5/3/92 7:58:21 PM Opening "LOG0503" for recording. AFL Gayle : Sure! Our guest tonight is Energy, better known as Mary. She's an expert in AFL Gayle : talking about hypermedia in the classroom. Now the floor is open for questions! AFL Gayle : We have ONE free hour to give away to the lucky person who says the secret AFL Gayle : word tonight. The word must be said in context AND you must stay until the end AFL Gayle : of the chat to be eligible! AFA Bard : Mary Van dyke (to be specific!) Welcome Mary! AFA Bard : Mary... how do you define "hypermedia"? Energy : Thank you. It was a scheduling juggle to be here...but ! I made it. Energy : If my students were asked to do that, they would say, "It makes you HYPER!" AFL Gayle : Glad you did, Mary! Boomer and Will, do you have any questions for Mary? AFA Bard : LOL! Will S 123 : I have to go.. sorry Boommer : Ok, I do. Energy : Hyper AFA Bard : Go ahead, Boomer Energy : is......the combination of media with a common theme to produce a product Boommer : How much of an impact will Virtual Reality have in hypermedia & education? AFA Bard : (excellent question!) Boommer : tanks. :) Energy : I'm afraid that Virtual Reality will not make much of an impact until it's very AFL Gayle : Gee, he goes right to the toughies. Energy : affordable. Schools are cheap. Energy : I had a student in my masters class just do a paper on V.R. He is hooked. Energy : I know it will make a difference for the handicapped and medical field. Boommer : very true. I can just imagine having a videodisc player, Apple IIgs, VOC and Boommer : V.R. Wow! what a rush that would be! MaryEz : Hi. Sorry I'm late. How are you all? AFA Bard : Welcome, Mary! We're talking with Mary VanDyke, a specialist in educational Hypermedia! Boommer : hi Mary! AFL Gayle : Let me interrupt for a brief moment to wish Mary a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) AFL Gayle : The "big day" was yesterday. :) Boommer : Happy Birthday, Mary! Energy : Hi, MaryEz...We're talking about using media in the classroom...Jump in. MaryEz : Thank you! I just had a real time chat with England. What a blast! AFA Bard : Happy!!! Chat via Internet, Mary? MaryEz : Right AFA Bard : Cool. Energy : I'm not on Internet, but need to be I guess. Energy : How do you use media at school, Bard? Boommer : Could you imagine having a Mac-modified video of a chase scene from Top Gun.. MaryEz : Such as laser discs etc.? AFA Bard : Actually, I'm the Technology Coordinator for a large school system, Mary. However, we're using Energy : Yes, Mary but it could be a simple hook up of a computer, vcr, and monitor. MaryEz : We are using Tom Snyder's Great Solar System Rescue right now. It is super!! AFA Bard : hypermedia for special projects, teacher training and vocational applications - as well as for AFA Bard : presentations Boommer : put into V.R.! or any other experience ie. Shuttle liftoff from the pad! MaryEz : We got our CD Rom last Thursday. Mac only has 1024K so now I need to upgrade memory to use some MaryEz : for the discs. Energy : Bard, do you actually do the training? We are proposing massive training here. Boommer : well, I have to go. It's been great chatting w/you all. C-you you soon. bye Energy : Bye, Boomer... AFA Bard : Bye Boomer, drop in again! MaryEz : I have a kid doing a project on immigration using GTV for his clips. MaryEz : He will be making a video report. Boommer : sure will. :) Energy : What age group? AFA Bard : Yes, Mary. We also are following a "trainer of trainers" model. MaryEz : 5th grade Energy : Did you get the Apple material just out, or modify your own? AFA Bard : Hmmm... would TIN be a better place, then? AFC Tooter : *Welcome* AFA Bard : LOL!!! Ignore that! AFA Bard : Hiya TOOTER! AFC Tooter : Hello all. What a beautiful day! Energy : I feel you have done this before. Are you regulars? MaryEz : One of our science teachers has done an interactive lesson using TutorTech and Optical Data Physical MaryEz : science disc. AFA Bard : Ditto.. it's thundering at Gayle house, though. :( MaryEz : Hi. Toot.