Logged by: AFA Bard AED Chat 2.26.92 :::: Russian w/ AFC RRJoe ::: CHAT LOG AFA Jay russian? :) AFA Bard Hiya Jay! Russian it is .. as soon as our special guests arrive. ;) AFA Jay Hmm, I only know how to swear in russian :) AFA Bard Now THAT'S a useful skill! LOL! AFA Bard Welcome, Tyler. We'll be getting started as soon as our special guests arrive! AFA Jay I'm trying to think, I don't think I know anything besides that. AFA Bard Welcome to AED, Dave. We'll get started in just a moment! TylerJ1 Great, I speak russian, well a little. AFA Bard Hiya John! John Dark Hi, Bard. My Cyrllic keys don't work tonight :( AFA Bard Welcom Sidra! AFA Bard Hiya Skip! BCS Skip Hi there! TylerJ1 yes, how are we supposed to talk in russian to these people, as the alphabet is different. AFA Jay >|< <- what letter is that? :) BCS Skip That's a Zhe :) AFA Bard A Zhe, I think? AFA Jay oh yeah :) John Dark The only thing I remember from college is "Ya vas lublu!" :) BCS Skip Ya pomniu mnozhe chem eto TylerJ1 kak ti bezavud? AFA Bard We'll get started in just a moment - our special guests are just signing on! John Dark It's just not the same in the Roman alphabet Sidra Where is Ann Bancroft speaking tonight? BCS Skip That's for sure! AFA Bard True, John. We'll do our best! AFA Bard Hiya James! Welcome to AED. TylerJ1 menya zabud "tyler":) AFA Bard Even I remember THAT, Tyler! :)))) JamesGlu dobry vecher, tovarishchi! TylerJ1 I know.:), just fooling around! BCS Skip Ya uchils'o Russkovo yazika 4 goda. TylerJ1 oops, got to go. JamesGlu ya tolko chto priekhal v s.sh.a. posle 2 goda v moskve. BCS Skip Interesno! JamesGlu ya uchilsa russkomu uzhe 12 let, no eshcho oshibaus' ochen chasto AFA Bard Welcome Lola, Capp. AFC RRJoe is just now signing on! AFA Bard Welcome to AED, MB323. LolajL Hello - this is Lola. I just came from the Russian history class I'm taking MB323 Hi, Lola, James etc. JamesGlu hi! AFA Bard How many folks out there have had any formal training in the Russian language? AFA Bard (If so, what?) AFA Bard Welcome Bobby, JohnDog! John Dark One semester in 1959! JamesGlu I have, if you can call it "formal" BCS Skip I had 2 years in high school & 2 in college LolajL I've never had any formal training - just a couple words BCS Skip ...between 1960 and 1964 :) BCS Skip I suspect I'm a bit rusty :) JamesGlu Has anyone travelled to Russia (aka USSR, CIS, etc)? AFA Jay Too bad I didn't know about this ahead of time... AFA Jay I know 4 russian high school students that are here in the US now... JamesC1611 Is this the Russian language lesson? BCS Skip I never had the chance. LolajL I've never been to Russia, but I have been to Poland JamesGlu The daughther of a friend is studying in Ohio. Do you know her, AFA Jay? JamesC1611 Hi again, Lola LolajL Hi James BCS Skip But all four years of my schooling was audio-lingual, so I used to speak pretty well. AFA Bard Folks, our guest JOE DAVIS (AFC RRJOE) from Nome, AK is fighting with his AFA Bard local node to sign on.. he'll be here in a flash! (I hope!) BCS Skip Let's hear it for the Nome Node!! :) AFA Bard Penguin Powered, no less! BCS Skip ::squawk!:: AFA Bard Lola, how about you - any Russian language training? BCS Skip I must say I'm delighted to see so many folks interested in learning Russian! LolajL No, none at all except for a few words. I am familiar with Cyrillic ABC though JamesGlu When do we start? AFA Bard Hopefully VERY soon, James. Our guest is fighting with his local node to AFA Bard get signed on. We've gone to "plan B" - another node. :) JamesGlu Believe me, I know how hard that can be, esp. from Magadan! BCS Skip The picture of Joe and the modem wrestling for dominance is more than amusing.. :) AFA Bard And HERE HE IS! AFC RRJOE (Joe Davis!) Welcome, Joe! AFA