AFL Wiggy Welcome to the Forums Auditorium and tonight's event AFL Wiggy about Hypermedia and the Apple II. Hypermedia is a AFL Wiggy relative newcomer to the Apple II market and there are AFL Wiggy many myths that need to be separated from the truth. AFL Wiggy Tonight's event has been scheduled so that we can AFL Wiggy help you understand what's out there and if Hypermedia AFL Wiggy is the answer to your needs. AFL Wiggy Tonight we will be discussing 4 different "Hyper" AFL Wiggy programs for the Apple II computer. Tutor-Tech was AFL Wiggy the first of the programs to be developed and runs on AFL Wiggy the Apple IIe, IIc, and IIgs computers. HyperStudio, AFL Wiggy perhaps the most famous of the programs, runs on the AFL Wiggy GS. StoryWorks makes Classic AppleWorks into a Hyper AFL Wiggy AppleWorks. Finally, we may speculate on the rumored AFL Wiggy HyperCard GS, due out in several months. AFL Wiggy Hypermedia is relatively new to the Apple II. We all AFL Wiggy know of the Mac's hyper-capabilities but now the II is AFL Wiggy catching up. Is the Hypermedia as good as HyperCard AFL Wiggy for the Macintosh? Is Apple Computer correct in its AFL Wiggy marketing when they say that the Apple II is incapable AFL Wiggy of emulating the more powerful Mac? Our panel of AFL Wiggy experts tonight will discuss that question and adress AFL Wiggy any questions you might have. AFL Wiggy First off, I would like to introduce Dave Lampert AFL Wiggy (DLampert) of Techware. Dave is the genius behind AFL Wiggy the development of Tutor-Tech, the HyperCard-like AFL Wiggy application for the entire Apple II line. Tutor-Tech AFL Wiggy is a well-crafted program that utilizes the graphics AFL Wiggy and text capabilities of the Apple II. TT not only AFL Wiggy allows the user to write "stacks" easily, but it also AFL Wiggy allows the manipulation of peripherals such as video AFL Wiggy discs and audio tape players as well. Welcome, Dave! DLampert Thank you, Jim. I'm glad to be here :) DLampert Tutor-Tech has been around a long time... DLampert It's been improving with age, and we... DLampert are constantly looking for user feedback. GA AFL Wiggy Thanks dave! :) AFL Wiggy Also with us tonight is Marty Knight (AFL Marty), the AFL Wiggy Forum Leader of the Apple II Productivity Forum. AFL Wiggy Marty has extensive experience using HyperStudio and AFL Wiggy has been helping to moderate and answer questions on AFL Wiggy the Roger Wagner Direct Connect message boards which AFL Wiggy appear in the Education, Productivity, Music, and AFL Wiggy Graphics Forums. Welcome, Marty! AFL Marty Thanks Wiggy. Glad to be here! AFL Wiggy And what's the keyword for your Forum, Marty? AFL Marty The keyword for the Productivity Forum is APR. AFL Wiggy Okay! AFL Wiggy With the introductions out of the way, I think we can AFL Wiggy get right into the program. Before we take questions AFL Wiggy from the audience, I would like to ask our guests a AFL Wiggy few questions of my own. AFL Wiggy Dave, this one's a loaded one... I have my own idea of the answer... but I want to hear from you... AFL Wiggy What is the advantage of Tutor-Tech over the other Hypermedia programs? DLampert The obvious answer is that Tutor-Tech runs on all the Apple II's... DLampert the Apple IIe, IIc, IIc+, and IIgs. DLampert It also supports all of the laserdisc players found in schools... DLampert Pioneer 2000, 4200, 8000, etc. and compat models. DLampert And Tutor-Tech even beats out HyperCard in that it supports VCRs... DLampert and Video Overlay Card, to make multimedia affordable.... DLampert And all this... on a 128K. No other product can say that. GA OnlineHost and now a word from our sponsor... AFL Wiggy Want to learn more about Hypermedia? You can ask AFL Wiggy questions directly from the developers of the products AFL Wiggy we have discussed tonight by visiting Direct Connect AFL Wiggy in the Apple II Education Forum. Use the keyword AED AFL Wiggy and choose Direct Connect from the menu and you will AFL Wiggy find: *Roger Wagner Productions AFL Wiggy *Tutor-Tech AFL Wiggy *TI&IE (the developers of StoryWorks) AFL Wiggy *The AppleWorks Educator Newsletter OnlineHost and now back to the show... AFL Wiggy Let's go directly to the questions... AFL Wiggy Gayle, what do we have??? AFA GayleK Jim, MacTeach has a question. He inquires Question Do you see the role of hypermedia in the classroom as one of teacher-driven or Question student-driven? DLampert Yes... DLampert Tutor-Tech was designed with Teachers in mind... DLampert since it lets them create their own courseware without programming experience.. DLampert But now we're finding... DLampert that students are creating their own stories and stacks... DLampert and turning them in as class projects. GA AFL Marty I think I basically agree with Dave on this.... AFL Marty I believe that the first educational applications