*and the fight goes on* AFC Tooter : Last night storms. Power went out just as I finished work and sat down to listen to some music. AFA Bard : Yes, Mary. I'm the Apple // Education Forum Assistant and Toot & Mary have been around for AFA Bard : quite some time, too! Energy : Is anyone from a small district with no $$$$$ AFL Gayle : We now have lightning and raindrops accompanying the thunder. MaryEz : We do mostly GS and IIe. Only have one Mac and that is for the CD Rom. AFL Gayle : I am, Mary! Tell me how you do it with no money? Energy : Have you ever lost power, Gayle, and lost major things? Energy : Gayle, I realized a few years ago that I was going to have to write grants.... Energy : in my spare time. AFC Tooter : Energy, we have just about 60 students per grade and two summers ago they voted our budget down 7 time AFL Gayle : I've lost major things at school, yes, Mary V., and that was when the sun was AFC Tooter : s Since then we have been losing program consistently. AFL Gayle : shining. The storm was 20 miles away. MaryEz : I beg and borrow, sometimes steal ; ) Energy : We are just beginning to get "good equipment" and may get Channel One. Know it? AFL Gayle : So tell us some of the things you're doing with your students with hypermedia, AFA Bard : Ditto, Mary. We've found that business partners like to spend money on multimedia, though. :0 AFL Gayle : please, Mary V. AFA Bard : Channel One? Uh huh. Poor content, but free TV's! AFL Gayle : Channel One is the topic of discussion in two weeks! :) AFA Bard : It's all in your priorities, I guess. Energy : We are working as a team of 31 girls using one IIGS. Great project idea. MaryEz : The 7/8 grade middle school has Channel 1. Some parents are not happy with it. Energy : They are producing a video yearbook using slide shop and a video camera. Energy : We hope to get it finished by May 19th for a parent open house. AFL Gayle : Let's save Channel One discussion for when our guest is here about that. :) MaryEz : Are they doing this during school time? Or is it an outside project? AFA Bard : Great idea, Energy! Do you do that training yourself? Energy : We pulled the girls from an 8th grade science class, office assistants, and Energy : a speech and debate class. It's part of a grant we received from Southwestern Energy : Bell and we are trying to use Hyperstudio and VCR companion too. MaryEz : Everything we do must be curriculum related. How does the science teacher feel about that? Energy : He's on our Equity Team and KNOWS how important it is for females to get Energy : involved with technology. They are very reluctant. MaryEz : All 299 of my 5th graders are doing video commercials using VCR Companion, camera, and music AFA Bard : Fabulous! So you're using Hypermedia to empower female students? Energy : I was part of 200 trainers taking part in the equity issue...awareness with Energy : ACTION! AFL Gayle : So what types of projects area they doing, Mary V.? Energy : 299 students....Gosh, how much equipment? AFC Tooter : You might want to follow the progress of the all womens Antarctic Expedition. For info, contact Energy : The thing that gets them the most excited is the t-shirts. We are printing AFC Tooter : CharlieMN AFC Tooter : Did I get the name right? Energy : designs using heat-sensitive ribbons. MaryEz : 24 Apple IIgs. All 250 6th graders have done ScrapBook USA and published an expository writing MaryEz : project. MaryEz : We have no equity problem because all students in the school use the computer lab. AFL Gayle : The screen name is correct, yes, TooT. Energy : MaryEZ, do you work on teams? Energy : MaryEZ, have you noticed boys being more forceful when it comes to the lab? MaryEz : Yes. We have 4 5th grade teams and 3 6th grade teams. AFL Gayle : Which program did you use for the t-shirts, Mary V.? What design did the girls AFL Gayle : use? MaryEz : No. I have more girls than boys in Computer Club and in the KidLInk club. AFC Tooter : Hi Andy!!!!! Energy : In order to print in reverse, you