Jay yay :) AFA Bard Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BCS Skip Ochen priyatno! AFC RRJoe Hi folks, what a chore loggin g on! JamesGlu Zdravstvuyte! BCS Skip Well, it is long long distance :) AFC RRJoe Very sorry to be so late, I started well ahead of schedule Toooooo AFC RRJoe Hi Bard AFC RRJoe Shall we begin? AFA Bard That's OK, Joe. We've been amusing ourselves talking about our own past AFA Bard Russian experiences. Go for it! BCS Skip Nachnyom! AFC RRJoe I want to introduce my guest speaker, Vera Poloektova. AFC RRJoe She will tell us a little bit about herself Now (Bard, are you logging??) AFA Bard We welcome you, Vera! AFA Bard ::: Logging ::: JamesGlu S priezdom! AFC RRJoe I am a Russian teacher. teaching college at Northwest College LolajL Hello, Vera! BCS Skip Sdravstvuite! AFC RRJoe I came from Magadan. I teach there English, History and literature. AFC RRJoe I am the head of the English dept at the Magadan Pedagalodgical Institute. AFC RRJoe I have a family. a husband and a son. The son, Andrew, is a student at AFC RRJoe the same institute in Magadan. I am going to stay here for 3 months. AFC RRJoe After April I will return. AFC RRJoe I have a course for advanced Russian here in Nome. AFC RRJoe I also work translating Russian into English here. AFC RRJoe Are there any questions before we discuss the Russian coarse on AOL? JamesGlu Nyet. BCS Skip I'm curious as to where Magadan is located - my Russian is better than my Geography :) AFA Bard ** Remember, folks, we'll be giving away a FREE HOUR to tonight's best pupil! AFC RRJoe Magadan is in the Russian Far North, on the coast of the Ohotsk Sea. AFC RRJoe It is about 2,000 km from Provideniya. JamesGlu Schitau, chto ne spravedlivo, esli ya prijmu uchastvie v eto sorevnovanie. Vsego dobrogo! AFC RRJoe Also, about 7,000 km from Moscow. MaryEz Hi, Joe. Just stopped in to say Hello. How's it going? AFA Bard Really well, so far, Mary. We're chatting with Vera (using Joe's screenname). AFC RRJoe James, it is good if you take part in the compitition. Hi Mary ! ! ! [][][] AFC RRJoe James, what competition? JamesGlu For the free hour. AFC RRJoe Got'cha! MaryEz See you again soon. AFC RRJoe Any other questions? JamesGlu No prob! LolajL nyet AFA Bard nyet AFC RRJoe OK, lets' go on. AFC RRJoe This is RRJoe talking now. A bit about the Bering Bridge, and then AFC RRJoe back to Vera on the class structure itself. AFC RRJoe The Bering Bridge has a number of folders set up for assisting in excahanges AFC RRJoe between the CIS and the USA. AFC RRJoe Now, we will be adding three new folders, AppleRussian, MacRussian and Q&A. AFC RRJoe Every week we will be uploading lessons to each folder. Since we can't answer AFC RRJoe all questions directly, there is the third folder for Questions & Answers. AFC RRJoe Here people can ask questions, get answers, and read other answers as well, AFC RRJoe saving the re-asking. AFC RRJoe We will have information about what fonts to use for each folder, and sounds AFC RRJoe for lessons as well. AFC RRJoe Doubtless we will all learn from this, and will adjust and modify as we go. AFC RRJoe So, for more information you will check out the Bering Bridge. Also, Vera LolajL If I may interrupt a bit, how can I access the Bering Bridge? AFC RRJoe will be back online live for more chats in a month or so after things have AFC RRJoe been going. BCS Skip ? AFC RRJoe The Bering Bridge is easy to get to. BCS Skip Just out of curiosity, what will happen with any interested PC users, Joe? :) AFC RRJoe Go Open-Apple AED, and then down to SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. AFC RRJoe From there to the EDUCATION CONNECTION, and then you will see two folders, AFC RRJoe The Bering Bridge and