5/26/91 8:00:49 PM Opening "LOG.5.26" for Chat Log recording. AFA Bard :Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum....... :Tonight's special guest is our own AFC Tooter, Ted :Roth... with some special words about the amazing, :powerful and incredible....SCRAPBOOK USA program here :online (exclusively!!). Take it away Toot! AFC Tooter:This year more teachers have been interested in linking :their classrooms than ever before in the AFC Tooter: history of AO. More than forty schools have now :particpated in ScrapBookUSA, and thirty of them have AFC Tooter: been this year. Various other projects have been :tried online. Success seems to be determined by the AFC Tooter: follow-through of the teachers involved. In the past :two years we have seen classes exchange local AFC Tooter: market barket info., acid rain data, articles for an :Environmental Magazine, sensory descriptions, AFC Tooter: a series of pen pal letters in Spanish. Classes :continue to compete in the online Academic Bowl, and AFC Tooter: this year AFC RRJoe brought both students and teachers :from Soviet Siberia, and there were chats AFC Tooter: where students and teachers asked questions about life :and education in Soviet Siberia. Students AFC Tooter: have used the AO debate boards to publish their :opinions on a variety of topics. CMO began the year AFC Tooter: by publishing a set of story beginnings from her :students. She remains quite interested in initiating AFC Tooter: a variety of interactive writing projects. She will :soon post information on an idea for interactive AFC Tooter: biographies and a neet idea on proverb translations. :I would love to help schools contribute AFC Tooter: articles to an online student newspaper which carried :articles of local news, school news, and AFC Tooter: opinions which might be of interest to students :everywhere. Next year we will begin to seek schools AFC Tooter: who wish to publish a ScrapBook fine edition of their :essays complete with layout, fonts and student AFC Tooter: graphics. I am promised a hefty prize for the school :that is first to pull off a truly Fine Edition. AFC Tooter: The only limits to online projects are our energy and :our imaginations. The place to look for links AFC Tooter: remains School-to-School, and it is now easier tha :never to get there by simply using the Electronic AFC Tooter: Schoolhouse Keyword command (COMMAND-K ESH). AFC Tooter:So much for Macros. I guess what we want to know AFC Tooter:is what you all would like to get from tonight's chat. AFC Tooter:HDH, are you a teacher? BOB PECK :Maybe I'll get AFC correct - Sorry HDH :Yes, I am a computer support teacher for a Long Island :School District. AFC Tooter:A mental block, no doubt, Bob. BOB PECK :Yes AFC Tooter: Bob has been involved in ScrapBook. Has your school :been involved in any school links online? HDH :I work with teachers and their classes grades 1-5 where :classes are AFC Tooter: HDH, has your school linked with any schools on class :projects on AO? AFA Bard : Welcome JoeB5! We're discussing SCRAPBOOK USA. HDH : infused with about 5 or 6 computers each. AFC Tooter: Hi Joe. Welcome to the Ed Chat. AFC Tooter: Is there a phone line in your school? AFC Tooter:For telecomm.? HDH :The only attempt that I had with AO was a penpal letter :link... BOB PECK : I WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE SCHOOLS IN THE 1-5 RANGE! HDH :with a class in Colorado. Yes both schools that I work :in have telephone lines. AFA Bard : So would I, Bob. Unfortunately, it seems like elem. :schools are least likely to have access to AFC Tooter:Was that with CandyC3? AFA Bard : telecom. lines.. would you agree Toot? JoeB7 :Are any of you currently using AOL in schools? HDH :The penpal thing was done outside of School to School :with CandyC3 and started AFC Tooter:No, I have found more schools in the grade 5-7 range :interested than older or younger. HDH :well but never got anywhere, it died on