must use Print Shop. Any color program work AFA Andy : Hi Toot, Gayle, Bard, Mary, Energy. :) MaryEz : Hi, Andy. AFL Gayle : Hi, Andy! :)) AFA Bard : Hiya Andy! Energy : The ribbons are $15.95 and get quite a few for each one. Energy : The grant money bought the shirts. We will wear them for Open House.. Energy : Yeah, it's a gimmick, but we hope to sell the videos for more hardware. AFA Bard : Great idea, Energy. Can you tell us a bit about how your first learned about multimedia? Energy : I have a master's degree in computer studies. We used quite a bit of that Energy : type of software in my classes, but my district didn't have much...So you Energy : just have to begin with one thing at a time. Energy : Our first software was Slide Shop by Scholastic. Then we bought Hyperscreen. Energy : We now use HyperStudio 3.0 and just got VCR companion. We have one MAC in Energy : the room and students line up to use Hypercard. Here are some of their ideas. Energy : Geneology....Medicine....School Events...Trivia....Enigma..Advertising...etc. Energy : Hi, Jailtime...interesting name. Energy : Oops...gone? AFL Gayle : Do you have any of your students' you could upload, Mary? AFA Bard : Yes.. upload to our AED library! AFA Andy : Oh, that would be great :D Energy : We are gathering quite a few stacks, but here's the problem. I have the only Energy : modem at home. I'm BEGGING for one at school. I will upload if they learn Energy : how to do it. That's the important thing. AFC Tooter : There's a geneology club online. AFL Gayle : How about taking the home modem to school? Energy : People who create stacks are eager to share them. AFL Gayle : Err, that should have been students' WORK, of course. :) You need to keep your Energy : We are trying to scan images using TYPIST on the MAC. It's new to us. AFL Gayle : students. :) Energy : There's a few I would like to upload.... AFA Bard : Please do, Mary. We'd LOVE to see then! You'll get FULL credit, of course! Energy : I am finding that students LOVE the color of HyperStudio and the magical Energy : buttons they create. We hope to get a color MAC someday. AFC Tooter : You can get a greta color Mac, but HyperCard is B&W. AFC Tooter : greta = great AFA Bard : (For now, Toot. :)) AFA Andy : HyperCard GS is in color and I love it. ;) Energy : I like to see them using the video camera. It's definitely a life skill. AFL Gayle : Do you have a video digitizer, Mary? Energy : I know Hypercard is B&W but now we need laserdisc players...See? $$$$$$ AFA Bard : Mary.. you might be interested to know that we had our own videodisc pressed --guess how much it cost? Energy : No, one of my students uses Computer Eyes at home. I think I'll talk him out Energy : of it some day. AFA Bard : Only $250! AFL Gayle : LOL! Good idea, Mary! :) Energy : Wow, I would guess around $100??? Wrong? Energy : Oh, gosh, what was on the disc? Student projects? AFA Bard : We supplied (somewhat) edited video and stills. The disk was interviews with teachers, administrators AFA Bard : kids, and some stuff "liberated" (with permission) from Apples Teaching and Learning with Technology AFA Bard : package. We're using it for a multimedia presentation (Macromind Director- Mac) about our AFA Bard : district's Strategic plan. So far, rave reviews! Energy : I find that I have the ideas but not the money. I need a corporate sponsor. Energy : That's a terrific idea Bard. Are you in a big district? Do they appreciate Energy : you? AFL Gayle : So what types of projects are your students using HyperStudio for, Mary? AFA Bard : That's a loaded question if I've EVERY heard one! Our district has 75,000 students. They appreciate AFA Bard : me SOMETIMES! :) AFL Gayle : Could you give us some examples of stacks that they have done? AFC Tooter : Bard is definitely appreciated! Energy : The biggest project so far is a project spanning time. AFA Andy : Bard :) Energy : The one with the most creative thought is a group of 3 girls using HStudio Energy : for a "Day in the Life of AJHS"....It's