Chat Log-- February 24, 1992 Apple // Education Forum Chat Guest: LinksWare's Tracy Valleau AFL Gayle Well, it's past time to start. I guess many people are still off enjoying the AFL Gayle last few hours of their vacation (those who got one, that is) or watching the AFL Gayle Olympics. However, we are delighted to have Tracy Valleau as our guest tonight! AFC Tooter Hello all. AFA Bard Welcome Frank! Welcome Tracy! AFL Gayle Tracy's company, Linksware, is our newest Company Support Company. LinksWare hello everyone! AFL Gayle Linksware makes hypermedia for the GS and for that other computer (uh... the AFL Gayle Mac. ;) BCS Frank Hi Bard, Gayle, y'all :) AFL Gayle Go ahead, Tracy! The floor is yours! LinksWare OK... LinksWare I'd like to start by thanking you all for taking time this evening... LinksWare And I'll briefly describe what LinksWare, the program is and does... LinksWare interrupt anytime... LinksWare LinksWare (lw) let you open up standard documents, created with your own programs... LinksWare and put links to other documents into it. Sof, for example... LinksWare if you had a MS Word text file with the word "elephant" in it, you could click on the ... LinksWare "elephant" word and LW would retrieve and display a graphic of an elephant for you... LinksWare The advantage is that it works with files you already have... LinksWare and that it does so WITHOUT ALTERING those files at all... LinksWare you don't need to learn a new system, there is no programming, and you (or your students)... LinksWare can learn to operate the program in under 2 minutes (really!!!) LinksWare That's it in a nut it ISN'T hypercard. LinksWare done BCS Frank The "tagged" files can still be used & changed by their "parent" applications? LinksWare Absolutely. Links are made to real words, not screen positions. and what's more, the host... LinksWare program does NOT need to be present. LinksWare done AFL Gayle BTW, we have one free hour to give away this evening. Usual rules reply. Word AFL Gayle must be said in context. You must stay until the end of the chat. Please AFL Gayle ask questions to be eligible! :) LinksWare Schools are our largest purchasers, since the program is so easy to learn...To add a link, AFA Bard <-- word watcher! :) MaryEz Let me understand this! I click on a word in a word processing document ant Linkware will get me MaryEz a graphic to go with it? AFL Gayle (Y'all come out of those mail boxes and IMs and ask questions! ;) LinksWare you simply double-click on the word you want to be "hot" and then select the file you want to display BCS Frank "Links are made to real words," Can we link to a graphic as well? AFA Bard Welcome Marty! LinksWare when that word is clicked from now on. LW works with text, graphics, sound, and QT movies. LinksWare Mary Ez : yes! done AFA Bard How about memory requirements, Tracy? MaryEz Where does it get the graphics? How does it know what graphic I might need? LinksWare Lets suppose that you have a text file created by some word-processing program, and a graphic file... LinksWare created by one of your paint programs. With LW, you can open all these types of files, so... LinksWare you open the text file, select the word you want, and that automatically takes you to a selection LinksWare box to choose the file you want linked. You do this only once. From then on, when you click on that LinksWare word, the file you chose is open in its own window and displayed for you. (or if it's sound, then LinksWare it's played for you...) done BCS Frank Still hunting for a limit to LW.... can you open and tag data base files? AFA Bard (great question, Frank!) LinksWare Frank, yes - qualified. We have licensed XTND translators from apple... BCS Frank :) LinksWare anything that you have an XTND translator for can be opened. done AFL Gayle Tracy, that's just LW, right? Nexus, the GS version, doesn't have that AFL Gayle feature? LinksWare Correct, Gayle. There are about 60 XTND translators for the Mac. On the GS side, Nexus does not open.. LinksWare data bases, but is compatible with AppleWork (3/ & GS) and the usual range of PICT, TEXT and so on. LinksWare done LavonneS Can it link to and open another application? AFA Andy If a document that has been linked is for some reason deleted cause LW to crash AFA Andy when it cannot find the link? LinksWare Laonne: no, it simply links documents together... LinksWare Andy, no crashes. There is a rather sophisticated mechanism in place which can automatically... LinksWare restore the link even if the file is renamed or moved (both GS and Mac versions) don e AFA Bard Tracy, can you give us some examples of specific uses of Nexus/LW in the AFA Bard classroom? MaryEz I guess I'm dense. Is this hypermedia? What's the purpose. LavonneS So could I link the word elephant in APW document to HyperStudio card with LinksWare Sure. Depends upon which grade level you want, but here's one from each range... LavonneS