1/5/92 8:01:00 PM Opening "Chat Log 1/5/92" for recording. APPLE // EDUCATION FORUM CHAT TOPIC: INTERACTIVE EDUCATION CENTER AFL Gayle : The official AOL clock says it's time to start. Our guest tonight is AFL Gayle : IES Coord, better known as Mark Hulme! He will tell us all about the IES and AFL Gayle : what courses it has in store for us for the new year. Welcome, Mark! :) IES Coord : Hello everyone. AFL Gayle : BTW, Babz, we have a free hour to give away tonight to the lucky person who AFL Gayle : says the secret word in context and stays until the end of the chat. :) AFL Gayle : And there's our wyrm! :) IES Coord : Well, we have all our regular courses plus a few new ones. AFL Gayle : Tell us about your regular courses as well as the new ones, please, Mark. :) IES Coord : One that is really timely is called Understanding Russia. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Bugs and Teacher! :) AFA Bard : Welcome Bugz, Db1 and CC1! Teacher cc : Thanks! IES Coord : This is taught by Teacher dlm who recently returned from IES Coord : Russia and several of the former Soviet-Block countries including Romania. IES Coord : and Jugoslavia. AFA Bard : Welcome Jedi! AFL Gayle : When does the course start, Mark? Is there a fee for the course? IES Coord : Some of my instructors have come to put in a plug about their class. IES Coord : I'll introduce them and let them tell you about their courses. IES Coord : Registration starts tomorrow night. IES Coord : Quickest way to get there is by using keyword "signup" IES Coord : The fees range from $10-$30, depending on what course you take. IES Coord : I'll let Doug talk about his course first since he IES Coord : was the first to arrive. IES Coord : Ready Doug? IES Coord : Hmm, and Chris just ran out. IES Coord : I guess she didn't want me to call on her. IES Coord : Aha! Teacher cc : ooops.... fell out IES Coord : She's back. Prof DC : She is bacvk:) IES Coord : She can be next. :D Teacher cc : Sorry Mark.... Teacher cc : I am back... did I miss much? IES Coord : Hmm, appears Doug is doing something else and didn't see that I called on him. Teacher cc : So you want me to say a little about my classes online? IES Coord : Chris, would you tell them a little about your class. IES Coord : Yup, thanks. Teacher cc : Ok... first of all AFL Gayle : Please, do, Chris! :) Teacher cc : I want to tell you all about my Microsoft Windows 3.0 class Teacher cc : Windows 3.0 has hit the personal computer industry by storm Teacher cc : and everybody is talking 'Windows, Windows, Windows' Teacher cc : In my class Teacher cc : we go all the way from a beginner's level Teacher cc : to advanced troubleshooting Teacher cc : and working with different DOS and Windows applications Teacher cc : the live interaction keeps the class on it's toes Teacher cc : I have taught the class many times, and each time I teach it, it is different Teacher cc : depending on the learning levels of the individuals taking the course AFL Gayle : How much does your course cost, Chris, and when will it be held? Teacher cc : My course costs 20 dollars for the signup fee AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Murray! :) Teacher cc : it will be 8 weeks in length Teacher cc : meeting on Wednesday nights from 9-11 pm EST TEACHER ms : Thanks, Gayle !! AFA Bard : Twenty dollars! A bargain! Local vendors charge $495.00 for the same course! :)) Teacher cc : You better believe it! Teacher cc : In fact - I teach it 'live' Teacher cc : and it is costly! Teacher cc : Mark - would you like me to mention the course I teach with Teacher mp? AFA Bard : Yes! AFL Gayle : Please do, Chris! :) Teacher cc : Great :) IES Coord : Sure ;) Teacher cc : The other course I am involved in is the AFA Bard : Welcome Marty & Lavonne! Teacher cc : IBM Troubleshooting, Upgrading and Repairing your PC AFL Gayle : (The rest of you; remember, we have one free hour to give away. Jump in with AFL Gayle : your questions at any time. :) Teacher cc : Might I stress it is for PC's only and not MACs Teacher cc : Teacher cc : I co-teach this class with Teacher mp AFA Bard : And how long is THAT course, 20 weeks? ;)) Teacher cc : and it is one of the most popular class online! Prof DC : (including PS/1 s?) AFA Bard : (couldn't resist. :)) Teacher cc : no Bard... it is 8 weeks also Teacher cc : And, of course - Teacher cc : you can imagine that this is NEVER the same course twice AFL Gayle : And cost, Chris? When is it offered? IES Coord : Thanks Chris! Teacher cc : we even have class participation....making the students produce a class project Teacher cc : of possible upgrade information... it