wonderful. AFL Gayle : Tell us more about that one, Mary. What do you mean by a project spanning time? AFL Gayle : Atchison Junior High School, I assume? Energy : They started with Early Man, Medieval...WARS....all the way to the Future. Energy : Yes, we will be a middle school next year. Energy : The best thing about the project is they could cooperate, have fun, and Energy : create using the drawing tools. They didn't stick to just the clip art. AFL Gayle : What are your sources for clip art, just what comes with HS or do you have AFL Gayle : other favorite disks? Energy : An 8th grade boy is doing one on medicine. He is researching laser surgery.. Energy : types of medical careers, and technology researched diseases.. MaryEz : I have had a hard time convincing the So. Studies teacher that it's all right to use computers for Energy : Genetics is the field he is doing now. It will be used in that science class MaryEz : ancient cultures. Energy : as a favor for the teacher letting those girls go! AFC Tooter : I have a friend online who is heading up development of Laser eye surgery. Let me know if you AFC Tooter : want me to get you in contact. MaryEz : I got the Louvre Antiquities laser disc for him and he won't even come to look at it. Energy : I would love to use technology in a social studies class. Tom Snyder's stuff Energy : alone could almost be it.... AFA Bard : Mary... set the videodisc up in your school's media center and put the remote in a child's hands. Energy : I wonder why? Is he resistant to tech or maybe he feels threatened by change. MaryEz : I love Tom Snyder's stuff. MaryEz : Resistan and threatened Energy : We have a lot of those types every where...but it does take time. I want to Energy : show people how educational a modem can be...but I need one at SCHOOL! MaryEz : Do you have the phone line? MaryEz : Take the home modem to school. That will do it. But you have to have the phone line. Energy : Yes, but not a dedicated line. It goes through a switchboard. AFL Gayle : Mary, sometimes the best way is to take the home modem to school. That will do Energy : I plan to... AFL Gayle : the convincing for you better than anything else. Modems are too inexpensive AFL Gayle : for anyone to refuse to buy one now. Costs about the same or less than some AFL Gayle : of the programs you're using. (Yes, I know getting hardware is a completely AFL Gayle : different story than getting software!) Energy : How would I get in contact? AFL Gayle : I'm not sure what your question is, Mary? Contact with whom? You'd have to find AFL Gayle : someone in your district willing to buy the modem for you. Energy : I know modems are inexpensive, but the school still refuses to buy one:) MaryEz : How do some of you convince your superiors to budget for hardware, rather than software? We have AFA Andy : The schools here are cutting teacher units next year to repair roofs. :( MaryEz : plenty of software but I can ask for $1200 for software and nothing for hardware. AFA Bard : It's a simple issue of supply & demand here, Mary. We did INTENSIVE staff development and got the AFL Gayle : The best way is to take a modem in and show them one in use. Another sort of Energy : We were talking about the friend in Laser Eye surgery...my students would be Energy : interested... AFC Tooter : If your question about contact was to me, MaryV, contact the Daruma when he returns from Turkey. AFL Gayle : run around way that sometimes works is buy a modem that comes with software. AFA Bard : teachers all excited about machines they didn't have. Suddenly all polls showed that technology AFA Bard : purchases were #1! AFL Gayle : Then it's a software purchase. (Screwy logic, but it works sometimes!) AFC Tooter : Write me later, MaryV and I'll give you the info. He is an excellent resource. Energy : The Daruma? AFA Bard : LOL! MaryEz : You are the foxy one, Gayle. ;) AFA Bard : We all know that, Mary! :) AFC Tooter : Yes, but his account is temporarily disabled as his credit card was lost in Turkey and he hasn't gotte