6/2/91 8:00:01 PM Opening "CHAT.6.2.91" for recording. EDUCATION... EDUCATION CONFERENCES Sunday, June 2 @ 8 pm: Topic: HyperStudio Network Forum SIG with guests Rob Staats, Roger Harrivan, and Dave Cochran-- Keyword AED ------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information on the Apple II Conferences, check the Apple II Education Forum (Keyword: AED). Robert1587: Did everyone hear about the Sensational Stack Contest being sponsored Robert1587: by the HSN? AFL Gayle : Tell us about it, please. :) Robert1587: We're extending the deadline until Dec. 31, 1991. AFL Gayle : HSN=HyperStudio Network Robert1587: There are two major categories...adults and K-12 students AFL Gayle : Rob and Postcard (Roger) run HSN along with Dave. Robert1587: Prizes will be awarded to the top three stacks in each category. MaryEz : Is there info here in the HyperStudio area? Robert1587: Prizes will be cash certificates for HSN software. Robert1587: All entries should be sent to HSN, Box 103, Blawenburg, NJ 08504 LavonneS : Rob, what are the categories? Robert1587: This information will also be posted on the HSN SIG Bulletin Board. Robert1587: Lavonne, The 2 categories are adult and K-12. AFA Bard : Wow! That sounds GREAT... OK, Jon - GO for it!! :))) AFL Gayle : Welcome, BLynn! Our guests tonight are the HyperStudio Network. We will be AFL Gayle : giving away up to two free hours to the person/people who say the "secret" AFL Gayle : words. The word must be used in a question, and you must stay until the end AFL Gayle : of the chat to claim your prize. :) MaryEz : Is there any limit to the number of stacks you can submit? Robert1587: Yes, Mary. We ask that you only submit three stacks from a school. AFA Bard : Welcome Lucio! We're talking about the HyperStudio Network! Lucio C : Hello! :) MaryEz : These have to be school or teacher? Robert1587: Do we have anyone on line who is using HyperPostcards? If so, how are you Robert1587: using it? AFL Gayle : Mary, there are two categories. One for students (i.e. school) and one for Robert1587: Mary, it can be either or, in fact, not associated with a school. AFL Gayle : adults (i.e. teacher.) AFL Gayle : Just got my new 3.0 Postcards, Roger. What is new about it? MaryEz : What I meant was, is this an education contest as opposed to general public? AFL Gayle : Open to all, Mary. Robert1587: Mary, It's a contest for anyone. We expect many non-education entries. MaryEz : Thanks for the clarification:) BLYNN : I have a few stacks uploaded in the software libraries. Are these eligible? Postcard1 : Two groups may now share the same 3.5 disk and up to 60 postcards may be sent Postcard1 : in the new 3.0 HyperPostcards. Robert1587: Blynn, you may use any stacks that you are not selling commercially. Bugs Bugz : Can you enter a stack you plan on selling commercially? AFL Gayle : Rob and Dave, how about giving us a general overview of what the HyperStudio AFL Gayle : Network does and is? Robert1587: Bugs, you may enter any stack that has not yet been accepted.:) Robert1587: The HyperStudio Network is an organization which supports the use of Robert1587: hypermedia products on the IIGS. We are first and foremost a learning Robert1587: organization. Over the past year we have provided HyperStudio users Robert1587: with current information about stacks and other hypermedia related Robert1587: products. Our product list offers the widest selection of HyperStudio tools, Robert1587: resources and studioware currently available. Membership in the network Robert1587: includes 4 quarterly issues of the HyperStudio Forum, a "Best of Robert1587: HyperStudio" disk, and discounts on HyperStudio products and stacks.:) LavonneS : Rob, when is the contest deadline for entries? AFA Bard : Roger... can you describe the HyperPostcard 3.0 issue? JanetK1 : hi all AFA Bard : Welcome, Janet . We're talking with members of the HYPERSTUDIO NETWORK! Robert1587: Lavonne, the deadline has been extended to December 31 so that more people Robert1587: will have more time to work on their stacks.:) LavonneS : We should have something for you by the end of summer school :) AFL Gayle : Great! What kind of stacks are you working on, Lavonne? Robert1587: Lavonne, Great, we look forward to seeing the stacks.:) AFA Bard : PostCards.. can you describe exactly what a HyperPostcard is? BLYNN : How about stacks for students with physical and mental disabilities? LavonneS : Kids using multimedia to create dramatic presentations Postcard1 : Starting in the fall all registered owners of HyperPostcards will receive AFA Bard : Welcome,Mike. We're talking with members of the HYPERSTUDIO NETWORK! LavonneS : Stacks using touch window are great for young disabled Postcard1 : an update of HyperPostcards (a HyperStudio Stack) and a directory of all Postcard1 : registered classrooms that use HyperPostcards. Robert1587: Johns Hopkins is sponsoring a contest for programs for disabled students. AFA Bard : Welcome, Terri! We're chatting with folks from the HyperStudio Network. Robert1587: Look for information about it in the next issue of the Forum which will be AFL Gayle : Roger, I think Bard is asking what IS HyperPostcards? Is it a template a Robert1587: out in mid-June.:) Postcard1 : Two classrooms may send electronic postcards which include photos and sound AFL Gayle : separate program, or? Postcard1 : Yes ! HyperPostcards is a template which students may enter a 100 word message MaryEz : Photos taken with ComputerEyes, for instance? Postcard1 : a photo or themselves and short voice message to a pen pal in another class.:) AFA Bard : I see! Are there samples posted in the HyperStudio boards? Postcard1 : The photo may be digitized with ComputerEyes. Robert1587: Look for a neat article in the next Forum by Tony Latess, a teacher of Postcard1 : Yes! in the HSN Library their are 2 demos of HyperPostcards:) Robert1587: disabled pre-schoolers who uses a laserdisc and HyperStudio to help them Robert1587: communicate.:) AFL Gayle : The HyperStudio Network Library can be reached by using the keyword AED. AFL Gayle : Then choose Special Interest Groups. Then choose HyperStudio Network. And then AFL Gayle : the library. Bugs Bugz : How many of the stacks in the library here are featured by HSN AFL Gayle : Do you mean the StudioWare library, Bugs? Bugs Bugz : Yup. AFL Gayle : OK, Rob. Can you answer Bugs' question? AFL Gayle : Welcome, Frank! :) BCS Frank : Hi, Gayle, Bard et al :) Robert1587: Some of the software available in the Studioware library is also offered Robert1587: through the public domain section of our product catalog. LavonneS : Rob, have you tried HS on Mac LC with appleII card? Bugs Bugz : Can't its a //e board isn't it??? AFL Gayle : Wouldn't work, Lavonne. It's only a //e card. AFA Bard : In case you haven't checked... we've got some great public domain stackware in both our new files and subject area forums. Some folks in this room have even written some great stuff there. ;) LavonneS : I'm afraid our new school will have only Macs and I'll have to fight to keep GS AFA Bard : Welcome, Ira! TeacherIMG: Hi, all. just popped in before teaching my political science class online LavonneS : Or learn to live with Hypercard Robert1587: Lavonne, good luck. Just remember that HyperCard is not a full color BCS Frank : Good luck with HC/Mac... there are problems with HC 2.0 versions. LavonneS : You can help MaryLu keep perspective on that ;) Robert1587: presentation tool. It's also not as easy for young kids to use as HyperStudio.:) Bugs Bugz : Don't forget the scripting....you need a full class on that alone AFA Bard : And.. if you're into AUTHORING, try some of the great BUTTON stacks found in our NEW FILES libraries! Postcard1 : Any word on a Mac/GS card for the Mac LC?? AFA Bard : Only rumors, Roger. :( BCS Frank : Last I heard that was just a rumor. AFA Bard : Any word on HyperStudio 3.0?? LavonneS : Or a Mac card for our GS? BCS Frank : At this point CirTech has stopped development on the Duet "Mac emulator" gs card TeacherIMG: why, Frank? BCS Frank : There were two reasons... BCS Frank : the card was going to cost a lot, BCS Frank : and the market didn't seem that great, esp. MaryEz : I get terribly upset when I think everyone will abandon the GS and IIe's. Schools in this economy BCS Frank : with the seeming lack of support for the gs. LavonneS : And the GS people might NOT decide to buy a Mac!! MaryEz : are not going to give up their new GS's.:( TeacherIMG: Too bad it would have been a great marriage. Postcard1 : Ditto :( AFA Bard : Double ditto. :(( TeacherIMG: I agree with Mary. BCS Frank : The BCS is holding a contest for students to show off their BCS Frank : computing ability... almost all the entries so TeacherIMG: I cannot understand business sense re:schools and shortage of funds NOT BCS Frank : far have been in Apple II formats. TeacherIMG: to support existing school technology and build upon it. Robert1587: HyperStudio is keeping the GS alive. Roger Wagner hasn't given up yet.:) AFA Bard : Oooo that's a GREAT sign!!! Now if we can just convince Apple... ;) BCS Frank : Apple II's are the way that most students can computer these days. MaryEz : I am on a mission to prove that multimedia does NOT need a Mac. TeacherIMG: By and large, I think the days of Large