is a FUN class too Teacher cc : Cost is 20 dollars again Teacher cc : for 8 weeks Teacher cc : and it meets on Tuesday nights 9-11 pm EST IES Coord : OKay, were there any other questions for Chris? IES Coord : I will go ahead and call on our next teacher if not. IC Gerry : Sorry I am late..couldn't get online..what was the name of the class? Teacher cc : Microsoft Windows 3.0 Teacher cc : and IBM Troubleshooting, Upgrading and Repairing your PC AFL Gayle : Windows, Gerry, for IBM and/or Computer Repair for IBMs. (2 courses) AFA Bard : [[ We're glad you made it, Gerry ] IES Coord : Okay, Jedi, would you like to go next? Teacher cc : Thanks everyone! Jedi4 : This course is for all you Next Generation buffs who want to know why Wesley Jedi4 : had to study Latin at the Academy. AFA Bard : Tell us more! Jedi4 : This is just a primer for Latin 1 students and those of you who missed all thos Jedi4 : declensions, conjugations and stuff.. IC Gerry : <--had four years of Latin.. AFA Bard : Also 4 years, Gerry. :) AFA Bard : "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!" AFC Tooter : Isn't that a pastry, Bard? IES Coord : THanks, did anyone have any questions about his course? AFA Bard : ("Beam Me Up, Scotty!) AFA Bard : LOL! Teacher cc : :) Jedi4 : bring the fun with you and we will all enjoy "remembering" for only $20 @hr AFA Bard : If any of you Latin Language buggs need a chuckle.. check out Henry Beard's "Latin for Even More AFA Bard : Occasions." It's a riot! IES Coord : OKay, Damon, would you like to tell them about your course? Prof DC : Sure :) Prof DC : I teach the Introduction to Physics course Prof DC : It is usually at high school level Prof DC : but when students who have had calculus show up Prof DC : it is college level Prof DC : I have offered it 4 times AFA Bard : Fabulous! True "individualization!" Prof DC : 3 were high school, one college Prof DC : it is normally Thurs 9 - 11 Prof DC : but if I have to split into two sections I will. Prof DC : Emphasis is on classical mechanics :) IES Coord : Okay, did anyone have any questions? Prof DC : Newton's 3 laws and energy AFL Gayle : (Remember, you can't win a free hour if you don't ask questions! :) IES Coord : Damon once taught at MIT, and he helped design those nuclear subs the US used to win the cold IES Coord : war. Here is your chance to hear from the expert. ;D Prof DC : LOL, that is why I retired, not needed!!! IES Coord : LOL Jedi4 : incoming,brb IES Coord : Thanks Damon, Murray you are up next! AFA Bard : Beautiful... I'll bet the students really get charged up when they hear that! :) TEACHER ms : Thanks, Mark :) AFA Bard : Welcome 7380! Teacher cc : Goodnight all! TEACHER ms : I teach interactive American History Member7380 : Hello TEACHER ms : It could be a refresher course.. IES Coord : Hi Member! Welcome! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Member! We're discussing the Interactive Education Services online. :) TEACHER ms : or an intyroductory course AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Andy! :) Panda4 : :) Panda4 : Hi Gayle TEACHER ms : I have taught it several years and always different Panda4 : Sorry I'm late I was helping a beginner ;) IES Coord : Murray is one of our veteran teachers. He has been with us since the early days when we only had about Member7380 : Thanks Panda4 IES Coord : 5 courses and 6 teachers. AFA Bard : (Hiya Andy!, NONJY!) Panda4 : There you are!! N0NJY : hi all. Panda4 : Hi Bard ;) IES Coord : WE now have over 100 teachers and close to 80 courses. TEACHER ms : It is o n Mondays 9-11 ET IC Gerry : <-has had personal experience with Murray's teaching..he is great!! :) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Wiggy!!!! :)))))))) [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] AFA Bard : Wiggy!! Welcome! IES Coord : Thanks Gerry. :) TEACHER ms : Hope you enjoy learing more abt History Wigster : HI people! TEACHER ms : Any questions ?? AFA Bard : How do folks register for online classes, Murray?? TEACHER ms : Reg at the Center under IES IES Coord : Hi,the fastest way to register is to use IES Coord : keyword "signup" TEACHER ms : Only $20 for the 8 weeks IES Coord : THat will bring the registration line up. IES Coord : IES will get there too, but you have an additional step. TEACHER ms : Yes, that is faster .....Signup :) Teachr CHM : Hi everyone. Thought that I would drop by and let you know that Teacher rt and I are holding TEACHER ms : OK ?? Teachr CHM : things down in the homework room. TEACHER ms : Hi Wiggy :) IES Coord : CHM, can you tell us about your class before you run? Teachr CHM : What class? IES