that are currently... AFL Marty being developed with HyperStudio are bring beveloped by teachers for... AFL Marty their classes. Being a teacher myself, I know that can't last forever.... AFL Marty and I think we will see teachers assuming the role of a director... AFL Marty with teams of students creating the actual courseware. AFL Marty GA AFL Wiggy Thanks Marty.... AFL Wiggy Gayle... Do we have another wquestion? AFA GayleK Yes, Jim. GerryR5 is interested in the Direct Connect area. Dave, she asks Question Is the demo of Tutor Tech which we can find here online the latest version? If not, what Question new features have been added? GerryR5 DLampert Yes, 2.6 is the version online... DLampert and it has the new features of VCRs and speech symthesis. DLampert But... DLampert the demo doesn't specifically show you all the features... DLampert since you might not have that equipment... DLampert contact me if you need specific help. GA AFL Wiggy What features can we look for in the future, Dave? And how soon? DLampert We're working on the next version, which will have... DLampert scripting like HyperCard has,... DLampert and a better set of graphics tools. DLampert It will still work on 128k machines. GA OnlineHost and now another word from our sponsor (this is worse than the Super Bowl!)... AFL Wiggy *************************************************** AFL Wiggy * APPLE II EDUCATION FORUM -- COMING EVENTS * AFL Wiggy * Feb. 4 Word Processing in Foreign Languages * AFL Wiggy * Feb. 11 Telecommunications with the USSR * AFL Wiggy * Feb. 18 AED Brainstorming (Do you have ideas?) * AFL Wiggy * Feb. 25 The Pressured Student * AFL Wiggy *************************************************** AFL Marty (Nothing can be worse than the Super Bowl :) AFL Wiggy Thanks, Online Host! :) Comment Does anyone here know anything about the HyperMedia in Chemistry meeting at the next Comment american Chemical Society meeting in Boston (April)? DLampert I haven't heard specifics. Jim? AFL Wiggy I have heard nothing about it... but that's something I should look into (considering I live ther). AFL Marty I don't. But that's because I'm a math teacher. AFL Wiggy I'm a science teacher and I haven't heard a thing. :) AFL Wiggy Dave... You mentioned scripting... That's something that I know HyperStudio will NOT have... AFL Wiggy even in its future... what advantages does cripting have? DLampert We want to make Tutor-Tech like HyperCard... DLampert in every way so that Mac developers can bring over their stacks... DLampert on the Apple II's... DLampert Scripting means programming... DLampert you can create IF-loops and such for more sophisticated lessons, etc. GA AFL Wiggy Thanks, Dave. Gayle... do we have another question? AFA GayleK MacTeach asks Question How important is a workable command language (like XCMD) to the success of a hypermedia Question product? DLampert It's very important... DLampert simulations used to be out of reach to the teacher... DLampert until HyperCard came along with its English-like HyperTalk... DLampert and its really necessary to have a command language... Comment Is there any feeling for when TT will be able to control a CD-ROM player? DLampert to do true-to-life simulations that make for great courseware. GA AFL Wiggy Gayle... another question? DLampert Tutor-Tech can already use CD-ROM disks, ... AFA GayleK That last one was a question from Soko. AFA GayleK GerryR5 asks DLampert but there aren't CD-ROMs yet mastered as TT files. Coming soon.. GA Question Do you have any specific ideas for getting students started in using hypermedia Question themselves? Gerry5 DLampert Yes... DLampert Students have been writing twist-a-plot stories, and... DLampert older students have even done research and created book reports... DLampert that they turn in as hypermedia stacks on disk. GA AFL Wiggy I have been having my 6th graders working on writing projects using hypermedia...] AFL Wiggy I have had them write out tutorials on disks... AFL Wiggy and we have been importing the text to the hypermedia products... AFL Wiggy and they have been drawing pictures which I have scanned... AFL Wiggy In that way they can make a full scale tutorial using hypermedia... AFL Wiggy I plan to have a whole library of hypermedia tutorials for future students to study with. AFL Wiggy Gayle... do we have another question? AFA GayleK Bret Harte (catchy name ;) asks Question Does Tutor-Tech offer sound capabilities for GS owners? If so, how can it be used to help Question pre-schoolers withspeech problems? DLampert TT has Echo speech synthesis... DLampert and Tutor-Talk tape recorder control... DLampert and as for the GS sound effects, we will have that in the next version. DLampert When teachers use the Echo speech card, they use... DLampert the digitized voice, so you preschoolers don't talk like robots ... DLampert after they