her end. AFA Bard :Right.. middle school... I agree! AFC Tooter:I have found that is often the case with penpal links. BOB PECK :You just have to sell the idea and then keep it going! HDH :Everything is done through my account which is costly. :Has AOL come up with a.. AFC Tooter:That's one reason we got ScrapBook going. It is a :formal essay exchange. HDH :purchase order plan yet? AFC TooterNothing is ever certain around here, but the rumor has :it that PO billing is not too far off. AFA Bard :If your district is considering a multi-school purchase :- purchase orders are now available. Contact AFA Bard :Quantum. AFC Tooter:See how quickly the situation can change. AFA Bard ::) AFC Tooter:When did that happen, Bard? HDH :Does that mean not individual school POs? AFC Tooter:What do you mean Multi-school? AFA Bard : Recently, I guess - I think it only applies to multi-school purchases. BOB PECK :What? AFA Bard :Individual school purchases are still a bit shaky.. :it's worth a try now, though. AFA Bard Multi-school = more than 5 sites. AFC Tooter: What constitutes a multi-school? AFC Tooter: How will AO know? BOB PECK : Wow! HDH : We only have 5 schools in the district!!! AFA Bard : Multiple accounts means multiple screennames - :different addresses. BOB PECK : We have 9 - 12 AFA Bard : Welcome FLA Bound! We're discussing SCRAPBOOK USA! AFC Tooter: And purchase order billing for schools, FlA. AFA Bard : <-- wish I was FLA bound! :))) AFC Tooter: Bard, does that mean they want 5 subscriptions to do PO :billing? Fla bound : hi bard AFA Bard :That's what our district was granted. AFC Tooter: In other words 5 primary screen names? BOB PECK : Please send us inmormation about this to pass to our :superior, etc. AFA Bard : I think so, Toot. AFC Tooter:$30 per month in membership fees? AFA Bard : $5.95 per school/$10.00 per hour connect. Standard AFA Bard : billing. Fla bound :just found something new and don't remember how i got :here HDH :In addition to online time? AFA Bard : Bob.. Contact Quantum Computer Services. AFC Tooter: Yes, but 5 of them. AFC Tooter: Right? AFA Bard : Right, Toot. I'm making an assumption that our : district is NOT an exception in this case. :)) HDH :Without POs how do the rest of you do it? AFC Tooter:In my district... AFC Tooter:we got a Mastercard in the Superintendent's name. AFC Tooter: It took cutting through lots of red tape and AFA Bard : ******* Quantum Computer Services is --1-800-227-6364! Address = 8619 :Westwood Center Drive, Vienna, VA 22182. ;)) AFC Tooter: approval from the board of ed and the auditors, but we :have it now and have been using it for two years. AFA Bard : We've just charged it to teacher's accounts - they, in :turn, turn over bills to local schools. Not AFA Bard : really efficient, as you might imagine. :) AFC Tooter: It was possible to do that only after we had gained : some sensational public relations from AO projects. AFA Bard : Toot.. what do you think was the biggest SCRAPBOOK :success this year? AFC Tooter: There are lots of little stories that are neat, but I : guess the AFC Tooter: most sensational moment was the food fight or the photo : exchange. On second thought, perhaps AFC Tooter: the first exchange of hello letters in the fall. AFC Tooter:Lots of teachers say that you have to go through it :once to feel really comfortable. HDH :Do you have a file that lists and describes the :projects done this year? HDH :It would be a great selling point. AFC Tooter:There are several files, HDH. BOB PECK : I still don't feel comfortable but I'm learning. AFC Tooter:I can send you material. You can also AFC Tooter: visit the school-to-school and Student-to-student :boards where there is lots of info posted. AFA Bard : Bob, what do you think was the most difficult part of :getting started? AFC Tooter: HDH. write me and I'll give you detailed info. HDH : Thanks. BOB PECK : Getting the line into the room at first. Then learning :how to get it all