The Bering Bridge Library. It will be in the first for AFC RRJoe Q&A, and in the Library for the lessons. AFA Bard Well done, Joe. ;) AFC RRJoe Does that answer your question LolajL? LolajL terrific AFC RRJoe Vera asks what is your opinion on this undertaking, your needs? AFA Bard Joe.. how about Skip's concern about PC users? AFC RRJoe We had thought Conversational Russian to start, with a little grammer. AFC RRJoe (And she spells better than I ever will, could you tell?) AFC RRJoe PC users, yes, I will need to have a PC user email me font translations. AFC RRJoe That will take a bit more to get going, but not impossible. BCS Skip Conversational sounds good to me! Mnye nado pomnit' kak govorit' :) BCS Skip Thanks, Joe! AFC RRJoe Skip, are you MSDOS and do you have the Cyrillic system and fonts? BCS Skip Joe - I'm multi-platform. BCS Skip Right now, I'm on a Mac, and I have Mac, IIgs and PC to work with. AFC RRJoe What is Multi-platform? AFA Bard Do you have the Cyrillic fonts on MS-DOS, Skip? BCS Skip No, I don't, Bard. I have them for Mac & GS, however. AFC RRJoe Skip, how do you rate? WoWsvilleski! AFA Bard Which MAC font do you use? AFA Bard LOL, Joe! BCS Skip All I know is that it's called Cyrillic. BCS Skip To be honest, I haven't done much with it until now. AFA Bard Is it one of the ones found here on AOL, Skip? BCS Skip Haven't done much with Russian since I stopped studying it years ago! BCS Skip I think so. AFA Bard (<--- struggling to find a Cyrillic Mac font for use in this project!) AFC RRJoe We will put out folders titled for each lesson, one, two three etc. BCS Skip I'll see what I've got, Bard, and will get back to you on it :)' AFC RRJoe Folks can start and stop when ever they want, and just write the Q&A when AFC RRJoe problems arise. Any other questions? AFA Bard Will there be tests? ;) AFA Jay :) AFC RRJoe Not today, Bard. :)=== BCS Skip LOL BCS Skip Kak skazat' LOL poRussky? :) AFC RRJoe SG BCS Skip Pomnyu! Spasibo! :) AFC RRJoe smeiytsy gromko, Skip! AFC RRJoe Bard, lets award the hour now! AFA Bard ** Time for the FREE HOUR!! ** For attendance and participation in tonight's AFA Bard chat, the FREE NON-PRIME HOUR goes to..... AFA Bard (drum roll?) AFA Bard LolajL !!!!! Congratulations! Your account will be credited with one free AFA Bard hour within the next couple of days! LolajL (blushing) Gee, thanks!!!! What a surprise!!!! AFA Bard Thanks to EVERYONE for attending tonight's chat. We all look forward to AFC RRJoe Great! Well, I am about done here. Any final comments? Vera has a AFA Bard working with Joe and Vera! AFC RRJoe meeting to go to soon. BCS Skip Congratulations! AFC RRJoe Congrats LolajL ! AFA Bard In case you missed any of the "good stuff" from tonight's chat - look for an AFA Bard edited log in the AED NEW FILES area tomorrow. :) AFA Bard Good night folks, and THANKS again for joining us tonight! BCS Skip I'm really delighted that you are doing this! LolajL How do you say goodnight in Russian? BCS Skip Bolshoye spasibo, Vera! AFA Bard Our first lesson! AFC RRJoe Thanks Bard! And see you folks around. BCS Skip Spokoino nochi :) LolajL Spokoino nochi, everyone AFA Bard Spokoino nochi it is! :) AFA Jay wow, nochi...almost like spanish, I like it :) BCS Skip SG, Jay!!! :) AFA Bard I do too, Jay. This could be really fun! AFA Jay Yeah, well, I just hope we start with the alphabet... BCS Skip If you think about it, it's not much different from 'night' either :) AFA Jay I get stuck on those backwards letters, and B's that sound like V's :) BCS Skip especially if you use the Old English pronunciation :) AFA Bard Or nacht? BCS Skip Tochno! :) AFA Bard I'm heading off to bedski.. g'night folks! :))) BCS Skip hehehe BCS Skip Night, Bard! :) AFA Jay I should too :)