! How does Physics fit in? Bugs Bugz : Well to get to the next screen or event you must solve the physics problem Bugs Bugz : ie "calculate the accelaration needed to have the 'electrocar' out run Bugs Bugz : the DOG members.." Bugs Bugz : I have a consulting team for this project a friend of mine who has a physics Bugs Bugz : degree and is currently going for his credential and Kenrick Mock.. AFA Bard : Why did you chose the authoring program you did? Bugs Bugz : For those who might not know Mr. Mock he's written "VIAD", "Columns" and "SAP" Bugs Bugz : You mean Hyperstudio? AFA Bard : Yup. Bugs Bugz : Maybe I did maybe I didn't.............. Bugs Bugz : Actually this program will have two versions maybe three Bugs Bugz : Hyperstudio (version 1) Hypercard GS and if I get enough time Hypercard Mac :) AFC Tooter : Is there a way to translate from one to the other without re-wrtiing? Bugs Bugz : Unfortunately none that I currently know of..... Roomer has it though DUNMORE : Who sells Electroman/ What level is it written for? Bugs Bugz : That Ken and I will be embarking on that task :)))) but you didn't hear that Bugs Bugz : from me!!! Bugs Bugz : LOL Bugs Bugz : Currently there is an old (very old in my mind) version of Electroman here Bugs Bugz : on AO but the Hyperstudio Network will be marketing it :) AFL Gayle : What programs will your '"rumor" translate among, Bugs? :) Bugs Bugz : Studio to Card on the GS AFC Tooter : I need to translate a Mac Hyper stack into HyperStudio. Hoping :-))) Anytime soon? Bugs Bugz : This program is just a thought though. Ken's busy on the old PHD Bugs Bugz : ahhh however there is a Mac to GS hypercard translator :)) DUNMORE : How about HyperStudio into DUNMORE : Mac AFC Tooter : Where can I get it? Bugs Bugz : I some how got my hands on it... I believe APDA carries the Card translator ;) AFA Bard : Actually, Bugs is MIGHTY modest. He's got a real flair for hypermedia development. I think EMAN will AFA Bard : be a GREAT success. AFC Tooter : APDA??? Bugs Bugz : Studio to Mac should be able to be incorporated in the program.. I personally Bugs Bugz : may write a translation manual for HyperStudio users on how they can re-create Bugs Bugz : the same effects :)) AFC Tooter : Hi Marty!! *Drumroll* AFL Gayle : Resource Central markets APDA's stuff now, TooT. AFC Tooter : Thanks, Gayle. AFL Marty : Hi! Bugs Bugz : To order the APDA catalog call 1-800-282=2732 DUNMORE : Hi Marty Bugs Bugz : That's the last number I had... AFC Tooter : Thanmks Bugzs AFL Marty : APDA no longer handles Apple II stuff. AFA Bard : Mary!!!!!!!!!!! Bugs Bugz : ohhh.. never mind AFA Bard : Marty!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : Bugs -- what's the FIRST step in hypermedia development? How'd you get the idea for AFA Bard : ElectroMan? AFL Marty : Apple II tech stuff is handled by Resource Central MaryEz : Hi, just stopped in to say Congratulations to Bard on the wonderful performance of the Braves! AFC Tooter : Mary *Fanfare* AFA Bard : chop, chop, chop, chop.... another game's now underway. :) AFL Marty : 913-469-6502 Bugs Bugz : Good question.... It just happened I think I found some graphics that AFC Tooter : Great, Marty. Hope to see you at CECA. Bugs Bugz : would work and was playing Mission Impossible GS the night before :) AFL Marty : I'm still awaiting approval, Toot. AFA Bard : What's been the toughest part of the development, Bugz? Bugs Bugz : Hmmm... making the stack smooth and not skimping on quality. Bugs Bugz : Sounds like a grocery store ad, but a lot of stacks I see Bugs Bugz : are way below par for what the GS can do. Electroman currently supports Bugs Bugz : 256 color graphics and a sound smith sound track :( Bugs Bugz : :( = :)) AFA Bard : So there are SOUNDS with this masterpiece? AFA Bard : Welcome JMM! Bugs Bugz : Yup... music, sound effects etc... JMM2 : hi AFA Bard : Dunmore -- have you tried any hypermedia development? AFC Tooter : Hi JMMM. Still no PB 145 :-((( AFC Tooter : *Madhen* JMM2 : not yet, now they are telling me November MaryEz : *Fightgoeson* DUNMORE : Ive done a little with 5th graders and Protists they went wild. Singing ameoba! AFC Tooter : Every time I call, they tell me 2 weeks. AFA Bard : Singing Amoeba??? LOL!!!! Did you use Hyperstudio? AFC Tooter : Must be atonal. MaryEz : I've seen a few of those! :) DUNMORE : Yes It takes a lot of time MaryEz : or heard. AFA Bard : How about students using Hypermedia --- any war stories out there??? AFA Bard : Welcome Steve! AFL Gayle : Singing amoeba sounds like a war story to me, Bard. ;) AFC SteveB : Hey, Bard! :) DUNMORE : This year they want to do monsters and wire them to the VCR for Halloween. AFA Bard : Ooooooo! Tell us more, Dunmore. "Wired monsters?" AFA Bard : Welcome Sass! We're talking hypermedia! SassZ : hi :) DUNMORE : The principal says they maynot put them on the greeting for open house! AFL Marty : He may or may not? DUNMORE : All yuo do is hook the vcr to the GS and you get big screen creepes. Set this up in a dark hall and le DUNMORE : let the screeming start. AFL Marty : Sounds like cafe duty. AFC Tooter : Big screen creeps! Sounds like the debates. AFL Gayle : LOL! Very true, Marty. :) AFL Marty : :) AFA Bard : You said it, Marty! AFA Bard : Welcome Patillo! Bugs