AFC Tooter : bqack to the states yet and this is not the script of a Hitchcock movie. AFC Tooter : The Daruma. MaryEz : Because of our MECC license, we have more software than we can use. But we need hardware like a MaryEz : scanner etc. AFA Bard : MaryEz-- why not have a local vendor (your AESC) come in and demo one? Energy : We have a scanner but not enough equipment... AFL Gayle : Solution, Mary. Buy it with InWords. Then it's a software purchase. ;) Heck, AFL Gayle : Quicken comes with its own software! AFA Andy : Gayle ;) MaryEz : Quickie? AFL Gayle : Right, Quckie! AFL Gayle : Err, Quickie! :) MaryEz : LOL AFA Bard : Yes, Quickie! }:> AFA Andy : I have one, it's real neat :) AFA Bard : Like it better than a flatbed scanner, Andy? AFL Gayle : I do, too. (at home.) That's how I know it has software with it. ;) AFA Andy : For the dollars diference yes Bard :) MaryEz : It works quite well, I think. I used one at NECC in Roger Wagner's workshop. AFL Gayle : Great answer, Andy! :) AFA Andy : :) AFL Gayle : Speaking of Roger Wagner, he offers a special workshop kit that has lots of the AFL Gayle : "toys" in it for demonstration purposes. MaryEz : Yes. It is great!!! AFL Gayle : The workshop kit is available free on loan. AFL Gayle : Have you actually used it, Mary? Energy : Free on loan? Do you have the info? AFL Gayle : Mutimedia Test Drive Kit MaryEz : I thought you meant the software package of 10 demo stacks. He gave those away at $5 each at NECC MaryEz : last year. AFL Gayle : Contact Della Smith at 800-421-6526 MaryEz : Actually 10 demo discs not stacks. Energy : Thanks! AFA Bard : 800-421-6526 for information. AFA Bard : GMTA, Gayle! AFL Gayle : The kit contains complete copies of HS software and hardware for the GS, 50 AFL Gayle : page workbook to conduct a 2 day workshop. Also includes TouchWindow, hand AFL Gayle : scanner, laserdisc, and video digitizer. AFL Gayle : Materials are free to any school that would like to conduct a multimedia MaryEz : Wow. I didn't know that! AFL Gayle : workshop for ten or more participants. Energy : Sounds like a great package... AFA Bard : There is a waiting list, though. CALL NOW! :) AFL Gayle : Information comes from the back page of the Spring 1992 StudioWare catalog from AFL Gayle : Roger Wagner. Energy : Any idea how long the waiting list is?:) AFL Gayle : The demo kit you mentioned, Mary, is available for $10.00. Includes 10 disks AFL Gayle : and a resource guide. AFA Bard : Energy... what do you think vendors could do to improve multimedia for education? (besides lower AFA Bard : the prices!) AFA Bard : Not too long, Della would know! AFL Gayle : Many of those files (I think) may already be available in the StudioWare AFL Gayle : Library here online. AFL Gayle : Hmmm... not sure about that after reading the description. Do your disks Energy : Lower prices is the biggie... AFL Gayle : contain files that are online, Mary E.? The description says the sample stacks AFL Gayle : were created by teachers in real classroom situations. AFL Gayle : Well, it's almost closing time! NO chat next week! Spend some time with your AFL Gayle : mother or let your kids spend time with THEIR mother! ;) AFL Gayle : Our chat on May 17 will be about Channel One. AFA Bard : Send your Mom a Hypermedia greeting card! AFL Gayle : Any last minute questions for Mary V.? Energy : I'd like to have some time with my kids!! Energy : Looking forward to the chat about Channel One. AFA Bard : Me too, Mary. A very controversial subject! AFL Gayle : Thanks to all for coming tonight and an extra big AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Andy : See everyone in two weeks. :) AFL Gayle : for our guest, Mary V.! :) AFA Bard : ()()()()() Thanks Mary -- your ideas were terrific! AFL Gayle : The log of this chat will be available in the New Files library by tomorrow! Energy : I got some great ideas from you too! AFA Bard : Nite folks! AFC Tooter : My Mac cukoo just ch8imed nine. AFL Gayle : Good night, all! Better get offline, since it's still storming! :)