listen to the voice. GA AFL Wiggy It does not use the GS sound chip specifically, but it is much more memory efficient in the way it AFL Wiggy works. AFL Wiggy Gayle... We have lots of questions... another? AFA GayleK BostnFrank wants to know Question Exactly what would scripting add to Tutor-Tech? DLampert Scripting gives you the option to do a task... DLampert when a button is clicked, or a field is typed in... DLampert so you can analyze a student response... DLampert or play a videodisc sequence. Scripting opens many doors. GA OnlineHost Superbowl update... S.F. 55, Denver 10. (poor Denver) :) AFL Wiggy Gayle... do we have another question? AFA GayleK GerryR5, as usual, gets right to the heart of the question. She inquires Question When can we expect to see this update, Dave? Gerry DLampert It hasn't been formally announced to ship yet... but it's still several ... DLampert months away. GA AFL Wiggy Thanks, Dave... Another, Gayle? AFA GayleK Soko has a comment. He says Comment I just wante to comment that in my view the greatest short term contribution hypermedia Comment will bring will be tomanage large amounts of resource information on mass storage devices, i.e. Comment laserdisks & CD-ROM AFA GayleK Then GerryR5 has a question. She says Question I have heard MANY rumors of a Hypercard GS. Personally, I HOPE one will be available Question soon!!! Do yo have any idea if and when we may see this? GerryR5 AFL Wiggy Gerry... AFL Wiggy From what I can tell (listening to the rumors and talking to the apple Education people)... AFL Wiggy we can exp[ect to see it in 2-3 months... AFL Wiggy From what I hear, they did a little bit of re-working it... AFL Wiggy primarily to include scripting. AFL Wiggy you have anything to add or subtract? AFL Marty Yes I do... AFL Marty I usually don't put much stock in rumors, but I think this particular one... AFL Marty has some truth to it... AFL Marty and I'll tell you my reasons... AFL Marty First, Bill Atkinson (author of HyperCard) has stated publicly that he... AFL Marty would be working on a version of HyperCard for the Apple II. He is also AFL Marty quoted as saying this in "The Complete HyperCard Handbook" by Danny Goodman. AFL Marty Second, the development of HyperStudio is proof that such a product is AFL Marty possible to achieve for the GS. It wouldn't surprise me if you saw... AFL Marty HyperCard for the GS sometime this year. AFL Marty My guess would be before June. GA OnlineHost The game is over... San Francisco has won yet another Super Bowl! OnlineHost and now a word from our sponsor... AFL Wiggy Do Tutor-Tech and HyperStudio sound like programs that AFL Wiggy might enhance your software libraries? Would you like AFL Wiggy to try them out before you commit the funds? Well, AFL Wiggy you can download working demonstration programs from AFL Wiggy the libraries. Use the Keyword, AED and choose Direct AFL Wiggy Connect. You will find the Tutor-Tech library inside AFL Wiggy the Tutor-Tech Folder and the HyperStudio library AFL Wiggy inside the Roger Wagner folder. AFL Wiggy And now... Gayle... do we have another question? AFA GayleK MacTeach has a comment and a question. He says Question Dave, I LOVE Tutor Tech! Any plans for regional education classes ... something to help Question educators stretch your product's limits? AFL Wiggy Good question! DLampert Yes... DLampert Tutor-Tech makes for great computer-learning for teachers... DLampert as well as students. It's already being taught at summer in-service DLampert workshops and even colleges, conference workshops too! GA AFL Wiggy Gayle... another question? AFA GayleK BostnFrank asks Question What progress has been made in cross compatability, so diff. hypermedia systems can Question "read" each others' stackHow successful are hypermedia "central clearinghouses" like A-2 Central Question and our own AO in sharing stacks witheducators, so that each teacher doesn't have to start Question authoring from scratch? AFL Wiggy Dave... Can you answer that? DLampert You've hit on our reason for scripting... DLampert to make TT compatible with HyperCard on the Mac, and there's... DLampert so many stacks already available on the Mac to bring over. GA AFL Wiggy Gayle... We are running out of time...another? AFA GayleK Mark1001 asks Question If there is a HyperCardGS announced in two or three months, what do you think it will do Question to the current hypermedia products available on the Apple II? AFL Wiggy I can tell you that it should have nothing but good effects on Tutor-Tech... AFL Wiggy (In my opinion)... AFL Wiggy The one thing that sets tutor-Tech apart from the others is that it runs on the Apple II line... AFL Wiggy And Most schools have as many if not more IIes and cs than they have GSs. DLampert Tutor-Tech runs on all the Apple II's, and from rumors I've heard... DLampert only GS-only products