Bugz : I have to leave in a couple minutes... any last questions? otherwise e-mail AFA Bard : How about you, JMM - any experiences with hypermedia? JMM2 : not much AFA Bard : Tooter -- how about you? AFA Bard : Toot must be watching the Braves game! :) AFC Tooter : Sorry, was answering IM rush. AFC Tooter : Well, for Mac users, there is now a HyperCard stack on ScrapBook!!! :-)))) AFC Tooter : A wonderful creation by Babz001 that can be downloaded from the ScrapBook Library AFC Tooter : in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH) and used to introduce teachers or kids to ScrapBook. AFC SteveB : (<-- Wondering if it would be a good convert to the IIgs) AFA Bard : Yes, Steve - I think so -- go for it! AFA Bard : (With Babz's permission, of course!) AFC Tooter : It would be great if someone wanted to convert it and upload it :-)) AFC Tooter : I'm sure she'd give permission. AFL Marty : <<-- wondering who will be the first to volunteer AFC Tooter : She and I worked on it together. She wants to give it away and I have to persuade her to charge fo AFC Tooter : for disks. AFA Bard : Anyone, Anyone? AFC SteveB : Sure! I'll do it. AFA Bard : Alright!!!!!! Great, Steve! AFC Tooter : That would be great! AFL Marty : I'll do it if someone will grade my papers :) AFC SteveB : What library in ESH is it in again? AFC Tooter : In the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH) choose PROJECT LIBRARIES. Then choose ScrapBook Lib. AFA Bard : Welcome Luk! AFA Bard : I mean Luke! AFA Bard : Hiya DLGARZA! DLGARZA : Hi! AFC SteveB : 102 minute download, woo! This'll be a "let the computer run for a few days" type of stack :) AFA Bard : Have Shrinkit will upload! AFC Tooter : To translate, Steve, do you tranfer each image by hand or is there a simpler way? Yes, it's a biggy. AFC Tooter : It also has sounds. AFC Tooter : *FoodFoodFight* AFC SteveB : I'll use HyperMover, Toot...it'll do most of the translating for me... AFL Marty : HyperMover translates the basic functionality of the stack. AFC SteveB : I'll do any touch up work after that :) AFL Marty : Unfortunately, the graphics usually need touching up afterwards. AFC Tooter : That will come in very handy! I'm amazed at how many downloads it has already received given its AFC Tooter : length. And AFL Marty : (sometime more than just touching up) AFC Tooter : my test download never gegistered. AFA Bard : It's actually a REALLY great stack! A good example of hypermedia! AFL Gayle : That's the APDA program they were talking about earlier, Toot. AFC SteveB : I'll probably have to do some re-rendering of the graphics, but that'll be fun :) AFA Bard : [[[[[ Spotty! ]]]]] AFC Tooter : I should really get a copy myself and learn how to use it. How complicated is it? Spottysoft : {{{{{{{Gayle}}}}}}}}} :* :) Spottysoft : Hi Bard!! Toot! :D AFC Tooter : *Fanfare* AFL Marty : You don't need APDA to get HyperMover. AFL Gayle : Hi, Spotty! :) AFL Marty : Download it from APR. AFC Tooter : Where do you get it, Marty? AFC SteveB : It's pretty easy, Toot- you just select the stack, and HyperMover does the tough work...It takes a AFC SteveB : while, tho :) AFC Tooter : Thanks, Marty. I will. AFL Marty : The Mac and IIGS versions are both there. (You need both.) AFC Tooter : Download the Mac stack onto the GS and then translate? AFL Marty : ---===[}} Spotty AFL Marty : The Mac stack runs on Mac HyperCard. Spottysoft : -----====[PieBank Pie}}} Marty :D AFA Bard : OK -- final question for you ALL -- what will hypermedia (in education) look like in 5 years? AFL Marty : Use it to disassemble the target stack. Copy the files to an HFS AFL Marty : formatted disk and bring it to the GS via System 6. AFL Marty : Then use the IIGS stack with HyperCard IIGS to reassemble the pieces AFL Marty : into a IIGS stack. AFC Tooter : Unfortunately, I'll also have to get HyperCard GS :-( Spottysoft : It's worth it Tooter... :) AFC Tooter : Hopefully, Steve will still do this one. DUNMORE : Hpermedia will be to tomorrow what overheads are today AFL Marty : You could disassemble the stack and send the resultant files to someone Spottysoft : Very powerful program for it's price.. :) AFA Bard : Great, Dunmore -- anyone else? AFL Marty : who has HCGS and who is willing to help. AFL Marty : Or you could upload the pieces (in ShrinkIt form) to APR as a DIY AFL Marty : (do it yourself) stack and see what others do with it. AFA Bard : OK... AFA Bard : The moment you've been waiting for... AFA Bard : Time for... AFC Tooter : Hopefully Steve is off to get the stack ;-) AFA Bard : A Commercial! AFA Bard : : AFL Marty : :) AFA Bard : TONS of new software in the AED New Files libraries... a GREAT "Tips for ROOKIE teachers" AFC Tooter : Food in preparation ;-> AFA Bard : file and some bodacious word puzzle files... AFA Bard : Get 'em now, while they're hot! AFA Bard : And now ---- AFC Tooter : Also grab jello to heave. AFA Bard : The Honorable... AFA Bard : AFL Gayle! Take it away! AFL Marty : ---===[LeftBank}}} Spotty AFL Gayle : Our free hour winner tonight is AFL Gayle : Dunmore for the word VCR! :) AFA Bard : WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!! Congrats to DUNMORE!!!!!! Nice work!!! Thanks for your participation!!!! 10/18/92 9:06:05 PM Closing Log file.