Coord : Your Math for Science course. Teachr CHM : Oh I understand. That course was designed to give the math background... Teachr CHM : for those that will be taking Science classes... Teachr CHM : It will include such things as exponential notation, metric unit conversion... Teachr CHM : The concept of significant figures, and the principles of graphic analysis of lab data. Teachr CHM : But I was not aware that you expected me to teach such a course this time around. Teachr CHM : Did you? IES Coord : Yup, once you are in you are in for life. IC Gerry : LOL!!! Teachr CHM : :) I see. IES Coord : We don't let any of our teachers go. Teachr CHM : LOL N0NJY : haha AFA Bard : Mark... can you or any of your teachers share any "success stories?" :)) TEACHER ms : Right !!!!:):) IES Coord : If you don't teach, we come to your houses and.... AFA Bard : (student success, that is. :) IES Coord : ;) N0NJY : (Thanks for letting me in on THAT little tid bit right up front ! ;) Teachr CHM : OK, but it would be better if I could teach it on a Saturday morning. AFA Bard : And conflict with the Ninja Turtles! IES Coord : Sure Bard, let's let them all get a chance for a plug first. Teachr CHM : But if you prefer I could teach it on a Sunday evening. IES Coord : Okay, Chm, tell everyone the time in case anyone is IES Coord : interested. IES Coord : Saturday at what time? IES Coord : BTW, this course is a mini course, it lasts 4 weeks and is $10. Teachr CHM : OK, I would prefer to teach it at 9:00 am CST on Saturday mornings. Panda4 : That's a great price for a course!! Wigster : Wow... we are in on the negotiations as they happen. Hold out CHM... ask for more money!!! IES Coord : OKay, I'll put it in. N0NJY : hehehe IES Coord : LOL Wiggy. Panda4 : :) Teachr CHM : Could you explain the pricing policy? Pest II : Hi all AFA Bard : Welcome Pest! We're talking with Mark Hulme and the IES staff! IC Gerry : How abaout a leter time? :) IC Gerry : later AFL Gayle : (Hi, Vernon! :) Pest II : Hi Gayle IES Coord : Sure Chm, for the courses we have N0NJY : ? IES Coord : $10 for the mini courses IES Coord : $20 for the 8 week courses IES Coord : and $30 for the self-study courses IES Coord : N0njy? AFA Bard : Welcome Q.Duck! Panda4 : That's still cheap . QuackDuck : Hi! QuackDuck : Andy! Teachr CHM : I think that a mini course would be better for the math course. Four weeks is about right for those Panda4 : My grad courses are 4 times that much, Teachr CHM : concepts. Panda4 : Hi Roy!! N0NJY : forming question... IC Gerry : Do these courses qualify for teacher recertifcation credits? Teachr CHM : Don't you wish!!:) IES Coord : Rick, I was going to call on you next if you want to get ready. IES Coord : No Gerry. But we do have some courses you can get credit from Edison state college. N0NJY : Mark, I asked you before about accreditation... IES Coord : They have exams that you take that enable you to get credit that IES Coord : you can transfere to many colleges. N0NJY : do you think thi will happen very soon (ion thenear future?) Panda4 : I need to go and change for ABF. Night all! IES Coord : Nonjy, and others, there is some information about the Edison courses as part of the catalog. AFA Bard : Welcome Adam! IES Coord : It will go live tommorrow. N0NJY : :) AdamCGross : Hello all. IES Coord : You need to look under Special Offerings for the info. AFA Bard : Mark... can you tell us something about the "Self-Study courses?" Teachr CHM : Mark, I am going back to the homework room. Drop me E-mail and let me know what week we will IES Coord : Quickest way to the catalog will be the "signup" keyword. AdamCGross : I understand that today's topic is interactive learning? Teachr CHM : start with the mini course. TEACHER ms : Yes, "signup " IES Coord : Okay, Chm Teachr CHM : Will someone let me know who has signed up for the course by E-mail? IES Coord : Yes chm, yes Adam. IES Coord : WE are talking about the courses we offer. AFA Bard : Adam.. we're chatting with Mark Hulme (IES COORD) and the rest of the IES staff.. IES= Interactive TEACHER ms : Yes, you will be informed Teachr CHM : Good, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. AFA Bard : Education Services (KEYWORD: IES, or SIGNUP IES Coord : OKay, were there any other questions before I call on n0njy. IES Coord : He is one of the newest members of the staff. AFA Bard : Hiya BFrank! Teachr CHM : Is that N-O-N-J-Y? N0NJY : No.. N 0 N JY :) Ham Radio Call sign :) BCS Frank : Bard, Gerry, Jim et al, Hi * Happy New Year :) N0NJY : Am I on? Is this thing working? ;) AFA Bard : Coming in "wall to wall"!! Teachr CHM : OK. That is how much I