Scale purchases of computers in AFA Bard : Right BFrank.. and there's still a lot that they haven't discovered! TeacherIMG: schools will be over for a while. AFA Bard : Great Mary.. tell us about your plan! Bugs Bugz : With budget cuts, I don't see how they can buy new mac labs :( MaryEz : Nobody will make me think I can't do what I want to do with the GS's. AFA Bard : Right Ira and Jon. I think leasing will finally come to schools. Bus. has been doing' that for years! BCS Frank : Well, often the IIgs's and IIe's are poorly used.... Postcard1 : What are some of the new features of HyperStudio 3.0 ??!! BCS Frank : and there's no reason to think more "high powered" computers BCS Frank : will be better used. MaryEz : Our IIe's and GS's are used all the time, every day. People are fighting over them!!!! Bugs Bugz : Also knowing apple a New Mac will come out in 2 years that is compatible and cheaper... BCS Frank : Mary has the right if it... learn to use the II's we have. BCS Frank : 2 years? I suspect new Macs sooner than that. The new gs rumors are heating up too. TeacherIMG: Well, people, I've got to go and teach my class. Hope to see some of you on MaryEz : My 5th graders have just finished doing video commercials using computer, camera, music keyboard Bugs Bugz : Does the HSN have any XCMD libraries? MaryEz : and audio tapes. TeacherIMG: Tues.. night at 9 at the afterwards cafe. AFL Gayle : Bye, Ira! Thanks for stopping by. :) LavonneS : Mary, how can we see some of their work? AFA Bard : Nite, Ira! BCS Frank : Yes, there are several Xcmd libraries for HyperStudio. Robert1587: Bugs, there are 2 pubic domain xcmds on the Best of HyperStudio disk.:) MaryEz : Sorry, but we used VCR Companion and Dazzle Draw for our software. Robert1587: The xcmds are scroll and scan.:) Bugs Bugz : Can you say which ones? Bugs Bugz : Ahhh, ok.. AFL Gayle : Is this last year's disk or the one for the new subscription year, Rob? LavonneS : Oh, I thought you were using HS BCS Frank : The Triad HyperStuff collection has Xcmds for sounds and graphics BCS Frank : for both HS and HCgs. Robert1587: WE are referring to last year's disk. The new one will be out in Sept. 91:) LavonneS : We've used Dazzle Draw too but HS has more power AFL Gayle : Any hints of what we will see on Sept. 91 disk, Rob? Robert1587: Yes. A varied collection of clip art, sound files, xcmds, animations, Robert1587: and most likely 2 HS stacks.:) AFA Bard : What's the price of a subscription, Robert? MaryEz : I hate to be ignorant but what are Xcmds? Robert1587: The price for one year is $29. Two years: $55.:) AFA Bard : *** OK folks.. in just a few moments we'll be announcing the winner(s) of free AOL hours!! *** Robert1587: Mary, Xcmds are external commands that allow HS to perform additional Robert1587: functions such as accessing a CD ROM disk, scrolling text, etc.:) Postcard1 : Happy hyper-stacking, thanks and good night !! :) Bugs Bugz : 'Night AFL Gayle : Before we announce the winners of our free hours for tonight, a short Your mail has been sent AFL Gayle : commercial. :) You can leave messages and questions for the HyperStudio AFL Gayle : Network 24 hours a day in their SIG area here in AED. Also, check out our AFL Gayle : New Files libraries and StudioWare for HyperStudio stacks. Our topic next AFL Gayle : week is the Teachers' Idea & Information Exchange with guest, Jim Carlisle. AFL Gayle : Now for our winners.... AFL Gayle : MaryEZ wins one free hour for stacks. AFL Gayle : LavonneS wins one free hour for multimedia. AFL Gayle : Applause AFA Bard : Wow!!!!!! Great Mary and Lavonne!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()()!!!!! BCS Frank : Way to go, Mary !!!! :) AFL Gayle : Congratulations! BCS Frank : Congrats Lavonne !!! :) AFA Bard : Speech, speech! MaryEz : I don't do too badly here on Sunday nights;) Thanks AFL Gayle : And a BIG round of Applause for our guests, Roger Harrivan, Dave Robert1587: Congratulations, Mary and Lavonne.:) LavonneS : All right thats great :)) BCS Frank : Methinks you don't do too badly at all. :) AFL Gayle : Cochran, and Rob Staats! :) AFA Bard : Excellent job, guys!!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()() Bugs Bugz : 'Night all, nice talking to you all. Postcard1 : Bye !!!!! LavonneS : Rob, Roger great talking AFA Bard : Nite Jon...see ya online! Robert1587: Thanks. Keep those stacks coming to us.:) MaryEz : Frank, will you be at the Mac Expo in Boston in Aug. AFA Bard : Nite Lavonne! AFL Gayle : Good night, Roger. Thanks for coming! AFA Bard : Remember, folks... Mary and I will be at NECC in Phoenix in just 3 short weeks! 6/2/91 9:10:47 PM Closing file.