online. AFC Tooter: Bob is in his second Scrap exchange now. BOB PECK : yes AFC Tooter: As a new twist, the schools are trying to maintain a : weekly ScrapBook Chronicle on the boards. BOB PECK : I feel more comfortable with itall now. AFA Bard : Wow.. what's that, Toot? BOB PECK : I will work on the Chronicle. Will see how it works out. AFC Tooter: Each class appoints a weekly chronicler who posts :storuies about the events of the week. AFC Tooter: The first postings are on the board now. BOB PECK :I will have my students go to the back of the room and :write right into the computer their thoghts. AFC Tooter: The three schools are VERY different. BOB PECK : And then we'll send them out on the same day!. BOB PECK :We are? AFC Tooter: I would describe Bob's school as well-off suburban. :Would you agree, Bob? BOB PECK : Yes BOB PECK : Can't wail until Tuesday to try it all out. AFC Tooter: Morah's school is a private Hebrew Academy in Memphis, : and Chipping teaches at a school in Washington AFC Tooter: State that is not is any township. AFA Bard : Welcome NEGOTIATOR!!!!! AFC Tooter: Hi Bob. Congrats on new kid. BOB PECK : Wish Morah and Chipping were on this evening. AFC Tooter: Everybody, Negotiator has a new daughter just one week : old!!!! HDH : Congratulations Negotiator: Good evening, all. Thank you. I was late because of a birthday party for grandma and the feeding. AFC Tooter: Feeding grandma???? AFA Bard :How's the 'lil one, Bob? AFA Bard : (besides hungry?) Negotiator: She was born 5 weeks early but is home and doing fine. :I read to her about social security the ... Negotiator: first night home. She must send in two proofs of her :existence but only has a birth certificate. Negotiator: I am thinking of getting her a credit cards! :) BOB PECK : She will get to retire earlier, that's all. AFA Bard : Welcome MARTY!!! We're congratulating Bob (Negotiator) :on his new daughter and talking about AFA Bard : SCRAPBOOK USA! AFL Marty : hi AFC Tooter: Hi Marty. Negotiator: Tooter's 8 year old son made her a mobile as a gift. It : is beautiful! BOB PECK : SCRAPBOOK USA? AFC Tooter: Yes, but you can't upstage an infant or a new dad. Negotiator: Did Tooter come to talk about SCRAPBOOK? BOB PECK : RIGHT I KNOW THE FEELING! AFC Tooter: Do I ever talk about anything else around here? HDH : Are there many schools under grade 5 using Scrapbook? Negotiator: Hey, why doesn't your name show up above my screen, Ted? AFC Tooter: There have been schools as low as grade 2 that have : tried, but I suspect grade 4 is about the lowest BOB PECK : I believe next year I would like to link up with 2 or : three elementary schools on a close basis. AFC Tooter: that can sustain a long enough essay to hold the : attention of older Scrappers. BOB PECK : I am trying this spring to see what I might do in the :fall. AFA Bard : OK.. will do! AFC Tooter: One of the neatest exchanges was between a grade six : class and some college students in Oregon. Negotiator: Could you include pictures in SCRAPBOOK drawn with a : paint program - illustrations with text? BOB PECK : Thanks for all the good Stuff from Georgia, Bard! AFC Tooter: Ahhh. How lucky you asked that Bob. Let me tell about : ScrapBook Fine Editions. AFC Tooter: Next year we hope to encourage classes with access to : desktop publishing facilities to create AFC Tooter: "ScrapBook Fine Edition," of their essays. We will :have more info on that later, but the hope is to AFA Bard : Yours were great, too! Thanks, Bob! :) AFC Tooter: find classes who will put together a carefully :laid-out edition of their essays with special fonts, AFC Tooter:layout design, and student created graphics. There :will be a special award (lots of free hours) for AFC Tooter:the class who first puts together a really fine :edition. Negotiator: Sorry if I forced a premature announcement. AFC Tooter: Hardly. I have thoughts p[repared for all the best : questions! BOB PECK : Why set a time limit on this