know about Ham Radios. I am showing my ignorance :) N0NJY : Hi everyone... I'll be showing up soon enough as "Prof RickD"... some of you N0NJY : might remember me from other things and places online. I'm to be the new N0NJY : electronics teacher, and will begin a series of courses designed to get N0NJY : people into the field. N0NJY : (I'm not sure of the first class date yet...) N0NJY : Any questions? BCS Frank : What level electronics? N0NJY : Basic... beginners... Teachr CHM : Can we refer all electronics questions to you, N0NJY? N0NJY : Yo dont have to know anything whatsoever BCS Frank : Soldering iron 101? N0NJY : Absolutely... CHM.. N0NJY : Ummm... well, it is a little difficult to show you how to use a soldering Teachr CHM : Great I am terrible with electronics. N0NJY : iron ove the modem, but I will try :) AFA Bard : That sounds GREAT, Rick! Do you also work in the HAM RADIO forum here online? Teachr CHM : Maybe I should take the course. N0NJY : I assist Terry Stader on occasion, yes. (TSTADER) N0NJY : Maybe ;) AFA Bard : (The HAM RADIO forum is located in the Hobbies & Interest area.) Teachr CHM : RickD?? Does that come from the Rick D from late night TV variety fame? N0NJY : Ummm.. no... hehe. Rick D of other fame though ;) BCS Frank : N0NJY... sounds like a real teaching challenge, and very worthwhile. AFA Bard : Other fame? Teachr CHM : I wish you luck on the course, Rick. N0NJY : I think so. I teach now a private school here in town and love. IES Coord : Okay, Teacherdb1 was going to tell us about his Ham radio course while we are onthe subject. :) N0NJY : My class, all basic people have ASKED me to teach their next class... so, Teachr CHM : What private school? What town? N0NJY : I'm moving classes in a couple of weeks. (Colorado Springs CHM) Teachr CHM : Yes , Mark. We are all ears. IES Coord : And then Murray is going to tell us about his success stories, (how he taught George Bush and he later IES Coord : became President after learning all about America) Teachr CHM : WOW, George Bush??? AFA Bard : LOL, Mark! IES Coord : ;) Teachr CHM : No kidding? IES Coord : Jk TEACHER ms : LOL N0NJY : hehe... he wasnt that bright (George...) I knew him too ;) AFA Bard : ROTFL! Teachr CHM : kidding!!!:) LOL BCS Frank : Hmmm... what a great course... "You Too Can Become a President at Home..." IES Coord : :D N0NJY : Snicker... IES Coord : You ready Doug? N0NJY : test Teacherdb1 : Once again Teacher mc (W6OQI) and I (K6VH) will offer the No-Code Ham Class... BCS Frank : You're on... :) IES Coord : Correct, that is Don. IES Coord : Correction ^ Teacherdb1 : The No-Code license is a new way to enter amateur radio without learning Teacherdb1 : the code first, and it's a natural for an online course... Teacherdb1 : We teach the course as a self-study variant, meeting students every other week Teacherdb1 : for a discussion session, informally via E-mail in between scheduled meetings. Teacherdb1 : We have team-taught basic electronics before, and We've compiled a library of Teacherdb1 : helpful materials that we customize for each No-Code class... Teacherdb1 : The course is structured around an excellent textbood, Now You're Talking, N0NJY : (Good book!) Teacherdb1 : that includes all the actual questions asked of applicants. We explain the Teacherdb1 : theory behind the questions... It is an EXCELLENT book... All texts should Teacherdb1 : be so good. Teacherdb1 : Marvin and I have been radio amateur (ham) friends through 5 decades, and Teacherdb1 : we do our course planning "on the air" to help us coordinate our classes... Teacherdb1 : Any questions/ Teacherdb1 : ? AFL Gayle : Thanks to ALL of our IES instructors who attended tonight and a BIG thanks to AFA Bard : Bravo! Wigster : I have to go now... See you all later! IES Coord : Thanks Don. :) N0NJY : Teacher, come by the ham chat later and tell people. We always ave N0NJY : people askng about classes :) BCS Frank : How do you judge/test/grade your students? IC Gerry : Bye, Wigs! :) AFL Gayle : Mark for coordinating it all. Does anyone have any questions for our teachers AFL Gayle : before we close? BCS Frank : Jim, Bye :) TEACHER ms : Remember "Signup " :) IES Coord : Thanks for inviting us Gayle. IES Coord : Always a pleasure. TEACHER ms : Thanks, Gayle !! AFA Bard : You folks did a great job! Makes me want to be a HAM! :)) N0NJY : Thanks Gayle :) AFC Tooter : Bard!!! N0NJY : (good Bard, take Teacher db1 class on how-to and mine on electronics :) AFL Gayle : Thanks to ALL of you! Our topic next week is our ever popular School to School AFL Gayle : Projects with AFC Tooter! :) 1/5/92 9:02:31 PM Closing Log file.