graphic and sound? LinksWare Too many ??s too fast...hang on folks. AFL Gayle OK. Stop with the questions, please, until Tracy can catch up. :) AFA Bard Q= AFA Bard, MaryEz, Lavonne :) LinksWare In the elementary grades, a drawing of a single bird is linked to the sound file "one" so that a LinksWare click on a single bird the student hears the word "one", while a click on a picture of two birds, LinksWare the student hears the word "two"... LinksWare In an english class, a teacher has provided a starting paragraph. The student are each adding their ow LinksWare own second paragraphs, and then linking these into quite a storyline... LinksWare In secondary schools, a text file in a science class containing the word "molecule" is linked LinksWare to a scanned photo of the actual molecule, resulting in a hypertext textbook. (whew!) LinksWare Someone asked about hypercard...NO this is NOT hypercard! This is true hypertext using your... MaryEz Now I understand. Thanks. AFA Bard Wonderful! AFA Bard Lavone.. your question? LinksWare own files! AFL Gayle BTW, there is a demo of Nexus in the LinksWare Company Support Library here in AFL Gayle AED. (But download it AFTER the chat! :) LavonneS I know it can't open an applic but could I click on elephant in APW document LavonneS and then pull up a card from HyperStudio with graphic and sound? LinksWare Sorry, but hypercard's format cannot be read by anyone but hypercard... GS ERIC I have a demo of Links that I received from formally it the same?? LinksWare You could linke to a graphic and or sound file tho' AFA Bard Welcom Steve! AFC SteveB Hi bard! LinksWare Eric...that's the GS version. LinksWare Golem is no longer in the picture tho... done GS ERIC So basically u took over the same thing from Golem?? LinksWare Actually, I wrote the program and Golem distributed it. Now I have my own corp...done GS ERIC I see....thanks :) AFA Bard Will you continue to distribute XCMDS for LW through services like AOL or is AFA Bard here a charge? AFA Bard here=there LinksWare Perhaps some confusion here. XCMDs are xternal commands for HyperCard. XTND file translators are AFA Bard I mean XTNDs. :)) (brain dead tonight!) LinksWare library units that you put into a folder in your system. Then ANY program that uses XTND can now LinksWare open that file type, not just LW. We do not actually write the XTND translators. done AFC SteveB (reMarty) LinksWare We include 13 translators with LW. If you have virtually any Claris product you already have LinksWare dozens more. Check for a folder named Claris in your system folder...done AFA Bard Are there published reviews of Nexus/LW that we might be able to read for AFA Bard more info.? LinksWare Yes. We got editors choice in Augus '90 A+, and a review there (hold on...checking...) LinksWare April 91...and an upcoming review in A+ again in a month or so for LW. Check also MacWeek 11/5/91 LinksWare there are others, I'd be happy to send out. Most review of LW are forthcoming in the next 3-4 months LinksWare done AFL Gayle Tracy, maybe it would be helpful if you opened a folder in your area to share GS ERIC are you standing as a company, sales etc., IIGS wise? AFL Gayle quotes from reviews and future reviews? LinksWare Gayle...I have one already (GREAT idea!!! ;-) LinksWare Eric, the GS sales trickle in, read that as trickle...and we've just been picked up by... LinksWare MacWarehouse and MacConnection, amoung we're off on the right foot... LinksWare thanks for asking... GS ERIC Are you planning any advertising in Apple II publications like GS+ or A+ LinksWare There's one more feature... GS ERIC GS+ rates ar real cheap LinksWare Eric...possible, when the cash flow increases... GS ERIC GS+ ad rates as low as $60 GS ERIC I understand though LinksWare Eric, if you're involved, why not email me some info? Even I can afford $60! GS ERIC Update wise, what is the current Nexus compared to the original one version etc GS ERIC Great, I'll get on it right away!! GS ERIC II Infintium!!! LinksWare Frankly I'm not sure what the last version number was...1.3b, I think. AFL Gayle Tracy, do you offer site licenses and/or lab packs for schools that are AFL Gayle interested? LinksWare Absolutely! and they are pretty reasonable: $279 for all the copies you need to make at ONE school. LinksWare That's the GS version...) GS ERIC Nexus, is a great way for multi/hypermedia and it's great that yor keeping... GS ERIC with it:) AFA Bard Tracy, will Nexus run under GS/OS version 6.0? LinksWare Thanks for the kudos Eric... As to 6.0, I've heard no complaints: it Required 5.03 minimum. GS ERIC What about it's compatiblity with OS versions previous to 5.0???? LinksWare No go. GS ERIC Believe it r not, some schoolshave not updated yet *^%*@%#&^% BCS Frank Yet another good reason to update at least to 5.0.4. GS ERIC Hopefully Resource Central will do some kind of marketing w/6.0 LinksWare Oh, I believe's something