AFC. Whomever does it gets : what? BOB PECK : Promote everyone. AFC Tooter: Well, the fine edition will have to be really special, : but the award is likely to be five free hours BOB PECK : Just a thought. AFC Tooter: to which ever school does it first. AFA Bard : Speaking of FREE HOURS.. someone in THIS ROOM has : already won! I'll announce the winner at the end of the chat! :))) BOB PECK : What? AFA Bard : As you all know.. we give away one free hour per week :if you "say the secret word" -- tune in at the AFA Bard : end of the chat. :)) Negotiator: No! No! Won, Too, Tree! We math teachers insist you get : the numbers correct! :) HDH : How did others entice their districts to buy into : Scrapbook USA? AFA Bard : LOL! BOB PECK : Will our scaps from this last spring get sent to Russia? AFA Bard : A good question, Bob.. any ideas, Toot? BOB PECK : Is there a possibility to get Scraps sent elsewhere? AFC Tooter: In Schools that were not hooked up, often teachers ran : it once at their own AFC Tooter: cost. We provided some subsidies for some in the finale : stage. AFC Tooter: Once they had run the project once, many found it much :easier to get the school to buy into the AFC Tooter:project a second time. Also AFC Tooter:if the teachers used the project toget good press for :the school, everybody waas delightewd and the ch AFC Tooter:chances for school backing were even greater. AFC Tooter:We did not send ALL scraps to Russia, Bob. AFC Tooter:They don;'t have the capacity to read that many. We :did, however, AFC Tooter:send all the favorites and some scraps randomly chosen :from every set. AFA Bard :Good press made a big difference here, too, HDH. AFC Tooter:Yes, we can send off the spring set. We will certianly :send any favorites that are selected. HDH :Throughout my district we have been involved with :Kidsnet, IRIS, World Negotiator:A suggestion: Maybe the Federal Education Secretary :would like to contribute a vignette. BOB PECK :I have a great article that I will put online soon :about computer writing in the classroom. It's good! HDH :Classroom, and the AT & T network. Why should they :choose Scrapbook? AFA Bard :Great, Bob! I'd love to see it! AFC Tooter:What was the response to Iris? If they;'re willing to :fund that, they should have no trouble with AO. AFA Bard :Welcome Thomas! We're discussing SCRAPBOOK USA! HDH :It worked well the first year when one teacher was :involved but died thereafter AFC Tooter:HDH, the diffeerence between ScrapBook and the other :projects you mention is easy to AFC Tooter:describe. First, ScrapBook costs a lot less. What you :lose is the commitment from teachers BOB PECK :All of this only works if someone is very interest in :what they are doing. AFC Tooter:who have paid a whole lot to run the project for a :quarter. However, ScrapBook teachers have been AFC Tooter:pretty good given the circumstances. AFA Bard :Right, Toot & Bob.. and remember, this is much more :than just penpals -- it's experiential writing & AFA Bard :more! BOB PECK :You must have a commitment from the building :administrators. AFC Tooter:On the positive side, with AO you get a network of real :people, not just schools. We sometimes get Negotiator:Have you told them about your end of the year wrap up :with the food fight on line, Toot? HDH :Who does the linking? The kids or Computer teacher as a :conduit? AFA Bard :Like Sunshine, Toot. :)))) Tell 'em about Sunshine! BOB PECK :My computer is still messed up. AFC Tooter:comment from ordinary citizens, and your school can :make use of all the facilities of AO. I've had kid AFC Tooter:kids use the debate boards to good effect. AFC Tooter: Who does the hook-up? That :depends on the BOB PECK :My kids loved Sunshine AFC Tooter:computer teacher. In my school I always try to put a :student at the keyboard when we sign onto AO. BOB PECK :kids! AFC Tooter:Sometimes, for speed, however, I need totake over for :the bulk mailings, but wherever possible, I