would be affected by that. DLampert That's IF the rumors are true. GA AFL Marty I think it depends on how easy it is to use. If it's difficult to use, AFL Marty people will still buy HyperStudio or Tutor Tech even if HyperCard GS is AFL Marty given away. AFL Marty (If the rumors are true) DLampert Many users say TT is easier that HyperCard! AFL Wiggy Gayle... we have a comment? AFA GayleK Beslin1 has a comment. He says Comment The HyperStudio offered by Roger Wagner is not as powerful as Hypercard, but much easier. AFL Wiggy I agree... Both Tutor-Tech and HyperStudio are much easier. DLampert But why not both simplicity and power?? AFL Wiggy We are running out of time... AFL Wiggy Gayle.... Another question? AFA GayleK BostnFrank wants to know Question Do you know of any use of hyper media with adult basic education or adult literacy Question education? DLampert Wonderful question! DLampert Tutor-Talk is the latest 3rd party TT device... DLampert The company that makes it also makes adult ed. stacks... DLampert with audio cassttte tapes to go along in the pkg. GA AFL Wiggy We have a special quest about to make his way to the stage... Roger Wagner, developer of HyperStudio! DLampert Hi, Roger AFL Wiggy Roger... Welcome to the Forum Auditorium! AFA GayleK Hi, Roger! :) RWagnerInc Hi all! RWagnerInc Sorry to not be here at the beginning! AFL Wiggy Roger... one of the questions asked earlier was whether the rumored HyperCardGS AFL Wiggy (if it is a real product) will it have an effect on HyperStudio? AFL Wiggy You don't have to answer if you don't want to. :) RWagnerInc Any hypermedia product for the Apple II would have RWagnerInc an effect on HyperStudio. Since an Apple product is RWagnerInc conjecture, what I can say is that we have gotten very RWagnerInc favorable responses from people who HAVE used HyperCard RWagnerInc on the Mac, and are very impressed with how easy to use RWagnerInc HyperStudio is. We designed HS as a creativity tool for RWagnerInc every GS user, not only a programming environment. I RWagnerInc would hope that people will check out HyperStudio now, RWagnerInc and see what it can add their GS experience today. I RWagnerInc know, sounds a little canned, but it is true, and I RWagnerInc obviously have a limited ability to comment on other RWagnerInc people's products. ga AFL Wiggy Well done, Roger... AFL Wiggy Sorry to put you in a tough spot... RWagnerInc Were there any questions that I missed that I can answer? AFL Wiggy But we did have the comment earler that mentioned how much easier HyperStudio is than HyperCard. AFL Wiggy Gayle... another Question? AFA GayleK BostnFrank has a question for you, Roger. He says Question What features are being considered for future updates of HyperStudio? RWagnerInc I'll try to make this quick... RWagnerInc We are just now finishing up a 2.1 version of HyperStudio, RWagnerInc which adds a number of features: additions to the paint tools RWagnerInc like graphic stretching, horiz/vert. flip, replace/exchange RWagnerInc color pixels, constrained motion, and more. In addition, RWagnerInc some new button actions like a new relative Next/Previous RWagnerInc card, Home Card, and Back action. Big item though is a RWagnerInc run-time module that will let people create stacks that RWagnerInc can be used by others, even if the other user doesn't have RWagnerInc HyperStudio. AFL Wiggy I have seen a beta version of 2.1 and it is a slick program. The additions are great! AFL Wiggy Gayle... a comment? AFA GayleK Soko has a final comment. (I want an answer on who won this one, Jim. ;) Comment Is this like Bud Light vrs Bud? AFL Wiggy Right, Soko... And you can decide for yourself which one is the Light. :) AFL Wiggy Thank you Roger, Marty, and Dave for being with us tonight. :) AFL Wiggy Do Tutor-Tech and HyperStudio sound like programs that AFL Wiggy might enhance your software libraries? Would you like AFL Wiggy to try them out before you commit the funds? Well, AFL Wiggy you can download working demonstration programs from AFL Wiggy the libraries. Use the Keyword, AED and choose Direct AFL Wiggy Connect. You will find the Tutor-Tech library inside AFL Wiggy the Tutor-Tech Folder and the HyperStudio library AFL Wiggy inside the Roger Wagner folder. AFL Wiggy Thanks for being with us all.... DLampert Thank you again. See you all soon. AFL Wiggy and don't forget that the AppleWorks conference is going on right now in the Appleworks forum... AFL Wiggy Keyword AW. :) AFL Wiggy Roger... AFL Wiggy Do you have any parting comments? RWagnerInc I just wanted to tell everybody RWagnerInc that if they do have any questions, please drop me RWagnerInc mail at RWagnerInc, and I'll be happy to answer RWagnerInc anything I can. Sorry to come in at the end! ga DLampert Ditto for me, too, to DLampert. AFL Wiggy Thanks for being with us... Goodnight! RWagnerInc Bye all!