else you might like to know... GS ERIC to educators who are in a shell AFA Bard Very reasonable GS Nexus site license. :) How about LW site license? LinksWare Basically I'm keeping a list of words and file names. nexus/LW knows the difference between the... GS ERIC Have you delt w/them for tec. stuff do they "handle" with.. GS ERIC developers like you???? LinksWare same word in different files, so that it know the difference between 'molecule' in a chemistry... LinksWare text and 'molecule' in an economics text. Well, there is a special Expanded mode, where EVERY GS ERIC I don't know if yo have disucssed this already, but how does it handle graphic. GS ERIC formats AFA Bard Eric... we covered that previously. Look for the answer to that question in AFA Bard the chat log, posted tomorrow morning. :) LinksWare WORD ever linked is active (hot) in the current file! Now you can use LW to EXPAND searches... GS ERIC thanks AFL Gayle Hold off with any more questions, please, until Tracy can finish what he's AFL Gayle discussing now. :) LinksWare not just narrow-down like most hypermedia... Thought you'd like to know... LinksWare done...what was that? AFA Bard Nice feature, Tracy! How about LW site licensing? LinksWare Oh yes. Site licensing on the Mac version... LinksWare I'm negotiating with EduTECH (NOT educorp) to handle school distribution, so I can't really... LinksWare answer that just yet...but it will be extremely reasonable... LinksWare done LavonneS Will LW work OK on network and could it find files between networked stations? AFA Bard (great question, Lavonne!) GS ERIC Do the Mac version and GS version interact in any way???? AFA Bard q= Lavonne, Eric. LinksWare Since LW makes no alterations to files (there is no Save on the file menu) and since it tracks the... LinksWare full path to a file, we have had no troubles with most networks so far... LinksWare Eric.nope AFL Gayle I don't think you've said yet, Tracy. How about giving us the prices for AFL Gayle Nexus and LinksWare? (List is fine.) LinksWare Sure. list for Nexus is $79.95 and for lw is $189.00. I may go down on Nexus if demand... LinksWare warrants it, and MacWarehouse will surely have lw for less than $189... done GS ERIC I think that is a decent price AFL Gayle Any last minute questions for Tracy? GS ERIC yes... AFL Gayle Go with it, please, Eric. GS ERIC Tracy, thanks for continuing Nexus and good luck in the future..I'll get back GS ERIC to yo in the future AFA Bard * Remember to check the forum libraries for a great DEMO of Nexus. It's worth LinksWare I'd like to drop a personal note here: BRAVOs for Gayle. She is a tireless worker and has been much AFA Bard a look! LinksWare help and encouragement to me... LinksWare Thanks Eric! :-) AFL Gayle Thanks, Tracy! :) AFA Bard [[[[ Gayle ]]]] GS ERIC Cheers to Gayle :) AFL Gayle I'd like to thank Tracy for visiting this evening. You can find his company AFL Gayle 24 hours a day in Company Support here in AED. BCS Frank Sounds like she knows a good program and company worth encouraging! :) AFL Gayle We have a SPECIAL chat scheduled for this Wed. at 9:30 pm! AFL Gayle Have you wanted to learn Russian? NOW is your chance! AFA Bard Da! ;) AFL Gayle Our Bering Bridge Consultant, AFC RRJoe, has arranged for a college teacher AFL Gayle from Magadan to be here. She will be offering the first lesson on Wed. Further AFL Gayle lessons will be posted in a Bering Bridge folder for individual study on your AFL Gayle own. AFA Bard A GREAT opportunity, folks. PLEASE join us on Wednesday at 9:30 pm! LinksWare Bye all. Thanks for coming. You've got my Email address. PAX... AFL Gayle Our guest next week is the shareware author of TurboGrade 5.0, Bob Ridenour. AFL Gayle Now for the moment you've all been waiting for... free hours! AFA Bard Drum roll.................................. AFL Gayle We have two to give away this evening! AFA Bard TWO! Wow!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle One to MaryEZ for the word graphics and one to Lavonne for the word, sound! AFL Gayle {S Applause} AFA Bard Congrats to Mary and Lavonne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFC Tooter Real {S Drum Roll Start} BCS Frank Congratulations, Mary, Way to Go!!! AFC Tooter Yea {S and the fight goes on} AFA Bard ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() GS ERIC Conrats dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! LavonneS Yes, Yes THANKS!!!!!! BCS Frank Lavonne, All right!!! :) AFL Gayle Thanks to all for coming! AFA Bard (dude-ettes, Eric. ;)) TEACHER ms :) AFC Tooter No FoodFight Macro tonight. Sorry. Don't throw tomatoes, Eric. GS ERIC Well, goodnight all, it was surely enjoyable and interesting GS ERIC heeh AFA Bard Nite, Eric. Great to see ya again! AFC Tooter {S Outer Space Hamburger} AFA Bard Log will be posted sometime tomorrow in the AED NEW FILES library. ;) GS ERIC u2 bard...bye all LavonneS Thanks, and goodnight :)