AFC Tooter:advise getting the kids up front doing the uploads and :downloads. AFC Tooter:Sunshine was a student in homeschool who participated :in two exchanges. She was a real hit. Negotiator:Toot, you didn't mention that you put the on line :computer in the resource center to attract others. AFC Tooter:Did I miss any other questions? AFC Tooter:I put it in the WC because there was room there! BOB PECK :You have room? AFA Bard :The food fight, Toot? AFC Tooter:We have room. We lack students. Negotiator: Yes, but now the Spanish students and Science students :are using it too. AFC Tooter:Let me run a macro on the finale and food fight. AFC Tooter:For classes with classroom AO, there is always the :opportunity to arrange a meeting with another AFC Tooter: ScrapBook class while the project is running. We may :aim to do more of that next year. However, each AFC Tooter: ScrapBook exchange usually concludes with an online :chat finale. We have recently gotten much better AFC Tooter: at these. nearly 260 students attended the last one :which was a costume party. Each school came in AFC Tooter: costume and answered a variety of questions. At the :end, they tried to identify each other by the AFC Tooter: answers they had given to the various questions and by :the disguises they had chosen. The event AFC Tooter: concluded with a coast-to-coast food fight which left :everybody laughing. AFC Tooter:End of macro. BOB PECK :I know, Toot, you have your car macroed! AFA Bard :It was GREAT, Toot!!! WE had a blast! And now.. the :FREE HOUR... here we go... Negotiator: As I understand it everyone typed in different foods as :possible. The came giggling and told me. AFA Bard :*** Time for the WINNER of a free HOUR! *** Tonight's :winner, for saying the secret word "penpal" is BOB PECK :penpal AFA Bard :HDH!!!!!!!! AFA Bard :Congrats HDH (Harvey!).. you account will :be credited within a couple of days!!! AFC Tooter: breahtless with expectation. AFC Tooter: plop AFC Tooter: poached eggs AFC Tooter: phssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst AFC Tooter: SPLUDDDDDDDDDDDD AFA Bard : ()()()()()()() HDH! ()()()()()() AFC Tooter: BinGo AFC Tooter: pop pop AFC Tooter: thwang AFC Tooter: kamakamakamakamakamakamakamakamakamasplut AFC Tooter:*#&$*@#*$%#@*&><"*& HDH :Thanks I needed that. AFC Tooter: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! AFC Tooter: Mousse au Chocolate AFC Tooter: skrachtk AFC Tooter: drib drib drib drib drib drab AFC Tooter: kabonga AFC Tooter: kerrrspludddd AFC Tooter:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzip AFA Bard : It's the dreaded FOODFIGHT macros!!! AFC Tooter: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzippppppppp AFC Tooter: old toads AFC Tooter: KaBooooomb AFC Tooter: SPLAT AFC Tooter: whoooosh AFC Tooter: baNG*** AFC Tooter: BOARS HEAD AFA Bard : Oh nooooooooooo! AFC Tooter: ploppety ploppety plop plop splud AFC Tooter: Zounds! BOB PECK: good night AFC Tooter: Ghooooosh AFC Tooter: Ghoooooooooooooooooooosh AFC Tooter: Popcorn AFC Tooter: road apples AFC Tooter: kablooooohy AFC Tooter: Don't throw your kid sister AFC Tooter: Slime AFC Tooter:squoooooosh AFA Bard : Night, Bob! Thanks for coming! BOB PECK : who's got the macro? AFA Bard : Thank you, too, Toot.. for giving us some great : information, some terrific chat, and a great AFA Bard : end-of-chat food fight!!! Negotiator: That was awesome, Ted! BOB PECK : Ug! HDH : Thanks for all the info. It's time for Masterpiece :theater. Goodnight. AFC Tooter: those wewre only the food fight noises. AFC Tooter: To find out about the whole foodfight AFC Tooter:you'll havce to downlkoad the Chat log in the ScrapBook :library. Negotiator: Good night all, time from the baby's bath! AFC Tooter: Nite all. BOB PECK: off! AFA Bard : Nite Bob! AFC Tooter: Check the STUDENT to STUDENT board, Bob. BOB PECK : ok AFA Bard : Join us here, next Sunday, same time, same channel! 5/26/91 9:08:44 PM Closing Chat Log.